Trombe: Here we go. I'm going to keep going until I run out of steam. I've been on an Avatar mood lately. Here is the sequel to our widely successful story of WIDLAY.
artsyelric: we're so glad to be back writing this. i don't know how long til trombe runs outta steam but i plan to surf this wave for as long as i can ride it. I'm also right in the middle of a bunch of harry potter stuff so :P i'll be riding his coattails a bit as we start this.
Trombe: If anybody can recommend a good Ty lukko (Zuko x Ty Lee) I would appreciate that. Been trying to find a good one.
artsyelric: ps go here if you want to see the picture katara is describing check out the cover image. And thank you to whoever made it. Its lovely
and as always, we do not own avatar or any of its characters. we are not nickelodeon or mike or brian nor do we have any official affiliation with the show. we do not make any money off these fics, we just do them for fun, and we're poor, so please don't sue or our corgi will starve :( 3 disclaimers out of the way! lets get this party started! we give you WIALAY!
What I Always Loved About You
Prologue: Every Story Starts with...
When I was a girl my father, Avatar Aang, told me the story of how he and his friends heroically ended the hundred year war. It was always Tenzin's favorite. But I have a feeling you've already heard that tale before. The story I wanted to tell is about what followed after.
I wanted to tell a story about a king.
Every good story starts with a king, right? At least that's what mom always said. I always loved those stories. She did too.
To most he was a good king.
To some he was a beloved king.
Often he was an angry king.
And once he was a resentful king.
But always… he was a lonely king.
To me though, he will always be someone special. He will always be the one who took care of me and my family when we needed it most. The one who lost everything to gain a kingdom. The one who fought to the bitter end when no one else thought he could.
My Mom always loved that about him, and so do I.
My name is Kya. I am the daughter of Avatar Aang and Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, and I want to tell you the story of a king named Zuko…
The 13th Winter of Phoenix King Zuko's Reign:
To my dearest friend Zu-
She crumped another letter. That didn't sound right either, she thought to herself as she smooshed the piece of parchment into an angry little ball and threw it right into the trash bin overflowing with similar rubbish.
Her shoulders ached. She had been sitting at her desk for nearly an hour trying to come up with the words she needed to write down. Katara blew away a single bang that hovered above her eye in frustration. She gave a stretch as far wide as she could before falling on her desk, eager to rest for just a bit. Her head felt cool pressed against the mahogany wood. She had always loved this desk. It was one of the very first things Aang made for her. She could still remember the day when her husband proudly displayed the fruit of his long labor trying to learn carpentry.
She sighed coyly as she glanced upon a perfect portrait of a rag-tag group of friends. What did Aang call it, a photograph?
In the years that had gone past a multitude of technological breakthroughs had occurred, the photograph being one of them. She smiled, proud of the the strides that humanity had achieved. It was as if they were always destined for greater things were it not for men like Sozin and Ozai.
In the picture, five smiling faces were immortalized forever in the moment. A wolf-knotted, strong warrior could be found on the right. Well muscled and supremely confident, a fact that was reflected on his smug face. Yet his boyish charms overwhelmed everything else about him as he clasped a friendly hand upon his companion's shoulder, sharing attention with the man on his left. Though she was loath to think of it, she had to admit… he was rather handsome. A fact she shooed right back into the recesses of her mind. No sister EVER thinks that of their brother. That was just… ew. But she could be proud, right?
Once more his stupid grin looked at her.
Shut up Sokka, she playfully thought as she tore of a piece of paper, crumbled it, and flicked it straight onto her intended target. A direct contact upon picture-Sokka's forehead which bounced back with vigor.
On the left of the picture was her and her loving Aang. Clad in the robes of a master airbender that hid a gorgeous lean physique, his form emboldened even more by a rich red sash. The last airbender cut a fine figure, proven by his many ardent female admirers. The young Avatar had a severe growth spurt over the years, and now towered above everyone else in the photograph. But he had never outgrown that friendly smile of his, the one that never made you feel small. She loved that about him. The two of them looked so happy - even in the photograph Aang and Katara stood side by side, both their arms wrapped around the other from behind, an image that hinted at the strong trust and bond between them. On Aang's shoulder sat his animal companion Momo, curiously looking somewhere else, oblivious to the situation.
In the middle of the frame a commanding body demanded attention. Her snow white like skin proved a nice contrast over her onyx metallic armor. Her left finger pointing straight at Katara with conviction.
A fond memory washed over the waterbender recalling the events of that day.
"Hey, You! Yeah, you, camera guy. Make sure you get my good side!"
"How would you even know which side is your good side? You're blind!" her brother always had a comeback whenever it concerned Toph.
And Toph was always eager to reply in kind.
That time was a rock pillar that catapulted Sokka straight through the air.
"Every side is my good side." The smirk on Toph that day… Katara couldn't help but giggle as she recalled it.
