A/N: ahhhh….so we come to a close with the final chapter to this story. *sad* but I hope you seriously enjoyed the bumpy ride that our boys went on. Stay tuned to the end of the story. Thank you for all the reviews, favorites and follows. I hope that you will be on the next ride coming near you!

Four years later:

"Dad? Where are you?" Grace yelled as she goes out to the backyard of their house where she thinks Roman is at. He was always out in the back by the pool with his grill.

"Here baby girl!" Roman replied back as she looks up. She smiles, almost to the point that you couldn't wipe it off her face. Roman was up in the tree, well, the treehouse that he was building for Grace and Sarah to play in.

Grace, who just turned 11 just days prior, has made some remarkable improvement from her trauma four years ago. Roman has stuck to all of the judges' orders and has watched Grace strive into a beautiful young girl who has her whole life ahead of her. She still has occasional nightmares, but they are getting less and less as she gets older. She still doesn't trust very many from the male side except her daddy, Dean and Tyson. She tends to shy away from boys in general and that suits Roman just fine. But other than that, she has really come along ways and Roman will always be grateful that he was able to raise her right.

"Is it almost done dad? I'm dying to see what my clubhouse house looks like!"

Roman chuckles than replies, "Yes Gracie, (Roman's new nickname for his precious princess), should be done in about 10 minutes, I just have a couple of minute things to tidy up. Why don't you call Sarah and let her know that its almost ready, okay?"

Grace couldn't contain her excitement, "Yay! Thanks Dad!" then off she goes inside to make her call.

Roman shakes his head as he chuckles to himself. He would do anything to make his daughter happy. And she hopes that what he has planned this evening will make her even more happy. It just has to be planned just right. He smiles at the thought as he finishes putting up pictures of her and him along with her and Sarah.


"Hey Roman, is there anything that I need to bring for the cookout?" Dean asked Roman on the phone as he finishes getting dress. He is wearing a white tank top with a pair of basketball shorts and slippers. He wants to be as simple as possible for swimming later on after dinner.

"No, wait yeah, brings some extra sprite and root beer and maybe a dessert tray if you want. Other than that, I got everything else."

"Okay, that will work," he replied, "Let me grab Sarah and we will be over there in about 30 minutes, sound good?"

"Sounds great, cause Grace has been bugging me about Sarah for the past hour so they can go and play in the new treehouse I built for her."

"Oh I bet she has been, Sarah has been no better!" he laughs as he heads out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the living room where Sarah is waiting on the couch with her tablet. "But we will see you in a few babe, okay?"

"Okay baby, see you in a few! Love you!"

"Love you, bye!" Dean hung up and looked at Sarah, "Ready princess?"

Sarah looks up and smiles, "Yes Dad! Im so ready!" Sarah jumps off the couch with her stuff and heads to the door as Dean follows right behind her, chuckling as they leave.


Dean and Sarah shows up a while later with the drinks and dessert that Roman has requested. Grace then pulls Sarah outside as they head to her new treehouse for some girl time of their own. That leaves Dean and Roman alone in the kitchen laughing at the sight.

"Them two are inseperable. Literally like two sisters that were separated at birth. Who knew they would get along so well despite the differences between them." Dean said as he pulls out the drinks from the back as well as the dessert and sets it on the counter next to the potato salad Roman made earlier.

"Right? Sarah has become Grace protector the last four years. I don't think Grace would have blossomed as much as she has if it wasn't for her. Grace has always wanted Sarah as a sister, and in a way, they are. Maybe not by blood, but their bond is unbreakable." Roman looks outside at Grace and Sarah climbing the makeshift ladder Roman made to her treehouse. Sarah will always have a special place in his heart for accepting him when he was homeless and then accepting Grace during her traumatic times. He could never thank her enough for that. "Sarah is one special girl that will always have my heart."

Dean puts his hand on Roman's shoulder and squeezed a bit to let him know that he agreed with what he said. "Trust me, I know, I feel the same about Grace. After everything she has been through, she is as strong as they come. Them two girls will never let anything come in between them. They are stuck with each other for pretty much the rest of their lives."

Roman looks at Dean and smiles. He turns around and puts his arms around Dean's waist and pulls him in. He leans his forehead against Dean's and closes his eyes for a moment. "I wonder if that will be us too. You know, together for the rest of ours?"

Dean puts his arms around Roman's neck and kisses his nose, causing Roman to open his eyes as Dean then kisses his lips. It was a sweet closed kiss, but a sweet kiss nevertheless. "I wonder that too Roman. We've been together pretty much for four years. We live in separate houses, but there isn't a day that goes by that we don't see each other or talk to each other. But there are times I wish you woke up next to me in bed in OUR home, not just mine or yours. I miss you Roman, every night when we are a part. I hate that we don't live together, but I know you and Grace are still healing from what happened to her, so I don't want to come off being pushy. But I love you so much, I just want to be with you all the time, and to have Sarah and Grace together all the time. Not just playdates and sleepovers, but for good."

Roman looks up and stares at Dean, he usually doesn't convey his feeling like this at all so it is a shock that he tells him this. "I know,..I'm rambling…." He says as he lays his head on Roman's chest, afraid to look at Roman for fear that he said too much.

Instead, Roman pulls away and lifts Dean's chin up with his finger to his eye level. "Baby, you aren't rambling, trust me, you aren't the only one that feels this way. I have too, but somehow in the past four years, there was never a right time. Yes, Grace and I are still trying to fully heal, not sure if that will happen, but at the same time, she adores you so much. She loves you like you are her dad as well. She loves Sarah like her sister. They are now both 11 years old and are close than two sisters ever will be. I love you so much that my heart hurts when I don't wake up next you every night. I hate not waking up next to, to make love to you, to kiss you, all those things."

