I had been tossed and thrown about all my life. I was not loved by anyone. I had no parents, only the things who made my existence possible ten years ago. My name is Nini, I have no clan name. The whole ten years of my life, I lived with abusive things. Those things being Meya Yukki and Len. They took away my right eye, they told me it was ugly. It was the only eye that helped me see. The eye that could see right through people, and it was taken away.
After that, I blacked out. But right now in my car ride to prison, these things who call themselves a vampire council, are taking away any chance of happiness, hope, anything to grab onto, and crushing it like a delicate rose. They said that I had killed them, and was being punished. I faintly remember them screaming and running towards me as I threw a match across the room. But that's it.
What did anyone do when my parents beat me? Nothing. The entire vampire society knew, and they did nothing. 15 years since I was born, and no one has bat an eyelash.
My train of thought was stopped when a bag was thrown over my head. "Just walk forward, and no funny shit, 'kay?" I nodded. I started to walk forward. I heard something that sounded like a heavy gate being opened and closed.
As I walked forward, I noticed my feet were no longer on a gravel road, but on a stone pathway. The stones were smooth, and it reminded me of tile in a new kitchen with clean floors. I heard water running and assumed it was a small pond. Before a bag was thrown over my head, I saw a white cement wall and a big gate. And if anyone else looked hard enough, you could see a small, thin red line that I assume was the roof. It must be an old Japanese style home.
I heard a sliding door open and felt a hand on my back before being pushed mercilessly to the wooden floor.
The same man spoke roughly. "This is your home now. I assume you know why you're here." I guess.
I heard the clanking of a key after that little speech. The man had closed the sliding door but what was odd was the sound of metal clashing. I assume it's just more doors to keep me in. I sighed and shook the bag off. I had vampire hunter hand cuffs on, so the sudden fall hurt more than stopping the fall with my hands, obviously, and the fact that my wrists jabbed into my pelvis and ribs didn't help. Thanks a lot, dude.
I got up and reached for the key. I assume it's for the hand cuffs. I got the hand cuffs off and stood up. Next to me was a small, red archway that lead into a smaller room. I carefully peeked around the corner to see a silver-haired woman with a white kimono on. She was beautiful.
Totally a vampire. But what kind of vampire? By the atmosphere, it feels like a pureblood. Why, though?
She spoke without looking at me. "So they've put a little pureblood child in my cage." She sighed dramatically. "I thought the council wanted more purebloods, not less." She finally looked over at me with beautiful, glowing lilac eyes. Her face was calm with a small smile resting on her pale lips. "What's your name?" I gulped.
After my life with my parents, let's just say I wasn't very social with anyone. Who wouldn't after all that happened?
She looked at me skeptically, but then with pity, her smile dropping and turning into a disapproving frown, but it seemed more like it was directed at someone else. "You're that girl who's been abused by your parents. The one that the council leaves alone, aren't you?" I nodded.
"May ask for your name?" This woman, she didn't seem like all the other purebloods I had met, or vampires. She seemed... like... she could understand... in some way. I wonder why?
"Um... It's Nini." She smiled.
"Nini, what a pretty name." I tend to disagree. Nini was just something the Meyas had randomly come up with. It was actually the name of a stuffed rabbit.
"May I ask why you're here?" Why is she being so nice? Aren't purebloods supposed to show no emotion? I guess she has been locked up in here for a while, so there's no reason to keep on a mask. That makes more sense.
"I killed my parents." Her smile had turned into a frown.
She sighed. "So the council punishes you? I swear, they've gotten worse over the centuries." She shook her head.
There was a moment of silence before I spoke. "What's... your name? I can't keep calling you 'she'." Well, more in my mind. She looked up and her small smile had returned.
"Hio Shizuka." I looked off to the side and backed up an inch. "But you can call me Shizuka.
"Um... If I may ask... why are you here? How long have you been here?" She closed her eyes, in thought, and tilted her head up.
"Let's see... I'm nearly 300, and I've been here about... 1 century." My eyes widened. 1 century? 1 WHOLE century?! The council really is serious. "I'm here because I'm supposedly insane. I killed my mother, the father committed suicide, and I killed a quite a few nobles." She doesn't really seem like the insane type. I must be insane to them, then, if I'm in here.
She started to look over my body, I noticed. I'm more used to it, now. I'm wearing a tank top and shorts, which exposes a lot. Well, I guess I'm wearing a pair of underwear.
The things calling themselves 'parents' always wanted me to wear short clothing, they were sadists. They thought that the scars/wounds they inflicted were 'beautiful'. My arms are filled with sort of dents. My back had long, lines from whips, and my wrists, ankles, and neck had purple bruises that might just turn into red scars from ropes and anti-vampire chains. The not-so permanent things were dirt on my body and blood on my clothes, hair and body.
