The Alien From Inner Space

Kairi is an alien.

But she doesn't have green skin, bug eyes, or unconventional technology. She doesn't come from an extraterrestrial race of an evolved species or look to take over the world. She isn't bent on crop circles, and she sure has hell hasn't paraded around town in the dark shadow of a fedora and trench coat.

Simply put, Kairi is just weird. But that won't stop her from having a nice time with the only friends she has.

"Hey, Alice, could you please pass the tea?" she asks. Her bright blue eyes twinkle with innocence.

"Why, yes, Kairi," Alice responds. A radiant smile graces her lips as she hands over a sparkly silver kettle. Kairi nods appreciatively.

"Thank you!" She pours fresh oolong into her teacup, from which a gentle fragrance wafts through the air like the smog of a fireplace. She sits at a small, white round table surrounded by the only friends she can confide in. They're the type of supportive companions she can tell the most private of secrets. "Belle, would you like some more?"

Belle is too busy with her nose stuck in a book to pay attention. With a playful roll of her eyes, Cinderella snaps her fingers in front of Belle's face. She wakes up and offers an apologetic grin. "O-Oh! Uh, what were you saying, Kairi?"

"Oh, Belle," Snow White says with a giggle. "Now I know you're fond of a good read, but must you bring that book to the table when we're supposed to be having a friendly get-together?" she scolds playfully.

"Aw, I'm sorry, girls," Belle apologizes. "I was just reading the most wonderful story. It's about an ex-pirate who found true love after he met a scullery maid from the glen!"

"We know. You've only read that book about a thousand times now," Jasmine teases.

"But isn't it so romantic?" Belle hugs the book tight to her chest as she falls into a whimsical daydream. "Oh, I just love it! Adventure, magic, and excitement! Something more than the dullsville from where I come from. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Oh, most certainly," Alice chimes. "Why, I would never have fell down the rabbit hole, if not for such a boring tales of the real world."

"Yeah," Kairi agrees. "You guys all know I'm itching to get out of here and finally make some friends, too."

"Oh, but Kairi," says Cinderella. "You know you'll always have us."

A soft, but sad smile traces her lips. "Yeah. I know, Cindy."

The other princesses pick up the distress in her voice and share looks of communal concern.

"What's on your mind, dear?" Aurora asks. "Now, you know that you don't have to hide anything from us."

"That's right!" Snow White says. "Oh, please don't be sad. Why, we could scent any heartache of yours from a mile away."

"Kairi, we're here for you," says Jasmine. "We're here to listen whenever you need us to."

Kairi sighs. "It's just—I feel so... isolated, from everybody else. It's hard to relate to people my age, and I'm just afraid of the way they'd treat me if... if they ever got to know the real me."

"Why would you believe such a tall tale like that?" Alice asks, sipping from her teacup.

Kairi leans against her fist, using her middle finger to brush around the rim of her teacup. "I just don't see the world the same way a lot of other people do. It's like, people these days are full of so much hatred nowadays, so much bitterness and... and... I just want to live in a world full of people who embrace love, peace, and generosity. You know, like you guys do. You're the only ones... who truly ever saw things the same way as I do. Just like me, you believe that we should learn to love each other. I guess nobody else will ever understand me..."

"Oh, but Kairi," Belle says, resting a gentle hand on Kairi's. "Don't say that. We understand you, completely."

Kairi looks into Belle's eyes; they shine with concern and sympathy, as well as the rest of her friends. "Yes, but... the thing is..."

Kairi sighs and closes her eyes. When she opens them, she's alone at the table with six other untouched saucers and empty teacups.

"...none of you are real," Kairi finishes. She plops to the table where she stuffs her face into her arms, letting out a strong exhale.

She's been lonely for way too long.

"Kairi!" her mother calls from downstairs. "Doctor Moreau is here! Make sure not to keep him waiting for too long! And bring down your dishes, please!"

