Author Note: A lot of OCs (to fill in the gap, but most of them probably won't show up again). The other Gakuen Babysitters characters will probably show up a lot.
Updated: 9/28/16.
Beta read by Nifawiwa. A lot of stuff was taken out, but will probably be moved to the next chapter.

Narrator POV

"I'm sorry, Tsuya-chan. Please forgive us." A young bluenette sniffed.

"We'll be back." Said the black-haired male. After they rang the doorbell of the young baby's grandmother's house, they immediately took off, leaving the small child behind.

After a few seconds, a woman, who was 38 years old, opened the door. When she thought that there was nobody there, she got ready to close the door, but then heard a baby crying. Confused, the woman looked around again, then finally glanced down and saw a young boy in a basket with a note that said:


"Dear Mother,

I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, but I want to fulfill my dream and I can't do that with a baby in our hands. Please forgive us.

P. S. Please name the baby Tetsuya.

Your son, Kuroko Kazuya"


When she finished reading the letter, she sighed, then brought the baby inside the house. After she calmed down her rage towards her son, she glanced at the child with a kind smile and spoke.

"Hi, Tetsuya-chan. I'm Ayano. I'm going to be your guardian from now on."

-Three years later-

"Kuroko-san!" Someone in the modeling office spoke alarmingly.

"What?" Ayano asked as she glanced back at him, stopping her from looking at cover designs.

"The child that was supposed to model for the Spring Edition Magazine got caught up in traffic, so he can't make it!" He explained quickly, not even trying to hide his worry.

Ayano kept a straight face on while on the inside she was panicking, thinking: 'What do we do?! That kid was the cover model for this magazine! Who am I going to ask at the last minute?! Wait a minute... I think I have an idea.'

"I have an idea." Ayano spoke with a slight smirk.

"What is it, Kuroko-san?" Someone else asked curiously.

"We can have my grandson model for this magazine." Ayano announced cheerfully.

"...EH?! You had a grandson?!" The people at the office exclaimed as one at the surprising news.

"Yes." She said with a grin.

"But you're still so young." A guy pointed out with a shake of his head.

"Looks can be deceiving." Ayano shrugged nonchalantly. In reality she looked approximately twenty years old, so all that surprise didn't affect her.

"Can he even model?" A young lady inquired slightly anxiously.

"Yeah! Can he?" The others asked a bit impatiently.

"Who knows..." Ayano hummed in response.

"You don't know?!" They exclaimed once again. Honestly, their director never ceased to surprise them.

"Well, he's a natural. Besides, he's our only shot." The woman said with a proud smile. Everybody sighed, then someone with blonde hair said:

"Fine. Where is he?"

Ayano showed a huge grin, then cheerfully announced, "I'll go get him!"

'She seems really excited about this,' They sweat-dropped.

Not long after their director left the office in a hurry, she returned to her still slightly dazed co-workers while holding a small child in her arms, no more than three years old. It was very convenient that the woman lived very near the office at times like these.

"Here's my beloved grandson! Reporting for duty!" She announced proudly with a cheerful smile. She walked to one of the tables and carefully seated the boy down.

"...HE'S SO CUTE! No wonder you were so calm about this." The rest of them expressed their amazement when they finally saw the young boy their director was so seemingly fond of. The toddler had light sky blue hair and eyes that complimented his light pale skin and slight blush that seemed to make him even cuter.

"Of course he's adorable. He is my grandson after all." She grinned.

Someone then suddenly slammed one of the doors to the office open and, seeing how everyone was just admiring some child, yelled: "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?! GET BACK TO WORK!"

"Haha... Yes, Takumi-san," They replied hurriedly before they quickly went back to work.

"Ah! Takumi-kun, where were you? We're going to get behind schedule if you just yell all the time. Geez." Ayano folded her arms and shook her head.

Takumi's face started to show multiple tick marks.

"WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?!" He shouted yet again, a furious expression clearly visible on his face.

"Haha. Mine? I was just joking, Takumi-kun. Now let's go before we get even more behind schedule." Ayano said with a teasing grin. She took the slightly confused child from the table and began heading out of the office. The boy kept silent all this time and only curiously glanced around the area before they finally arrived at their destination.

