So chapter six is here! thank you all so much for the support :) I love all the reviews but their is one person whose review made me gigle super hard at so..

To Noirship, I promise it is part of the plot that Gajeel need to know his future with Levy. it is also important to say that Mira knows the he needs to know..*giggles*

Also! Fairytale is not mine! And warning for drinking/ swearing...Blame Gajeel..

"There is no fucking way" Gajeel yelled at no one "fucking Mira and her bullshit! Why the fuck would she even say something like that to me! And that little fucking shrimp! The hell is doing falling in love with a monster like me? She must be stupid, or have damn death wish! No! There is no way! I am in no way in hell going to fall in love with someone so tiny! So powerless! So… Fuck!"

He let himself fall in to his metal throne, he was exhausted from screaming to himself. He had spent the last hour just yelling to no one. His throat raw, his head aching from the stress. He needed a damn drink. No he needed to get wasted before he could even lay eyes on the tiny Goddess, it was the only way he was going to get the dinner Lilly insisted on having. Fucking smug bastard probably new Mira's prediction with how much the god loved to gossip. Fucking gossiping little bitch.

He let his head hang for bit before sighing loudly. Quickly he walked himself out of his throne room, making his way towards his library. While he occasionally like to read he never had the time because he always had souls coming to him to be judged. But the library almost never had visitors, spirits didn't come into the underworld wanting to learn or hear stories. They came to suffer or reunite with loved ones. It was his secret place. A place without prying eyes of fates, or a nagging Pantherlilly.

He walked in to the only room that was larger than his throne room, the library filled with bookcases, stuffed with old dusty books, and scrolls large enough that dragons of his father's time could read. He made his way towards the scrolls, they made make shift walls the way they were stack on top of each other. He looked around silently until he found the silver scroll. He sighed angrily at it.

He quickly pulled out the scroll leaving a large enough hole for him to crawl through. He made his way in his make shift drinking room. It was a makeshift fort per say. The scrolls made the walls, and to anyone on the outside would just see more and more scrolls as they walked down the aisles. He sighed to himself as pulled the silver scroll in the hole, sealing himself away from the world.

The room only held an old worn leather armchair, a small table with candles sitting on top of it, and a collection of wine bottles unopened sitting next to his chair. He gravitated towards the chair, sitting down with a heavy sigh. He reached for a bottle of wine, popping the top easily.

"Can't believe I have to hide in my own fucking castle" he mumbled while bringing the bottle to his lip. The red liquid warmed him, bringing a light flush to his cheeks as he chugged the entire bottle. He set down the bottle, smiling to himself because of the light buzz he was feeling. He moved on the next bottle while lightly humming to himself.

"Mira" Pantherlilly said as walked up to the fate "Have you seen Gajeel? I have to speak to him before dinner"

"Oh..." Mira smiled gently "I haven't seen him since I told him of his future"

"his future?" Lilly asked raising his eyebrow, the fate never told anyone what was in the future unless she had to manipulate to get what she wanted "may I ask what you told him"

"Only the truth" Mira said "I told him that Levy was going to fall in love with him, and was going to fall for her"

"What?" Lily asked loudly "why would you tell him that? No wondering he is missing, he is probably losing his mind"

"Probably" Mira nodded "and my guess is he is drinking right now"

"Drinking?" Lilly asked, his eyes growing wide "you did it on purpose! You told him so he would drink didn't you? You know how he gets while wine is in his system."

"Maybe" Mira smiled icily

"You are evil" lily smiled at the fate "now excuse me, I have now deal with a drunk God of the dead"

"Good luck" Mira giggled while waving "do tell me how the dinner turns out! I am sure it will be interesting"

Levy sat at a small table that was lit by candlelight. She imagined the dining hall different, grander like the one at home, but she was greeted instead with small table that could only seat four. She could see why though, the underworld didn't throw parties, and the only other God than Gajeel was Lilly. It seemed they didn't need an extravagant table.

She eyed her dress for what seemed like the thousand time that night. She wasn't sure if Gajeel knew the tradition that all maidens must were white until they are ready to court. She hoped not. She didn't want to send the god the wrong message. Well maybe she did want him to court her a bit…

She bit her lip out of nervous habit at the thought. It was true that they didn't meet under extravagant chances. Or that they made a good first impression on each other. But something in him called to her. She liked his dark nature, she found herself drawn to his intimidating power.

"Levy" a voice snapped the goddess out of her thoughts, she looked to find Pantherlilly smiling at her "I would like to say I'm sorry in advanced"

"Why are you sorry?"

"It seems you being here has made my master nervous" Lilly said with a nod "and it appears he has gotten in the wine to calm his ner-"

"Stop talkin shiit, lil" she heard a voice slur at the door

Levy quickly looked up to see the God of the underworld leaning against the door. He looked a bit wobbly on his feet and his cheeks bright pink. Levy tried to hold back a giggle at the sight. To say she was surprised that she had effected the god so much that he had to drink was a surprise. And she had to admit to herself that Gajeel did look at little cute, what with him being flush from the wine.

