So I'm finally here with a new chapter (the last chapter unfortunately). I have loved writing this story so, so much, and I have loved hearing you guys' reactions to it even more. If you enjoyed it, please read the notes at the end of the chapter, they're VERY IMPORTANT. I love you guys, and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I watch his bare chest repetitively move up and down. It's in perfect sync with the sound of his clock ticking. I've lost track of time. How long has it been? 30 minutes? 2 hours? I'm too busy enjoying watching Stan sleep to really care. I reflect on the events of tonight with both elation and concern.

I finally got what I wanted, or at least a part of it. I had sex with Stan, something I have fantasized about for years, but I have no idea what this means. Does he love me? Or at the very least have feelings for me? Or was this just sex to him? My mind can't even focus on one question before another 10 present themselves. I sit up and pull out my phone. 5 missed calls from Mom. I look at the time. 11:16 P.M. Fuck, I was supposed to be home an hour ago.

I climb out of bed and begin searching for my clothes, using my phone as a flashlight. I'm sore from the "incident" that took place a couple of hours ago, but I ignore the pain and eventually spot my clothes sitting at the foot of Stan's bed. After getting dressed, I make my way to Stan's restroom. Immediately after walking in, I see that I look like absolute shit. My hair is a mess, my skin is sticky from sweat, and I look exhausted. I quickly search for some body spray to cover the smell of sex radiating from my body. I find some Old Spice "Swagger Scented" (Stan is such a dork) Body Spray, and unmethodically spray it over my body, hoping that it's enough to do the trick.

I essentially tip-toe out of Stan's room, not wanting to wake him. The second that I leave his room I hear music still being played downstairs, but the sound of conversation is not as prevalent as it was earlier. When I make it to the bottom of the stairs, I find a sight I was not expecting. Half of the party goers are passed out on the living room floor and on the couch, while the other half are either drunkenly dancing or making out in the kitchen. I could never understand how people are able to keep partying like that when the host of the party has been missing for hours, but to each their own. No one notices me, so I quietly make my way out of the front door.

The cold breeze is as violent as ever, but it does feel nice to breathe in fresh air again. I quickly sprint to my front porch, take out my key, and push the door open, quietly closing it behind me.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone Kyle?" I turn to find my mother sitting on the couch, appearing to have been waiting for me. This should be fun.

"I guess I couldn't hear it over the sound of the music," Or the sound of my best friend fucking me.

"Well you know you should have been home at 10:00 Bubbie," I hate when she calls me that. It's always an indication of her being passive aggressive.

"I'm sorry, I guess I just lost track of the time," I'm too tired to come up with a fake excuse, so I hope that this is enough to satisfy her. She just looks at me, her expression never changing.

"Go to bed," she picks herself up from the couch, "we'll talk about this more tomorrow," she makes her way upstairs, to her room I assume. I listen to her orders and go to my room and plummet onto my bed. I'm too exhausted to even pull the blankets over myself. As unconsciousness begins to finalize its grip on me, I have one fleeting thought cross my mind. It's actually less of a thought and more of a series of images. I'm sitting on the floor at the foot of Stan's bed, with Stan sitting beside me. We are watching the Captain America Blu-ray I gave to him. He leans over and kisses me, and not like the deep, passionate kisses we have had before that were only filled with empty lust, but a kiss that embodies all of the same feelings I have hidden from him for all this time. I feel a smile spread across my face as everything goes dark.

My alarm wakes me up at 6 the next morning. I quickly shower, get dressed, and eat breakfast, determined to get out of the house before my parents wake up and have a talk with me about my "irresponsible behavior". Luckily, I make it out of the house undetected, and begin walking towards the bus stop. I spot Kenny already standing there, staring off into space as if he can't feel the icy winds of our wonderful state of Colorado.

"Hey Kenny," He turns to face me, causing what appears to be a hickey on his neck to become visible to me, "I see things went well at Butters' house last night," I motion to the hickey, unable to hold in a giggle. He puts his hand against his neck, seeming to have just remembered that he had a huge purple hickey there.

