Merlin and his mother, Hunith had lived with the druids since just after he had been born. As soon as Hunith realised that Merlin had been born with magic she was scared for her son and unsure what to do. The villagers were kind, but hadn't even accepted the fact she didn't have a man very well. In fact it was only that she was a healer that had allowed her to stay in the village at all. A chance meeting with a druid who had escaped a massacre of his camp gave Hunith the opportunity to look more closely at another option she had been considering. Rather than to stay in the village and risk her son's exposure. Hunith had helped the druid by treating some small injuries he had sustained in the attack, and allowed him to rest overnight, before continuing his travels once more. The druid saw her son's magic and at Hunith's suggestion she travel on with him to a large druid camp where she would have support in looking after a magical son. Hunith felt she really didn't have a choice. The village wouldn't have been safe to stay in. Although magic wasn't banned in Essetir as it was in Camelot, they still wouldn't have been safe, someone would have either told Uther Pendragon, and he would have sent someone across the border, or their own King Cenred would have wanted to control and use him or sell him to someone else. Hunith's decision not to stay in her village caused a shift in the destiny of her son. One she wasn't even aware of, a change that would have a profound effect on her own life as well as destiny.

Iseldir the druid chieftain had welcomed them with open arms and told the amazed woman that her son's birth had been a thing of prophesy, and that he would one day join forces with the Once and Future King, and return magic to the land. All the druids treated Hunith and her son with kindness and love, and so she never regretted her decision. The only thing that concerned Hunith was the burden the druids seemed to believe her son would carry. She would much rather he had been born to live a normal life. And for the first few years he did, although they were always watching for Uther's knights they successfully avoided detection. The cave system they lived in was well hidden and was never discovered. Although Merlin was using magic from the very moment he was born the druids let him be a child, just helping Hunith keep him safe and helping to control some of his more mischievous actions. They all agreed it was as well that he had such a loving and gentle nature. He was universally loved by all the druids that came in contact with him, even those who were not privy to his place in destiny. And Hunith was a valued member of the society.

When Merlin reached five the druids started to spend time with Merlin teaching him how to control his power. By the time he was ten he was helping to protect his adopted people by providing strong wards that prevented the Camelot's knights from finding the entrance to the caves they lived in as their patrols became more numerous and persistent. The Druids still had to take care not to leave tracks but they had lesser magic users that could help with that. By the time he was sixteen Merlin's magic was stronger than anything any of them had ever seen. He used the earths forces like they were his own to command, and he had mastered complex spells as well as his instinctive control of the elements. With his help the camp and grown in size and protected many magic users from persecution that might otherwise have died. With each person saved destiny shifted a bit more as the need for revenge decreased with each life saved. On Merlin's sixteenth birthday Iseldir, the camp chieftain, spoke to Merlin and his mother, telling them the time had come for him to fulfil his great destiny. In Camelot the Kings son had reached adulthood, he was eighteen and would soon be crowned as the heir apparent to the throne. He would need the protection and guidance of Emrys so that the golden age could return to Albion and they would all be free once more. Hunith was less than happy, but was comforted in the knowledge that her uncle was Court Physician and could at least keep an eye on Merlin. Gaius had kept contact when he could with his niece and understood the concerns Merlin's mother had. After all her son was now a young man and needed to find his place in the world, she knew he wasn't meant for farming or living the quiet life of a druid.

Before he left for Camelot Merlin had long talks with the elders to try and gained some understanding of what he needed to do. But it was all very vague. In the end Iseldir told the boy "Trust the triple goddess to lead you, it is your destiny, the best advice I can give is follow your heart. But know that your destiny lies with the Once and future King who will unite the lands and together you will see peace and prosperity return to all."

In the week leading up to his departure Hunith sewed her son some new clothes, hoping he didn't have another growth spurt before he was settled and had funds to replace them. The mother and son sat every evening and talked and made the most of their time together, they had always been very close. Then on the morning of Merlin's departure Hunith hugged her son, and with tears in her eyes, made him promise to take care and not let anyone know of his talents.

Handing him a letter she told him "Give this to your Uncle Gaius as soon as you arrive, and Merlin promise me to look after yourself and eat properly, also return home if you are in any danger I couldn't bear to lose you"

"I will mother, although I can't promise to completely keep out of danger. I have a destiny to follow, but I will be careful. I have asked Iseldir and Will to look after you. Send for me if you need me I will leave Ozzy with you, I cannot take an owl with me after all, but if you need me he will bring a message" Merlin hated to leave the owl he had saved as a chick and who had remained at his side ever since The bird was well trained as a messenger and might be useful for Hunith. He would also miss his childhood friend who had come with them all those years ago to the camp. His parent had died and Hunith had looked after him ever since. He was the older brother Merlin never had.

Hugging his mother for the last time Merlin turned and walked out and down towards the road. Will and Iseldir were waiting for him. It would be the first time the two boys had ever been apart, Will even offering to go with Merlin had ever been apart. He had been very vocal in trying to stop Merlin leaving but in the end had had to accept it when Merlin had begged him to stay and look after Hunith. "Look after yourself Mate" Will said with his characteristic grin "I wish you would take me with you"

"Will, I want you to look after mother for me." Merlin then turned to Iseldir "Thank you for all you have done, I will do my best not to let you down."