And finally she focused on the most striking one in the group. Dressed in royal red and gold, this man exuded nobility. His arms cross over his powerful chest, dual dao swords sheathed upon his back. Part of his long jet black hair pulled in a royal knot, while the rest flowed and covered the base of his neck extending beyond his back like silken locks. Before she had given it conscious thought, Katara found herself picking up the portrait to get a better look at his face. She could see why many said he has a harsh face, The burnt scar amplified his stern presence. Yet all she saw was the face of one of the kindest and bravest people she knew. Her blue eyes connected with his own golden ones, unblinking.
Lost in her own thought she did not even realize her fingers were gently upon the picture, as if trying to remember his features.
Coming back to reality she cleared her head and placed the picture frame back down into its proper place.
She knew what she needed to say.
With pen and parchment in hand her fingers blazed through with precision.
To my best friend Zuko,
How are you? It's been several years now since we last talked. I know our obligations have been keeping us pretty busy but I've always tried to make time to write to you. This would be my 37th letter in the last couple of months. Are you even getting this? You should definitely "fire" the messenger.
Katara stifled a laugh, thinking to herself that there was more than one comedian born in the family.
Anyway how are you? Have you been eating well? How are things in court? How is Mai? There are so many questions I have for you. So many things I want to talk to you about.
She paused for a second before continuing on her next paragraph.
Aang turns 26 in 6 weeks. We expect you to be there for his Name Day and Sokka wants you to prepare a nice celebratory speech. I'm beginning to worry that he ordered way too many crabbopus cakes. You know Sokka. Hehe…
She hesitated. Should she write down hehe? She had laughed… how was he suppose to know she laughed if she didn't write it down?
She nodded in agreement with herself. She was going to keep that.
Anyway, I've had my hands full with everything that's going on. A lot of my time has been dedicated to rebuilding our homes here in the Southern Water Tribes, and it's not as simple as we all thought it would be. But I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. My students are getting better at their bending. I think we really have a shot at reviving the Southern Waterbending style. The way Sokka tells our war stories, a lot of them really admire you. They would love to perform for you when you come. It would make their day if you would let them.
Katara couldn't wait to see the look on Zuko's exasperated face when confronted by so many waterbending children. The intimidating Phoenix King always felt awkward around children, and it showed. But Katara loved that aspect about him, mostly because it made him human, like the rest of them.
It's not only the students that keep me busy. My family does that plenty. My boys are doing okay. Aang is Aang. He's probably already visited you this year so you already know how he is. He might even be there when you get this letter so give him a hug for me, I know how much of a hugger you are. Sokka is busy being all super macho Water Tribe man, sailing with dad all over, helping out wherever they can. Your fleets probably run into them plenty. Fighting pirates, rescuing lost seafarers, and taking on a sea dragon or two if you believe the way Sokka says it. Dad said it was one seahorse-lion.
As for my children… Bumi is nothing like his dad. And that's a good thing. I wouldn't have it any other way. He's 7 now and growing stronger with each passing year. I swear this boy was born to find trouble. I love him for it, but it's tough! I know Aang really wanted an airbending child, but we love our son with all our heart.
Kya turned 5 this year and, oh my spirits, you would love her. I know you would. She's smart, well spoken for her age, not to mention an outstanding waterbender courtesy of her amazing waterbender teacher. She's been asking a lot about you. I mean it makes sense considering the last time she saw you she was 3. Don't make me tell her embarrassing stories about you. You should do that yourself.
What started out as an elated conversation suddenly became a somber thought as it slowly dawned on Katara how long has it been since she last saw those bright golden eyes.
I really hope you're doing well. Where are you? Are you… Are you even there? Are you avoiding me? Please write me back. I just want to know if you're okay.
Katara looked at her written words, reflecting her emotions. Could that really be true? Would Zuko really avoid her?
No… There was just no way. Zuko would never do that to her. It was definitely not possible, she hastily concluded. He was just really busy - obviously. He had to be. He had a whole nation to rule.
She flexed her fingers as she felt for the water in the ink. Gracefully she drew the black liquid off of the parchment and removed the comment of Zuko's avoidance and left in her concern about his well being.
Carefully going over every word she finally ended the letter with a simple: Yours truly, Katara.
She folded the letter and placed her seal upon it, readying it to be delivered upon the morrow. A loud voice called to her from one of the rooms of her lovely home.
"Ah… Honey! Katara, can you come in here? Your son is doing that thing again with his nose and the icle."
She smiled gently. Her work was never done.
The 14th Spring of Phoenix King Zuko's Reign:
Katara couldn't help herself as she watched her beloved husband being pulled along by his friends, as they dragged and hoisted him up to the center stage. She fidgeted with anticipation, hiding behind the curtain. She was ready for Aang's surprise.
"Speech! Speech! Speech!" her brother yelled from across the floor.
"I uh, I don't really have one prepared. I mean I can-"
"Boo! Boo your apologies!" Toph joined in the taunting.
"You can't boo an apology," Aang protested.
"I'll boo whatever I wanna boo!" Toph made a face at him and turned to her students. "We all will! Everyone, boo his apology right now! BOOOO!" A chorus of boos rose from the crowd as Toph's students began hissing their teacher's disapproval. "Weak! Whoever boos the loudest gets the day off training tomorrow!" The boos intensified drastically.
