The Aftermath

"Wow Honoka-chan, you took some really good pictures!"

"Of course, Hanayo-chan! After all, I, Honoka Kousaka, am the leader of Muse, the best idol group in the world!"

"Careful or you'll start to sound like Nico-chan."

"Eh? And what's wrong with that, Maki-chan!"

"Nothing, it's just that you get annoyingly aggravating at times."

"Maki-chan, that's it! I'm breaking up with you!"

"W-Wait, what? Wait, Nico-chan, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Hehe, I know. Nico-nii was just teasing you~"

"Mou, Nico-chan, that's a terrible joke!"

"This sort of makes me wish that the two weren't dating, nya. Now all they ever argue about is each other."

"Eh, but haven't they been doing that all the time?"

"Yes but its very lovey-dovey in a sense now Honoka-chan. Ah, but I don't mind it at all; it shows how much Maki-chan has grown."

"Wow, Kayo-chin! You're smart, observant, and cute, nya! It's no wonder how Rin fell for you!"


"Seriously? You complain about us when all your life you've been flirting with each other."

"Nya? Don't be so jealous Nico-chan! At least nyaw you have Maki-chan, nya!"

"...Rin, I swear one day I will rip out that tongue of yours."

"Girls, if you don't settle down then I'll have to punish you."

"A-Ah, yes ma'am!"

Once again, Muse held another meeting but weren't inside the Idol Research club room this time. They were in Maki's house since it was Saturday and the live was on Monday due to certain circumstances (Honoka accidentally messed up the dates but they were still able to perform with great success). Knowing this, they all made sure not to exert themselves so that they were well enough for school the next day.

At the moment, they were all sitting on the leather couches in Maki's spacious living room; Maki, Nico, Hanayo, and Rin sat on one while Nozomi, Eli, Kotori, and Umi sat on the other, which was facing the other couch while Honoka was standing up proudly at the edge of the table which separated the two couches. Somehow, it went from celebrating the success of their latest live to Honoka showing the group the pictures she captured. Most of them, much to Eli, Umi, and Maki's dismay, were embarrassing.

"I can't believe you snapped a picture of that romantic kiss between Umi-chan and Kotori-chan though." Nico gushed and Honoka smiled smugly when the two blushed.

"Don't forget the one with Eli-chan cuddling with Nozomi-chan." Hanayo added with a dreamy smile on her face.

"I think the best is Maki-chan's face when I told her that I kissed Nicochi." Nozomi snickered when the two girls flushed with embarrassment. Maki's face at the time was morphed with horror, shock, and anger; it was an extremely rare look the redhead showed. Of course, it wasn't true and Maki immediately caught on but she was still pissed at the fact that they caught a picture of her face.

"Eli, control your girlfriend!" Maki replied angrily and Eli shrugged, used to Nozomi's antics by now.

"She's always been like this though." Eli responded indifferently, making the redhead groan loudly.

"Well I think the cutest one was Hanayo-chan walking Rin-chan down the platform during "Love Wing Bell" It looked like a real wedding." Kotori interrupted with a sweet smile, knowing that Maki would get into a bad mood if the conversation went any further. The two first years blushed before Rin started to cuddle with Hanayo once more.

"Rin almost kissed Kayo-chin in the middle of song because Kayo-chin was really cute, nya!"

"E-Eh? But Rin-chan looked the cutest, especially with that beautiful dress."



"You're too cute, Kayo-chin!"

"What are you talking about? You're the cute one, Rin-chan!"

The two hugged each other, making some look back with disgust (Maki) and the others smile softly. Instinctively, Nozomi lay her head on Eli's shoulder, Umi held Kotori's hand, and Nico scooted closer to Maki, who still didn't get the hint. Nico frowned openly, making Honoka snicker. Nico gave the ginger a glare and she promptly shut up.

"Why are we here again? At my house?" Maki asked, not even recognizing the romantic atmosphere. Kotori and Hanayo gave Nico sympathetic looks while Nozomi gave Nico a knowing smirk.

"Relaxing, duh. Also to brainstorm some ideas for any new songs but there's no rush since we finished a live recently." Nico answered, rolling her eyes at how oblivious her girlfriend was while Nozomi's eyes gleamed, making Maki frown deeply. She knew what that look meant and it meant trouble.

"I have an idea!" Nozomi spoke up and everyone turned their gaze at her.

"This better not be a joke." Nico grumbled and Nozomi giggled.

"Nicochi, have faith in me." Nozomi responded with her teasing smile before continuing, "Well, I think for our next live we should heat some things up." Kotori's eyes immediately widened when she saw Nozomi give her a wink, realizing what Nozomi was getting at.

"You mean like more revealing clothes, right?" Kotori asked and Nozomi nodded with a wide grin, her eyes twinkling with amusement and approval.

"Right on the spot, Kotori-chan!" The two gave each other a high-five and their girlfriends just covered their faces with shame.



"But I want to see Elichi in a sexy dress."

"N-Nozomi! Those are things you should keep to yourself!"

"Hey Maki-chan, what do you want to see me in?" Nico teased and wagged her eyebrows, making the redhead blush and turn her head away.

"I don't want to see you in anything." The girl bit back but groaned when she realized what she said, making Honoka snicker.

