Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon

Spoiler Warning: Read at least up to chapter 5 in Stand by You if you are currently reading it. This one-shot takes place between chapter 5 and chapter 6.

Characters: Team Rocket TRio and their Pokémon

Birthday Struggles

Meowth was sitting by the river filing his nails when a distraught James came running towards him. James flung himself to ground and knelt in front of him, trying to make the action of dramatic as possible. The feline's first instinct was to roll his eyes and ignore him because James tended to come running and crying to him every time something went wrong: burnt pancakes, a lost rose, out of toothpaste, a broken nail—always an emergency.

"What is it dis time? Someone stepped on yer rose?" Meowth queried.

"No, it's much worse!" James replied.

"Hm. Okay, den, what is it?"

"It's March."

"Really? I had no idea."

"—As you know, Jessie and I have the same birthday. I usually have no trouble finding her something, but this year is much more special than any other year and I only have two weeks to find something."

"How come dis year is so special? Is dere somethin I missed?"

"We've been dating for months!"

"Pfft. Yous mean ta say 'years'."

"Okay, so you don't understand, that's okay—you're a Meowth, of course, you don't get human relationships. The point is, I want to get her something more special than the usual special and I can't do it alone."

"Yous should have more human friends, den yous could ask dem fer help."

"I have plenty of human friends…I just can't ask them."

"Why not?"

"Mondo's on duty every day this week and next week and Christopher is hundreds of miles away and busy with his noodle business."

"How bouts yous get here a charm fer dat charm bracelet I gots yous?"

"You get us a matching charm to add every year; that isn't special."

"Gee, danks. If de charms I pick out ain't special enough fer yous, why don't yous pick out yere own 'special' charm den? Yous can get her somethin romantic."

"Like what?"

"Roses are romantic."

"I gave her roses regularly eons before we started dating."

"Maybe yous should go back to bein friends."

"You are being so unhelpful!"

"I'm doin my best! Take some of my suggestions."

"Jessie and I are still friends. We can be both. Get that straight first."

Meowth pitied James because not only was James one of the few people in this world he could call a 'friend', but also because he knew how painful love could be…But it's not like his heart was breaking or in danger of it.

Meowth sympathetically put his paw on James' shoulder.

"Love ain't easy fer most of us, but yous got it easy," he said. "Cuz Jessie's not gonna ditch yous even if yous get her de worse present in de world."

"True…" James murmured. "But want to be good enough for her. We didn't date right away for several reasons, and I believe we both agree that it was because we were expecting a hero/heroine instead of each other."

"I don't see what de big deal is. Yous two act de same as yous always did before except now you kiss all de time and kick Meowth outta yer room when weeze are stayin somewhere nice."

"You are so insensitive…But you gave me an idea. Thanks."

"Sure, whatever."

Meowth fell asleep while James dashed to the nearest mall. About ten minutes later Jessie, Gourgeist, and Wobbuffet were at the river where the Scratch-Cat Pokémon lied.

"Pssst, furball," Jessie whispered as she poked him with a stick.

"What?" Meowth grumbled.

"I need your help."

There was a hint of shame in her voice. Meowth was instantly intrigued.

"You need me? Ain't dat a ting of curiosity," he remarked.

"Our birthdays are coming up and I need to get something for James. Something good this time," Jessie replied.

"Not dis again…"

"What do you mean?"

"Nuthin…Why don'ts yous get him a charm?"

"I want to get him something better."

"Um, yous mean to say dat yous wouldn't want a charm?"

"Well, it's fine if you get me one, but I wanted to get James useful, something he really needs or desires."

"I tink dat charms can be really romantic is yous pick it out special…"

"I guesso…perhaps…"

"What don't yous make him somethin?"

"Like what?"

"Dat's fer yous to figure out."

"Thanks for nothing."

Jessie and her Pokémon walked away.

"Stop interruptin my naps!" he called after them.


Two weeks later Jessie woke up and found that instead of James, there were about fifty red roses lying on and next to her. She sat up and found Acorn, Aliyah, Mime Jr, Chimecho, Serviper, and Wobbuffet staring at her. She peered outside the tent and found that all of her and James' Pokémon were out and playing. She quickly fixed her hair, put on day clothes, and walked outside. James was cooking by the fire, his back turned towards her. He didn't hear her approach.

"Happy birthday," she said gleefully.

She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. James jumped but then regained his composure and returned the kiss.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"Ten," he replied.

"Ten! James, we have a job to do! The boss is expecting at least three new Pokémon by tomorrow!"

"I let you sleep late on purpose. I caught a dozen Pidove and a level 50 Starapter the traps I set last night. I sent them to the boss this morning."

Jessie was shocked. James was good at setting traps, but he normally screwed something up before they got the Pokémon to the boss. And she always appreciated a few extra hours to sleep, even though she scarcely said it aloud.

"I'm impressed," she said. "Is that my gift?"

"Nope," he answered. "This is."

James handed her a tiny box wrapped in crimson paper. He turned around and took a bouquet of red roses and some chocolate out of his knapsack and handed them to her.

"This is so sweet: breakfast, Pokémon, and presents," Jessie remarked.

'Better than what I got you,' she thought.

Jessie left to get James' gift.

"It isn't much, but I hope you like it," she said as she handed him the present.

"And dese are fer yous," Meowth said as he handed them each a box.

"Thanks," they replied in unison.

They opened Meowth's gift first.

"A charm for Inkay," said James. "I have been hoping for one of these."

"And a charm for Gourgeist. Thanks, Meowth," said Jessie.

They both crushed Meowth in a group hug, which Wobbuffet, as usual, decided that he had to join.

Jessie opened James' gift and smiled at what she found.

"I thought that you might like a special charm. One that I picked out," he explained.

The charm was a heart composed of tiny red roses, with their signature 'R' carved into the top rose.

"James, this is beautiful. Thank you," she said as she gave him another hug, this time with Wobbuffet and Meowth excluded.

"Open yours," said Jessie.

"Yes ma'am," James replied.

Inside was a framed picture of him and Growly. James was two years old, and he was riding on Growly's back in his grandparent's backyard. He was smiling and laughing.

"I stole that photo from your album when we stayed in your room," said Jessie. "But I made the frame. There's more in the box."

"This is sweet," he responded. "You're sweet."

Jessie grinned. 'Sweet' wasn't something people typically used to describe her or any of her actions.

James looked through the box and found a new pair of boots. They were a different style than his usually Team Rocket-issued ones; these had varying shades of dark gray and black and red soles with an 'R' on the bottom.

"Thank you. I needed these. My other ones are about ten years old now," he said as he tried them on. "They're my style."

"Of course," she responded. "Now that we have the rest of the day free, what do you want to do?"

Her voice was low, seductive, and hopeful; everyone at camp knew what that meant.

"Um…let's get rid of the Pokémon first…" he murmured.

"We're already outta here," Meowth said as he started putting everyone in their balls.

"Eevee eve," said Acorn, Jessie's newest Pokémon. She rubbed her face up against Jessie.

"Vee vee!" cried Aliyah, as she jumped into James' arms.

"We need someone here to protect us. Why don't you two stay?" James suggested.

"But don't come out unless we call you," said Jessie as she returned the Eevee to their balls.

Meowth took the rest of their Pokémon and headed to town, leaving the two of them alone in the woods.

"De struggle of birthdays," Meowth mumbled.