This story is set after 2 Fast 2 Furious

Disclaimer: I do not own Fast and Furious or this story plot. I just made/will make some minor changes. No Negative Reviews. Please, but review please.

Chapter 1

Brian POV

Hi it's me, Brian O'Conner, I'm your average newbie cop and I even got to go undercover not long into the job, that is pretty impressive. I was loyal and obedient to the badge with a little bit of attitude under my belt if I must say. But all that changed when I met Dominic Toretto and his team. My job was to get along with Dom and his team to find out who was behind a series of hijackings because there's a report of stolen goods.

Dominic Toretto, who they call Dom was and probably still is the king of the LA street racing – with me close behind – world. He had never lost a race before and wouldn't even plan on losing a street race ever. Dominic was your typical tough guy who rather dies than go back to prison and he would do anything to protect his family. His little team made up his family. The one member who really was family was his little sister Mia. She was and still is the good half of the family and the woman who I'm in love with. But unfortunately she hates me of what I've done to her and to the family. She never got too involved in the team's mischief, but she was always there if they needed her.

The other member who was closer to being an actual member of the family was Letty – Dom's girlfriend. She was into him and cars from the age of 10, but when she turned 16 she had his attention. Then there is Vince, he'd known Dom since they were kids and he even had a history with Mia. Vince was the tough guy with anger problems, the only person who came close to Vince in terms of physical stature was Leon although Leon was a cleaner cut and probably less of a hot head than Vince. That left Jesse, the smallest and most timid out of all the guys, but don't underestimated Jesse, and he can pin you down if he needed too.

While I was with them, I managed to get a local bad boy Johnny Tran on various charge. I even got his team sent down and got the hijackings blamed on them. That didn't change anything when Dom found out I was a cop. Not wanting to anger or upset the team further I left to go home to Miami.

While in Miami I got brought in after a race one night – which I won of course. The cops and feds told me if I helped them then they wouldn't charge me for illegal street racing. Reluctantly I had agreed and even bought my own old childhood friend Roman Pearce into the ride with me.

After all that Roman and I opened a garage together, but a year or so later I decided to return home to LA to make amends.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Dom shouted as he crossed the diner towards me. I was sitting down at the counter talking to Mia and apologizing for what I have done in the past. She did look a bit tensed but other than that she seemed fine.

"I came to make amends," I defended myself staring Dom straight in the face.

"Make amends?" Dom asked angrily.

"You were a damn cop Brian. You lied to me, my family and to my sister," he added.

"Look, I lied, but I did everything I could to get the charges off your backs! And as for you sister…"

"Don't even talk about her or to her," Dom threatened me shoving me into the counter.

"I loved her" I shouted. "I never meant to hurt her, my feelings for her were real. I didn't mess her about! I was always the Brian you knew; the only thing you didn't know was that I was a cop."

Dom went to punch me, but Mia screeched, "Wait Dom, no!"

She ran around the front of the bar and separated the two of us. She stood between us and faced me.

"Mia…" Dom started.

"Yes Mia," I said softly. "I don't expect us to happen again, but I was hoping that you, your brother, the team would forgive me. Let me come back."

"Hell no!" Dom growled.

Mia didn't say anything, just lapsed into thoughts.

"Yo, what's the buster doing here?" Vince demanded as he came in the bar looking very mad.

"Shut up, Vince!" Mia shouted.

"I came to make amends," I whispered, never taking my eyes off of Dom.

"Damn you and your amends," Vince growled.

The others didn't say anything, just nodded agreeing with Vince

"You guys are so closed minded!" Mia growled while turning to face them. "Jesse if it wasn't for Brian then Tran wouldn't be in prison, Tran would have been able to come after you after what happened at Race Wars! Then Vince, if he hadn't told us he was a cop, we'd never have known about the truckers fighting back, you could've gotten hurt if you went ahead with the heist. And you Dom, if it wasn't for Brian you could be in Prison!"

"I hate to say it," Letty whispered. "But she is right."

"Are you guys kidding me?" Vince demanded.

"Come on, bro" Leon spoke up. "He did help an awful lot."

"He was a cop!"

"Shut up V," Dom said. "Mia is right. I am not saying he is in my good graces but I will give him a shot."

Vince went to protest, but Mia spoke to Brian, "Where are you staying?"

"A hotel" I whispered looking at Mia straight in the eyes.

"Come home with us, maybe we will have a room for you," Mia said with a smile.

Vince went to protest, but Mia made a remark about how it was her house and only Dom could protest, when he didn't she took my hand and guided me outside.

I smiled awkwardly at her as we got outside revealing my grey Nissan Skyline R34.

"Nissan, eh?"

"Yeah," I laughed. "It got toasted while I was in Miami, but I managed to fix her up at my garage."

"You own a garage?" Mia asked excitedly.

"Yeah, me and my homeboy Rome," I explained. "We had to work for the cops so that I wouldn't get arrested and his house arrest would be lifted, we took some of the money the cops confiscated from the guy and we used it to set up a business."

"So you're not a cop anymore?"

I shook his head, "I quit, I don't belong there anymore, Mia."

I stroked her cheek and moved strands of hair out of her eyes. I smiled down at her and that grew when she smiled back. I could feel myself moving closer to her, and I even leaned down.

"Easy tiger," Mia smiled as I was about to kiss her. "I am on your side, but that doesn't mean to say I've fully forgiven you."

"I guess I'll have to watch my back then," I sighed as I moved away.