"Coming, Mommy!" With her head hung low, Kairi gathers up her saucers and the teacups. But with too many in her possession, she ends up stepping on one of her old plushies left lying around and slips, tumbling to the pink carpet below.


Kairi hits the floor and luckily avoids getting hit by any of the incoming saucers and teacups. Though, she ends up slightly chipping the rim of one of the teacups.

"Aw, man..."

Picking up any dignity she has left, Kairi hurries downstairs to find and hands her mother the dishes. In the living room waits her patient therapist, sitting comfortably on the sofa. With a professional but casual smile, he gestures her to take a seat across from him, with only the glass coffee table separating the sofa and the couch.

Kairi returns a shy smile and takes a seat on the couch, and soon her mother joins her, rubbing her daughter's back comfortingly.

Albert Moreau, a rotund man with a thin mustache whose cheeks seem rather bloated, happens to be her therapist after her mother called concerned for her daughter's emotional well-being.

Kairi twiddles her thumbs.

"No need to be so nervous, child." Albert gives her a charming smile. "I am only here to be of assistance, mademoiselle."

Kairi avoids eye contact. "I-I know, but..."

Her mother looks at her daughter with her bright aquamarine eyes, serving her genuine duty as a parent to be concerned. She tucks some of her own auburn hair behind her ear and holds her daughter's shoulders comfortingly. "She's just really, really shy when it comes to meeting new people, Doctor. And since this is only her second session with you," she chuckles nervously. "Well... you know."

"I understand wholeheartedly, señora. But unfortunately, no progress will be made if you are... em, imposing on her progression."

"Imposing?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I allowed it last time, but I would rather Kairi and I have a talk in private this time, if you don't mind."

Her mother sighs, offering Kairi an apologetic look. She nods to Moreau. "Sure." She kisses Kairi on the forehead before she makes her way upstairs, albeit a bit hesitantly.

With no one to hold her hand anymore, Kairi locks up tight, folding her hands into the crease of her thighs and hiking her shoulders up.

"Please, señorita, you are in safe hands. You don't need to be so tense."

"O-Okay." She relaxes her shoulders slightly.

Albert clears his throat. "Well, I suppose we could begin with a bit of a self-analysis. In one word, how would you describe your life at the moment?"


He gives her a sympathetic glance. "Lonely," he repeats. "And why is this?"

"Well, I don't think I'll exactly be g-getting invited to any parties any time soon. Not that I care so much about parties but... the point is, I don't really have any friends."

"I see." Albert rubs his chin. "Why is that?"

"I dunno... I guess, I-I just feel like an alien when I'm around other people. Not even just people my age, but even adults."

"Has it always been difficult for you to make friends?"

"Kinda. When I was a kid, I didn't relate to most of the other kids. They all thought I was weird, because instead of playing tag or climbing on the monkey bars with them, I preferred to use my imagination. I'm sure they all thought I was insane, at the time." Kairi shifts her shoulders. "But there was a point when I did make some friends when I was in elementary school—a nice amount of them actually."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Seemed l-like they were the only ones who truly understood and accepted me for who I am. I could never forget their names, all six of them—Snow, Jasmine, Alice, Aurora, Cinderella, and Belle." She allows a nostalgic smile take over. "I miss them so much. Sometimes, when I'm feeling especially down, I pretend that they're all still with me, just so that I can have someone—something to talk to."

"Whatever happened to these friends you speak of?"

Kairi shakes her head. "When Radiant Garden went under that crisis with the realm of darkness, you know, when the Heartless got out of control, many parents took their children and left this place since it seemed to be especially strong here. It's a miracle my family survived, but with my friends, they all went back to their home worlds just in case. And I don't blame them. After they left, I didn't have anyone to talk to anymore."

Albert clasps his hands together. "You seem nervous."

Kairi nods, almost robotically.

"Shy?" he asks, somewhat rhetorically.


"Have you always been this way?"

