If hope was real

Plot: Haley and Nathan have a drunken night together, leading Haley to get pregnant. The only problem is, they aren't a couple, he's the school Jock and also the biggest jackass, playboy known to many and also captain of the basketball team. Whilst she's an outcast, a nerd. What happens when the whole school finds out she's pregnant and he wants nothing to do with her or their unborn child…

"Oh, when you told me you'd leave I felt like I couldn't breathe my aching body fell to the floor you caused my heart to bleed and you still owe me a reason 'Cause I can't figure out why..."

[In the boy's locker room. Nathan and Tim have just finished basketball practice].

Quiet whispers echo around the boy's locker room, as rumors' soar from one ear to another. Eyes darting frantically, not wanting to be heard. Nathan moved past his teammates and made his way to his locker. Not wanting to listen to any of the conversations he quickly grabbed his things and began to leave.

"Nate, wait up" a voice came from behind him. Tim, it was Tim Smith, his friend, and teammate.

"What man?", Nathan said in a bitter tone.

"Did you hear all the rumors about you?", Tim asked hesitatingly.

"Yeah, I heard. I fucking heard them all", he stopped. Then he began to direct his anger and voice towards his teammates.

"I know all of you are talking about me. But you know what, I don't give a shit. So go fuck yourselves", Nathan loudly proclaimed to the whole room, as the boys listened in silence.

"Dude, calm down", Tim desperately urged.

"I got a bitch pregnant. Fuck you all", Nathan shouted as he angrily chucked his towel on the floor, leaving the room. Tim sighed as he followed him closely behind.

[In the school hallway]

Tim managed to catch up with Nathan, he jumped in front of him stopping him in his tracks. He put his hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye.

"Nate, what's going on man. Is it true? Did you get? Did you get her? Her, the nerd girl pregnant?", he bit his lip as he gripped a little tighter onto Nathans' shoulder, desperately waiting for a reply.

Nathan shoved his hand off of his shoulder, he was about to give Tim a piece of his mind but then he stopped. His eyes scanned over the hallway and he saw Haley grabbing books out of her locker. He angrily grunted as he shoved Tim out of the way and made his way towards her.

"Are you happy now?", Nathan rudely asked.

Haley looked up from the locker, to see a hovering Nathan standing before her. She sighed nervously and gulped. Not wanting to start anything, she dodged past him to leave. Nathan grabbed onto her arm tightly,

"I wasn't done talking to you", he exclaimed.

The anxiety curled into her stomach, hands clawing up her throat and choking her, not letting words escape from her lips. Nathan again asked, this time with his tone increasing,

"Are you happy now?".

Quietly she said "No", she avoided all eye contact with him.

His hand was still gripped around her arm.

"Look, it's one thing to start rumors about me. Just to increase your fricking popularity in school, and its another thing to be a bitch and just stand there", he angrily exclaimed.

Suddenly the whole school was in a standstill. All eyes on them, waiting for her next move.

"Look, I didn't start anything. You as well as I do, know what happened that night. This is just the consequence. Please, I already know you want nothing to do with me or this baby. It's okay, whatever. But please, don't harass me like this in front of everyone." She stopped, and realized what she just said as her eyes widened. Not knowing where on earth she got the strength to say that.

Nathans grip loosened on her arm as he slowly let it go. She felt relieved almost.

"Where's your proof huh? I sleep around with tons of girls. Bitch you aren't exactly my first choice" he mockingly joked.

Feeling taunted and insecure, she could feel her eyes well up. She held her own as some form of courage built up inside her.

"First of all, I'm not a bitch. My name is Haley. And second of all, here", she grabbed a chain out of her jean pocket and shoved it into his hand, almost grazing his skin.

"This is yours. You left it, on the floor. You know, after we had sex".

His eyes were in dismay, he looked down at the chain, "NS23" was engraved onto the dog-tag chain. He felt it in his hands, his exact chain. The same chain he had lost exactly 3 months ago. He moved his finger over it, the dents, the scratches. It was his chain. He almost felt stupid, and suddenly started to believe this girl. She wasn't lying. She really was pregnant with his child. Suddenly that night came back in flashes.

[ 3 Months earlier. The Tree Hill Ravens had just won their match against the Westside Wildcats. Last game of the season, they were top of the league. Of course, this called for a party]

-Flashback, Haley's POV-

What on earth was I even doing here? Lucas the idiot, forced me to come, and now he's off kissing Peyton somewhere and I'm all alone. I walked around the room, full of drunken teenagers chugging down God knows what. It smelt awful, I just wanted to get out. I looked around for Lucas, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I saw one of his teammates and told him to tell Luke, that I was going home. As I made my way to the front door, I was stopped in my tracks by none other than Nathan Scott. Sure I found him hot because he was a total babe. Those blue eyes were like a magnet, they just sucked you in. The way his shirt was sculpted so flawlessly around his rock hard abs. But his personality just ruined it. He was a total ass.

"Going somewhere?" he asked.

"Uh yeah, I was just leaving", I said avoiding eye contact.

"Come on, stay", he said, wrapping his muscly arm around me. It felt so wrong, but it was so right. God what was wrong with me.

"No, I really gotta go", I said as I tried to move his arm off of me.

"I'll drop you," he said. He said it so politely. So nicely, I don't know what came over me. I guess I was just lost in his eyes.

"Sure, if you want", why on earth did I just say that?

"Cool, let's go".

He grabbed his jacket and keys and walked me to his car. It was a huge car with really spacious seats. He had cans of beers and bottles of tequila, vodka, scotch, you name it. It all over the front seats of the car. He offered me tequila, I would naturally decline. But for some reason, I didn't. I grabbed it from him and chugged it down. He just laughed as he drank some too.

