Hello readers, I will be taking a small hiatus while I get my life sorted out this summer.

I know, I know, I practically just started this account, but some stuff has come up that will pause my fan fiction writing for a few months.


See you all in the fall!


Aragorn quickly pulled out his knife and began cutting the ruined boot away from Legolas' leg. He pulled it off, revealing a deep cut stretching along the back of his calf and ending at a twisted ankle.

"Oh dear…" One of the Hobbits murmured.

The ranger grabbed his water skin and herb pouch from his belt and began cleaning the wound.

"It doesn't appear to be poisoned, you will live." He said in a relieved tone.

Gandalf stepped in. "Night has fallen; we had best make camp. Gimli, you and Boromir scout ahead for a place to spend the night. Master Hobbits, let us scan the surrounding area for some firewood."

Aragorn began wrapping the Elf's leg, causing him to wince slightly as his friend popped his ankle back into place. "There, that should do it. Can you stand?"

Legolas huffed indignantly as he attempted to push himself off the ground.

Aragorn grabbed his friend's elbows and bodily lifted the relatively light form into a standing position, letting the Elf lean on him as he gave a sharp intake of breath in pain.

"Come, I will help you to the camp. Then you can rest."

The two limped along the road, quickly joined by Gandalf and the four Hobbits, laden with twigs and branches.

"Will you be alright Mister Legolas?" Anxiously enquired the ever-protective Sam.

"Indeed Master Gamgee," Legolas tried to hide a wince as his foot glanced on a rock. "I will be quite fine."

Aragorn snorted. "His version of 'I'm fine' however, is different from any normal being's. Once, when he had been shot in the back by an orc, he announced that he was 'perfectly fine' and then proceeded to collapse on the spot!"

Legolas grumbled as they approached the camp. "It was just a flesh wound."

Chuckling, Aragorn gingerly lowered the wincing Elf against a large tree at the edge of the clearing they had chosen for the night.

He checked to make sure the bandages hadn't slipped on the walk over. "Now, i'm going to fetch you something to eat. You mellon nin, are going to stay. right. here. Understood?"

"Very well." Groaned Legolas as he leaned his head against the tree. "Although I do not have much of an appetite."

"Nonsense!" Pippin exclaimed as he bustled about unpacking the food supplies near the fire. "Everybody has got an appetite, you just have got to find it again!"

Later, after the irrepressible Hobbits had finally goaded Legolas into eating some lembas bread, Aragorn sat down against the tree next to his friend.

The ranger cast a glance over at the sleeping Legolas. He noted the Elf's eyes were open, a good sign considering he had been wounded.

He sighed and let his own eyes close in sleep.

So, I tried not to make it too much of a cliffhanger since I'll be forced to keep you waiting on updates.


Thanks for taking your valuable time to read my story. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please drop a review.