Summary: Mamoru broke up with Usagi, right BEFORE he left for American. 7 years later, he returns to find out that Usagi has grown beautiful and matured a great deal. His act tics are changed, and he's out to get her for himself. What a pig. (^O^)

Insanity By LubOcow



~I never forgive, only forget~



"Y-Your, breaking up w-with me?"

Mamoru sighed in frustration. How stupid was she? She never knew that the only reason that he stuck with her throughout these years was because of destiny.

Being a man with morals, he didn't want to mess up destiny with his selfishness. But, Usagi was getting to far.

Sure, he once DID held attractions to her, but that was because he always imagined and told himself that Usagi would grow out of it and soon will become matured and beautiful.

Who was he to say that Usagi was beautiful? No offense to anyone, but he never really liked the "meatballs" on her head. It made her look immature and just plain babyish.

But the "meatballs" weren't the main problems. To add to the way she looked (babyish) she acted the role perfectly.

Always stuffing her face and being the lazy git that she is, she never helped out. He didn't want to be rude, but he stuck with her because of Chibi-usa.

Sure, he would need to be married to Usagi and all to have her, but have you ever notice the difference?

The future isn't written in stone, and so it could be changed. And of course, they were forbidden to know the future, so they just guessed the best that they could.

About the differences, Chibi-usa looked nothing like the both of them, I mean, hello! She has pink hair, and what color do he and Usagi have? Black and blonde do NOT make PINK.

So his future was set, he was NOT going to marry Usagi. She was everything he hated. Lazy, stupid, and downright selfish!

The things he does for destiny. Screw it.

He waited amusingly for the high pitch wails that would be heard, but to his astonishment, there was none.

Who cares? One little thing doesn't make a BIG difference, she's still lazy, fat, and pig-headed.

He smirked.

"Is this a way to show me that you've matured? Please Usagi, I thought that you could do better then this. We're through, I never liked you, oh, and here's a tip on how to catch a better guy. I advise you to change your tactics, you know, being lazy, stupid, and downright selfish. Please, I know blondes are dumb, but you're far beyond that. You're a disgrace to blondes, oh, and don't go do something stupid like dying your hair brown or some other color. It would just be a disgrace to them, especially brunettes.

She stared at him, mouth agape.

He chortled and patted her on the head.

"Good-bye Usagi, hope you follow my advices!"

And he walked off, never seeing the light in Usagi's eyes flickering with fire.

~7 years later~

Mamoru sighed and walked off the plane. How good it felt to be back in Tokyo!

He stared at the spot that he broke up with Usagi, how nice it felt.

Racking his brain, he made up an image of how she would look right now.

Fat, with greasy blonde hair and messy fingers covered in chocolate. Her hair still in those ridiculous "meatballs"

He laughed silently to himself, and went off to call a taxi.

Even though he was tired, Mamoru still wanted to visit Motoki and the girls (senshies)

Knowing very well that Motoki still worked at the arcade, he stopped there and prayed that the girls would be there. And if he was lucky, he would get to see Usagi for himself and decided whether his image of her was real.

Slowly the taxi pulled to a stop. Carefully stepping out of the taxi, he told the man to wait for him.

He walked through the sliding glass doors of the arcade.

What he saw made him want to shout. Boys and men of every age were huddled around a table, each and every one of them staring at something.

Shrugging that it was of no importance, he made his way over to the counter. Like he said, Motoki was there.

"Hey Motoki!"

"Hey Mamoru!"

"Um, what's with the crowd?"

"Oh, that crowd?" asked Motoki, as he pointed towards the guys.

Of course that crowd, what other crowd is there?

"Yeah, THAT crowd,"

"Oh, it's nothing, it happens everyday,"

Mamoru's eyes bugged out. How much HAD he missed?

"Oh, what's it about?"

"Oh, they all come her to buy drinks for this girl,"

"She must be really beautiful,"

"Yeah, she is, if I didn't have Reika, man would I be after her!"

"Can I see her?"

"Sure, just wait until she leaves in about-oh, 3 seconds,"

And sure enough, the crowd parted like an open sea, and a human figure walked through.

Mamoru craned his neck to try and get a glimpse of the beauty, but to his futile attempt, all he got in return was a stiff neck.

He was lucky today, for the beauty made her way toward the very counter in which he sat, but heeded no attention to him.

He silently gasped. She was a beauty! Silver hair pooled over her shoulders and down to her thighs. Eyes, a deep shade of indigo, and lips as supple as a baby, a body far better then any man's imagination can stretch. Engorged breast puffed out of her chest area, her shirt doing nothing to hide it away, creamy legs that stretched forever, and had the perfect shape.

Mamoru knew he was drooling. And he did not hid it at all, he had to get to know this girl!

Forgetting about seeing how ugly Usagi would turn out to look. He went over to the girl, and tapped her on her shoulders.

She whirled around, and Mamoru could of almost fainted. She was even MORE breathtakingly beautiful up close!


Her voice rang like bells to his ears.

"Um, hi! I'm Mamoru!"

Was that a hint of amusement in her eyes? Or was it recognition? He didn't care, at least she noticed him.

The moment was perfect, Mamoru stared at her, drinking in her every feature.

Nothing could ruin this moment, nothing except Motoki.

"Hi Mamoru! I've seen you've met Usagi!"

Hi face dropped. Surely this goddess couldn't be the ugly, clumsy, dim- witted, lazy, fat Usagi that he knew years ago. It must be a coincidence.

But then, how many USAGI'S are there in Tokyo. Not many, and his chances with the beauty were running thin.

"Hello Mamoru, it's nice to see you again,"

A smirk tugged at her lips as she drank her soda.

Mamoru smirked; it would be a piece of cake getting her to love him again. Heck! By then end of this week, she would be hanging off his every word.

Though her appearance has changed (dramatically) she still was the dim- witted and gullible freak he knew.

"Yes Usagi, it is, how would you like to join me to dinner tonight."

He felt smug, in a few moments, she would get all exited and jump up to hug him.

But to his disappointment, she didn't.

She laughed a laugh he had never heard before. The Usagi HE knew, would have sounded like a dying hyena.

"Oh Mamoru! You're so funny! I would never cheat on Jack! Especially with a man like you!"

That was cold. Mamoru could feel thousands of stares on him, each twinkling with laughter. His ears burned with embarrassment and anger. How dare she humiliate him! And who was this Jack?

His questions were soon answered, as a man walked through the sliding glass doors.

He was tall, standing 6"7', 3 inches taller then Mamoru.

He had stunning blonde hair, that was but to the best perfection. By the looks of his body, he was very strong, but not ugly and muscular like a wrestler. His face was filled with joy, and his eyes were twinkling with merriment.

Definitely the opposite of Mamoru, by the looks of it, he could beat Mamoru by about a tenfold.

But Mamoru smirked; he IS the crowned KING of EARTH. Nothing could compare to that.

This HUMAN cold never out-live him, even if he tried.

The guy walked over to Usagi, took her by the waist, and placed small butterfly kisses all of her face, then finally kissing her passionately on the lips.

Mamoru was seething with anger, how dare he kiss HIS Usagi?

After what seemed like eternity. Usagi and what Mamoru assumed to be "Jack" turned to face him.



"This is my boyfriend, Jack!"

-to be continued


Ok, sorry if this is not VERY edited. Don't blame me, blame my editor, Tri* LOL, c ya soon!
