Hello! I am starting this new story because this is my favorite pairing and I felt like writing my own story about them. So here. This takes place after Punk Hazard.

*NEW: I updated this chapter, and am working on the others as well. Please enjoy.

Disclaimer: I dunnot own One Piece.



"…one of the Four Emperors- Kaido, the King of the Beasts." Law paused while explaining the alliance and plan to the rest of the Strawhats, "our target." They had just departed from Punk Hazard, and were making their way to Dressrosa aboard the Strawhats' ship.

As Usopp, Nami, and Chopper all opposed the plan to take down one of the four emperors, everyone knew that there was no changing Luffy's mind. Law had many reasons for forming an alliance with them, some logical and some personal. He knew that each member of the crew was powerful on their own, and they all excelled in different skills. Their diversity would come in handy. They were also fiercely loyal, and Law had never seen any of them do something half-ass. They were fearless, and didn't hesitate to risk their lives for a cause (something they would have to do a lot if they wanted to succeed in taking down Kaido).

Law did, however, worry that the other captain's recklessness would get them into much more trouble than necessary, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. If Strawhat got them into trouble, he would be the one to get them out of it too. Even before Sanji had warned him, Law knew that there were two different perceptions of what an "alliance" meant between him and Luffy.

Law rather admired how the other captain managed to do and say everything with enthusiasm, and it wasn't everyday that you met someone like Luffy. Law had actually noticed Luffy's enthusiasm rubbing off on him, slowly but surely. In fact, when Luffy insisted that they hold a party that night in celebration of "…conquering Punk Hazard and forming an alliance with Torao!", Law simply agreed instead of suggesting to prepare, plan, and rest, as they probably should.

The crew seemed to be over their initial shock of the plan to take down Kaido and his army of man-made devil fruit eaters, or perhaps they had just accepted the fact that they had no choice and knew that complaining would not aid their situation. Either way, they were ready to eat and drink.

Law found himself sitting by the mast of the ship, with an open bottle of rum in one hand and a fair amount of the liquid gone already. In front of him on the grassy deck sat Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy in a circle, surrounding a very sizable dish of meat. Each one's face was glowing from the alcohol and food, and they seemed to be having a good time laughing at each other and making funny faces.

"Oi Torao! Come join us!" Luffy shouted at him. There's that enthusiasm again.

Law's own enthusiasm had been amplified by the little-more-than-a-buzz (by little, I mean a lot) he was feeling at the moment, so he stood up and sauntered over to the three friends, taking a swig of his rum as he walked. "There was no need to shout for me, Luffy-ya. I was no more than 15 feet away." Law sat down next to the strawhat-bearing boy, "Quite a party you have here, though. Is this what it's always like?" He gazed around at the singing and dancing and laughing going on around them and smiled.

"Oh yeah! Except this time is even better because Torao is here too! Shi-shi-shi-shi!" Luffy grinned as he spoke and rocked side to side in his cross-legged position.

Law looked at Luffy for a moment and observed his half-drunken state. He liked watching him, the kid had a glow about him, like an aura that everyone was drawn to no matter who they were. That, and the fact that Law really wanted to toss him in a bed and fuck till dawn.

Of course, that was another obvious reason he had wanted to partner with the Strawhats. The younger captain had always interested him, and Law was always pleasantly surprised to run into him on accident or purpose. Although there were many other reasons that led Law to propose an alliance, he just couldn't resist the temptation of being closer to Luffy, no matter how many headaches it entailed. Law was very well aware that Luffy was practically oblivious to sexual desire to or from another human, but he had convinced himself that he was content just looking at his companion, and that he wouldn't actually try to have sex with him. Having relations with another captain would be too difficult to deal with, no matter how nice it would be for the time being, stuck on a ship together and all.

"I'm glad that you appreciate my presence, then, as I do yours." Law smiled, while continuing to look at Luffy as he rocked back and forth.

"Shi-shi-shi, of course! How could someone not appreciate Torao?" Luffy patted Law on the back and grinned.

Law smiled more at the drunken compliment, and took another swig of rum. He handed the bottle to his companion, deciding that he should probably cut himself off, and Luffy took it gratefully. To Law's surprise, Luffy began chugging from the bottle, downing enough alcohol to get him drunk all over again. He pulled the bottle away with a satisfied "Ahh…" and passed it to Usopp and Chopper. Rum streamed down Luffy's neck and Law's eyes were drawn to watch the liquid fall, finding himself resisting the urge to just pin him down and lick it all up.

"Is there meat at Dressroba?" Luffy said and cocked his head like a puppy asking for a bone.

Law smirked and leaned in slightly towards the other "DressROSA, and yes, there is meat there."

"Yay! One time the log pose pointed us to an island that had no meat to eat at all and it was horrible." Luffy looked like he might cry just thinking about it.

"No worries, Luffy-ya. I wouldn't do that to you, of course."

"Nee-hee, Traffy is nice even if he seems mean at first." Luffy leaned in closer to Law. However, not capable of perceiving depth at the time, he leaned too far forward and lost his balance, falling over, and bringing Law with him. The two landed messily and Luffy attempted to catch himself on his hands, but found himself already face down in Law's chest. The alcohol made him just lay there for a moment, his muscles not willing themselves to work.

Law paused after they stopped falling, waiting for Luffy to move. "Luffy-ya."

