Drifting in space with no particular direction to go or place to be. Soma spent his current days like this. Aside from the occasional raid for supplies, he just sat alone in his ship. Floating away wasn't always how his life had been. Before he would frequently go on missions with allies to relieve and prevent oppression from the ruling factions. Unfortunately for him, the day of his greatest success was when his isolation began.

Soma was an 'engineer' of sorts. He drafted blueprints and crafted weapons to aid their cause. One day he discovered a way to grant them numerous powers. Through his testing, Soma believed that they would no longer need to fight in groups because one was more than enough to dominate a typical battlefield. With this he knew the Tyrannical Queens could be assassinated, Greed could be decimated, and the Plague that corrupted the system could be eradicated completely. Peace could exist once more.

The Mother disagreed.

"This is unacceptable," she said.

"It would disrupt the balance," she said.

"Do not try anything like this ever again." She said.

She was too late. Soma had already used the augments and the change was irreversible. He chose to leave and prevent any unrest amongst his comrades, hence, how he currently lives.

Mind you, he wasn't running away.

If the Mother wanted to, she could easily locate his ship. If the Mother so desired, she could have him hunted and chased throughout the system. They would obey her orders. Soma would've done the same if the roles were switched, though now things were different. Now he was alone.

Isolation changes you.

Early on he would brood over what he could've done, should've done. He quickly realized the futility of such thoughts. Soma considered trying to find a way to rid himself of the 'curse' embedded within him. If it were removed he could return and fight with them once more, but something inside prevented him from doing so. Soma tried to discern the reason why but could never find the answer.

Orbiting Earth

At a time like any other it came, like an arrow piercing the surface of still water. Soma could sense it.

He could feel the waves of energy crash over him. Something had ripped through space and stopped far too close to be a coincidence. With haste he enters the navigation room. Upon reaching the main console he pauses. A small white container sits neatly atop the main console; held shut by a circular, red emblem. At first confusion, than disbelief flooded Soma's mind.

It couldn't be...

But sure enough, it was. A quick scan of the area proved as much. This thing before him was what he'd sensed a few moments ago. Soma lifted the small package. It was light, thin, and flimsy. To him it was irrational to make something so weak. Perhaps the design allowed it to be sent easily without breaking and spilling the contents but, from what he could tell, that wasn't the case. Turning it over revealed a strange alien dialect printed across the center. He knew he'd never seen this language before yet somehow he could read it. Put more accurately, it read itself to him. The mess of squiggles and dots projected into his mind two familiar words.

To Soma

As if guided by the voice in his head he flips it over, breaks the seal, and hastily pulls out another sheet of material similar to the container. More symbols cover what he pulled out.

Young men and women with extraordinary talent: if you wish to test your gifts potential than cast aside your family, friends, possessions, and world aside and come to the Little Garden.

Before Soma could react a brilliant flash consumed him.

Author's Notes

Hi person(s) who've decided to read what I wrote! This first chapter was short because it's really just an introduction to the OC of this fanfic, Soma. The idea for Soma's background was heavily based on a game I've played, so the use of 'Greed', 'Plauge' (both intentionally capitalized) and a few other choice words are there to hint at, but not flat out reveal, what the game is. I apologize if the hints made this chapter a bit confusing, but I intend to reveal where he's from later on in the story.

I considered marking this as a crossover but chose not to for a few reasons:

1) Soma is by no means canon.

2) I don't intend for his past universe to have much impact on the story.

3) I regret writing 'few' because I can only think of the two aforementioned reasons.

That's about all I had to say! This is the first fanfic I've uploaded so I welcome reviews, criticism, and all that stuffs. The next chapter should be up within a week or two just so you know.