"We're here!" Ayano announced once they entered the photo shoot.

"Oh! Kuroko-san! Did you find a model?" A guy with an artistic beard, who was the photographer for today, asked as he turned to face the woman.

"Of course! He's right here!" She said with a cheerful grin before she showed them the little child in her arms.

"He's adorable! Definitely model material! Where did you get him?" He asked curiously while doing all sorts of weird poses.

"Ah! He's my grandson! Now hurry up! We need to do the front cover!" Ayano said hurriedly as she walked over to the photographer.

"Yes, ma'am. What's his name?" He asked as he began adjusting the camera.

"Can you tell this man your name?" Ayano looked down at her grandchild and softly spoke.

"Tetsuya!" The boy replied with a small, yet cute grin.

"Tetsuya-chan? That's a beautiful name! Now, everybody get into position! Chip-chop! Hurry up!" The photographer, whose name was Hiromoto, said with a clap of his hands. "How old is he?" He asked.

"He's three years old right now." Ayano said as she put down her grandson on the ground. The child curiously began looking around the area, though remained in the same spot.

"Heh, will he understand what I'm saying?" Hiromoto chuckled as he watched the boy.

"Probably." Ayano shrugged.

"Hmm?" The photographer hummed.

"He's a natural, so you don't have to worry about that." The woman said with a slight grin. Hiromoto looked doubtful but decided to believe her anyway.

"Tetsuya-chan! Can you please move around and act cute?" Ayano asked.

Tetsuya walked towards the photo shoot, sat down, turned around, then gave them an incredibly cute smile. Everybody present at the photo-shoot blushed while Hiromoto started to take pictures.

"That's it, Tetsuya-chan! Now keep at it!" Hiromoto chirped, feeling delighted.

Happy with the comments, Tetsuya started to do even more adorable stuff to get compliments. Like acting what a normal little three year old would do, play with random things on the photo-shoot set.

Once Hiromoto was satisfied with the pictures he took, he smiled.

"That's a wrap!" The photographer announced cheerfully.

"Already?! It's only been ten minutes!" The rest expressed their surprise.

"Well, Kuroko-san was right. He's a natural, so it's only natural for it to end fast when he constantly did other stuff." Hiromoto shrugged, though a satisfied grin decorated his lips.

"Yeah, I agree. He'll definitely get somewhere with that face of his." Takumi said with an affirmative nod.

"Thanks for the compliments, but Tetsuya-chan needs his rest." Ayano spoke fondly as she gazed at her grandson.

Once she said that, everybody looked at the child and they either fainted or had a massive nosebleed when they saw a sleeping Tetsuya hugging a blanket which was one of the props for the photoshoot.

A camera sound echoed throughout the room after that. Everybody looked at Hiromoto while he just laughed sheepishly and said, "Sorry, I couldn't help it. Besides, this would be great material for the Spring Edition Magazine."

Ayano sighed, then went over to Tetsuya and picked him up.

"Well, we'll be taking our leave now." She announced to them.

Everybody bowed and said, "It was nice working with you, Kuroko-san!"

Ayano waved at them slightly awkwardly, since it was rather hard when she held a small child in her hands, and left Kuroko Studios.

Once they finally arrived at their house, Ayano cracked an exhausted smile and put Tetsuya back into his crib. The house was pretty normal in that neighborhood, but the part of the neighborhood that they lived in was the rich part, so technically it wasn't normal, since usually in this area you would see way more extravagant houses. Ayano had connections with someone that constructed houses in this area so, for fun, made them make a seemingly normal house in the middle of all the large and expensive houses. After making dinner for both her and Tetsuya, she fed the child, who didn't seem too pleased with being awoken, then ate her own dinner.

-A week later-

Bored, Ayano was about to call someone but stopped once she saw someone calling her instead. Ayano answered the phone and spoke.

"Kuroko Ayano speaking."

"Ah! Kuroko-san! Guess what?" Someone said on the other line.

"What happened, Hiromoto-kun?" Ayano asked curiously when she recognized the voice.

"The magazine sold out! Isn't that amazing?! Also, we got amazing feedback on cute little Tetsuya-chan!" Hiromoto chirped with sparkles that almost went through to the other side.

"Really?! That's amazing!" Ayano said with glee.

