Okay, here is the epilogue for Midnight! I hope you enjoy and look forward to the Moonrise! XD I hope you enjoy, also review, fav, follow, the good stuff!
"It has begun!" A voice echoed ominously amongst the silent group of star-pelt warriors as they gazed at one another. "The Clan's time in the forest is over."
"But it's not the end, Nightstar," spoke the she-cat, who sat right next to him. "It's merely the beginning."
"The cats we have chosen shall lead their Clan's through these dark times." agreed the reddish-brown star-pelt tom who sat on Bluestar's other side.
"Unless themselves fall into the dark times, Oakheart." stated a tom with a twisted paw replied.
"They've been through enough already, Deadfoot. They've overcome great obstacles so far, they are relying on each other to help get them through. They are progressing greatly!"
"Yes, but the real challenges will start to begin, and without more of our guidance, then what? We've taken a great gamble in throwing these cats into such situations, what will become of them when all is said and done?"
"Honor them like the true, loyal warriors that they were born to be." Bluestar retorted coldly, her gaze traveling down towards the image of a long-furred dark-ginger she-cat.
"Or died to be." Deadfoot snorted, getting a warning growl from Oakheart.
"What's done is done," Bluestar broke, gently laying her tail onto Oakheart's shoulder, calming the former RiverClan deputy. "Let us all believe in these young cats, we'd have done the same in their place."
"Wise words, from wise leaders." spoke up a voice from behind the four cats, turning their heads Oakheart let out a warm greeting. "Silverstream, it's good to see you." the slender RiverClan she-cat slide smoothly amongst the assembled cats.
"And it's good to see you as well." Silverstream replied, her glowing eyes blinking friendly at her uncle.
"I'm surprised to find you here, Silverstream." Bluestar spoke, although welcomed her nonetheless. "Weren't you walking amongst the SkyClan warrior to look after Brindlekit?"
"Brindlepaw," Silverstream corrected, a gleam in her eyes at the mention of the cats name. "And I am, but pressing matters have come to my attention. I left Skywatcher to look after Brindlepaw till my return."
"If that is your choice," Bluestar nodded, before her gaze flickered back to the water. That has now changed to once again settle on the forest territories. The five cats watched in stone-silence as a monster that had been traveling on the Thunderpath suddenly swerved, crunched over the narrow stripe of grass that edged the Thunderpath, and barreled forward on huge black paws that crushed everything in it's path. As they watched from the safe distance of StarCan, the monster rammed it's shoulder up against an ash tree; the tree shook under the impact, and then, with a shriek like all the prey in the forest dying at once, it's roots tore out of the earth.
The tree crashed to the ground. The monster rolled on.
The destruction of the forest had now truly begun.
Wow, short and sweet! XD Ya, Silverstream showed up! Why she was in SkyClan? Well, I should really update 'Firestar's Quest' soon to get you all to understand that...so...ya! Anyway:
Next up: Moonrise!
Review, fav, follow! (also seriously want Violetshine to get with either Rabbitleap, Macgyver or one of Mintfur's kits! Just saying!