"Oh yeah, I was able to convince Butters to give me one," he laughs, "he was afraid he was gonna hurt me or something. I told him that maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing," he says the last part with a wink. Jesus, for a second I almost forgot how much of a dirty, kinky masochist Kenny was.

"Ew," I decide that talking about what Kenny and Butters do behind closed doors isn't exactly how I want to start my day, so I check my phone, hoping that I have a text from Stan. Speaking of Stan, where the hell is he? He is always at the bus stop before me. I open my messages. No new messages. I decide to text him.

Me- Hey Stan, are you coming to school today?

I wait about 30 seconds before I hear my phone vibrate.

Stan- no

His short response immediately sets off an alarm in my head. It might be my brain just overanalyzing things, but Stan would never just answer with a simple "no".

Me- Are you feeling okay?

He didn't drink at all last night, so he doesn't have a hangover, and it's not like he's the one who had a dick up his ass 9 hours ago, so maybe he got a cold or something during the middle of the night? I hear my phone vibrate.

Stan- I feel fine. Don't worry about it

I can tell when Stan isn't in the mood to talk, so I decide to leave him alone for now, but I can't help but wonder if his withholding attitude is due to what happened last night. The bus pulls up to the stop. Kenny immediately finds a seat next to Butters, and I sit at me and Stan's usual spot. I try to not think too deeply about what happened last night and what it means for me and Stan's relationship. Is he mad? I can't think of why he would be, but that's definitely the vibe he put off in his texts.

Against my will, these are the thoughts that consume me for the rest of the day. Every time I remember how great his skin felt against mine, I think about his texts. Every time I am reminded of his yearning lips, I think about all the possibilities of how our next conversation will go. Stan Marsh is going to drive me insane.

The final bell rings, and I rush out of my geometry class. I want to go home, sleep, and try to forget about life's overwhelming struggles. As I approach the front door of the school, I feel a firm hand grasp my shoulder. I turn around to find a surprising face. Wendy.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask coldly. I wouldn't consider myself a rude person, but when that person broke my best friend's heart, I'm not going to have the most patient attitude.

"Can we talk?" She motions to an empty classroom. Under normal circumstances, I would immediately say no. However, something about the expression on her face is telling me I need to hear what she has to say.

"Fine, you have five minutes," she turns and makes her way into the classroom, with me following close behind her. She props herself onto one of the desks. She stares at me a few moments.

"What's going on with you on Stan?" She blurts out. I freeze immediately, completely unprepared for her to ask me that.

"Why the hell do you care? You stopped deserving to know anything about Stan's life when you fucked one of his best friends," She rolls her eyes.

"Kyle, please just answer the question." Even though it's not any of her business, I decide to just answer her so that this conversation will be over quicker.

"I'm honestly not sure what's going on with us. Last night we..." I look up at her to make sure I can see her reaction, "…had sex." Surprisingly, her expression doesn't change.

"And? Go on Kyle," What the hell? Is that all she has to say?

"I think he's pissed or something. He probably woke up this morning and regrets last night and blames me for taking advantage of him." I stare at the floor, afraid to look and her in the eyes.

"Was he drunk?" She asks calmly.


"Was he unconscious?"


"Did he say he wanted to fuck you?" I recall last night's events, particularly Stan saying I want to fuck you Kyle.

"Well, yeah but…"

"Then you didn't take advantage of him Kyle. Stan wanted it to happen just as much as you did," She smiles warmly, a look one usually wouldn't get from Wendy Testaburger. However, I ignore her attempt at compassion and can feel the anger ready to overflow out of me.

"How the hell would you know that? You never even tried to know Stan, you wouldn't know what he wants. Did you pull me in here to try and prove that you have some deep understanding of Stan? Because we both know that's bullshit Wendy. It has been a while since I've last seen you care for him in any way," I have so much more on my mind, but I stop speaking. I believe every word that came out of my mouth, but I may have been a little too harsh. I look up at her to examine her face. She looks as if she's deep in thought, almost unaware that she's still in a conversation with me. After a few more seconds she looks up at me.

