A word of explanation: The following drabbles are a series of writing challenges where a word is given and we had to 'show' it as opposed to 'telling'. In some instances the word is not used, in others it is. The idea was to convey through the actions of the character what was being felt.

Challenge: Suspicion

In outrage, she threw every last servant and worker out of her domain.

The door slammed heavily behind her and she ignored the clamor and din that erupted from beyond as she surveyed the room. Leaning back into the door, her enormous bosom rose and her chin dropped as she searched the room, her mouth curling downward in a disproving frown. Her gaze fixed on the wooden platter where several steaming, roasted chickens sat.

Swelling up like a pouter pigeon, she heaved herself away from the door and she began walking around the table, her large bulk maneuvering like a ship at sea, ponderous and sure, as her eyes scanned the table, laden full of the efforts of the day; mounds and piles of food waiting to be served to the royal family.

She stopped at the platter of roasted chickens ready to be cut up and served.

Only now one was missing.

Her eyes narrowed, glinting dangerously, as a sneer began to lift her lip. Slowly she looked up, the sneer turning into a triumphant smirk which curled the cook's lips as her suspicions were confirmed.

The hook and twine used in their thievery still hung from the grate.