"Maki-chan, that's really gay."

"T-That's not what I meant and you know it!" The girls laughed at Maki's outburst, knowing that the girl was too flustered to come up with a reasonable response to Nico's teasing.

"I really have to thank you, Honoka-chan. If it weren't for the duets, I wouldn't have realized how Umi-chan felt." Kotori admitted, blushing cutely and Eli agreed, giving the ginger a soft smile. Honoka beamed and flashed the two her widest grin.

"No worries, Kotori-chan, Eli-chan! Anything for my best friends." She responded and Umi sent her a grateful smile.

"What did happen in that dressing room?" Nozomi asked, smirking when the two went from cheerful to embarrassed in a split second.

"W-Well, we uh—" Umi stuttered, making everyone except Kotori, who was also flustered, look at the blue-haired girl in amusement.

"W-We just, um, t-talked and stuff." Kotori stammered and Honoka snorted.

"Sure. You talked and a hickey magically appeared Umi-chan's back."

"Hickey?!" Hanayo, Rin, Nico, and Maki exclaimed before shifting their gaze to the couple. Kotori and Umi doing such scandalous things? It didn't seem possible, especially with someone like Umi; the blue-haired girl could barely handle kissing scenes from a movie.

"I was thinking the exact same thing. It's always the quiet ones." Eli commented with disbelief and shook her head, which made Nozomi laugh.

"I technically count as a quiet one, right?" Eli didn't like the way Nozomi's eyes gleamed with mischief. She suddenly felt that the room got hotter and tugged the collar of her shirt with a nervous look.

"What's wrong, Elichi? Too hot for you?" Nozomi whispered in a low sultry voice, inching closer to the blonde.

"N-Nozomi, w-wait. N-Not in front of them." Eli stuttered, blushing madly when her girlfriend sent her a knowing smirk.

"Ew, get a room." Nico interrupted, making Nozomi giggle. She returned back to her original position and gave Eli a peck on the cheek.

"Let's grab some parfaits later." She said and Eli nodded her head numbly. Nico noticed this and gagged.

"Oh my god, all those times you two claimed you went to the parfait shop afterschool this past week was really that? That's revolting." Nico shot the two a disgusted look and Eli blushed guiltily while Nozomi just kept the smile on her face.

"W-We aren't like that!" Eli protested weakly but Nico just rolled her eyes.

"Sure you aren't." Nico replied sarcastically, making Rin look at the two third years weirdly.

"Eh? What are you two talking about, nya? Never mind that, Rin wants to know how the four of you together!" Rin exclaimed curiously and Hanayo agreed. The group of girls gave the two soft smiles; they were too pure for this world.

"That really was what happened though. Kotori and I talked and we clarified some things, specifically our feelings for each other." Umi defended and Kotori nodded in agreement.

"Umi-chan was too cute when she was embarrassed so I couldn't help but kiss her. After that, I don't remember anything except that it was very hot and I couldn't breathe well…" Kotori confessed honestly, making Umi's face redden. Honoka and Nozomi cheered Kotori on while the other girls blushed, not used to hearing such displays of affection. After patting Kotori on the back, Honoka flashed Maki a thumbs up, who raised her eyebrow in question.

"I've gotta hand it to Maki-chan; the music also added to the sexual tension! And that made their performance even better!" The two girls blushed even more while Maki's eye twitched in annoyance; Honoka really needed to know when to stop talking. However, Honoka's previous statement was completely ignored with Nozomi's question.

"So who's on top?" The purple-haired girl asked deviously which made Eli and Umi groan. They really didn't want to have this conversation again.

"I honestly don't know. Mostly, I would initiate but sometimes, Umi-chan would suddenly kiss me out of nowhere and when I finally get it together, I find that I'm pressed against the wall with my clothes—"

"Kotori!" Umi interrupted as she, Rin, and Hanayo were as red as a tomato and ignored the approving looks from Nozomi and Honoka. Eli's faced reddened and Nico whistled loudly, a smirk forming on her face.

"Didn't know you had it in you, Umi." Umi just covered her face with her hands, inwardly groaning at what was happening.

"B-But what about Eli-chan and Nozomi-chan?" Hanayo asked curiously and Nozomi let out a smirk.

"Nothing much, really. Just our usual flirting but this time it got out of hand." She replied, giving the mortified girls a wink while Eli felt her cheeks become terribly warm once more.

"N-Nozomi! It wasn't like that, I swear!" Eli protested and directed the last statement to the girls, wanting to keep her title as a cool and admirable upperclassmen.

"Hm, then what was it like then, Elichi?" Nozomi asked, her eyes twinkling in amusement. Eli groaned, knowing that she was caught in one of her girlfriend's traps.

"Nozomi told me that I was the person on her mind in a flirty manner but I didn't want to lose so I told her that I've been thinking about her these past couple months. And then she kissed me." Eli replied quickly, not thinking correctly because of the pressure she felt and immediately froze at her use of words; Nozomi was frowning.

"Oh, so it was because you didn't want to lose, huh?" Nozomi turned away from Eli, who frantically stopped her and took her hand. She forced her girlfriend to look at her in the eyes.

"No, I didn't mean it like that!"

"Oh, so then what was it all? A game?"