"You've changed a lot Kyle," she says softly, "I don't know, it's probably me being a shitty friend, but I haven't noticed how different you are from when we were little," she laughs, but I can sense a sadness behind it, "I don't know if I ever told you, but you used to be one of the only people I could talk to. Bebe and I drifted apart in middle school and I couldn't really get along with most of the other girls in my classes, but I could always talk to you Kyle. You were always so kind, and you always were so supportive of me and Stan's relationship. Hell, we would have never even gotten together if it weren't for you. I don't think I've ever thanked you for that Kyle, for any of it," I stand idle, completely unsure of what to say. I haven't seen this side of Wendy in years, and I almost forgot how close we used to be. I can't help but get a little teary eyed at how the years have changed things.

"Wendy, our friendship was just as special to me as it was to you, I mean growing up gay in South Park wasn't easy, but you always made me feel like it was okay to be myself," I finally return the smile she had given me a couple of minutes ago, "What the hell happened to us?"

"I became a jealous asshole," she buries her face into her hands.

"What do you mean? Jealous of what?" She looks at me remorsefully.

"Kyle, I wanted to talk to you because I have to apologize to you," she sighs deeply, "For the past year or so, I envied how much time Stan spent with you. Every morning when I knew you were sitting with him on the bus, every afternoon that he would walk you home, or every night that he was at your house instead of mine, I would go crazy. And I know that sounds insane and pathetic, but I only would go crazy because I knew," tears begin flowing down her cheek, "I knew that he loved you in a way that he could never love me." Did she just say what I think she just said?

"Wendy he doesn't love-"

"He does Kyle," I stand up and begin approaching her.

"Did he tell you this?"

"He didn't have to, I could see it. I see it in the way he talks about you. I see it in the way he looks at you, the same way you look at him. He's been in love with you for a while, maybe he always has been. And I took that out on you Kyle, which is such a shitty thing to do to a person," she pulls me into an embrace, "I'm so sorry Kyle." The hug lasts for almost a full minute until she lets go.

"Wendy, I forgive you, I don't blame you, but I'm not the person you should be apologizing to," she looks up at me. I can tell she knows what I'm talking about.

"I don't even know what I should say to him. 'I cheated on you because I was jealous about you and Kyle's relationship and I wanted to get back at you'? There's no way he's going to forgive me, what I did was inexcusable."

"You're right, he probably won't forgive you, but that doesn't mean he still doesn't deserve to know the truth. Hell, he still thinks you cheated on him just because you lost interest in him." She gets out a tissue from her purse, and wipes away her already drying tears.

"Yeah, you're right, I was just hoping maybe you weren't," she pulls her purse over her shoulder, "But first, I think you two should have a talk," I nod at her, but I can feel my stomach drop just thinking about it. She walks towards the door before stopping and turning around, "Oh and Kyle," she smiles, "Thank you."

I'm standing on his top step, staring at his chestnut colored door. I can't seem to bring myself to ring the doorbell, no matter how much I want to see him. No matter how much I want to tell him I love him, and no matter how much I want to hear him say it back, I can't ring the goddamn doorbell, because I don't know what he's going to say. Sure Wendy swears that he loves me, and deep down I want to trust her, but I don't know if I want to risk my friendship with Stan based on his ex-girlfriend's gut feeling. I begin to descend down his stairs and walk towards my house when I hear a door open behind me.

"Kyle?" It's his voice. I turn around to see him in gray sweatpants and a plain blue shirt, his hair in disarray like always. Why is he so damn cute?

"Hey Stan," his face tells me he wants to know why I was just standing in front of his house, "I just wanted to come and make sure you were alright, but I didn't wanna bother you if you were sleeping or something,"

"No, no you aren't bothering me," he takes a peak into his house, "Do you wanna come in?"

"Uh, yeah sure," I make my way into his house, terrified of the conversation that is soon to come. His house is still a disaster from the party last night, but I can tell he's at least made some attempt to clean up. I step over a pile of beer cans and follow him up the stairs into his room. Seeing his bed makes last night's events flood into my mind.

