The Raven's Flight

First off, i'm not a natural english speaker. I speak much better in english than I write in english. So i apologize for any grammar mistakes. I hope you can enjoy the story.

And of course I don't own Overwatch. I sure would like to, but I don't.

Dramatis Personae


Winston Gorilla Scientist, Overwatch Agent

Lena Oxton, Codename „Tracer" Pilot, Overwatch Agent

Jesse McCree Former Outlaw, Member of Overwatch

Angela Ziegler, Codename "Mercy" Doctor, Member of Overwatch

Former Overwatch Agents/ Allied with Overwatch

Matthew Oxton, Codename „Raven" Former Member of Blackwatch, Department of reconnaissance and espionage, Older Brother of Lena Oxton


Gabriel Reyes, Codename „Reaper" Former Head of Blackwatch, MIA

Amélie LaCroix, Codename „Widowmaker" Talon Assassin

About Raven:

The former Blackwatch Agent Matthew Oxton was one of a kind. Before Overwatch was brought to life, he worked as an actor in small theaters in London. It is said, that he could imitate every possible human on earth and not be recognized. Gabriel Reyes, the head of the covert operations team of Overwatch, called Blackwatch, was impressed by his performance when he visited the theater which Matthew Oxton worked for. He was trained as a spy, given a experimental stealth-generator which granted him invisibility. This device, combined with his natural ability to fool other people and even Omnic Robots, made him Blackwatch's best spy. He called himself "Raven".

After the Omnic Crisis ended, Overwatch expanded massively and became a very powerful force in the world. At the peak of Overwatch's Power, mysterious attacks happened all over the world, rumours said, a secret division within Overwatch was responsible for it. The organisation disbanded after a brutal battle between Blackwatch and Overwatch over the control of Watchpoint: Gibraltar, which resulted in Gabriel Reyes' and Jack Morrison's, the leader of Overwatch, apparent death.

Raven however, disappeared, leaving his sister Lena behind, for reasons nobody understood. Some speculated, that he was involved in the attacks which led to Overwatch's fal, others call him a gangster, murderer and worse.

"Lena, don't do this. I think this is dangerous."

Matthew came to the air base. It was a beautiful, sunny day. He wore his old black suit, a white scarf and a pair of even darker black trousers. His face was signed by multiple scars, two on his right cheek and another crossing his left eye. Even in this scenery, his appereance had something disastrous. He was not the kind of person that gets sentimental over people, Lena being the only exception.

"You brought me into Overwatch and they've chosen me for testing the slipstream. Now deal with it, Matthew!"

"I didn't bring you into Overwatch for THIS. What if the machine breaks down? There are so many things that could happen. Even Dr. Winston isn't sure if it will work correctly."

"Hey, don't worry. Everything will be fine, Matthew. Just smile! I'll be back in a minute. I promise."

"I hope so. I just don't want a handful of dust to be the only thing what's left of my sister."

"Are you crying? The great Matthew Oxton, is crying?"

"No... just catched something in me eye."

"Hihi. I thought so." Lena winked at Matthew. "Everything will be fine."

Lena entered the Jet, taking off in a magnificient manouver, as always. "Here ground control. Slipstream-1, do you copy?" "Here Slipstream-1, roger that." "Ok, so let's start the test, shall we? No daring stunts this time, Oxton. This is a highly..."

"Yeah, yeah, highly valuable and stuff. Can we stop talking and start with the experiment?" Lena was eager to finally use the teleporter, she trained every week of the last year for this moment. The man in the Tower seemed to be confused about her answer.

"Uh, yes, right. Beginning. The Test. Now. Exactly. Initiating Phase 1. Powering up Teleporter now." Suddenly something felt not right. Lena felt bad, she found it hard to breathe, her hand ached. The pain was unbelievable. She looked at her Hand and... it was gone! "Grond Control, this is Slipstream-1, I-I have a problem... please, help me..." "Slipstream-1, what is happening?" Some minutes passed. "Slipstream-1? Can you hear me? LENA?"" I am fading.. away..." The last thing she remembered was Matthews desperate voice, crying in fear. "LENA! SAY SOMETHING! PLEASE! LENA!"...

"Lena... LENA!" Winston almost roared in her direction. Lena roused abruptly, ending the dream. "Wha... what is it?" "Is everything ok? It was not easy to wake you up." " I'm fine Winston, thanks for the question." she answered, sounding more reserved than she wanted. "Are you sure? You seemed to have a bad dream and..." "I'm FINE, Winston." She blinked and streched her arms and legs. She was aboard a jet from Overwatch, on the way to Rome. The flight took 3 hours, so she decided to take a nap. But since they started tracking Raven, she was haunted by nightmares.

"Well, if you say so. We're are nearly in Rome. It's just a few minutes away." Winston could not hide his concerns about Lena. It was obvious that he was heavily concerned with her. An awkward silence, only interrupted by McCree's snoring, creeped aboard the Jet. "So, uhm, what makes you so sure? Raven is in Rome?"

"That's where we lost the track."

"And why do we look for him again? Wasn't the whole point of bringing Overwatch back that we only look for people which want to join us again? If we can't find him, he perhaps doesn't want to be found."

"You sound pretty bitter, sweetheart." McCree has awakened. "And not very keen on finding this Raven-Person on time, aren't ya? Who's he anyway? I used to know someone with that codename. Not personally though."

"Basically a spy. A very good one. So good even, that he simply disappeared after Overwatch broke down and no person ever saw him again." Winston replied. "His real Name..." "Doesn't matter." was he interrupted by Lena. " unknown, but thanks that you made that clear." Winston finished his sentence. "And now get off board, we have arrived."

Unlike most european cities, Rome was relatively untouched by the Omnic Crisis and the turmoil that followed. The Church of Saint Peter shined in the sunlight and stood there as an eternal symbol of hope and faith. "We need to get into the catacombs. The last signal was recorded somewhere between the "Piazza del Popolo" and the Colosseum." Lena explained to McCree.

"Then let's move. This guy ain't gonna find himself."

"Jesse? Have you ever been to Rome?"

"No. Never even been to Europe once."

"Between the Piazza del Poplo and the Collosseum live thousands of people! And that is not even taking the tourists into account."

"If you never start, you won't get any results."

"Overwatch has started its search for Raven." "We need to eliminate him before they even reach the Colosseum. He is a major threat to our plans." "Roger that. Beginning search now."