That was one taunt too many for Aang to let slide. He coughed slightly before facing his admiring audience with a polite face, rising to their challenge.
Toph waved her hands to silence the crowd as Aang cleared his throat. "That's enough you suck ups, he's gonna do it. Shut up!"
"I thank you for coming for my 26th name day. I… I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many of my friends, and my wonderful family. I know that the journey to Air temple Island was long and arduous for many of you and I thank you for making that trip to be with us here today- Ah! Bumi don't hang from there!"
The audience turned to see the Avatar's oldest climbing upon the head of an esteemed Air Nomad statue. It was sight that made Katara's heart leap from her chest. She left him with Sokka for one second and already her boy was in trouble!
An agile warrior vaulted from the audience floor with the grace of a wolf-panther. A silver haired chieftain of the Water Tribe closed the gap between himself and Bumi with ease, age not slowing or having an effect over his muscular physique. "I got him, Son. Go finish your speech!" Hakoda laughed as he tickled his mischievous grandson.
Katara breathed a sigh of relief. She had the best dad.
"Uh… okay. Well I was going to say-"
Aang's conclusion to his speech was Katara's cue as she stepped out from behind the curtain, bringing with her a gigantic aquatic sphere of water held up only by her bending.
She let him have it.
It cascaded across the stage, splashing Aang and the entire front row of the audience, the explosive and chilling force of the water got everywhere.
But while Aang was spluttering in shock, the crowd roared in laughter and fun as everyone revealed their part in the joke.
"SURPRISE AANG! HAPPY NAME DAY!" they all shouted.
The baffled but jubilant Avatar looked upon his wife with love and amusement. She mouthed a I'm sorry. Blame sokka. Her fingers formed a heart as she gazed at him I love you.
An act that caused him to menacingly raise his hands in the air as his fingers danced about maniacally.
"C'mere…" he playfully threatened.
"Aang, what are you… No- No! No you stop right there-"
Too late. He had caught her in his very wet embrace and squeezed her close.
"Aang! Stop! Hahahaha! It's too cold! You're getting my dress wet!"
Though she complained, she secretly loved the little moments and all that they had shared. Katara didn't think she would get any happier than this.
Than the wail of a ship horn pulled her from her own little world. "That sounds like, Zuko," Aang commented.
She smiled alongside her husband, ecstatic at their friend's arrival. "That's just like him to make an entrance." She pulled her husband's hand, pulling him with her as she started to the docks. "C'mon. Let's go and greet them properly."
Excusing themselves from the party the two happily walked at a comfortable pace, not in any rush to ruin the quiet moments they had together alone, away from everyone. Spirits know they had only a few of those.
True enough it was a magnificent Fire Nation Battleship that pulled in. Smaller destroyers could be seen in the distance, the armed escorts more than content to just patrol around. But it was the battleship itself that commanded attention. Her majestic cannons primed and poised to take on any hostile enemy. She just exuded power and regality, as expected of the Fire Nation fleet. While once this would have been a terrible and frightening sight for many of them, today she and Aang watched it arrive, marveling at its grandiose beauty and excited for its passengers to disembark. It was definitely the largest ship Katara had ever seen. It had to be Zuko's flagship. From her decks came a royal imperial guard of a dozen, with handmaidens and servant boys trailing behind them. The heart of the convoy stood a very familiar face wrapped in the Fire Nation's latest fashion.
"Ty Lee!" Katara exclaimed as both she and Aang walked towards their unexpected guest.
"Oh, I'm sorry," the visitor exclaimed. "You have me confused with my sister. I'm Ty Lao. A common misunderstanding - we get it quite a lot." She hesitated to correct the wife of the Avatar, so she did it with poise and dignity.
"Happy Name Day, Avatar. May you and your family be blessed." She daintily lowered her head as she gave a courteous bow to both of them. "The Phoenix King sends his regards along with some magnificent presents." She snapped her fingers and promptly a dozen Fire Nation Soldiers were helping unload crates and crates of goodies and exotic wares.
"Wait.. .what do you mean his regards?" Katara didn't understand.
Ty Lao must have sensed her confusion as she awkwardly eyed both of them. "Um… my apologies. I thought both of you had been told. His royal eminence could not make this trip as he has his hands tied down pretty heavily back home in the Fire Nation."
"But he said-"
"What my wife is trying to say is we are honored and more than graciously accept his highness's gifts." Aang placed his fist over an open palm and gave a courteous bow of his own. "Right, Honey?".
Katara was quick to follow her husband's lead. "I mean, yes. We are more than happy to receive you all."
Ty Lao smiled lavishly. "Thank you. We are honored. Now I have been instructed by his Highness to perform a traditional Fire Nation Name Day dance. I would very much like to show you. I do not mean to boast, but among my sisters I am considered a very accomplished dancer and-"
Her words seem to trail off in Katara's mind.
Zuko… you never break your promises.