"Nozomi, stop that. You know what happened between us wasn't a game and you know I don't like this expression on your face."

"Well I hope you feel worse knowing that the cause is you."

"Nozomi, I love you!" Eli uncharacteristically replied in desperation, making everyone's eyes widen in surprise, "And I really thought that it was all a game until you kissed me but my response was completely honest; you've invaded my mind these past months and I can't help but sleep with you as the last thing on my mind."



"And this is why I hang out with you three. Tch, to think you all thought I was exaggerating when I said that Eli's a dense dork when it comes to Nozomi." Nico's voice rang out which made the blonde realize that there was still an audience. She turned around and saw Kotori, Honoka, and Hanayo's teary faces, Umi and Rin's uncomfortable ones, and Maki and Nico's disgusted looks. Eli laughed sheepishly as she took her hands off of Nozomi's shoulders, deciding to intertwine one hand with her girlfriend's and using her other one to make a gesture of apology.

"Sorry." Eli started but was interrupted by Honoka, Kotori, and Hanayo's sniffles. "Are you three okay?" Eli sent the three a confused but concerned look and they shook their heads.

"Girls, what's wrong?" Nozomi asked with her tone soft and her voice filled with worry. What she didn't expect was the sudden outburst.

"How romantic!" Hanayo exclaimed, her tears coming out.

"The mothers of Muse get into a fight—" Kotori started, wiping her tears with her handkerchief and the couple sweatdropped at her choice of words.

"—but overcome the problem because of their strong love for each other!" Honoka finished, making the rest of the girls look at the three weirdly. Except for Nozomi. She just laughed softly with amusement and motioned for them to come close to her.

"Come here you three." And they did, hugging and crying while Nozomi giggled gently, comforting them all the while.

"Now that I think of it, those two really are like moms." Maki mused, making Rin giggle.

"Of course, nya! Nozomama always knows if something's wrong and Papachika is always too overprotective!" She replied with a bright grin, making Nico cringe at the nicknames.

"Nozomama? Papachika? Rin, I worry about your future sometimes."

"Nico-chan, that's nyat nice!"

"Maki-chan, how the hell do you deal with this everyday?"

"You get used to it."

"I am not overprotective!" Eli defended loudly, breaking off the conversation between Nico, Rin, and Maki, but received a deadpan look from Umi.

"You glare at every guy and girl who looks at any of us funny. One of them even defecated while still wearing his pants."

"W-Well, what if they're a creep who—"

"You become overdramatic at every injury we have." Maki added with a pointed look, remembering all the times that Eli rushed to her side every time she slightly bruised her fingers from playing the piano too much.

"H-Hey! What if it is actually serious—"

"Elichi, a paper cut isn't that serious." Nozomi's voice rang out from beside her, the three girls still hugging the purple-haired girl with comfortable smiles. Eli pouted slightly, knowing that she lost.

"Fine, fine. So what if I'm a little—" Nico snorted and Maki rolled her eyes, "—protective? Someone has to be, and it's up to me seeing as how I'm probably the most responsible one here."

"That part is true." Umi commented while she got up to take Kotori and wiped her tears off, "I admit that I get out of control at times." This time it was Honoka who snorted and she was still in Nozomi's embrace. Nozomi gave the girl a pointed look and she responded with a semi-apologetic look.

"You get angry when I eat bread but when Kotori can't finish the warm ups because she ate too much cheesecake, you let her off easily. Talk about double standards."

"W-What? I certainly do not have any double standards." Umi protested with a glare and Honoka glared back but Nozomi gave the two girls a devious look. Her hands wiggled into the air threateningly, making Honoka and Hanayo rush out of her embrace.

"Girls, stop fighting." Nozomi said and the two girls immediately shut up.

"O-Okay." Honoka and Umi chorused in fear and Nozomi smiled in satisfaction. Kotori was about to comfort her best friends when Honoka's phone started ringing. Looking at it curiously, she picked it up and read the name out loud.

"Eh...Tsubasa-chan? Since when were you and Tsubasa-san on good terms?" Kotori asked, tilting her head slightly and Honoka froze. She laughed sheepishly at the accusing faces the girls had on; A-Rise and Muse were still technically rivals.

"Uh, we have these, uh, leader meetings every now and then—for support and advice of course—and uh, we became pretty close friends." Honoka explained with a small but noticeable blush and she took the phone away from Kotori, "I'm gonna answer this real quick." She left and the group of girls thought about what just happened.

"Wow, I never noticed…" Hanayo commented in disbelief and Nozomi let out a giggle.

"None of us did, Hanayo-chan but I guess it isn't that surprising; those two hit it off really well even though Honoka-chan was a bit awkward at first."

"I do not approve." Umi muttered darkly and Kotori moved to hold her hand.

"Umi-chan, you're going to have to let go of Honoka-chan sooner or later."

"That is not the problem here Kotori. We are letting Honoka, our cherished friend—"

"Don't you mean child?" Nozomi teased but was ignored as Umi's tone was very serious.

"—go to some girl we barely know."

"Umi-chan, Honoka-chan can do what she wants."

"She is not of age yet!"

"We aren't either!"

"But I've known you ever since we were little kids Kotori. We're talking about Tsubasa, a girl we only met a couple months ago."

