Welcome back to another chapter. I hope you're all enjoying the series and if there are any characters you want to see leave a review saying which ones. Also, if you want to write a fight scene or lemon please let me know via review or PM so that we can collaborate, and I'll get back to you ASAP. For now, enjoy the story.

Ichigo and the others entered the Dangai and Kisuke spoke up. "Do not touch the Current or you will be stuck and watch out for the Cleaner it will suck us all in." Kisuke instructed as they then started to run towards an exit. As they ran towards they the bright light at the end of the Dangai a new light became evident behind them. It was the Cleaner. "Don't look back! Run as fast as you can to the exit!" Kisuke yelled as they continued to run as fast as their legs would carry them.

They were almost there, but the Cleaner was gaining on them fast. "We're almost there!" Yoruichi announced as they kept their pace. Just then they heard a scream from the back of the group. "Help! I'm stuck!" Ichigo immediately recognized the voice as Tatsuki and looked back to see her stuck to the walls of the Dangai as the Cleaner got closer. He started running back at full speed, but he wouldn't make it in time "Tatsuki!" He yelled in vain.

Suddenly time started to slow around him. He had never felt this feeling before and became confused. "Don't just stand there Ichigo." He heard Hanako say, "Save her." Hearing this he realized what had just happened. Hanako gave him the power to save Tatsuki. He ran to her and pulled from the current and then ran back to the front where he had been previously this time while carrying Tatsuki.

"Ichigo?!" Tatsuki screamed in surprise, "How did I…?" "Don't worry about it. Right now, we need to get out of here." Ichigo said as they continued to run until they had finally reached their objective and ran through. They had made it. They had now entered The Soul Society.

Everyone had gotten through safe and were now catching their breath. Tatsuki looked up to Ichigo and couldn't help but smile at his stoic face. "Ichigo." She said quietly but just loud enough for him to hear. He looked down at her. "What's up Tatsuki?" He asked. "Thank you, you saved my life." She said, "I owe you one." "Don't worry about it I'm just happy you're safe." Ichigo said with a sigh of relief. "Well at least let me give you this." She said as Ichigo was about to question but was cut off by a passionate kiss. He was surprised initially but it made him happy as he kissed back with just as much passion.

They broke for air with smiles on their faces as Ichigo then set Tatsuki down who then ran over to Orihime. Ichigo then turned to Kisuke. "So, where are the Hollows?" He asked. "In the West Rukon District 23. We're not too far from there so we should get a move on." Kisuke said as he walked off towards Yoruichi.

'Calling all Zanpakuto.' Ichigo communicated telepathically with a chuckle. 'Yes, Master.' Katen said in a teasing voice. 'Can the five of you get everyone ready to move I have to talk to Hanako.' He said. 'Your wish is our command.' Shirayuki said as five golden lights dispersed into the crowd of spirits surrounding them.

He then saw Hanako standing in front of him with a smile on her face. "So, how'd you do that whole slowing down time thing?" He asked as he walked closer to her. "Well, that's just one of my many powers that you can use anytime you'd like as long as you reward me after, my love." Hanako said as she also got closer. "Oh, and what would you like as your reward?" He asked. "Well, we aren't married yet so until we can have a bed to ourselves how about a loving kiss." She said as Ichigo wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck. They leaned in to kiss matched with a level of love that could not be expressed through words only shown as a spectacle.

They broke apart a few minutes later for air with smiles on their faces as the five Zanpakuto spirits walked towards Ichigo. "We have done as you asked, and everyone is ready to move." Zangetsu said as he disappeared in a golden light. "Thanks, everyone are you four traveling with us or going back?" Ichigo asked. "Well, like always we'd love to stay with you." Suzumebachi said with a smile as the three other Zanpakuto nodded in agreement. "Well then, let's get going." Ichigo said as he walked up to Kisuke who was staring in the direction they needed to go.