Before I knew it, I was drunk. Not knowing what had come over me, I looked into his eyes. He gave that half sided smile as he ran his hand over my thigh, gently. He moved closer, my lips parted and before I knew it, we were making out. Tongue and everything. Mesmerized lips pressed together time after time, transporting us to another world. Slow breathing and dancing tongues brought a fiery heat to the cold air. Gentle touches and warm embraces. With just the two of us there, the rest of the world disappeared. It felt like I was in a dream.

Desire ignited the world around us as we became lost in a sea of lust and love. It was a sensual, powerful combination that sent waves of passion crashing over us. The rest of the world was engulfed in our lustful burning flames as our kisses grew more urgent; rushes. As our lips pulled apart, I was gasping for air. He wrapped his hands around my waist, gripping onto it so tightly. He slowly moved away from my lips and worked his was to my neck. A gentle breeze fluttered over the flame extinguishing the desperate heat. Our breathing came out in short, desperate gasps.

The rest of the night was a blur. I woke up the next morning, totally naked in the backseat of his car. I looked over and saw him, naked. God. What the hell happened. How? I looked everywhere for my clothes and managed to find them. My head was spinning and I felt like absolute crap. I looked out the car window and we were at a beach? My mind was wondering as I tried to recollect my memory.

-Flashback over-

"And yeah, I'm happy. I'm so damn happy" she sarcastically said rolling her eyes as she then brushed past him leaving him dumbfounded.

Tim scanned around the hallway, he yelled "Nothing to see her, move along. God".

The hallway began to clear as him and Nathan was left standing there. Nathan gripped onto the chain and shook his head in dismay.

"What are you gonna do?", Tim asked.

"Nothing. She wants to keep the kid, whatever", Nathan replied dismissively.

[4 Months Later. At School]

Nathan sat at his desk in his Biology lesson, tapping his pen on the table mindlessly. He watched the clock as time seemed to be taking forever to move on. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, as he turned around he saw Tim holding a note for him. He quickly grabbed the note and read it under his desk. The note read,

"College party tonight at 10.", Nathan smiled as he folded up the note and put it in his pocket. He turned around and nodded at Tim. Caught up in his own world, he didn't realize the sudden noise and chaos coming from outside. He wondered as to what on earth was going on? He peeped his head towards the classroom door to catch a glimpse of the disarray. Suddenly he could hear his name being called.

Outside the classroom, Haley lay on the floor. Blood had spread between her thighs as she clung onto her stomach in agony. It felt like angry fists were twisting and turning inside her. Blood pooled all over the floor as she lay up against a locker, gasping for air. She clenched her fists tightly as tears uncontrollably rolled down her cheeks. Brooke came running with a towel, she put it between her legs, and wiped her forehead with a wet towel. Brooke looked down at the sorry sight. It looked like a mass murder had taken place, so much blood for one person. She grabbed Haley's thighs and pressed them closer together, forcing the towel to absorb the blood which was gushing out from the inside of her.

"Haley, it's okay. Just breathe. The ambulance is coming", Brooke said reassuringly.

"That son of a bitch, Nathan Scott. Just gets you pregnant and doesn't want anything to do with the baby", she loudly yelled.

Everyone in the hallway had gathered around, looking at this mess, whispers began to flow across the room, "Nathan Scott, what an ass", "Nate, screwed up. Poor girl", people said sympathetically. Haley held onto Brooke's hand tightly as she moved her head back up against the locker hopelessly. Her eyes were crimson red from all the crying she could feel the blood flowing out of her like a waterfall. She didn't know how much longer she could take. Brooke noticed the once white towel was now blood shot red, she grabbed it out from under her and placed two more towels between her legs. It was no use. It was like someone had opened a tap, and forgot to turn it off. Nathan in the meantime had left his classroom, to see what all the chaos was all about. He brushed passed the crowd until he got to where Haley was.

His eyes widened, as he was filled with shock and horror. His eyes scanned the floor and saw the blood filled towels, the massive pool of blood surrounding her. For a split second, he felt bad for her. He felt like this was all his fault. He gulped as he knelt down, he gently put his hand on her leg, as he looked up at her.

"Can I help?", he worriedly asked.

Brooke shook her head in anger, as she shoved his hand off of her leg.

"I think you've done enough", she screamed.

"Brooke", Haley whimpered as she shook her head.

Nathan saw the state of Haley and he couldn't help but feel heartbroken. She was as pale as the moon. Her skin flushed, her eyes blood shot red. She looked desperate and hurt. Pain encircled over her body as she took long deep breaths.

"How long is this God Damn ambulance gonna be?" he yelled, looking around.

Haley began to feel weaker and weaker, Brooke grew worried as she patted her head down with a wet towel.

"Haley, keep your eyes open okay. Help is on its way".

Haley's eyes fluttered, as she took slow deep breaths, she was in agony. Haley slowly moved her hands between her legs, she pressed onto the towels.

"Brooke, the blood isn't stopping", she sighed as she let out a cry.

"I'll get some more towels", Brooke said.

"Nathan, hold these towels tighter", she yelled as she grabbed his hand and placed them on top of Haley's hand.

Nathan gripped onto Haley's hand tightly, slowly moving his thumb across her knuckles in slow reassurance. He looked her in the eyes, trying to let her find some form of comfort. He knew she had a weakness for his blue eyes.

"Haley, you're gonna be okay, I promise", he said.

Haley was in another dimension her eyes had closed as her body collapsed on her.

Nathan grew worried, he jolted from his position and sat next to her he wrapped his arms around her weeping body. Gently, he placed her head on his shoulder, caressing her face. He could feel the wetness of the tears she had cried on her pale face…