Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or its characters - these were created by Eric Kripke - I'm just borrowing them. I'm not making any commercial gain. No harm or infringement intended.

SPN100 Challenge: jiggle. How did Dean become the grown-up on this road trip? 100 word drabble.



Dean had managed to ignore the constant fidgeting for the last twenty miles or so, but seriously, there was only so much he could take.

"Sheesh, Cas," he complained, fixing the newly-human occupant of the back seat with a steely glare via the rear-view mirror. "Could you jiggle around back there a bit more? Cause it's really not distracting enough."

"I sense something of... great urgency," Castiel gasped.

Dean sighed. "I told you not to drink all that soda." He waved an admonishing finger in response to Sam's snigger. "And you can't talk; I've already pulled over twice for you!"