"N-Not always. Took a few years for it to settle after my friends left Radiant Garden. I became so isolated, so alone that... that out of nowhere, I found myself unable to talk to normal people."

"What do you mean by that, exactly?"

"I just don't know what to say to them. Not sure if my input means anything to anyone."

"Well, it almost sounds to me that you're afraid to open up to people in fear that they won't accept you."

She frowns. "Gee, I wonder why. I only spent the majority of my childhood getting bullied for being weird." She emotes a look of shame and regretfully casts her eyes aside. "S-Sorry... that was rude of me."

Albert doesn't seem bothered. He looks to be too wrapped up in his own thoughts to detect any rudeness in her sarcasm. "Hm? Oh, it's quite alright, madam." He twirls his curly goatee, muster over the mystery of how a girl who used to be so upbeat could turn into what she is now. "I completely understand with how you're feeling, mademoiselle. I've had my fair share of isolation in the past, as well. But sometimes as children, we magnetize ideas of what we believe 'bullying' is, when really you were probably only picked on by your fellow peers. You should consider that, or else the pain can only intensify."

"How do you be able to tell the difference?"

"Well, were you ever physically assaulted by these children?"

"Well... no, not really. Sometimes they'd intentionally kick mud or dirt on my face and pretend it was an accident, o-or with food, or drinks. But it was kinda rare... and I don't think they ever really touched me, like, with their fists and stuff. They mostly called me names."

Albert chuckles. "Oh, well I understand, their words may have affected you in a rather negatively. But was it really bad enough for your mother to pull you out of public school and let you take online Keyblade courses? It seems that would only isolate you even further."

"Well, there was one incident that was so bad that it was the reason why my mommy pulled me out of public school..."

"Oh, is that so? And what might that be?"

Kairi remains mute for a brief moment. "I don't wanna talk about it..."

Albert pouts. "I see. Well, that's fine. Although, I recommend you get it off your chest soon. But from what I've heard, it was only teasing at its finest. Not to excuse their actions, but people go through that all the time. It's quite normal. You don't need to blame yourself for that. You will always be alone if you close yourself off and don't open up."

Kairi shakes her head, almost looking like she's on the verge of tears. "It's not just about being lonely... it's about being different."

Albert adapts a curious position. "Explain."

"Even if I do open up, who's to say they'll accept me? Who's to say anyone will accept me for who I am? Those six other girls I was friends with—they were different, just like me. They understood where I came from and felt the same way." She sniffs, wiping a tear away.

"Why do you care so much about their acceptance?"

"I-I don't, I just... I just want someone to understand me."

"You don't seem so eccentric to me, mademoiselle. I don't understand why you would be so afraid to let others in." He hands her a tissue from the box sitting on the glass table.

She thanks him as she takes the tissue. "W-Well, maybe you just haven't seen the real me yet." She blows into her nose. "I don't think it would be very appropriate, anyway..."

Albert gives her a moment to maintain her composure before continuing. "What makes you think you're so different from everybody else?"

"Everybody else is so mean!" she cries. "I-I mean, most people. We're always taught by society that people are mean, nasty, and cruel to each other—and that it's natural. That it's 'just the way it is' and we can't do anything about it. But I say they're wrong! Hateful people aren't born with hatred in their heart, they're taught to hate! To be selfish! To lack empathy! And I hate it so much! I hate being around people who only know hatred and negativity!"

Albert mulls over her words and it all begins to make sense. "I see..." Perhaps, being picked on during childhood rendered her fearful of the real world. She perceives all unlike her as those who are hateful and selfish, with a rather justified reason. After all, she didn't exactly get the best first impression of kids her age.

"I understand your pain, and I really feel for you. But Kairi, have you ever considered that perhaps people may not be as bad as you may think? Please, disclose your childhood afflictions and—"

"B-But they are!" she interrupts. "I can see it... I can see it in their eyes, and I know that people today just aren't right. Have you been on the internet?" She rubs her shoulders. "I-I-It's a scary thought when your next door neighborhood can smile you in the face by day a-a-and be a member of the KKK by night. Some of the nicest-looking people, h-have some of the darkest hearts... even if they don't realize it! It goes way beyond what happened to me when I was a kid! It's the way people have been taught to t-think a-and how to act!"

