Hello, I've decided to start with a Naruto fic. My feeling is that Naruto could be so much more than he is on the original timeline than just spamming two jutsus. On that moment of The Last, I figured Hinata could have used it to try to impress our favorite blond! There won't be any major changes to the plot, and the pairings will be canon. Read and enjoy!

The name of the jutsus will be in japanese and if needed I will use () to translate

It was a peaceful winter day in Konoha. Snow was falling so it was a rare and beautiful thing to see. At the park, one small girl stood looking to the snow falling from the sky. She had dark-blue hair and was wearing a scarf. But the more intriguing characteristic of her was the eyes. Her eyes were as white as the falling flakes. Hyuuga Hinata was looking to the sky with a smile. It was her first time seeing snow. How could something as simple as really cold water falling from the sky be so beautiful, it was beyond her.

Suddenly, her mind came down to earth when she felt someone pull her scarf.

"Hey! I know you, you're that princess from school!" one of three boys shouted.

"O-oh. H-hello…" Hinata said nervously.

"Hey look, she does have weird eyes!" the same boy stated mockingly. The other two started to laugh.

"You're so weird, you freak!" the mocking continued. "I think I'll take that scarf from you!" They pulled the scarf from Hinata's neck and started to trow it to the ground and stepping on it.

"Pl-please stop…" Hinata felt tears coming to her eyes but a new voice stopped them.

"Oi! You idiots! Why don't you pick on someone who can defend himself?"

The 4 kids looked to the source of the voice. A boy with blonde, spiky hair stood on top of a bench. He had green goggles and three whisker marks on each cheek.

"Hey, I know who he is. He's that troublemaker from class!" one of the boys said.

"I'm not a troublemaker. My name is Uzumaki Naruto! Leave her alone or I'll make you regret it!" Naruto spoke confidently.

"Heh, do your worst, idiot! We're three and you're all by yourself!"

"Oh yeah, then how about this?" Naruto made some hand signs. "Bunshin no Justsu!" (Clone Jutsu) a poof of smoke appeared next to Naruto. The boys flinched a little. They didn't know the troublemaker already knew jutsu!

But when the smoke cleared, only a groggy copy appeared. The clone couldn't even stand up and was even whiter than the snow.

The boys started to laugh. "Ahahahahah! Oh man, and here I thought you could do something as cool as…" he was silenced as Naruto punched him in the face, causing the boy to fall to the ground.

"It was a great distraction right?" Naruto asked. "Now come and get me!

Naruto was on the snowy ground. Even if he did train for a few hours every day after the Academy, it was still a 3-on-1 assault. And Naruto couldn't defend himself. Having beaten the blond boy, the 3 bullies decided they have had enough and were gone.

Hinata was on her knees, looking at the blonde who was just waking up. That startled Hinata, who instantly got up and went back a few steps.

"Those idiots… I'll have to train harder…" Naruto said as he stood up and looked at the girl. "Are you okay?"

"Y-yes. Th-thank you for helping me."

"It was nothing. I couldn't stand to see those jerks being mean to you." Naruto looked at the ground, where Hinata's now ripped scarf was. "Sorry I couldn't get here in time to save your scarf."

Hinata blushed a little. "O-oh, it was n-nothing."

Naruto took his red scarf from his neck and gave it to Hinata. "Here. You can take mine for now. It's cold so you could get sick."

"Eh? B-b-but…"

"Don't mind about me. I never get sick." the whiskered boy said with a smile. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto. Pleasure to meet you."

"I-I'm H-Hyuuga Hinata."

"Hinata-sama!" a voice came from the trees. A man appeared. He had the standard Konoha shinobi gear. He also had white eyes, like Hinata.

"Oh, Kõ-san! Where you looking for me?"

The now named Kõ nodded while looking at her. "Where did you get that scarf, Hinata-sama?"

"That boy gave it to me, because I lost mine." Hinata answered while pointing at Naruto.

