Wrote this months ago, for /r/Symphogear's fancontent prompts.

Established Relationship, Normal Life AU.

Chris lounged lazily on the couch, munching on some popcorn. Her eyes were glued to the huge TV screen, the bright and cheerful Utazukin confronting the episode's villain. Though this was Chris' third rewatch of the first season, she was still as entranced as the first time, even mouthing some of the dialogue in time with the characters. Her attention only shifted when she heard the door to the apartment open.

"I'm home!" Maria called out, a box in her arms as the door swung shut behind her.

"Welcome home." Chris replied, sitting up and placing the near empty bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of her. Her hand hovered hesitantly on the remote, reflexively wanting to change the show since she was still embarrassed to be caught watching anime. However, Maria had told her time and time again that she didn't mind, and that she actually found it cute. It was a testament to how comfortable Chris was with Maria that her hand relaxed and let the remote go.

"Chris, what did I tell you about eating on the couch?" Maria reminded gently, fond exasperation on her features as she placed her box down on the table.

"I didn't get the couch dirty!" Chris huffed defensively, making sure not to touch the couch with her grease and salt covered fingers.

Maria only raised an eyebrow at her knowingly before handing her some tissues whipped up from somewhere. Chris flushed guiltily but took the offering, trying to be quick and discreet as she wiped her hands.

Maria then smiled in approval and affection. Chris felt pleased that she was the cause of it even though it was because of her messy nature. Her face warmed when Maria casually dropped a soft kiss on the top of Chris' head before sitting down beside her.

"So, what's in the box?" Chris asked in a faux bored tone, willing her blush down.

"Mom was cleaning out the attic and I decided to take home a few things." Maria explained, her eyes lighting up as she pulled the box closer to her. She did mention earlier that she was going to visit Nastassja today with Serena. Chris had gracefully bowed out of it, mostly because she was still uncomfortable with the stern woman as she seemed to always glare at her with her one good eye every time she was in the vicinity. That, and she had an exam for Calculus that she couldn't afford to miss.

Chris watched with what she hoped was a detached expression as Maria opened the box and took out what seemed to be a large leather-bound book. She settled it on her lap, tracing the cover idly.

"Well, what is it?" Chris asked impatiently, totally failing to hide her curiosity. Maria looked quite fond of the book and handled it with care. It could only be important to her.

"It's our old photo album." Maria revealed, opening the book to the first page. Chris' eyes fell on the picture of a younger looking Nastassja standing upright and holding onto the hands of who could only be an even younger Maria and Serena. Maria looked to be no older than six, her pink hair already pulled into her buns, although that time they were still round and not pointed as they usually were. She looked so cute and adorable, her brilliant teal eyes staring nervously at the camera. Chris made a little noise in her throat that she disguised as a cough. She did not just stifle a squeal.

"You haven't seen pictures of me when I was younger yet, right?" Maria asked, though Chris was hardly paying any attention to her anymore. She was too busy looking at the next picture of the sisters in a field full of flowers. Little Maria had an unfinished flower crown in her hand, her cherubic face concentrating on her task.

"Chris?" Maria called out her name after a beat of silence. It was only then that Chris realized that Maria asked her a question. She quickly tore her eyes away from the album and back to Maria's amused eyes.

"N-No… I mean, yeah. Yeah, I haven't." Chris stumbled on her words as her brain finally processed the question. Maria laughed softly in response, leaning closer to Chris. She was comfortably warm as usual, and Chris mimicked her unconsciously.

"Do you want to see more?" Maria asked teasingly, closing the album. Chris grunted softly in response. Someone had been hanging out too much with Kanade again.

"Might as well, since you did bring it here. Not like I want to see it that bad." Chris grumbled crossly. Right after though she bit her tongue, fearing that she had said too much and Maria would take offense. To her relief, however, Maria just opened the album again and began regaling Chris with anecdotes about the many pictures.

Chris listened in rapt attention, unable to stop her laughter when a funny or embarrassing picture would show itself. Maria would bluster and blush whenever Chris would laugh, like at that picture of a fourteen year old Maria with her face and hair smeared with chocolate cake, looking utterly bedraggled while Kirika, Serena and Shirabe all had triumphant smirks and more chocolate icing on their faces.

"They all ganged up on me! I didn't stand a chance!" Maria insisted, a pout on her lips. It only made it funnier in Chris' well-educated opinion and she let out peals of laughter, imagining how the much younger trio overwhelmed Maria in a food fight.

"You so aren't cute." Maria muttered, her countenance flustered. Chris knew though she wasn't that annoyed with her just yet so she continued on laughing. It made a grudging smile tug on Maria's lips too.

"Still, I'm surprised that you were so scrawny when you were younger." Chris commented off-handedly, finally getting her laughter under control.

"Scrawny?" Maria repeated, raising an eyebrow at Chris.

"I mean, look at you." Chris gestured to a picture of a fifteen year old Maria wearing a blue dress. Despite having her signature pointed buns at that time already, her hair was much shorter and she hardly looked taller than Chris had been at that age. Chris herself hadn't changed much compared to her fifteen year old self. Her chest had already been pretty sizeable then, and seemed to be the only part of her body that grew significantly, especially compared to her height. She frequently lamented that she grew taller only by an inch and a half after three years.