"Umi-chan, at least give her a chance."

"Kotori, you spoil her too much."

"And you're too harsh on her Umi-chan."

"Oh my god, can you talk about your kid some other time? All I'm ever hearing today are lovey-dovey couple arguments." Nico groaned loudly and Umi blushed in embarrassment.

"Honoka is not our child!"

"Well, since all you ever do is scold her while Kotori spoils her, you sorta are their parents, nya!" Rin agreed with Nico and the two shared a high-five. Umi groaned and sat back while Kotori patted her head in comfort.

"It's okay Umi-chan…"

"So, what'd I miss?" Honoka asked as she went back into the room and Maki shrugged indifferently.

"Your two parents fighting over whether to accept Tsubasa or not."

"E-Eh? B-But my parents aren't here? Wait, Tsubasa-chan and I aren't like that!" Honoka exclaimed, genuinely confused and Nico groaned loudly again.

"Maki-chan, you know she wouldn't understand it."

"Well, it's not my fault she's slow."

"That's just rude, Maki-chan."

"Like you're any better?"

"And you're complaining about hearing lovey dovey fights Nico?" Eli interrupted, making the two girls blush before turning to Honoka, "Maki was referring to Kotori and Umi."

"Oh. Oh." Honoka's face formed into that of realization before it turned inquisitively shy, "W-Why wouldn't you accept Tsubasa-chan?" Honoka fidgeted when Umi's anger rose again.

"Is this the reason why you've been getting bread every morning? Even if it is not the case, I still do not approve!"

"We aren't like that Umi-chan!"

"Umi-chan, calm down. Honoka-chan, Umi-chan is just worried that Tsubasa-san isn't the type of person you think she is." Kotori mediated while giving Umi a stern look. Umi complied and sat back, silently upset as she crossed her arms. When she saw Eli making whipping motions and Maki with a shit eating grin she almost scoffed out loud; Umi knew they were just as whipped as she was.

"But Tsubasa-chan and I have known each other for months now! Ever since we officially met up all those months ago, we've been meeting up and talking!"

"About what, may I ask?" Umi asked threateningly and Kotori gave Umi another strict look.


"Y-Yes, Kotori. I understand." Umi glared at Eli and Maki when they both smirked smugly.

"Why does this feel like a slice-of-life drama where Honoka-chan disobeys her parents to be with Tsubasa-san but they end up accepting her anyways?" Hanayo whispered to Rin, who giggled silently at the comment.

"I don't know but now that Rin realizes it, those three sort of do seem like a family, nya." Rin replied and the two giggled quietly before going off into their own world and cuddling with each other like they always did.

"Okay, okay. Everyone settle down now. I'm sure you three can talk about accepting Tsubasa into your family later. For now, we should probably eat lunch." Eli interrupted with amusement and the three didn't bother to reply because they were surprised a lot of time had passed.

"Eh? It's already been four hours?" Honoka asked and Nozomi giggled softly.

"Yes it has. How about we play some videogames after? I brought a dancing game." She suggested and the Idiot Trio immediately became excited.

"Woohoo! Time to show off my mad dancing skills!"

"Rin has madder dancing skills than Honoka-chan, nya!"

"As if you two lames are good. I'm Nico-nii, the number one idol in the universe! Without a doubt I'm the best one here."

"But what's for lunch?" Hanayo meekly asked and the three stopped their excited argument before all eyes went to Nico, who immediately groaned.

"Come on, I cook for my siblings already."

"I'll help." Hanayo, Kotori, and Nozomi volunteered simultaneously and the three looked at each other before giggling loudly.

"Alright, alright. Let's go girls; we have some delicious food to make."

With that, Muse spent the day at Maki's house joking and playing with one another and decided to have a sleepover to fully celebrate the overwhelming success of their Live. By the end of the day, the group of girls became closer than ever. However, night time was a completely different story.

Umi stirred as she felt something move next to her. She opened her eyes sleepily and looked at the clock that was conveniently placed above the door.

'It is only 1 am? This means that I have only been sleeping for two hours...' Umi thought drowsily before she froze, 'Wait, why is it so warm?'

Umi gently turned her head to see Kotori snuggled up to her arm. Feeling the person she was cuddling with stiffen up, Kotori slowly opened her eyes and Umi became lost in them—something that had been happening as of late.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry, Umi-chan." The ashen-haired girl apologized quietly and Umi shook her head, turning so that she could face her.

"It is fine." Umi responded, still drowning in the amber eyes she fell for, "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kotori replied, smiling softly when Umi blushed lightly.

"W-Well, everyone has their own rooms to sleep in so I thought you had your reasons for sleeping in mine." Umi explained and was surprised when Kotori swiftly moved to nuzzle her neck.

"You're right when you say I have my reasons for being in here." Umi heard the younger girl whisper and shuddered when she felt lips on her neck. "I felt lonely, Umi-chan."

"K-Kotori..." Umi shivered again and took in a sharp breath when Kotori started sucking on her neck, "W-Wait, aren't we going a bit too fast?" Kotori moved up from Umi's neck to her lips, pressing her own against Umi's gently before smiling warmly at how embarrassed Umi looked.