"You will not Emrys, have faith in your destiny" Iseldir always called Merlin Emrys when talking to him about his destiny. Only using Merlin when non magical matters were being discussed, and then only under protest. Merlin turned and forcing himself not to look back he headed into the forest and towards the road that led to Camelot and his new life.

Merlin in many ways looked younger than his sixteen years, he was tall but very slender and appeared to be all limbs. He had high cheekbones and the most amazing cerulean eyes that turned a pure gold as he used his magic. This thinness made his ears appear even more pronounced than they were, but overall it was a face you could look at and find an ethereal beauty in. The black hair and pale skin competed the picture. Merlin had been well known in the camp for being clumsy, a result it was felt, of the pure magical power that flowed through his veins. But he had remained a kind and gentle soul who put everyone before himself and was well loved.

As Hunith looked at her son walking away she wondered when she would see him again, and whether he would remain safe in the kingdom that, more than any other, persecuted magic users. Her only consolation was that her uncle lived and worked in Camelot and had promised to help her son however he could. Gaius he had used magic before the Great Purge, afterwards he had stayed behind, after promising his friend the King never to practice magic again, Gaius continued to advise the King and tried in his own way to curb some of his more extreme actions. His niece found Gaius's position hard to understand, but nether a less she trusted him to protect her son.

Merlin did as advised and walked to the main trail to Camelot and walked along it. He saw a few people either on horseback or wagon and a few like himself who were walking. He marvelled as he walked at the nature all around him. By walking alone he got to see more than he would if he had joined up with someone else and he was confident he could protect himself if necessary. Merlin had always had a great affinity with nature and this suited the druids with whom he grew up. Yes he had killed to eat, but always limited whatever he took from nature to what was necessary and no more. As he neared the end of the first day of his two day his journey and had just spotted a good place to spend the night, he stepped to one side as he heard a group of fast moving horses approach. Looking round he saw the red capes of Camelot Knights heading back from a patrol. Merlin once asked Iseldir why the knights wore red when it made them so visible.

The chieftain had replied "That is just the very reason, they what the people to know they are watching them, it makes the non-magical community feel protected. To those like us it spreads fear."

At that moment Merlin understood what he had meant, there were a dozen men on horseback their capes a very visible sign of who they were. They served in just after overtaking him and started to dismount just at the place he himself had chosen, they were laughing and talking as they did so. Merlin was watching them curiously he had never seen knights so close up before. They were mostly young men the leader was, he thought, just a few years older than himself, blonde and muscular. As he ordered the other men to their tasks he glanced across and caught Merlin's eye. Raising an eyebrow he shouted "What's the matter boy not seen the Knights of Camelot before?"

Merlin looked at the leader, he knew he should be more careful but he had walked all day and was tired and now it looked like he would have to find another site to stop. So his mouth engaged before his brain, something his mother had always warned him about. "Not close up and for that I am grateful, I was going to sleep there"

The blonde smiled arrogantly "Well now you can't, we have more right than you not to mention we were here first."

"Oh you own the forest now do you?" Merlin snapped looking across at the small stream and watching the horses drink just where he had intended to"

The blond smirked "No but my father does" he and his men laughed as the turned their backs on Merlin and ignored him.

Whilst Merlin was universally liked and pacifist by nature he did have a stubborn streak which chose just that moment to surface. Ignoring the knights he walked slightly upstream from the horses and threw his bag pack down intending to camp for the night regardless of the knights. He looked at the water which looked clear and inviting and knelt down to drink his fill. As he was drinking he sensed someone approaching him and looked at the reflection in the water and realised it was one of the knight, presumably intent on making him move. Merlin very carefully used his magic to sense the man behind him and moved at the last moment, Instead of being pushed into the water as planned. Merlin moved enough so the man behind him lost his balance and went into the water himself. There was a splash and several men ran forward to help the man out.

It was the blonde, he hadn't fallen in but rather had got his trousers wet as he stepped into the water managing to keep his balance.. It was his pride that was damaged more than anything else. Looking at his facial expression Merlin found himself starting to laugh. "Did you enjoy your trip?" he asked as straight faced as he could "But you have stirred up the water, I'm afraid you will have to go further upstream now if you want a clean drink"

The other knights approached Merlin menacingly. He realized he couldn't use magic to get himself out of trouble so smiled and lifted his hands in a gesture of peace. "Look, no hard feelings. How was I to know you were behind me? Anyway you pinched my camp site after all and his trousers will soon dry once you have a fire going"

Merlin was grabbed by two of the men one of whom asked the blonde "What do you want doing with him Sire?"

The blonde studied Merlin as if he were an insect before asking him "Well what do you think we should do with you?"

Merlin tried to buff his way out of the situation. "Let me set up my camp and leave me alone? After all there is enough room for everyone"

One of the men holding him cuffed Merlin round the ear. "Do you know who you are talking to boy" he snarled "This Prince Arthur of Camelot"

Merlin looked at the blonde "Ah!" he swallowed thinking this is a good start when meeting his destiny, he would certainly have his work cut out if he was this arrogant.

Arthur studied Merlin once more before smirking "No I have a better idea, my servant broke his leg and we had to leave him behind, you can act as our servant." He grinned at his own cleverness "Collect firewood, get a fire going and a meal then feed and groom the horses, when you have done that set our bedrolls out for the night and finally wash up"