Kõ looked at the whiskered boy with annoyance. He knew of the boy's secret. He also knew about the Sandaime's law about it. He decided to just ignore him. After all, there was no order from the Hyuuga clan head regarding him.

"Let's go home, Hinata-sama." Kõ said as he gave one final look at Naruto. Hinata noticed it. She knew Kõ could be a little overprotective, but there was more than that on that look. Almost like hatred. And she wanted to know why. But she knew her bodyguard wouldn't say anything, so she decided to ask her father. The boy did save her after all, why with all the mean looks?

A few days later, Hinata knew something strange was going on. She spent the days after the incident at the park stal- errr, following Naruto without the blonde's knowledge. And she was shocked to see that everyone in the village looked at him the same way. With hatred in their eyes. She decided to ask her father about it when she got home.

At the Hyuuga clan compound, Hyuuga Hiashi was signing some papers when a knock on her door took his attention.

"Otou-sama, can I enter?" his daughter's voice asked. Hiashi was surprised. He wasn't expecting her failure of a daughter to come and see him. Nonetheless, he decided to acknowledge the presence.

"Yes, Hinata, you may enter."

The girl entered her father's study a little nervous.

"What do you need, Hinata?"

"I-I wanted to ask you a question about someone."

Now that really surprised Hiashi. His daughter was very shy so she wouldn't ask anything about other people.

"What do you wish to know?"

"Well, a few days ago I lost my scarf. But a blond boy named Naruto lend me his. But I noticed that everyone looks art him with such hatred. Why?"

Hiashi was now fully surprised. He was not expecting to hear that her daughter was asking about the blonde boy. But he couldn't tell her the truth. The current law forbid it.

"Hinata, that boy is just trouble. You shouldn't go near him. You are a Hyuuga, you need to have social standards."

"But Otou-sama, h-he helped me! Y-You said that the basis of Konoha to help one another... If he is so much trouble, why did he help me in the first place?" Hinata asked again, trying to refrain her stutterness.

Hiashi was speechless. Ever since she was little, Hinata would always stutter in her words. And now she was practically talking back to him! 'I find it had to believe that the boy is responsible for this. But his secret won't matter if Hinata awakens her Byakugan', Hiashi tought making his decision.

"Hinata, I'm sorry but I can't answer your question. Sandaime-sama decreed a law a few years ago forbiding anyone to talk about this openly. I could be judge to conspire against the village if someone hears us." Hiashi made an uncharecteristic frown. "However, the approval of that law came with a price. You said you noticed that the villagers look at him with hatred. That is a backlash from the law. The villagers are ignorant and even the shinobi who do it are just unable to let go of the past." Hinata was listening very carefully. While she knew her father wasn't going to tell her openly, he was dropping some clues in his speech. "While I don't particularly care for the boy, I understand what he is going trough to an extent. I will go back on what I said. I don't mind if you talk to him, since he clearly helped you with that confidence issue we talked about. However, I cannot answer your question… But when you unlock your Byakugan, I will arrange for an audience for you with Hokage-sama. Maybe he can explain." Hiashi finished.

Hinata had a somewhat confused look on her face, trying to understand all the information. Then she smiled. Hinata realized that the way she talked back was with a confidence she never knew she had. Had the blonde boy helped her in more ways than one? It was likely, she was thinking about how sorry she was for him. For now, Hinata was going to train. While she was seen like the black sheep of the clan, with no real talent, she knew that if Naruto could bear with all those looks with a smile, she could overcome this wall as well.

And there it goes. Yes it's short. This is just the prologue. It has much more Hinata because she is trying to figure out why no one is ever kind to Naruto. And no, this fic won't be like those where Naruto is physically abused (at least permenantly), but he will be ignored and looked by the village with hatred and disgust.

Another thing I should mention is that Naruto will be the same age as everyone else. In my opinion, he just tried to graduate earlier than his class and failed for two times.

Next chapter, we'll cover Hinata and Naruto's life at the Academy. The changes on Hinata's personality and her friendship with Naruto will cause some changes and something will happen on a very important date for Konoha. Read and review with your thoughts. Thank you ^^