Dean's eyes starts to fill up with tears that is threatening to fall. "Aww…baby, " Roman said as he wipes Dean's eyes, "no crying right now. Okay? We will work it out, I promise, but right now, we need to take this food and drinks out to the patio before they yell that we are starving them, okay?"

Dean laughs as he pulls away from Roman enough to help bring the food out. He hopes that what Roman says is true and that they will end up together for good one day. He wont be complete until that happens.


Several hours later, after everyone ate and drank their food and drinks. The girls headed back up to their treehouse for their first sleepover since Roman finished it. That left Roman and Dean alone to finish cleaning up and sitting on the patio couch that was by the pool. The air was nice and the sun was setting down to where the sky was mixed with purple and pink with a mix of orange. It was a beautiful sunset to say the least.

"Dean?" Roman asked quietly as he stroked Dean's hair lightly.

Dean looks up, "Yeah Roman?"

"Do you ever want to get married?"

Dean then sits up and looks at Roman, who looked down, not sure what Dean's answer would be. "Huh?"

Roman slowly looks up at Dean and repeated the question, "Do you ever want to get married?"

Dean then takes his hand and runs it through his hair nervously and he thinks of the answer.

"Never mind, " Roman said as he chuckles nervously. "It was a stupid question, forget I asked." Roman then starts to get up until Dean places his hand on his arm to force him back down.

"Where are you going Roman?"

"Was just gonna get something to drink" he lied, he didn't want Dean to know that he was gonna go put something back in his bedroom.

"Bullshit Roman," Dean said firmly. "And to answer your question, yes, I do want to get married if the right person came along."

"Oh…okay. Was just wondering.." he responded nervously.

Dean looks at Roman suspiciously. He knows something is up and he has a pretty good idea what it is.

"Something you want to tell me Roman?"

Roman looks down and puts his hands in his pocket to keep from wanting to propose to him at the moment. "Nah..not really."

"Yeah, okay Roman…you aren't a very good liar, just so you know."

Roman takes a deep breath and gets up, leaving Dean looking confused. Roman then turns around and after taking his hand out of his pocket, he reaches out for Dean's hand. Dean then takes it slowly and gets pulled up. Roman then walks them over to the small garden that he has had for the past couple of years.

"Roman-" he doesn't finish as Roman puts his finger on his lips. "Shhhh" he tells him, leaving Dean looking even more confused.

The next thing he knows, he sees Roman gets down on one knee as he keeps Dean's hand into his. Shakily, he reaches inside his other pocket and pulls out a while and golden box. Dean's goes wide eyed as it dawned on him why Roman asked that question.

Roman looks up at Dean, smiles nervously, and preceeds….

"Dean, I want you to know just how much in love I am with you. From the time you saved me from the streets five years ago, til now. Me and you have had some bumpy rides together in the last four years we've been official. If it wasn't for you, I would have never gotten my daughter back. I may not ever agree how you did it, but I will always be grateful you did. You are the first person I can legit say that I am truly in love with. There isn't anyone else I would rather spend the rest of my life with than with you. You are my sun, moon, stars, ocean and so on. You came into my life when I needed someone the most. I will always thank God that he picked you. I love you Dean Ambrose. My daughter loves you, Sarah love you….

By this time, Dean couldn't fight back the tears anymore. Neither could Roman, who was struggling to find the words of how much Dean means to him, but he continues…

"You said earlier that you were tired of waking up without me with you, same goes for me too. I want to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. So I ask you Dean, will you marry me?"

About this time, Dean lets is all out. He pulls Roman up and plants a kiss that showed every passion he had for him. He had asked him to marry him. HIM. Never in a million years would he think he would ever get married nor did he think he wanted to….until he met Roman five years ago.

Dean breaks the kiss, leaving both of them panting for air. He places his forehead onto Roman's and held Roman's hands into his along with the box.

After calming down a bit, he pulls back and looks into those brown eyes that held so much love for him. He smiles and winks real quick.

Then came his answer…

"Yes Roman, I will absolutely marry you…on one condition.."

Roman looks at him in confusion, "Okay…."

"That Sarah and I move in with you and Grace and that you adopt Sarah and I adopt Grace to make our family complete."

Roman lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding…smiles and kisses Dean softly. "I think we can make that happen." He said as he opens the box up and reveal a sterling platinum band with a touch gold in the middle. Simple but elegant. He slips it on Dean's finger and kisses it.

Dean then pulls Roman into a kiss again…but this time…as his fiancé. He then broke apart and led Roman to where the treehouse was. They told the girls, who both were happy as can be knowing they are finally gonna be sisters. After telling them, they told the girls to stay in their treehouse and that they were gonna head in the house for a while. This was the time for them to officially celebrate their engagement….but reuniting again as one. This time, they won't wake up alone.

Dean has indeed found his Pot of Gold with Roman. Who knew Dean was Roman's Pot of Gold as well.

And that is a wrap. I hope you guys enjoyed this story and again, I thank you so much for taking the time to review, follow and favorite. I hope you liked this. Kinda hard but it was what I pictured.

Now, I do have a different story in mind, I am trying to get the first chapter down in my head for it. Stay tuned…should be posted within the week or weekend. Again, let me know what you think!