"I've been waiting for you for almost a year now Umi-chan. I know you want to take it slow because you think I deserve it but I don't think I can wait any longer." Kotori confessed, her smile turning shy as a blush adorned her cheeks, "W-Well, actually if it's too fast for you I can wait. I don't really mind."

Umi felt something catch in her throat as she thought about how selfless her girlfriend was; Kotori just confessed that she was waiting for her for months and was still willing to be even more patient. For her—a person who was too dense and awkward and hopelessly gay.

Before Umi could reply, her body started to move according to its own and she found her hand gently caressing Kotori's cheek. Adoring chocolate eyes stared at soft amber ones before they closed. Kotori bit back the gasp itching to escape her throat when Umi pulled her in for a kiss and immediately tilted her head so her lover could gain more access. The two didn't process anything other than the warmth, softness, and moans of the other, and Kotori wasn't surprised to find that Umi had crawled on top of her; the kiss had turned from slow and gentle to passionate and deep.

Umi broke off the kiss moments after, panting slightly as she rested her forehead on top of Kotori's. Kotori almost melted when she saw the amount of love in Umi's chocolate eyes and averted her gaze, feeling heat rush into her cheeks as she willed her heart to slow down. Umi only chuckled softly and used her fingers to make Kotori face her; by now she forgot how shameless everything was because all she wanted was to make it up to Kotori.

"No need to be so embarrassed, Kotori." Umi whispered before pulling the girl below her into another sweet kiss, "I will make everything up to you."

Kotori couldn't think clearly, not when Umi started sucking on her neck like she was doing moments ago. She let out a small moan when she felt Umi's lips move down to her sensitive collarbone and snaked her arms around the blue-haired girl's neck. Encouraged by her reactions, Umi began to trail kisses up her neck, stopping to tug the at the girl's earlobe with her teeth, before moving down to leave more marks on her collarbone.

Umi couldn't stop her body from acting on its own accord—everything about Kotori was intoxicating. She felt her control slip when Kotori confessed how long she wanted her and almost lost it when Kotori let out a melodious moan. Wanting to hear more, Umi moved one of her arms to caress the body underneath her while she kept the other on the side to keep her balance. She immediately felt Kotori groan into her mouth and repeated what she was doing with more vigor. She let her hand slip under the barriers, wanting to elicit more reactions. She touched the soft skin of Kotori's stomach before trailing her hands up to caress her breasts, making the girl underneath her break off the kiss to let out a particularly loud moan.

Kotori was in heaven; Umi was making her feel things she had never felt before. Her entire body tingled with desire and lust whenever the other touched her, as if her calloused fingers left a burning sensation. She closed her eyes tightly, wrapping her arms around Umi even more.

"U-Umi...chan!" Kotori gasped when Umi squeezed one of her breasts, "Umi-chan, onegai!"

"Please what, Kotori?" Umi asked with a hint of a smirk, her voice noticeably lower, "I will not be able to understand unless you are clear with me." She lightly sucked a spot on her neck, making Kotori take in a sharp breath. She let out something between a whine and a groan before she moved her lips to Umi's neck, sucking hard. She smiled in satisfaction when the older girl let out a groan before trailing her lips higher. She bit her earlobe and blew softly, loving how she was able to make Umi shudder.

"Umi-chan, I need you." Kotori whispered seductively and she held back a giggle when her lover shivered, knowing what type of effect she had on her.

Umi knew Kotori was teasing her but didn't mind, not with what she was about to do. Knowing what Kotori wanted from the start, she moved back to lower Kotori's pajamas and underwear. She felt Kotori shake in anticipation as she lowered her hand towards her prize and when she did, she palmed the folds gently, making sure to lubricate her fingers well. Kotori let out a loud groan before she was silenced by Umi's lips.

"Not too loud or they might hear." Kotori heard Umi whisper before nodding her head, "Relax and focus on me, love."

Kotori found herself swept into another passionate kiss and couldn't help but moan into Umi's mouth. Umi's hand was doing wonders and she hadn't even entered yet. And once she did, Kotori broke off the kiss in order to groan lightly in pain.

"Sh, it's okay. It'll stop hurting soon." Umi comforted while letting Kotori adjust to her finger. It took all of her control not to do anything; Kotori squeezed her finger so deliciously that she wanted to move.

Once Kotori was used to the feeling, she shifted her hips up, making Umi establish a slow pace. She pumped her finger in and out gently, loving how Kotori panted lightly into her ear. When she felt Kotori tighten her hold on her neck, Umi started to move faster, eventually adding another finger. She relished how Kotori moaned in absolute pleasure, knowing that she was the only one who could make her feel this way. She moved her lips to her neck again, obsessed with how Kotori tasted. She ran her tongue along a trail of sweat, loving how salty it was before moving back down to leave another mark on her collarbone. When Kotori started to moan louder, she initiated another kiss; she still had the sense to not be too loud this late at night.

Kotori nearly screamed with pleasure when she felt Umi's thumb caress her clit. Wanting to feel more, she moved her hips up in order to meet Umi's fingers. She felt something inside build up and knew that she needed to release soon or else she would go crazy.

"U-Umi...chan...f-faster!" Kotori breathed and Umi groaned loudly; at this point, she had no self control left.