"How was school?" he takes a seat in front of his computer.

"It was fine, it kind of just flew by," I begin feeling awkward standing while he's sitting, so I take a seat on his computer desk, less than a foot away from him, "Why weren't you at school today Stan?" He had to know this question was coming.

"Because of last night," I knew it.

"What about it?" I ask, trying my best to not sound defensive.

"It confused the hell out of me Kyle! I have no idea what came over me!" He runs his hand through his hair, "I'm not even gay! It was like I didn't have control of myself."

"But Stan you-"

"But nothing! Listen random hookups with guys may be normal to you, but I'm STRAIGHT Kyle. Last night shouldn't have happened, it was a mistake" I sit there staring down at him, trying my best to stop the tears that are forming. Random hookup. Mistake. Is that what he thinks last night was to me? I knew that Stan could be dense, but I thought that after last night, that after the kiss, he would have at least seen the way I felt about him.

"Fuck you Stan," A look of confusion consumes his face. I hop off his desk and storm out of his room. As I run down the stairs I think I hear him calling me but I ignore it. I push the front door open and quickly make it to my house. Ike's watching T.V, probably staring at me, but I refuse to look at him. I walk up my stairs and into my room. Then it all comes out. All of my tears. Not only the ones from today, but the ones from all I nights I stayed up imagining what a life with him would be like. The ones from the nights I spent with him knowing that I could never hold him while he slept. The ones from every day I talked to him knowing I would never be able to call him mine. I cried like I was 5 years old, not withholding any tear or noise that wanted to escape my body. I'm such an idiot for thinking that he would ever be able to comprehend how much I loved him, and an even bigger idiot for thinking that he could ever love me back.

I hear the door open, "Bubbie, what's wrong?!" It's my mother.

"Mom I'm not in the mood to talk right now," I turn my head away from her to try and hide my tears, but it's still obvious that I'm crying.

"Kyle, I'm your mom you can talk to me about anything," Her voice is soothing and calming. She makes her way to my bed and puts her hand on my shoulder, "Please Kyle, tell me what's wrong I hate seeing you like this." I turn towards her, my tears soaked eyes blurring her face.

"Mom, I'm gay," Her face visibly relaxes, "I'm in love with someone and…" I can't even finish my sentence before I begin sobbing uncontrollably again. I instinctually fall into her arms, my head upon her shoulder.

"I know Bubbie," She says comfortingly, "Love is awful. It can break you down into a shell of the person you once were. But just remember, that it is also capable of building you back up, into a person more complete than you used to be," she begins caressing my head, "Have you told this boy how you feel?"

"No, but I don't see the point. I know he doesn't feel the same way."

"You don't know that Kyle, sometimes people express their love in ways you might not even realize. And sometimes they might be too scared to admit to you, or even to themselves, that they have feelings stronger than they have ever felt before," she grabs my head and kisses it, "All I'm saying Kyle is that if this boy has the ability to make you feel this sad, don't give up on him, because that means he has the ability to make you just as happy," she lets me go and begins walking towards the door. I can't help but think about what an asshole I've been to my mom lately. All she ever tries to do is make sure I'm safe and I just treat her like shit. I want to tell her how much she means to me, and despite my attitude over the past few months, I really do appreciate her caring so much about me.

"I love you mom," She turns around, a smile appearing on her face.

"I love you too Kyle."

"YOU AND STAN HOOKED UP?!" He seems to be handling this whole not overreacting thing really well.

"Kenny shut the hell up! Do you want the whole cafeteria to hear you?!" Maybe telling Kenny about everything that's happened in the past 48 hours with me and Stan in a crowded school cafeteria wasn't the best idea.

"I'm sorry dude, it's just I never thought it would actually happen, I was usually just joking about you two!" He looks at Butters, who is quietly sitting next to him eating the school meatloaf, probably too polite to intrude on our conversation, "Babe?! Don't you have anything to say about this?" Butters looks up at Kenny innocently.

"Oh w-well… I think it's nice that Kyle and Stan… well you know," Is he really scared to say sex?