"Good evening Gajeel" Levy said with a bright smile

She quickly stood up and bowed to him. It was hard for her to hide her giggles though as Gajeel wobbled to the table. His face didn't look as harsh as before, it seemed softer in his relaxed state. His piercing gleamed in the candlelight.

Gajeel looked at the shrimpy goddess. She was breathe taking. Her blue hair tied back with black ribbon, and she changed her dress. It was no longer the see through white one, which revealed a bit too much when she had damp skin. She instead wore a silver dress that glowed lightly in the candle light. He liked it better he decided, while the white did have its perks (gihihi like the ones he saw when she got out of the water) this one reminded him of iron, which only brought his desire to eat her whole.

"You changed" he slurred with a smirk "I like it"

"t-thank you" Levy said while blushing

"But don't tell your father you wore that" he said with a smirk and sat the table "I doubt he would approve of the change in color"

"o-oh" Levy fumed "y-you know about that tradition?"

'Gihhihi" he lightly laughed "you bet your sweet ass I do"

"Gajeel!" Lilly scolded "language, we have a lady present"

Gajeel lightly scowled at the pestering god. He didn't like he had act differently around the shrimp. She should just accept him as he is, swearing and all. Besides they were just words! How could simple words affect people was beyond him. They did not have magic tied to them. Stupid rules, stupid easily offended people, and stupid fucking Lilly for being here.

"It is ok" Levy said while sitting down "I am use to it because of my older sister Cana. She has quite reputation for it actually."

"See?" Gajeel beamed at the small goddess "tiny is fucking cool with it! Only stick in fucking mud is you, asshole!"

"Yes" levy said with a giggle "I am fucking cool with it"

'Gihhihi" Gajeel laughed loudly "now quite standing there, me and pocket women need some dinner"

"Of course" Lilly mumbled rolling his eyes at the Dragon

Lilly left, leaving them to be in silence. Gajeel drinking in the sight of the beautiful goddess before him. The candlelight seemed to make her ivory skin lightly glow and if he didn't know better he would have pegged her a goddess of the moon, but instead she had the amazing power of life. Something he had always wanted but would never admit. Gajeel, Levy the Goddess of Spring is going to fall in love with you Mira's words echoed in his brain and you are going to fall in love with her. Gajeel let out sigh. There was no fucking way someone like her would fall for monster like him. Mira had to be wrong.


"Yes short stuff?" he asked

"I would just like to say t-that" levy looked down to hide her blush "I-I'm sorry"

"Excuse me? Gajeel asked blinking at her. She had apologized again. And again it stunned him, it was so unlike the other gods to apologize. And she had done it twice, in the same day!

"I-I'm sorry" Levy said looking Gajeel in the eyes this time "I had no right to try to heal the tree, and I defiantly didn't have a right to call you a monster. You are a bit gruff, but a monster wouldn't welcome me to his home or agree to protect me"

"I am sorry too, levy" Gajeel said without thinking. His dragon nodding in approval "the tree has some difficult memories to deal with but that was no accuse to hurt you or make cry"

Levy and Gajeel both blushed brightly, but avoided eye contact with one another. Gajeel wanted nothing more than to start chewing on the silverware. Levy on the other hand looked at the marks that were now scars on her forearm. Her eyebrows furrowed together. It was odd to see she wasn't healed and even stranger that she now had scars. Gods didn't stay hurt for long. Plus she had never heard of a god having scars. Except…except for Gajeel. His entire arm was covered in scars. H-had he done them to himself?

Gajeel looked at Levy to see she was staring at the small scars he accidently left. He left out a sad sigh as he reached for her arm. Cradling it gently as if she herself was made of glass. He softly let his finger run over the scars, trying hard to ignore that her heart beat and breathing had increased.

"Dragon claws are the only thing to leave scars on Gods" he said simply "you are too beautiful to have scars"

"I-is that how you got yours?" levy asked her heart hammering at the compliment. She was trying hard to ignore it. She couldn't show how little experience she had with men. Most gods hated her inexperience.

"Yes" he said looking into her warm honey eyes, he was surprised he didn't find fear in them. Her breathing and heart rate said something was bothering her but her eyes told a different story. Maybe it's attraction? He let his fingers lightly run over her skin again to hear her lightly gasp. His dragon roaring in approval, smacking his tail to show he was just as attracted to her.

"My father gave me my scars" he said "it was accident"

"Oh" levy said sadly "I see"

Levy looked at Gajeel's face, it was interesting to see him full of emotions tonight. The drinking certainly put him in a better mood than before but his eyes now flashed with sadness. She felt herself lean over the table, her finger lightly feathered over his scars. He smiled softly at his flushed face.

"You know Gajeel" she whispered "I think I am going to like it here with yo-"

"METAL FACE!" a voce yelled as a man with bright pink hair slammed the doors opened "I FUCKING FINALLY FINSHED THAT QUEST YOU SENT ME ON!"

hehehehehe Natsu is an idiot, and I love him for it :) hope you all enjoyed the kinda long chapter, it was fun to write a tipsy Gajeel. Please remember to review and I love you all!