Hello! I am KingKagura! And well, this is my first fanfic! I just want to say, thank you for reading this and I hope you all will enjoy the adventures of Karin and Yuzu in Seireitei! SO I just want to put a warning, these are the pairings of the fanfic! But not all of them 'cause then it would spoil all the fun!





Now enjoy~

Chapter 1

BeepBeepBeep! BeepBeepBeep! BeeBeeBee—! SLAM!

"GOOD MORNING MY LOVELY DAUGHT—ER!" THUMP! Foot met face, and Kurosaki Isshin goes flying, tumbling back to the hallway— CRASH!

—And slams into the wall.

A young girl peers down on the pitiful upside-down figure of her father, hands in her long raven hair as she maneuvers it into a tight high ponytail.






She sighs at the sight as she walks towards the kitchen, "'Morning…" she takes her respective seat and starts on her fresh, steaming breakfast of rice, fish, and miso soup.

"Geez! Karin-chan you shouldn't do that to Otoo-san!" A girl with short light brown hair, which are tied back into two pigtails by two small pink balls on each side with a strawberry clip clipped to the right tail, exits the kitchen and joins Karin at the table, taking the seat next to her.






"Don't bother worrying about him, Yuzu." Karin takes a sip from her red-brown bowl, "It's delicious like always."

Yuzu smiles, brightening the morning, causing Karin to give a small smile too. The scene was quite beautiful, that is before the moment was ruined.

From upstairs a booming voice gives a shrill, "GOOD MORNING, ICHIGO!" THUMP! CRASH!

Loud stomping could be heard, heading down the stairs towards the dining room at a quick uneven tempo. From the stairs pops out a messy orange head of hair, which is on top of a tall young man. "Damn that oyaji…" mumbles the new presence as he strides to his seat across from Karin, slumping down into the chair.

"'Morning, Ichi-nii." Karin greets her older brother with a passive tone, before taking another sip from her soup.

Yuzu sings, "Good morning, Onii-chan!" and she takes a bite from her fried fish.

"'Morning Karin, Yuzu." Ichigo starts on his breakfast, forgetting of the earlier incident of the morning.

Isshin, who was long forgotten by the three Kurosaki siblings, was already downstairs, and weeping to the poster of a beautiful woman with fair skin and long wavy brown hair, smiling even more brightly than Yuzu had. "Oh, Masaki! Why are our children so cruel! Both of our daughters and son are growing up so quickly, and I don't want to let them go!"

BAM! Two punches were delivered to Isshin's face. "SHUT UP!" with fists high in the air – like brother, like sister – Ichigo and Karin, annoyed, had punched their goofy father, letting out a loud shout; and their father went rolling across the floor and ending up with his face meeting the wall.

Yuzu stands up, worried, and checks on Isshin, "Otoo-san, are you alright?"

"Ohh! My dear daughter, Yuzu! How you heal my soul, which has been shattered by your cruel siblings—!" Isshin is in tears, rambling on, when he was cut off by Karin.

"Just ignore him, Yuzu." She adamantly sips her soup, "He isn't worth your time."

"Wah—! Karin, my dear daughter, how could you say tha—!" Isshin starts complaining, only to not be allowed to finish.

The black haired girl stood from her seat, taking her dishes with her as she moves to the kitchen and placing them into the sink. "Come on Yuzu, let's go, or we'll be late."

Yuzu rushes to put away her dishes and grabs her school bag, making her way to the front door, where Karin is waiting for her. Putting on her shoes, Yuzu gives a shout, "We're leaving!" Karin opens the door and walks out to the street with Yuzu in tow.

A faint "Be safe!" was heard from the house, and the fraternal twins are off. The two were conversing like usual as they strolled down the road, on their way to the school. Passing by Urahara Shouten, they stop to see a tall, muscular, lightly-tan skinned man in the yard sweeping along with another tall, lean-built man with light skin wearing a green and white striped hat on his head talking to the other man. The man with the green and white striped hat waves at the twins, calling out to them, "Good morning, Kurosaki-san!"

"Good morning, Urahara-san, Tessai-san!" the twins slightly bow to the two men, which Tessai responds with a nod.

"Have fun at school!" Urahara sings to them as they leave, and the twins give a wave in response.

The twins continue on their journey to school, chatting about what they would do for the day as they stop at the stop light.

A tingle runs through both Karin and Yuzu's mind.

A light touch of a hand on each of their backs.

An equally light push.

A loud, deafening screeching of tires.


What will happen to Karin and Yuzu?! What did you think of Chapter 1?

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