My 'parents' weren't good enough to wash my body (at least not often enough), or bandage my wounds, and never got the chance. I got used to just leaving them there, because I knew that no matter what I did, my lack of nutrition was a big part to blame for my scars.
Shizuka spoke, more like whispered to herself. "They really did a number on you. You poor thing." I nodded slightly.
"Come here." She held out her hand towards my direction. I flinched away, cautious.
She smiled widely, making her seem less menacing than the frown she wore just a moment ago. "It's alright, I won't hurt you, I just want to show you something." Show me something? What?
She stood up and held her hand back out to me. Her smile was radiant, something I wouldn't expect from someone that is supposedly insane and has been locked up for a century. I stood up and timidly walked toward her. I hope she really is nice, even if she is 'insane'.
Then again, so am I.
"Good. Now please follow me." She went out of the shrine-like room and walked in the opposite direction of the room. The room had no other place to go. We walked past three doors in a hallway, what I assume is bedrooms, and then turned right to go past Noreen curtains into a kitchen. I looked back and saw a sliding door that I assume goes to a balcony. Why do they have a balcony if they're trying to lock us in here?
"I'll bet you're wondering what that door goes to." Close. She's either a mind reader or my expressions are showing too much. "It's a porch. They'll lock us in here for a few days, but after that, we can go outside as long as we don't go past the wall." We came out of the kitchen to another small 7, 8-foot-long hallway that went right to another door.
"How do they keep us in, then?" She stopped and looked back as she opened the door.
It was a bathroom with black tiles as walls and white tiles as flooring. I could see a small wall that looked like it opened up to another room smaller room. The showers, I guess. I could see a toilet and a mirror behind it, and in the mirror was a sink and another mirror about 5 or 6 feet away.
"The Kuran family put a barrier up around this house, and when they died the council took it into their hands, Kuran Rido's." Rido? I've never heard of another Kuran.
"Who's Kuran Rido?" She clenched her teeth.
"He's a horrible man. My 'fiancé, but luckily ever since I got in here, no one but Level D's, C's and rarely humans could see me. That man, he lusts for power so much, he resurrected the Kuran progenitor who now lives inside a small pureblood's body." How does she know all that? And is she talking about Kuran Kaname?
"Um... Are you talking about...?" I paused.
"Ah, yes. Before I was locked up, he told me all about his plans to resurrect the Kuran progenitor., obviously a little to proud for words." She snickered. "But it obviously didn't work. Kaname was living with Juuri and Haruka when Rido attacked and killed them. He was hopelessly in love with Juuri, to the point where he went after their daughter that they were carefully hiding." That's... odd, but it somewhat makes sense. They didn't seem like the type to commit suicide, so happy all the time. "Hmmm, now that I think about it, by now she must be your age.
She turned around, looking calmer than just a few seconds ago and walked in, taking off her white Kimono. She wore Japanese harem pants and a light pink cami.
How do you fit harem pants under Kimonos so well?
"Well, would like me to help wash you?" I stared at her, surprised. Wash me? Why?
I stuttered. "W-Why?" My showers were awful, the things would put the water on the highest temperature and gave me long showers. Painful as it was, they were the only times I got to clean myself.
She turned on the water in the shower. "I want to wash all that dirt and blood off you. Come over here and see if it's the right temperature." She sighed as I walked over slowly. Pausing a moment, she asked, "Do you want me to wash you?"
I leaned in carefully and felt the water. It was the perfect temperature. After the cold night, it would be nice. And after her being so nice, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have her help.
I don't really know how to, anyways. The things would always just get a bar of soap and slowly rub it around my body, as to burn me as much as possible. At least they didn't give me baths.
I have a habit of calling my 'parents', Level B's and lower things. They always scared me, but I didn't want to get into a habit of calling purebloods things, I didn't want to be disrespectful, since they are much, much more superior.
"Um... That's alright?" She nodded. "O-Okay, please help me..." She giggled. "What are you laughing at?" She just started to laugh.
When she was finished with her little fit, she spoke. "I never expected you to be so... timid. I know what happened, but it's still so cute!" There was a silence. I never expected that, but it's not awkward at least.
I blushed and started to take off clothes off slowly and step into the big shower. She turned on the shower head and took it from the holdy thingy. She rolled up her pants so they were at her knees.
I turned my back towards her and sat down on my knees. She leaned in a bit more and got a bottle of soap. I heard the click twice as she opened and closed the bottle, along with the sound of subbing it together on her hands. She started to run the soap against my hair for a few minutes and spoke up.
