Chapter 07: I could not…

Damon was dead…really dead…it was unbelievable…I still don't accept the news…it was so sudden. I just never imagined that will happen. The vampire was strong…he was…dead? I was shocked, but when I noticed that Katherine was not moving; I ran to her direction, and screamed her name but she did not respond. She still breathing, but very slowly as if she was in great pain, or really sick. And Katherine could be too. I could not accept it. I shook violently her cold body, she growled, and snapped.

"Stop fucking shake me, I'm not a damn cocktail!" I smiled to her outburst, I finally found my Katherine, bitchy, annoying, the only one. I understood why she was so proud, fortunately for the world and myself, there was not another Katherine Pierce.

"Katherine, Katherine." The latter turned and I noticed her face was very white, like a dead person…even if she was…dead. But before, she looked like a human, and now, more…a zombie…her eyes were red…like blood…and I slowly backed off when I felt danger. She rushed towards me while I was screaming when her fangs violently settled my skin. My hands tried to push her away from me, but that was impossible.

"Katherine…stop it…I'm sorry…" I begged…she seemed she lost her mind. I tried to escape, but I had no luck. She was stronger, and hungry, very hungry, she will kill me if she continued...and I will become a vampire…she helped me from Damon, so why did she behave this way? And I remembered her injury on her black…black blood, and the way she behaved…I already saw that before…when a vampire was beaten by a werewolf, they craved for blood, they were dangerous and really sick. That crazy vampire slayer said her blade had werewolf blood…everything fitted to my mind. My doppelgänger was sick, and she will dead twice if I did not help her, but who will help me now? And I realized she saved me twice, with that Rayna who wanted to kill me, the same with my ex-boyfriend. And I gave up on her, because of Damon, because I did not trust her…she will die because of me…

"Please…Ka-Kath…I will die…I know I deserve it, but you are not fine…I want to help you…I'm so sorry to hurt you…that I did not trust you…I was hurt…I was so…I am so in love of you…I was afraid…to be like the other…just a thing…I'm so so-srry I mistrusted you…if you want to kill me…then do it…" I closed my eyes, ready for my death sentence, to my own surprise, she suddenly released me, her breathing was fast; and mouth was covered with crimson. She seemed lost and afraid. I never see her so...weak…so…human…

"Where am I?" She said like a child, she looked at me, and my heart break, she was…crying? Katherine Pierce, the survivor, was sad? I could not believe my eyes. I tried to approach, but she stepped back.

"Who are you?" I was speechless, did she really forget about me, I wanted to share her tears…but I had to be strong for her.

"I'm Elena." I gently held hands her cold hand, she did not push me away, she simply touched my face. I stopped breathing.

"Your face…is like…mine…Elena…is that really you…?" I said yes, and the next words hurt me deeply.

"No, you are not her, you are nice and beautiful, she betrayed me, she did not believe me, I am but nothing a whore and liar for her, she did not listen to me when this woman was to my house, I never cheat her with someone else, I did once drink human blood, but I only wanted her and her blood. Why did she say these words? Did I really deserve them? Is it my fate to be hated by everyone? Stefan, Damon, Elijah and Elena?"

"No! I don't hate you! I was wrong."

"So why me? Why my mum took my baby girl…why my father looked at me as if I was a monster…why Klaus wanted me? Why I killed my family? Why I had to escape all my life?"

"I don't know…I don't know…but you deserve happiness, like anyone else."

She winced with pain, and she took her head with both of her hands, she felt again to the floor, and she screamed in pain, I tried to understand why she was so hurt. I heard some words, and I realized it was Bonnie who hurt my vampire. She used magic to break her. I jumped in protective way in front of Katherine.

"Stop it Bonnie!"

"Elena, are you out of you mind! She is dangerous, I had to kill her! She killed Damon, and look at you! You have a horrible face, look at your neck, there is so much blood. Elena, go away! I will definitively finish with that monster!"

"No, you have to kill me first!" I threatened, my friend did not seem to agree with my decision but I did not care.

"Elena...don't tell me you're still in love of this liar?" I knew she judged me, and I simply shook yes with my head. I went back to Katherine, and there was blood ruining to her nose.

"Bonnie…please…I know I asked too much…I know that you hate her…but please…for me…save Katherine, she save me twice, from Rayna and Damon, they both want to kill me…she protect me…if she die…I can't live anymore…I can't…." My friend pondered a moment, and could bear a no. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I will try my best…but I could not promise anything." She answered, and I prayed that everything will be fine.

Two days later.

I did not sleep the past 48 hours. It was a real nightmare, Katherine was screaming, she had a lot nightmare, she spoke with her family, and had hallucinations. She even hurt herself, fearing that Klaus wanted to kill her. She jumped from the windows. And now, she slept peacefully. I was tired, and afraid. The brunette opened her eyes, and I did not know what to do, or how she will react.

"Elena? Where am I? What happened?" She asked me…I knew she will hate me, I was afraid she will leave me again…I could not stand, nevertheless, she needed to know the truth.

"You were badly injured, and you will die, I asked Bonnie and Caroline to help you. There was werewolf blood to your body, it makes you crazy…and we need a solution to help you." Katherine frowned, she tried to remember everything, but it was complicate. Her head hurt so bad, and her body it was worst.

"I'm still alive, so, that means you save me."


"So where is the catch?" Katherine asked furious, she knew there was only one way to save her, to have werewolf blood. Klaus? Tyler? Anyone else?

"We did not find Klaus, and Tyler, I could not come back to Mystic Fall before a week, we could not waste our time, so Bonnie had to use a spell." Katherine hated that Bennett witch. Something bad happened. She felt it.

"What did she do! Elena! Answer me!" She shouted.

"Vampire you will die, but human, you can't, with my blood, she turned you back to a human."

"You are kidding! Tell me you are kidding!" My doppelgänger growled, I turned away in shame my head, yes I was selfish, I wanted that she lived. I did not ask her opinion. I did not feel guilty at all.

"How dare you! You were so happy to be human! But I'm not like you! I never want to be human! I prefer to be dead or in Hell to live this way!"

"We could always find a solution. I did not want you die! Why did you save me! Why! If you leave me, you would not be hurt…why you came back for me? WHY?"

"Because I love you!" Katherine declared herself, I was astonished, she bit her lips and winced because of pain, she licked the blood and sighed. "Forget it…I will found a solution to be again a vampire…"

"No I won't forget it that you love me!" Frustrate, I retorted. I won't be a coward, I won't give up easily, not like the first time.

"Great!" I caught Katherine face, and I kissed her, if she pushed me away, I will leave her alone, I will help her a last time, and I will forget everything about her. She did not move, and knew it was the end, but she hungrily kissed me back. After we battle with our tongue and breath, we separated…

"I still did not forget the way you treat me, so you have to be forgiven and I'm really resentful." She pouted, and I laughed. She glared at me, and I laughed hard, I was not afraid of her, she was so funny and cute. She even threw a pillow in my direction.

"I will do anything." This time, she smirked and added:

"Of course I will make you do anything for my precious forgiveness. Ready to be my little slave Lena? I'm looking forward." Even human, Katherine always still the same person I love.

Ah, the story is over…yeah…I did not know how to make a good happy-ending, but I hope you like it. Thanks for the comments and favorites.