He turned around and spoke to everyone present. "Alright, everyone. We're here to defeat any attacking Hollows aside from Stark if he so happens to be here." Ichigo said with an emotionless face, "Once we get there work together and help each other through the battle." Ichigo said as everyone had nodded in confirmation and Ichigo turned to the direction of the Hollows before taking off with a flash step combined with a Sonido. The others followed promptly with flash steps and Sonido's of their own.

Ichigo had arrived at the scene of a massive invasion force with Hollows and Soul Reapers clashing everywhere as far as the eye could see. As he took it all in the rest of his group arrived. "Alright, let's wipe them out." Ichigo spoke as his eyes began glowing blue with spirit energy as he took off, taking Katen and Kyokotsu in his hands as he sliced at both his sides as he ran. After clearing a large path that was almost immediately filled the rest joined the fight using their Shikai's and their Resurrección states.

Ichigo put Katen and Kyokotsu back on his waist as he then took out Sode No Shirayuki. "Dance, Sode No Shirayuki." He said as the most elegant blade in the Soul Society formed in his hands. "Tsugi no mai, Hakuren." He spoke calmly as a large path of ice formed clearing out a large quantity of the Hollows that were there. 'Impressive, Ichigo, you barely even used any power there. I'm surprised you didn't request to take on the whole army yourself.' Came the voice of Shirayuki. 'Well, I want my girls to enjoy themselves rather than be bored on the sidelines.' He said. 'With a body like that, we'd definitely enjoy the view.' She said as the fighting resumed.

Not long after Ichigo saw Rangiku being overpowered by a large number of Hollows. He ran in taking Suzumebachi from his waist. "Sting all enemies to death, Suzumebachi!" He yelled as he flash stepped and killed all the Hollows in her general vicinity before taking her off her feet and moving her to a safer location. "Ichigo!" She said surprised that he was her savior. "Hold still you're injured." He said as she looked down and noticed blood trickling down her right leg as there was a large cut on her upper thigh.

"Thanks for the assist. I owe you one." She said with a slight blush on her face at his close proximity to her. She then saw him tear his sleeve off his right arm and she began to stare at his defined bicep. He began to wrap it around her thigh making the knot on the inside of her thigh. She almost let out a moan when he accidentally brushed past her nether region. 'Damn I'm so wet.' She thought. "All done." He said as he then saw Isane. "Isane, could you please come here Rangiku is hurt." He said as she ran over curious how he knew her name before dismissing him as she tended to Rangiku. "Hey Isane, is it just me or is Ichigo really hot?" Rangiku asked. Isane blushed before saying, "No, he is quite attractive. I wish I could get someone as handsome as him, I'd do anything." She said as she finished up healing. "Well, I think we should hang out after this fight. I have an idea you may like." Rangiku said as she began getting up.

With Harribel

"Gran Rey Cero!" Harribel yelled firing a large ball of spiritual energy at the waves of Hollows coming towards her taking out almost as many as Ichigo had with Shirayuki. "Harribel, I see you've finally made it." Came the familiar voice of Stark. "Stark, I'm surprised to see you here. I'm assuming you went to see Lillinette first." She said slightly surprised. "I guess you do know me too well." He laughed. "So, is the world of the living as good as you thought it would be?" Harribel was staring at Ichigo when she heard the question. "It's even better." She responded. Stark caught her line of sight. "He's a lucky man." He said. "I'll let you all take care of the rest. It was good seeing you again, Harribel." Stark then opened a Garganta and walked through to Hueco Mundo.

With Ichigo

"Big brother can you just take care of them already, they're all weak." Came the voice of Karin. "I agree with Karin, big brother, this is boring." Came the voice of Yuzu. "Fine. Everyone stand back!" Ichigo yelled as he waited for everyone to get behind him as he pulled out Zangetsu. "Bankai! Tensa Zangetsu." He said calmly as he took off with an accelerated flash step and Sonido combination. Less than a minute later every Hollow was slowly fading away after being purified by his blade. He then reverted to his Shiaki form as he slowly walked closer to everyone.