"Your hair is so smooth, so soft like silk."
I tilted my head down farther. "I've never felt silk before."
She grabbed a bar of soap and rubbed it along her hands, then held it out to me as I turned around. "Would you like to do the rest? Or are you alright with me?" She smiled as she said this. Now that I think about it more, instead of an acting pureblood, she seems more like a genuine mother. She had a sort of motherly aura around her. It is... calming.
"U-Um... You can help..." She smiled again and chuckled. I'm sure that if Shizuka wasn't a pureblood, she wouldn't have heard my quiet voice.
She put the soap away and started to rub the soap around my body with both hands. I stood up after a few minutes, and she soon started washing my legs. Is this what being washed by your parents is like? Or being loved by them?
She grabbed the shower head from the floor of the shower and started to rinse her hands and myself. It was still surprising to be comfortable with the water temperature, but not irritating, of course.
"Finished." I heard fading footsteps not long after she said that. And, not long after that, there were fast paced footsteps slowly becoming louder as they approached my direction. She appeared in the bathroom with a white tank-top and some small black shorts that were just my size in her hands. "I have to wash your clothes before you wear them. They're all dusty."
Wait, I have clothes? "My clothes?" She handed me a towel as she unfolded the shirt.
"Well, a few decades ago, they threw a little boy in here, about your age. He was a bratty little kid, so I ate him and he shut up right away. I washed the clothes he came in, though." She sighed. "But that was a few decades ago. They were of no use to me."
I nodded, a bit creeped out. I guess I'll have to make sure that I don't do anything bad or annoying. "O-Oh..." There was a long silence before she walked out of the bathroom with the clothes. I didn't really know what to do, so I quickly gathered the folded towels into my hands and followed her, still wet and cold.
I followed her quick feet into the upstairs portion of the house, and she walked into a room at the end of the hall, slowing her pace and stopping at the decorated doorway.
She opened the door and let me inside. I stood at the doorway while she opened curtains and set the cloths down. The room had a king-sized bed along with a sliding door to a balcony. In another corner opposite of the bed, was a dresser and vanity. Another door was there, probably leading to a closet. A mirror and another door sat in another corner of the room.
Shizuka spoke. "This is my room." She pointed to the first door. "That is a small shower, and-" gesturing to the last door, "-that is the closet. It's full of clothes, half of which I don't use." I walked farther into the rooms.
"Uh..." She chuckled.
"I'm going to rinse and dry these clothes. Why don't you dry yourself?" She took my clothes (which seemed to be hiding in her hands) and the other clothes, leaving the room and closing the door.
I walked over to the window. There was a small garden, and it looked like the opposite side of the gate. The wall next to the long house was closer to the house and had a gate that probably led to the other side of the house: the side with the gate.
I sighed and walked back over to the bed and started to dry myself.
Shizuka is already acting familiar with me, and in turn I'm acting familiar with her. You usually don't take showers with people who you met just a few minutes before. Though, she seemed to have something about her... I can't really say what it is, since I don't know myself. Maybe... it was a motherly aura. She felt like what people describe as home. What people say a parent is.
I know it's still odd, though.
The fact that she was nice made me less nervous being nude. I got used to being nude around people I didn't trust. I just get nervous around predators, excluding my 'parents' I was never really nervous or embarrassed, just scared and stressed out around them.
I finished drying myself off. There are a few more towels on the bed, folded, unused and a bit wet from my chest while I was walking up here. I wrapped myself in the towel that I just used, grabbed one of the unused towels, and walked over to the mirror.
I lifted the hair covering my right eye and brushed it behind my ear. My eyelid is closed and a thin layer of skin covered the burnt looking scar. It was a faded red and felt like a person's skin with lots of small bumps. I brushed my fingers over it. Using the towel, I dried my face and hair. I heard the door open and turned around, seeing Shizuka with bandages and and a small smile.
Yay! A new story! How about that, huh?! This is my ShizukaxOC story, and I am currently working on Chapter 4. NO THIS IS NOT A RESULT OF WRITER BLOCKY WHATEVER AKUMU IS FINE. There, hopefully thats established. I am posting this, despite me saying that I would only post Akumu until its finished, because of a certain awesome writer that said not to hold back creativity, or atleast something like that. Its someone that I'm currently following.
So, I am uploading 2 more chapters right after this, and 4 is almost done. 2 more stories will be uploaded later, promise!
(EDIT): Okay, so I'm editing the story, it isn't important, too much, but if you look trhough, you could find it. Who's that pokemon?! Hint, its not a pokemon, and she's 15 right now.
Bye bye!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Vampire Knight or the characters in here, except Nini and the Meyas.