"It would have been nice if he didn't say it was a huge mistake and then insinuate that I slept around with guys all the time," I say begrudgingly.

"Yeah there's that," Kenny says while taking a bite out of Butters' meatloaf, "Wow this tastes like shit," He then looks up at me, realizing he's still in a conversation with me, "I mean as if you could ever get another guy to sleep with you, much less on a regular basis."

"Ken! That's not a v-very nice thing to say to someone," Butters says, visibly upset

"No, actually he's got a point. I'm not just some slut who moves from dick to dick every night. I have no idea why he would even imply that I am, does he know me? I mean-" Just then, I see Stan walk into the cafeteria. He's walking in my direction, but luckily he doesn't see me yet, and I want to keep it that way. Just as it looks like he's going to look at me, I see Wendy approach him. Kenny turns around to see what I'm staring at.

"Why the hell are those two talking?" He turns back towards me.

"She must be apologizing to him. That's what she said she was going to do yesterday."

"W-well that's awfully kind of her," Butters says with naivety only he can possess.

"Well she wouldn't have to apologize if she wouldn't have fucked Token and broken Stan's heart," Kenny says coldly.

"Give her a break Kenny, it was a dumb and immature mistake, don't act like you haven't made hundreds of those," I surprise myself with my words.

"Did I just hear Kyle Broflovski defend Wendy Testaburger, the girl he has complained about every day for the past year? The girl who 'doesn't deserve Stan'?" The 'biggest bitch I've ever met'?"

"Things are different than I thought they were. She's been suffering over Stan just as much as I have. I don't blame her for doing something as crazy as she did, Stan has that effect on people," Kenny shrugs, letting me know he is no longer interested in this conversation, "I'm gonna go guys, before Stan and Wendy end their conversation and he tries coming over to talk," I pick my tray up and leave the cafeteria into the school's main hallway, unsure where I'm headed.

I wonder if this is how things are going to be from now on. Am I going to have to avoid Stan for the rest of high school? I may be pissed at him, but I can't imagine us not talking anymore. I wish he would just see what an ass he was being and we can put this behind us. Well he can put this behind him. I will just continue to love him until high school is over and wait until my feelings for him shrivel up until there is just an empty void inside of me, the good old fashioned way of getting over someone.

"Kyle!" I hear, followed by the sound of the cafeteria doors closing. I turn around. It's Stan. He is basically running towards me. After a couple of seconds he stops, only about a foot away from me.

"What is it Stan?" I say more coldly than I mean to. It doesn't seem to faze him though, and he just stares at me, deep in thought.

"You love me," I freeze. My body feels like a mixture of being burning hot and ice cold. He isn't asking me, he's telling me. I have no idea what to respond.

"What do you-"

"You love me Kyle, I have no idea how I didn't see it," He smiles, "You love me."

"How," Why is he smiling at me like that? "How do you know th-"

"Wendy told me," He motions to Wendy standing next to the cafeteria doors, smiling at me. I'm going to kill her, "She was telling the truth, wasn't she?" I have to handle my next words with extreme caution. They have to be poetic, but not sappy. I have to tell him how I have felt for him since that day at the waterpark. He has to know.

"Yes," Is all I manage to get out, "She wasn't lying." For some reason, my confession of my undying love for him feels a bit underwhelming. He nods and looks at the floor, contemplating his friendship with me by what I'd assume.

"Why?" I just admitted to being in love with him and all he has to ask is "why?" I think about how to answer this.

"I don't know why I fell in love with you Stan. Maybe it's because I find you funny, or I like how you treat me, or I think you're cute, I really don't know. But I do know why months later I still can't get over you. Nearly every time I leave a conversation with you I can't stop smiling. Every word you speak lingers on me, and I blush like some pathetic school girl just thinking back to a joke you made. You have this hold on me Stan Marsh, and it's both the most torturous and euphoric experience of my life," On any normal occasion, I would regret being so open with him. But after all this time, it was bound to come out sooner or later, so why not now? It's a good a day as any to make my best friend hate me.