"Kairi, please—"

"The greatest feat the devil ever accomplished is making people believe he doesn't exist," she states. "Once he's done that, how easy it must be to manipulate the masses. Everything good has become the new bad, and now bad is the new good. Leaving people blind to see past their own indulgences... how much wrong is still in the world! Even with the realm of darkness shut tight, a darkness still lingers...

"I-I believe in conspiracy theories and secret societies who manipulate us using our entertainment to brainwash us and to teach us horrible lesson, b-but if I say something like that, I'm crazy! You see what I mean? They've convinced people that they don't exist! And now, if I speak my mind, I'm attacked and called such evil, horrid names! Over the internet! By people who don't even know me! Not knowing they're falling right into the trap! There's something not right here—no, not right!" She grabs her head in agony. "I-I can't take it anymore! I-I-I can't stand living in this world anymore!"

Kairi buries her face into her hands and lets it all out—the suppressed tears, the depression that's been inside her for years, the unhappiness, and the insecurities all washed out.

"When I go... this problem world won't bother me anymore..." Kairi stutters through her tears.

Albert doesn't say a word. He believes that crying, specifically in front of somebody else, is the cure to relieving depression. Crying alone won't help anyone. He occasionally says, "It's alright, let it all out," to comfort her.

After a good ten minutes, Kairi sniffs and wipes the tears away. "You think I'm crazy, don't you?"

He does think the idea of secret societies and her viewpoint on how bad the world is may be a tad far-fetched. But he understands where her reasoning may have come from. Perhaps, she's just a little misguided. "No, not at all."

"I just—I just wanna make the world a better place, that's all. Maybe... maybe make people see that we've been living the wrong way for a long time now. Just, shed some light on what's wrong with us. I understand that it's hard for some people... to be told that everything they know and have been taught since we were born has been a lie, but I want to give it a shot."

"Are you sure you have the answers?"

Without hesitation, Kairi nods. "Yes."

She seems borderline arrogant. Albert thinks it's about time Kairi get out of the bird's nest for a while. "I think I have a solution." He folds his leg over the other. "I think your isolation has caused you to become..." How should he put this lightly? "Perhaps, a bit delusional—"

"I'm not delusional!" she snaps, shooting to her feet. "I-I knew it! You do think I'm crazy!"

Instead of causing more of a panic, Albert calmly gestures her to sit back down. "That was not my intention, madam. Please, forgive me for my unintentional rudeness. What I mean is that, while you could very well be correct, I want you to take some time to think about what it is you're saying. Just think about it on a more rational level."

With a bitter glare, Kairi gradually sits back down.

"You've been an outcast for far too long, señorita. It's time you interact with the real world. I believe that it is time for you to open up, learn to have some confidence, and make new friends. Then, perhaps you'll see, the world... or should I say, the people of this universe that we live, aren't really that bad. True, we have our own flaws and we've made some mistakes along the way. We are far from perfect, mademoiselle."

Kairi clutches her fists. "That's the kind of stuff they teach us in society. That's exactly what I'm talking about. That we're not that bad. We are terrible. And they don't teach us to fix all of the things that are wrong with us, and only accept how messed up we all are. And someday... someday, I'm gonna prove it to all of you. I'll show all of you..."

Albert remains unfazed. "Or perhaps, it could all be in your head? Don't discount any of the possibilities."

"I could say the same to you."

Albert clears his throat. "Yes, well, I have confidence that you will find the answers you seek, and when you do, you can tell me all about it. Until then, I think that since you're going to be a freshman after this summer, it's time for you to, how should you say, spread the wings." He locates a sheet of paper in his files and hands it over to her.