"Where's the fun in that?" Came the voice of Apacci. "Well, it was wasting quite a lot of time, Apacci." Sung-sun commented. "Master's so strong and powerful." Loly and Menoly said while drooling slightly. "You all should learn some restraint when it comes to showing your lust." Harribel chimed in, "All of you Arrancar are making us looking as though we are simple sex toys and nothing more." Nelliel then came up behind Harribel and hugged her while whispering in her ear loud enough for all to hear, "You say that as if you don't feel the exact same as us when you see him, but I could smell your lust from miles away." This created a massive blush on Harribel's face making her glad that her mask covered it while the others smirked at their Master.

Ichigo was now speaking with Yoruichi about the fastest way to get to the Squad One barracks. As they spoke he saw Kukaku approach with Ganju, Koganehiko, and Shiroganehiko slightly behind her. "Well, if it isn't my favourite cat and Soul Reaper." She spoke as she got closer. "Always a pleasure to see you, Kukaku. What brings you by?" Yoruichi asked. "We saw the fight from the cliff up there until we saw you two fighting and decided to come to say hi." She explained pointing at the cliff before looking at Ichigo with a smirk, "But then again you could always come over for some tea if you have some time." "Maybe after my fight with the Head Captain. Don't wanna keep him waiting." Ichigo said with a smirk of his own. "I see well you know where to find me." She said while walking away before turning back to look at Ichigo giving him a wink, "I'll be waiting."

Ichigo then turned to everyone. "Alright, everyone, get ready to flash step. It's time for the fight to begin." Ichigo said as he took off followed by the rest of them. They raced through the entire Seireitei and within just a few minutes they had arrived at the grand entrance of the Squad One barracks. The doors opened slowly and within seconds he could see Captain Yamamoto walking forward.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, you dare challenge me for my place as Head Captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads." He said across the courtyard. "Yes, I would. Although, I'd rather you concede while we fight than actually die." Ichigo spoke noticing the large crowd forming around then. It must've been a few thousand Soul Reapers there, as well as all the Captains and Lieutenants. 'I guess we don't need to find any more audience.' He heard Suzumebachi in his head as he smiled. "The challenger begins the fight with the first strike," Yamamoto spoke taking off his Captain's Haori.

"Your mistake!" Ichigo yelled as he took off with a flash step and Sonido combination. He held Zangetsu tightly as he lunged in for an attack which was narrowly avoided by the Head Captain. Ichigo turned around to face Yamamoto once again seeing that his black Shihakusho was now off as well and his sword was no longer in his wooden cane. "Reduce all creation to ash, Ryujin Jakka!" He spoke as many lower-class Soul Reapers began to kneel from the immense spiritual pressure released by the Zanpakuto. They began clashing blades and jumping from building to building several buildings crumbling from the spiritual pressure produced by the two.

Ichigo was on the defensive. He was merely watching the Head Captains' technique, learning it, and parrying every blow blowing up some large areas of buildings in the process even though he didn't mean to. "Taimatsu!" Yamamoto yelled waving his flame covered blade and creating an inferno where Ichigo stood. "Now Ichigo Kurosaki you will turn to ash as all things that face my Zanpakuto do." He said as he waiting thirty seconds before letting the flames naturally die down.

He began to turn around before his eyes went wide as he heard Ichigo's voice. "Well you fought Shunsui and Jushiro and they didn't turn to ash." He said grabbing Sode no Shirayuki. "How is it that you are alive nothing is able to survive those flames." Yamamoto said still in shock. "Dance, Sode no Shirayuki." Ichigo said with grace releasing his Shikai, "Well, you may have firepower, but I have ice." "That blade belongs to Rukia Kuchiki. How is it that you are able to use its power?" The Captain asked. "Well, since I got my powers initially through Rukia, Shirayuki became my blade. Then while the Zanpakuto were free she came to me as well as Shunsui's blades Katen and Kyokotsu, and Soi-Fon's blade Suzumebachi." Ichigo explained. "This goes against the laws of the Seireitei! This must be punished!" The Captain yelled as he attacked.