"I know right?! That's why I've been thinking if you could let Tetsuya-chan model again?" Hiromoto asked excitedly.

"Hmm... I'll let him become a model, but once he's older, that decision is on him." The woman announced seriously.

"Yes! I gotta go now. Bye, Kuroko-san!" Hiromoto said, still feeling the excitement from before.

"Bye." She replied before she ended the call.

Ayano looked at Tetsuya and thought, 'Sometimes there will be days when I can't come home and I can't really bring him every time. That might bother the other workers or distract them. Hmm... I think it's about time to call a fellow friend of mine.'

Ayano pushed in the numbers of a person that is now the chairman of a school. After a few rings, the person on the other side picked up.

"What do you want, Ayano?" The voice seemed rather irritated at the caller.

"Ah! Hi, Morinomiya-san! How's it going?" Ayano spoke cheerfully as if she was oblivious to the other's annoyance.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Ayano." She snapped.

"Ahaha... Can you let my grandson go to your school's daycare?" Ayano asked slightly sheepishly.

"Why?" Morinomiya retorted. She did not seem too happy with this request.

"'Cause he's going to start modeling and I can't just bring him there every day! He needs to meet people his age!" Ayano shouted through the phone.

"Okay, okay. You don't need to shout." Morinomiya muttered, displeased.

"Sorry..." Ayano apologized with an awkward chuckle.

She sighed and said, "Fine. When is he going to attend?"

"You're allowing this? Yay! Thanks, Morinomiya-san! I owe you one." Ayano grinned joyfully.

"Yeah, yeah. Answer my question."

"Tomorrow!" Ayano announced. Excitement was clearly audible in her voice.

"Tomorrow? That soon?"

"Yeah! Bye! See ya tomorrow." Ayano replied.

-Next Day-

"Ahhh... Ryuu-chan. Someone's here." Usaida drawled. The young man that spoke had light pink short hair tied into a ponytail with dark half-closed eyes and earrings.

"Do you know who she is, Usaida-san?" Ryuuichi curiously asked. The rather short good-looking teenage boy had dark short auburn hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hmm... Ah! I think she's the lady that's going to give us her child every once and a while," Usaida recalled.

"Really?" Ryuuichi questioned, already used to his weird ways of wording things as he glanced through the window, then opened the door for her.

"Hi! This is the daycare center, right?" Ayano pondered as she peeked inside to see only two other people inside.

"Yes. My name is Usaida Yoshihito," Usaida introduced himself, still lazily as ever.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Kashima Ryuuichi and the one on me is my brother, Kotarou," Ryuuichi smiled while putting his three year old brother on the ground. The baby had messy light green hair and a small blush on his blank face while watching his beloved brother get his attention taken away by some woman.

"It's nice to meet you too. My name is Kuroko Ayano and this adorable baby here is Tetsuya-chan," Ayano returned the smile.

"...Ah! Hello there. What's your name?" Ryuuichi yelped as he just noticed the baby before kneeling down to Tetsuya's height.

"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya," Tetsuya giggled.

Ryuuichi, after hearing the child giggle, relaxed a little and replied:

"Kashima Ryuuichi and my brother's name is Kotarou.''

Tetsuya stared at him as Kotarou returned the look. After a while, Tetsuya grinned at the other three-year-old as Kotarou deemed him worthy and nodded. The two of them started playing with each other as the other three continued to talk.

"Am I late?'' Ayano asked as she took in her surroundings.

"Hm? Ah! Sorry, the others already left a few minutes ago. If you want, we could stay here a little longer to get the two of you used to the place.'' Ryuuichi sheepishly replied.

"Oh... Well, it wouldn't hurt to stay here for a little while. Besides, Tetsuya-chan and Kotarou-kun seem to be having a great time.'' Ayano giggled.

The other two males turned around to see both Tetsuya and Kotarou talking about something that they didn't quite understand before they smiled and agreed.

-Time Skip-

'Well, that was a failure. They already closed before I could drop Tetsuya-chan off.' Ayano sighed as she carried Tetsuya to his crib.

Before Ayano left, she happened to see Tetsuya with a bigger smile than usual as he slept.

'Oh well, it didn't completely backfire.'