"Kyle… I had no idea," He sighs and leans against a locker, his hands in his jacket pockets, "I'm such an idiot. No, even worse, I'm an ass," He leans his head back against the locker, "I'm so sorry Kyle."

"No it's fine. I should have told you a long time ago," He doesn't seem mad. I can't get a read on what he's thinking right now.

"Kyle, about what I said yesterday, I didn't mean it."

"I know that you don't think that I sleep around Stan," I laugh, shocked that he feels like he needs to apologize still.

"Well yeah that, but also the other thing," I give him a confused look, "The thing about it being a mistake. It wasn't," I still am completely lost, "Kyle, when I said I was confused, I wasn't confused as to why I did it, I was confused as to why I liked it. I was confused as to why I still can't get the feel of your skin out of my head. Why I can't get you out of my head," Are these words really coming out of his mouth? "I really don't understand it. Before two days ago I never really saw you in that way, or at least I thought I didn't, but now I can't stop. I don't know if I'm," He pauses to get a read from my face, which is still staring at him in disbelief, "I don't know if I'm gay or what, maybe bisexual? But I do know that I have feelings for you Ky," He laughs, seeming relieved to get this off of his chest. I don't know if I want to cry or smile, probably both. I run my hands through my hair.

"Are you bullshitting me right now Stan?" I begin laughing, with a couple of tears streaming down my face. He laughs with me, or maybe at me since I probably look like a wreck right now.

"No, I'm not bullshitting you Kyle. I-" He takes a step closer to me, "I want to be with you. I mean if that's what you want." Those words are all it takes for me to close the gap between our lips. I want to be with you. He grabs my hair to pull me closer to him, as if it were possible to be any closer to each other than we are now. I want to be with you. I can feel him smiling, which of course makes me do the same. I want to be with you. We pull apart from each other. His eyes look as if he's intoxicated, and I'm sure mine look the same.

"Of course it's what I want."

Stan and I walk to his house after school. The day went by pretty quickly after getting with the boy of my dreams. His parents aren't home so he unlocks his front door and we go straight up to his room. I've been in his room a thousand times, but something about it seems different. It's not Stan Marsh's room anymore, it's my boyfriend's room.

"Do you wanna watch this," I look over to see Stan holding an unopened Captain America: Civil War Blu-ray, "We saw it together for the first time, so it's only fitting we watch it for the second time together," He gives me a puppy dog face that I would never be able to resist.

"Only if you promise to not give me fun facts about the making of the movie as we're watching it," I say, fully aware he can't help himself, which I don't mind since I find it cute as hell.

"Ugh fine," He opens the case and puts the Blu-ray in, then proceeds to plant himself on the ground at the foot of his bed.

"Why are we sitting on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed right behind you?"

"Because we can hear the T.V way better down here, plus it gives us more room to cuddle, now shush and come sit down," he pats the floor next to him, his eyes intensely staring at the screen. I just roll my eyes and give in. I really don't mind where we sit as long as I'm next to him.

"Did you know that this film was released the same year as the 75th anniversary of Captain America?" He immediately breaks my one rule, but I ignore it and just smile and act like I didn't know that. As the film progresses, I watch him excited as each new hero is introduced. I spend the entire movie essentially watching him instead of the screen. I just can't get enough of Stan Marsh. In that moment, His eyes were so brown and encaptivating, I could have gotten lost in them for hours. His voice was so soft and soothing, I could have replaced every song with his voice and have been completely content. His body looked so comforting and inviting, I could have fallen into him.

Hey guys! So I have some exciting news. The reason it took me so long to upload this chapter was that I was completely lost in what direction I should go. I have known how I wanted this story to end since the first chapter, and I knew that this chapter was where that ending fit. But there was still so much more story I wanted to tell, so instead of trying to cramp ALL of that story into one chapter, I have decided to write a sequel series called "The Lights Over Our Town". It's going to follow Kyle and Stan as they start a new relationship and have to deal with much more "adult" issues. I am extremely excited to write it and can't wait to be able to continue this series and expand more on the characters. If you have any questions or anything like that feel free to PM me (: I LOVE YOU GUYS THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING! 3