"You were thin as a reed and you were short." Chris continued. Not to mention flat, Chris noted in her head as she stared at younger Maria's noticeably smaller chest. Chris personally thought that puberty had hit Maria like a truck, filling out her body and making her so tall. It made Chris a bit envious.

"I was a late bloomer." Maria sounded affronted, closing the album and placed it inside the box again. She then crossed her arms in a self-conscious reflex.

"I didn't mean that as a bad thing." Chris hastily amended, now sensing that Maria was miffed. "I mean, you're…" Chris paused, trying to find the words to explain how unbelievable the transformation was from scrawny Maria to tall, hot, sexy and ripped Maria. Her face burned to imagine saying the words to Maria's face.

"I'm?" Maria repeated, leaning closer to Chris curiously. Seeing her so close made Chris panic.

"You're hot!" Chris blurted out inarticulately, scrambling backwards. She cringed, horrified and embarrassed beyond belief at her words. However, Maria only blinked, looking quite shocked even, before she too, blushed heavily. Chris was not really expecting that reaction.

"You think I'm hot?" Maria then asked, her voice just above a whisper. She looked like she couldn't believe it and Chris was the one confused this time. With Maria being an idol with international fame, having thousands of fans and being called a bombshell diva by the media more often than not, Chris thought Maria knew she was hot.

Chris was about to open her mouth to say 'You're an idol!', as her exasperated non-answer to that question, but the look on Maria's face made her pause. It was earnest and hopeful, and damn it, Chris couldn't bring herself to say anything else but the truth. She jerked her head once in the world's fastest nod. It was enough of an answer that Maria beamed.

"I'm glad to hear that." Maria said sincerely, her eyes shining. It was then that Chris realized what Maria was so shocked about. It was because Chris had never said a compliment in such a straightforward manner before.

"G-Geez, don't get all sappy on me just because I said the truth." Chris scoffed, reflexively back to her die-hard tsun habits to hide her embarrassment.

"It's just very nice to hear from you." Maria admitted, her arms opening as she wordlessly gestured for a hug. Despite being flustered, Chris was quick to indulge the request, settling within Maria's arms and laying her head on her chest. Maria easily pulled Chris closer, lifting her a little and adjusting their position so that Maria was lying down on the couch with Chris on top of her.

"Idiot." Chris mumbled, encircling her arms around Maria's waist and squeezing her gently. There was a comfortable silence as they snuggled against each other.

"You're lucky, you know." Chris then broke silence, mulling over her earlier thoughts. Maria stayed silent, encouraging Chris to speak up more by rubbing her back comfortingly.

"I just… I feel a bit envious that you're so tall, when our heights were pretty close when we were the same age." Chris grumbled into the crook of Maria's neck. It did annoy the heck out of Chris when people would tease her about her height.

Maria hummed in acknowledgement, idly drawing random patterns on Chris' back with her fingers. "You're perfect as you are though." Maria then pointed out.

"Hrmph." Chris grunted, burying her face as her cheeks flamed. Sometimes she just couldn't believe what comes out of Maria's mouth so casually.

"And you still have some time left for you to grow taller." Maria continued encouragingly. Chris snorted at that. It was hardly likely that she would grow that much taller. Still, she did appreciate Maria's understanding and encouragement.

"Maybe." Chris shrugged noncommittally. "I'm not holding my breath for it though."

"If you were taller though, it'll be harder for you to achieve your favorite position." Maria spoke up thoughtfully, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"What do you mean?" Chris looked up at Maria with confused, narrowed eyes.

"If you were taller, you wouldn't be able to bury your face in my chest as easily when we hug." Maria elaborated, a playful smirk tugging on her lips.

Chris let out an indignant scoff, though her cheeks felt like they were permanently red. "It just happens! I don't do that on purpose!" She denied insistently even as she nuzzled Maria's chest. Maria giggled at the contrary actions and Chris lifted her head to glare at her. A sudden impulse to shut her up seized Chris and her body moved before she could even think.

"If I was taller, then it'd be easier to shut you up like this." Chris growled, lifting her head up and pressing her lips to Maria's in a surprise kiss. She lingered against soft lips for only a second longer before pulling away, the fiercest blush on her cheeks. She triumphantly smirked though at Maria's stunned face. It was her usual reaction to Chris' very rare displays of affection.

"Worked like a charm." Chris said smugly, looking pleased even as her heart raced in her chest. "Did I break you?" She teased, poking Maria's cheek.

Maria huffed as her trance broke, cheeks just as red as Chris'. "You don't play fair at times like these." Maria complained but drew Chris closer to her. "I want a proper kiss." She then requested softly, her features softening as well.

Chris looked amused and embarrassed, but couldn't say no. "Then come get it." She taunted instead, feeling nervous yet thrilled. Maria did just that, closing the gap between them and claiming her lips in a deeper kiss.

Utazukin continued to play in the background and Chris faintly recognized that it was her favorite episode playing. However, with Maria kissing her and in her arms, she couldn't really bring herself to care.

AN: I swear I'm not dead.