Umi complied, thrusting her fingers swiftly while still using her thumb to touch her clit. She growled lowly, moving her lips down to wrap her tongue around Kotori's breasts before sucking on one of the pink buds. She moved even faster when she found Kotori's g-spot, obsessed with how Kotori was going crazy by her touch. No one else except her could make Kotori feel this way.

Kotori panted heavily while letting out light moans when Umi started to pump her fingers faster. When she felt something inside her burst, she muffled her moans by biting down hard on Umi's neck, making the blue-haired girl grunt with a mixture of pleasure and pain. She felt waves of pleasure erupt and her body shudder as she experienced her first orgasm of the night.

Feeling tired, Umi took out her hand and slumped next to Kotori. She got the covers and placed it over them, making sure to clean her hand with the sheet. She turned around to face Kotori, who was still breathing hard, and smiled gently.

"Are you feeling okay?" Umi asked softly and chuckled quietly when Kotori moved to snuggle into her arms.

"That was incredible Umi-chan." Kotori whispered back, nuzzling her head at the crevice of Umi's neck. Umi, feeling delighted that she did great, reciprocated the feeling and wrapped an arm around Kotori's waist. However, she became confused when she felt Kotori's lips suck gently on her neck. Umi pulled away a bit, looking at Kotori questionably and regretted it.

Kotori's amber eyes were still darkened with lust, making Umi gulp audibly. She felt her girlfriend trail her hand down her side and shivered all the while. It was only when Kotori kissed her that she knew what her lover wanted to do.

"That was incredible Umi-chan, but I still have to return the favor." Umi bit her lip to hide the moan that threatened to come out when Kotori pushed her back so she could straddle her.

It seems like Umi wouldn't sleep a wink that night.

Moments before Kotori entered Umi's room

"I knew you'd still be awake." A light giggle was heard, making Eli turn around at the sound.

Nozomi was a the doorway with a knowing smirk, making Eli blush lightly with embarrassment. Eli moved away from the window and gave Nozomi a small smile. The curtains were wide open to let as much of the moon's brightness in.

"You know I know you can't handle the dark too well." Nozomi stated quietly, moving towards the blonde before pulling her down onto the bed she was supposed to be sleeping on, "Should I take your mind off of it so you can sleep without trouble?" Nozomi held back a giggle when she saw Eli's face redden even more. Unbeknownst to the blonde, she had locked the door.

"N-Nozomi! We can't do this here."Eli whispered furiously and tried to get up but the older girl was having none of it. Nozomi just flipped Eli over so she could straddle her and leaned down to whisper into her ear.

"What they don't know won't hurt them, Elichi." Nozomi teased in a quiet voice, making Eli involuntarily shudder, "As long as we're quiet, we'll be fine."

"N-Nozomi..." Eli closed her eyes tightly as she tried to get rid of the naughty images that filled her head.

This wasn't her first time with Nozomi. After a much needed talk after the live, the two both realized that they were in love with each other ever since their second year of high school. Although they hadn't been dating for a long time, it already felt like they did; Eli knew as much as, maybe even more than Nozomi did about herself and it was the same for Nozomi. There was no need for words that night—they communicated purely through their bodies.

"I've been wanting you for the longest time Elichi." Nozomi whispered, snapping Eli back to reality. She felt the purple-haired girl on top of her rest her head on her neck and let out a low groan.

"You know it's the same for me even though I found out about my feelings late." Eli responded quietly as she snaked her arms around her waist and bit back a groan when she felt Nozomi bite her neck softly.

"Just this one time then?" Nozomi asked with a cute pout as she pulled back, making Eli question why she even tried to restrain herself. Nozomi was so cute and adorable and absolutely beautiful that she almost lost her mind right then and there. However, before the two could even act, they heard a moan come from the room next to theirs. Eli and Nozomi's eyes widened with surprise before Nozomi started to giggle.

"Wow, I didn't think Umi-chan had it in her. Kotori's probably having a lot of fun right now." Nozomi commented with amusement and Eli bit back the pout that was going to form on her face. It didn't matter; Nozomi still saw her try to hold it back.

"Is my cute and clever Elichika jealous?" Eli averted her gaze and she actually pouted, making Nozomi giggle once again. Nozomi leaned back down and tugged at Eli's earlobe with her teeth before whispering sultrily, "You know the only person I want is you."


That was the sound of all logic flying from Eli's head. Eli immediately flipped their position so that she was on top, making Nozomi gasp in surprise. Before she even knew it, Eli's lips were on her soft, plump ones. She tangled one hand on the blonde locks and used the other to wrap around Eli's neck, tilting her head slightly to make the kiss deeper.

When the two broke apart to breathe, Eli moved swiftly to attack Nozomi's neck, sucking fiercely and leaving a multitude of marks; Nozomi had to bite her lip hard to prevent any sounds from coming out. The blonde promptly put her hands to use, slipping them under Nozomi's shirt to caress the two breasts she was obsessed with. Not wanting to wait any longer, she lifted the shirt to take it off and moved her mouth to suck on them, wrapping her tongue around one of the pink buds while her hand fondled the other. Meanwhile, her other hand moved downwards to give Nozomi's ass a squeeze, making Nozomi take a sharp breath as she bit down on her hand to muffle her moans.

