It was late in the evening, the camp had died down to just patrols and a few night owls off on their own. This would be Selena's last chance to confront Niles before another long march, and equally long battle. Luckily for her, all of her tailing had let her know his schedule like the back of her hand. Granted, he also knew hers just like the back of Selena's hand, but that's what happens when two people simultaneously follow one another most of the day.

"Alright, Niles, you and I are going to have an actual, serious discussion now," Selena said, rapidly approaching Niles.

"Have you finally come to profess your love for me at long last?" Niles had that smug look on his face that Selena had come to admire, from a purely aesthetic point of view, of course.

"You know what? Maybe I have!"

"If you are, then I'd appreciate not so many 'maybes'."

"Alright, so then," Selena paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing. "So I have come to profess some attraction towards you!"

"You do know I love dragging things out of you, in fact, it's become one of my favorite pastimes as of late…" Niles took a step towards her, their eyes meeting, boring holes into one another. "But I'm getting pretty impatient over here, so I guess I'll have to be the one who says it first."

"Hold on, you're not seriously about t-" Niles put his finger over Selena's lips, and she had to resist biting it. She was an adult, after all.

"Not only am I serious about it, I feel like I should shout it from the top of a mountain."

Selena grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand from her face. "We're nowhere near a mountain, and I'm not letting you out of my sight long enough to let you go do that, either!"

"Oh?" Niles leaned in close to her, and even in the dim lighting of the camp, she could see the red on his face. Of course, she was no doubt just as red, but that's hardly the point. "Should I carefully whisper it into your ear, then?"

"That's… that's not necessary yet!" Selena stammered out, pushing him back slightly. "I mean, I've got a stipulation here, if you and I are going to be an item."

"Done and done."

"What?! But I haven't even said what it is!"

"Well, I think I can make a pretty good guess about what it is."

Selena rolled her eyes, folding her arms. "Oh, do you?"

"Remembering that I couldn't find jack about where you're actually from, I take it that you're going to ask 'I want to return there one day, you'll have to come with me, lover boy'. Or am I wrong?"

"Am I really that easy to read?" Not that Selena would've used the words "lover boy" like that. She'd have chosen classier words to describe Niles, even if he was the antithesis of polite.

"You're as easy to read as secret documents, feel free to take that however you please."

"Ugh, look… I'll tell you everything about who I am, and where I'm from, and all that good stuff," she shook her head, hands moving to her hips. "But you'll have to be patient for once, because until the war's over, I just can't say anything."

"Unfortunately for you, that just means I get to make a game out of learning about you," Niles flashed her a grin. "How much can I learn before you confirm it all? In fact, I think we should start tonight, there's an out of the way area just over yonder."

"Or we could just go into your tent where no one would see us!"

"Well, if you insist…" Niles took her hand and walked with her towards his tent. "Here I just wanted to talk, but the way you made it sound, there wouldn't be too many words exchanged."

"You…" While Selena was at a loss for words, she walked faster than him and more or less dragged him into his tent. What was spoken there was not entirely verbal.