Luffy mumbled "Mmh-hmmmm I knowwww I'm getting up… sooorryyy…" He shifted himself in an attempt to sit up, but his muscles still wouldn't listen, so he just kinda twitched and wiggled around.

As Luffy shifted, he inadvertently rolled his hips right into Law's, causing the latter man to bite his lip and make a face of clear torment. Law knew he had to get Luffy off of him as soon as possible or their situation was about to become ten times more uncomfortable. He pushed up on his hands and tried to wriggle himself out from under the smaller body. Luffy, however, just collapsed further into his lap.

Now, Law sat with his legs apart and Luffy's face practically buried in-between them. He groaned internally, wishing to be anywhere but there right now. He rolled Luffy all the way off of him, standing up and running his hand through his hair stressfully. "I'm gonna go get some water." He figured it was a good idea to try and sober up, as he was regretting those last few drinks already.

Unfortunately, the cause of his torment suddenly pepped up, "Me too! I'll come with yooooou! Shi shi shi shi!" and Luffy struggled to stumble to his feet, took two steps, fell, and latched onto Law for balance, wrapping himself around Law's arm.

Law reminded himself to kill himself later. "Please try to walk on your own if you can, Luffy-ya."

Luffy laughed a drunk laugh that was a little louder than it deserved to be "I definitely would if I could, Tra-guy."

Law sighed and rolled his eyes, helping Luffy stand up straight while still supporting him. Luffy wrapped his arms around Law's stomach, leaning his weight into the other body. This kid was really testing Law's resilience tonight. Which, by the way, was weakened considerably already.

They made their way to the kitchen and Law set Luffy down on the ground. Luffy's head thumped against the wood of the cabinets, causing him to close his eyes and laugh again "I couldn't even feel that! I heard it, but it's pretty numb back there right now… and everywhere else, really. Shi shi shi!"

Law raised an eyebrow. Luffy was clearly, blatantly, extremely drunk. He couldn't walk, could actually barely move, couldn't feel his face for shit, and was laughing like an idiot at nothing. Although Law was pretty drunk himself, he still managed much better than Luffy. Turns out their drunk-selves aren't so different from their sober-selves, he guessed. He grabbed two glasses from the cabinet next to the fridge and filled them up with cold water, setting one down next to Luffy on the floor and keeping one for himself.

He forced himself to chug it, knowing that he would suffer majorly tomorrow if he didn't. He filled it up again, attempting to get another glass in. Luffy, on the other hand, had picked up his glass and sat staring at it.

"Luffy, if you want to feel any bit alive tomorrow, you will drink that entire glass now." Law scolded.

Luffy stuck his tongue out in defiance "I, AHways feelive!" He slurred out with a smug look that looked more goofy than it did proud.

Law, really too drunk to give any more shits than that, sighed "Alright whatever Luffy-ya! Have fun in the morning, I'm gonna head for bed."

Luffy lunged forward and grabbed Law's leg like a little kid holding onto his dad "Noooooo Toraooooo don't goooooo!" He wailed while looking up at Law with wide begging eyes.

And the look on Luffy's face broke whatever resistance Law had left within him.

"Fine, but you have to drink that water!" He argued, looking quite proud of himself for bargaining his company for a glass of water.

Luffy, without answering, sat up, grabbed the glass, and downed it in less than four seconds. He looked up at Law, satisfied. "Done! Now you have to stay with me for the rest of the night!"

Law rolled his eyes but smiled down at him on the floor "Okay now get up and find a proper place to si- ah!"

Luffy cut him off by pulling down hard on his shirt and throwing off his balance, sending Law ungracefully to the ground next to him.

"Shi-shi-shi-shi-shi, sorry Traffy, I'm not moving from this spot. Which means, neither are you!" Luffy leaned forward as he spoke, and Law could practically taste the liquor on his breath.

But then… suddenly he noticed he actually could taste it. You know, how sometimes when you're drunk, you find yourself somewhere with no idea what happened in the process of getting there? Well, without even thinking about what he was doing, Law had leaned in to meet Luffy's lips with his own, and didn't realize it until he was already there. He lingered for only a quick second and then pulled away, still having no idea what he was doing.

Luffy blinked his eyes open, which he had closed when he thought Law was gonna bump heads with him. He stared at Law, also having no idea what was happening.

"Shit." was all Law muttered, staring at Luffy's blank expression.

Their faces remained only inches apart, and both could feel the other's exhalations.

"Sorry, Luffy-ya, I just, uh-"

"WHOA." Luffy let out a heavy breath of amazement "Torao just… You- you just, just kissed me! Like for real! Nobody's ever done that before!"

Law's jaw dropped slightly "I… uhh…"

"Thank you!" Luffy wrapped his arms around Law in a sloppy hug.

Law's jaw dropped further, but he lifted an arm to wrap around Luffy gently.

"I gah uh go sleep…" Luffy mumbled into Law's shoulder, and rolled down to lay on the ground, once again, dragging Law with him. With a happy little smile on his face, the last thing he said was "Nigh Torao!"

And Law found himself laying on the ground in the Strawhat's kitchen, Luffy asleep on top of him, and sleep approaching his own mind quickly.



Thanks for reading 3 I hope the update makes it a little better. Gonna work on the second chapter now.