"E-Elichi!" Nozomi gasped out quietly when Eli switched her mouth so that she was on the other breast. She almost moaned out loud when she felt the blonde bring the lower part of her body up to grind against her pelvis.

Satisfied with what she had done on Nozomi's breasts, Eli moved her other hand down to her ass to grip it tightly before fully grinding against Nozomi's pelvis. The two let out a low moan and Nozomi pulled Eli back to capture her lips once again. She held back a moan when Eli tugged at her bottom lip and opened her mouth so she could meet her tongue. Nozomi wrapped her tongue around Eli's before fighting for dominance, eventually losing because she was distracted by Eli grinding on her. She wrapped her arms around Eli's neck when she felt the blonde suck on her tongue, feeling weaker and weaker every minute. Wanting to have some sort of control, Nozomi broke the kiss off to place her lips on Eli's neck, biting softly before sucking hard. She smirked when she felt the girl above her shudder and groan.

"Nozomi!" Eli gasped out when she felt the purple-haired girl's hands slip under her shirt. Knowing what her girlfriend wanted, she took off her shirt quickly before leaning back down to kiss her once again. Lips meshed against each other as tongues clashed once again. Hands roamed everywhere, caressing every spot of exposed flesh. Nothing was heard but the soft gasps and moans the two brought out from one another.

The two continued their passionate-filled kiss until Eli felt Nozomi tug at the top of her pajamas. Eli understood what she wanted and broke off the kiss to take both their pajamas off, making the two completely nude.

Nozomi fidgeted under Eli's intense gaze; she knew that the blonde loved to stare at her but it was unnerving when she did it directly and in this type of situation. Luckily for her, the two heard another moan coming from Umi's room, making Eli snap out of it and go back to action.

Eli moved slowly down, dragging her tongue to the exposed milky flesh she loved. She sucked and bit the skin along the way, leaving a trail of marks and making Nozomi shiver in anticipation. When she got to her lower lips, she smirked with satisfaction at how wet Nozomi was. Making sure that she didn't break eye contact with darkened emerald eyes, Eli lowered her head and gave Nozomi a long lick.

Nozomi's head immediately rolled back and she let out a low moan. She felt Eli move her tongue sensually, touching and exploring everywhere. She bit her hand to muffle her moans when she felt the blonde's tongue swirl inside before moving up to touch her clit. She almost screamed when she felt Eli open her legs wider before placing her hands on her ass to bring the folds closer to her face, making Eli's tongue push inside deeper than ever. Loving how everything felt, Nozomi moved her hands to grip on Eli's blonde locks tightly, making her growl with approval.

Meanwhile, Eli's mind was going haywire. When the two had made love for the first time, she became obsessed with how Nozomi tasted. She loved how bittersweet her juices were and her scent was enough to make her go crazy. This was how she found herself pushing her tongue as far as she could while drinking whatever juices spilled out. She groaned lowly when she heard her mouth making smacking noises, loving how lewd it sounded. Wanting to make Nozomi thrash around in pleasure, Eli moved her mouth up to suck gently on her clit and one of her long fingers replaced where her tongue used to be.

Nozomi let out a loud moan when this happened; she couldn't hold back anymore. She felt Eli's tongue twirl around her clit while her finger pumped in and out of her folds slowly. Once she got used to it, she let out a whimper, which Eli found out during their second time as a sign that Nozomi wanted things to be more intense. Eli promptly complied, adding another finger and increasing her pace. She still sucked softly on Nozomi's clit, making the older girl go crazy.

"Mhm!" Eli heard Nozomi trying to silence her moans and inwardly smirked. She knew that her girlfriend was getting really close to her release. However, she wanted to test Nozomi, wanting to see if she could make her scream even though they weren't back in the safety of Nozomi's apartment. She wasn't always this sadistic; in fact, Nozomi was the one who would fit the role better. Eli couldn't count how many times the girl beneath her got her to orgasm during school.

Nozomi's eyes widened when she felt Eli's ministrations increase with fervor. She felt something inside build up and couldn't help but let out a particularly loud moan when Eli's fingers hit her g-spot. She gripped Eli's blonde locks tighter, moving her hips to join the younger girl's fingers as she shuddered from the intensity of it all. Eli just moved her fingers faster, thrusting them in and out with extreme fervor. She felt herself becoming dizzy from how intoxicating Nozomi's scent was and her slick walls squeezing her fingers didn't help at all either; she felt as if she was in heaven.

Nozomi's eyes rolled back when she felt the coil inside burst. She felt light-headed and her vision became blurry as she felt her breathing become irregular from the breath-taking orgasm she just experienced. Eli, although disappointed that she wasn't able to make Nozomi scream her name, took out her fingers and lapped up whatever juices she had missed before cleaning her own fingers with her mouth. While doing this, she didn't break eye contact, knowing that Nozomi was staring at her intently. When she was finished, she gave the purple-haired girl a satisfied grin before going back on top of her to give her a kiss.

Unlike their lust-filled kisses, this one was slower and passionate. Eli cupped Nozomi's cheek gently while Nozomi tangled her fingers with her blonde locks while their lips collided at a leisured pace as if they had all the time in the world. Nozomi understood what Eli was trying to express and broke it off, giving the blonde a warm smile as she nuzzled her nose with hers.

