A/N: Hey it's me, back again. I don't know if anyone is still actually interested in this story since I haven't updated since, what, 2016? But I finished it in my notebook and realized I never actually posted the rest of it here.
Amiya sat up, the child she had just tugged out of the dark room shivering in her arms. Their eyes darted around the hallway before raising up, wide as they gazed at the person who'd gotten them out of... there. Wherever there was.
"It's alright, you're safe." Amiya reassured them. Well... relatively safe. The kid in her arms just swallowed, closing their eyes again as their stomach rumbled. Amyia gently shifted them off her lap, digging out the long-crushed granola bar she'd had in her pocket when she'd fallen down. "Here, have this. It's probably crumbled to pieces by now, but it's better than nothing... I'm Amiya, what's your name?"
The child took it, turning the bar in their hands as they looked it over in disbelief. "I... Thank you. I'm Frisk."
"Nice to meet you, Frisk. But what were you...?" Amiya trailed off as she watched Frisk tear into the granola bar, scarfing it down like they hadn't eaten in weeks. They folded the empty wrapper afterwards, tucking it into their pocket.
"What was I... What?"
"What were you doing in there?" Amiya motioned to the wall, pausing when she realized the door had vanished again. Blinked back out of existence, just like before.
Frisk winced at the question, opting not to answer as their gaze dropped to the dirt floor.
"It's okay, Frisk. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, then." Amiya smiled weakly before getting to her feet, letting out a sharp cough. Time was short, they needed to get moving before Undyne found them. She needed to get Frisk to Toriel as soon as she could. She couldn't fail them, like she'd failed to protect Emily. "Can you stand?"
Frisk nodded, getting to their feet. They seemed to waver on their feet, Amiya gently grabbing their shoulder to keep them from falling over.
"I need to get you to Toriel as soon as I can, Undyne's on her way. Do you think you can make it?"
"Toriel?" Frisk echoed in confusion, looking up at Amiya as they nudged her hand off. They took a small step back from her, shaking their head. "We can't go to Toriel! We need to get to the barrier. I... I can't..." Frisk frowned, running their fingers desperately though their hair.
"Can't what?" Frisk didn't answer Amiya's question, their focus on their hands. They had paled somewhat, clenched tight into fists. "Frisk, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Frisk finally nodded as their answer, looking back up at Amiya. "I... The barrier." Their eyes suddenly widened, spinning as they looked around the hallway. "The Souls! Where are the Souls?"
"The Souls?"
"They were with me! There... There was six!"
Where they talking about the glowing hearts that had been in the room with them? Amiya was sure that was what Frisk had to be talking about. "I couldn't get them, I could barely pull you out. It was like... Something was trying to keep you in there." Amiya looked down the hallway before turning back to Frisk, offering them her hand. "Come on, we need to leave. We have to get to Toriel before Undyne catches up to us."
"Undyne..." Frisk took the offered hand, letting their gaze drift down the hall. "If she's after us, all we need to do is call Papyrus to help us! He's her friend, he can keep her off of us."
Amiya frowned, glancing down to Frisk as they started to walk. "Papyrus? He's-" A harsh cough lead into another painful fit, causing Amiya to stumble. She leaned against the wall, trembling as the fit finally finished.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm... I'm fine." Amiya forced out, nodding as she straightened up again. She sounded short of breath, her breathing almost ragged. "My chest just hurts a little, makes it hard to breathe. Come on."
The sound of pounding footsteps echoed down the hall as the pair began to wall again, forcing them to start running. Just as they turned a corner blue spears shot out of the wall in front of them, forcing the two to a stop.