With a raised eyebrow, Kairi skims over the letter. "W-What's this?"

"Daybreak Academy," he answers. "It's a private high school for grades nine through twelve for upcoming Keyblade wielders such as yourself to go and sharpen their skills, before graduating into becoming a true Master. It is a boarding school, so you will have to move away from home, but I think some time away from would do you good. If you want to make the realm of light a better place, you can start here."

"Daybreak Academy... p-private school?"

"I know it may seem a bit uncomfortable at first, but please consider. I think this opportunity will really allow you to meet new people and come out of your shell. It could cure you of your social anxiety, even. Perhaps, you could find some new friends that understand you, much like the ones who you lost back in elementary school."

Her? Make friends? Kairi almost laughs. Wouldn't that be the dream? "Friends..."

"Maybe it will give you more insight to judge on how well you believe our society has been corrupted, yes?"

A few months ago, Kairi probably would have declined the offer right there on the spot. But to her own surprise, she actually considers it. She is rather tired of being alone. The thought of finally being able to learn about friendship is a pretty big selling point. "What would I have to do?"

"Luckily, it's only the beginning of summer vacation, so you have plenty of time to fill out an application and schedule an audition with the Headmaster and his most trusted advisors. And really, would you want to miss out on the high school experience by continuing to take your studies online?"

"I guess not... but, I-I think I'll need a little time to think about it."

"Two and a half months will fly by, so you haven't much time to consider. But I do encourage you to give it a shot." He pauses when the alarm clock on his watch beeps. "Wow, time really does fly. I suppose we'll have to cut this session for now." He gathers his items.

"O-Oh, yeah..."

"However, I do believe we've made some real progress here today, señorita. Maybe this school will be the key to you finding happiness." He sends her a warm smile, and Kairi weakly returns the effort. "If you'll excuse me, I'll report to your mother."

Once he's out of earshot, Kairi leans back into her couch and lets out a big sigh of relief. It was good to finally let all of that out. Kairi feels like she's held that in for a while now. She's kept her true feelings to herself for so long. But as she suspected, Albert probably thinks she's a little loose in the head. She's not too surprised.

Daybreak Academy.

She looks at the sheet of paper once again and contemplates her decision. She and Albert do agree on one thing—this could help build her confidence. Maybe she can find some real friends. Maybe she will find someone, anybody, who understands her and accepts her for who she is and what she believes in. Just one person. That'll be good enough.

Besides, she's quite sick of being so shy that she can't even order a freaking pizza because she's too shy to speak to someone over the phone. She can admit her own flaws, and she knows her social anxiety is her weakest link.

She's been in her room for so long, she barely remembers what it's like to be in the outside world. But that isolation gave her room to think, and question the way people live their lives and why they act the way that they do. She wasn't supposed to have friends or else she might have been influenced; she may have never removed the veil from her sight and finally see the truth. Being alone has taught her more than what anybody else could have.

She can feel it. Now is the time to set herself free. It's time to go out into the real world and see if her presumptions about society is true or if she really is crazy.

It could all be in her head. It could be her paranoia kicking in, making her rationalize idiosyncratic ideas. She might as well give it a shot. She's got nothing to lose, right? She must seek answers. What if she really is just thinking too much about it and letting it all go to her head?

Only one way to find out.

"I'll do it."

Sorry to all of the people who are already following the story, this isn't exactly an update but yet it KINDA is? This is the new first chapter, since unlike the one I originally have, it doesn't introduce a conflict from the start, so I figured this might be better to start the story off. I'll see how the story does after this to determine whether or not I want to keep it.

Anybody catch that reference from The Unusual Suspects? Keep that line in mind!

Much love and thanks to the bae BlissfulNightRain for looking this over! She's the best! Head over to her profile and check out her stuff, guys! She's amazing!

Please, if you could be so kind as to leave a review, that would mean a lot to me! I really do put a lot of thought and effort into these! Even some constructive criticism would be helpful!