Word Count: 200 on the dot, no rewrites, first writing! Woot!

Word Challenge: Nostalgia

The old man smiled fondly as the tale he told kept his rapt audience of young children hanging on his every word. Sure he coloured in the details, exaggerated the scenes to excite and thrill his audience, and his gaze often grew misty, a wistful smile on his face as he recalled those times, that world, and all its remarkable people.

Afterwards, his apprentice approached, having herded the excitable children out of the chambers. "Truly, sir. You really should set these stories you tell on paper. So many others could enjoy them as well if you did."

But the old man just scoffed, with a harrumph of nonsense, and waved his ward on to continue his duties. The younger man only smiled as he watched the elder sit back in his chair, lost in the times of his past, recalling his part in the history of their fair kingdom.

Later that night and alone, Geoffrey of Monmouth opened up a large book, partially filled with his meticulous handwritten script and partially filled with blank pages. He picked up a quill, carefully trimmed the end, dipped it in an inkwell and began to write.

What resulted is the stuff of legends.

Afternote: Geoffrey of Monmouth is the inspiration behind my avatar.