"I love you too Elichi." Nozomi let out a soft giggle when Eli hid her blushing face between her breasts, knowing that the blonde had the tendency to do so whenever they were alone.

"It's not fair." Nozomi heard Eli's muffled voice, "If I had realized sooner, then we could've made more memories." Nozomi just giggled again, comforting Eli by patting her head.

"We're both at fault Elichi. But look at it this way: at least we were able to get together." Nozomi whispered, letting out an amused smile when Eli burrowed her face even more into her breasts, "What did I say about saying these types of things?"

"Not to. But I can't help it; I love you too much."

Nozomi was sure Eli could hear how fast her heart was beating right now. It really wasn't fair for her. Eli could turn from being a shy dork who non-stop blushed at her teasing to a sexy dominator who sent her smirks that got her heart to race to a loving girlfriend who just wanted the best for her. Nozomi felt a blush come up once again to her cheeks and she willed her heart to calm down; she didn't deserve someone as hardworking, loving, and perfect as Eli.

"Stop making that face." Nozomi blinked as she heard Eli's voice, "I know what you're thinking." Nozomi let out a gentle smile when she saw how serious Eli was.


"You know I deserve you as much as you deserve me." Eli responded softly, using one hand to brush a stray lock of hair behind Nozomi's ear.

"Mhm, I know." Nozomi giggled warmly as she nuzzled her forehead against Eli's and gazed into the adoring blue eyes she loved dearly, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Another moan from Umi's room broke the two out of their reverie, making Eli blush. She felt Nozomi move from under her and looked up curiously, which was a really bad idea.

Startled blue eyes met twinkling emerald eyes, which had darkened with lust and desire. Eli felt herself getting wet when she saw the tantalizing smirk Nozomi had; she knew exactly what the purple-haired girl was thinking.

"Since those two won't be sleeping for a while, why don't we preoccupy ourselves with something...equally distracting?" Nozomi whispered sultrily and Eli, whose mind became hazy with desire once again, moved to capture Nozomi's plump lips.

With that, the two third years spent the rest of their night with each other, and no other sounds were heard from the room except for gasps, moans, and soft whispers of love.


Honoka snored loudly with content until she heard frantic knocks on her door. She woke up with a start, confused when two figures jumped on her bed and hugged her tightly. Blinking slowly, she realized that Rin and Hanayo were the ones who entered her room and that they were shivering with fear.

"Eh? What's going on?"

"Maki-chan's house is haunted, nya!" Rin whispered furiously and Hanayo nodded, the fright visibly apparent on her face. Honoka just looked at the two sleepily, scratching her head with confusion.

"There's no such thing as ghosts you two." She was about to go back to sleep but the two shook her awake, "Alright, alright I'm up. Why do you think this place is haunted?" Honoka decided to entertain them in order to prove them wrong. Well, that and she just wanted to sleep some more, knowing that the faster she dealt with this then the more sleep she would get.

"W-Well, I woke up to these weird noises and when I looked for Nozomi-chan, she wasn't in her room!" Hanayo started and Honoka bit back a frown, "And then the noises started to get louder so I ran to Rin-chan's room and she told me she woke up to them too!"

"Weird noises you say?" Honoka held back rolling her eyes, knowing exactly what was going on.

"And we went to look for Kotori-chan but she wasn't there either! And the noises came from around where Umi-chan and Eli-chan were sleeping so Kayo-chin and I decided to run to you since your room is the farthest." Rin explained and Honoka groaned; she was surprised that Kotori was engaging in this type of activity too. She still comforted the girls nonetheless, patting their heads before giving them a hug.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Nozomi-chan and Kotori-chan are exploring or getting a late night snack. You know how Nozomi is with her pranks and Kotori with her desserts. As for those noises, it's probably just that time of the month for those two dorks." Honoka lied, praising herself for her quick thinking and the two girls believed it, sighing in relief.

"Oh, so it was just something like that, nya! I was scared for a second there." Rin laughed brightly and Honoka gave the two a tired smile. However, something unfortunate happened right after.


The three girls froze as they heard Nico's scream from somewhere in the house. Rin and Hanayo immediately went back into their previous state while Honoka grit her teeth in anger.

"Oh no! The ghost has Nico-chan!" Hanayo hid under the covers with Rin, shivering all the while, "Somebody save us!"

"I'm right here, you two. Come on, I'll protect you from the big bad ghost! No one can beat me!" Honoka consoled and the two girls complied, sending the leader a grateful smile. She slipped under the covers and lay in between the two, allowing them to hug her arms tightly. When the two were finally able to go back to sleep, Honoka let out a glare so icy that someone like Eli would have shit her pants.

It looks like Muse would be in for a nice, painful lecture about manners the next morning.

AN: Aaaaaand we're done! I needed something to counterattack all the sin that I wrote so I added a lil extra to the extra haha. I died writing the nsfw parts (but tbh I'll most likely be writing more sin later on). I think someone wanted a nsfw NicoMaki but I didn't do one here because they weren't the main focus. However, I do have an idea for them so stay tuned!

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did when I was writing it. As for future stories, I'll probably stick to one-shots and drabbles. There are a couple AUs I want to work on but I currently don't have the time for it because of exams.

Thank you once again for reading and as always, any criticisms are always appreciated.