Ichigo decided it was time for this battle to end and went on the offensive. He used his flash step and Sonido combo to make several mirages of himself. "No more time for children's games. Ennetsu Jigoku!" He yelled as several pillars of flames surrounded the Ichigo mirages as the flames moved inward destroying the mirages one by one. "Are you crazy, you'll kill yourself as well." Ichigo stated. "If that is what it takes to punish you then so be it." Yamamoto responded. "Bankai! Hakka no Togame!" Ichigo spoke as his body was now split have black half white with both blades fused to his hands and forearms.

As Ichigo entered his Bankai a large mist was sent into the air freezing everything it touched to absolute zero, including the flame pillars. Ichigo sighed as he looked to Yamamoto. "This is it. One final move whoever's Zanpakuto does not break is the victor." He said as Yamamoto simply nodded. "Bankai! Zanka no Tachi!" He yelled as the blade takes the form of a severely scorched katana. The moisture in the air of the entire Soul Society dried due to the blade's severe intensity of heat.

Ichigo then raised his Zanpakuto in an 'X' shape in front of him as Captain Yamamoto held his blade to the side. The two then took off towards each other. "Kita: Tenchi Kaijin!" Yamamoto yelled as the blades were about to clash. "Getsuga Tensho!" He says as he wraps both blades in his Getsuga. The blades clashed as both stopped not far past each other and stood still. Both waiting. Until they heard the pieces of a shattered Zanpakuto falling and a body hit the ground. Ichigo was the victor of this battle.

He slung Yamamoto over his shoulder and flash stepped with Sonido back to the Squad One barracks. He then saw the cheering of those who accompanied him. Unohana and Isane then ran up to Ichigo as Ichigo put Yamamoto down. "He'll live to fight another day." Ichigo said with a smile to the two as he winked causing the two to blush as he then got up. He then turned to see his friends cheered and smiled at him as his Zanpakuto then appeared.

"Congratulations, Ichigo, this was not an easy victory I am impressed." Zangetsu said as he then went back inside Ichigo's mind. The four girls, on the other hand, jumped on him making him almost fall over. "Good job Ichigo, we're so proud of you." Shirayuki said. "We also think you deserve a reward." Katen teased. "Wait till we're back in the world of the living and we'll give you everything you want." Suzumebachi whispered with a wink as she flew away. "For now, enjoy and rest, we'll see you soon." Kyokotsu said with a smile under her mask. As the four then disappeared in a golden light.

Rukia, Karin, and Yuzu then rushed him hugging him tightly with Rukia kissing him as well, surprising many including a not so happy Renji who stormed off. Ichigo then turned to the many Soul Reapers that were attending the event and saw then bowing down. "Uh….. what the hell is going on." "You are our new leader, Head Captain Kurosaki." Byakuya said from behind him. "Oh right. Then onto my first order of business." Ichigo said as he then walked towards Rukia as everyone watched curiously as to what his first order was.

Ichigo stood in front of Rukia as he gave her a peck on my lips. "You will be my new Lieutenant." He said causing her eyes to spark with excitement. He then looked at Karin and Yuzu. "You two will be my third seats." He said mildly confusing them on how they could both be the same rank. "The rest of you will be members of my squad until I set seats for you. "Kisuke, I assign you as Captain of Squad 12 once again." He said. "Oh why thank you, Ichigo. I guess I owe you again." Kisuke said. "Now everyone!" Ichigo yelled so everyone could hear him. "Get back to work. We have lives to save." He said as he then put on the Squad One Captains Haori that he was handed.

Well, not as long as I wanted, but I'm happy with this chapter and I hope you like it as well. See you in the next one. (P.S. Let me know if I should add anyone.)