Title: Bliss

Summary: The feeling of being able to look after and care for him, to Ron, that was real bliss.

This is the edited drabble version of this story so it meets the FFNET guidelines. If you want to read the full mature one shot version please go to my ao3 account (Jappa13)


Ron clutched Harry close to him. He started whispering in Harry ear, sweet nothings that probably made little sense. Ron reached up and undid the restraints, massaging at the red, chaffed skin. Pulling Harry close into him, rolling around so Harry was lying on his chest, he started stroking up and down his back. "You did so well... My beautiful boy... I'm so proud of you..."

The whispers and stroking continued until Harry came back down into himself. Green eyes fluttered as they became more aware of their surroundings and of the pleasant ache present in his body. Ron sat up, leaning Harry back against his chest and pressed a bottle of water against his lips. Small sips were taken of the magically chilled water.

"How does a bath sound?" Ron asked softly, hands massaging his arms softly.

"Good," Harry rasped, his throat felt scratchy and raw.

Ron eased Harry back down onto the bed and walked into the bathroom to run the bath. He then gathered a relaxed, pliant Harry into his arms.

The bath was on the good side of scalding. A sigh of bliss escaped Harry's lips as he sank back into Ron's arms.

"I love you." Ron whispered and pressed a loving kiss onto Harry's forehead.

Harry gave a small, vacant, pleasant smile of bliss. "I love you too." he whispered, green eyes fuzzy but content.

As they lay in blissful silence Ron smiled. While he enjoyed the feeling of being in control and dominating Harry there was nothing he enjoyed more then after care. Being able to look after and care for some one he loves was an amazing feeling. To give Harry the care and love he deserves was what he truly enjoyed.

To Ron, that was true Bliss.

Hope you enjoyed!