Author's Note: And here we are! The last chapter! It's coming a little late today because I went out of town for my dad's birthday, but here it is! I'd like to thank everyone for reading, and I hope you enjoy how I wrap the story up!

Chapter 7

What had started out as a normal hospital room had become almost a makeshift prison. The windows had been locked down, and there was a nurse or doctor guarding the door every minute of every day. Old Man McGucket was beginning to wonder if he'd have been better off in the Beast's dungeon. At least then he would have known what was happening with the kids. Now all he could do was sit in his bed and imagine poor Dipper and Mabel calling to him for help.


Now it's almost like I c'n really hear 'em! The old man thought, If the doctors find out about this, they'll never let me go!


I wish they'd just lemme go and help those kids. He continued to lament, I know I'm crazy, but I ain't hurtin' anyone none.

Suddenly, the nurse guarding the door was bowled over as Mabel and Dipper charged into the room.

"McGucket!" They both cried. Mabel jumped up onto his bed and hugged him while Dipper held back a bit, looking down at a strange tattered book.

"Mabel! Dipper!" The old man exclaimed. "You're really here! B-but how!? Didja finish that robut suit I was buildin' and fight off the Beast?"

"What? No," Dipper replied, "He let us go."

McGucket's brow furrowed in confusion. "That don't make no sense…"

"It's really not that big of a surprise." Mabel insisted. "The Beast may put on a show of being some sort of ferocious monster, but he's really just a big softie with a bit of a temper problem!"

"So you're not in danger?" The old inventor asked, still concerned about the young twins.

"We're fine! But what about you?" Dipper asked. "Why are you still in the hospital?"

The nurse the kids had knocked down had regained her senses and walked over to the three of them. "He was babbling on about some sort of Beast in Gravity Falls Castle. He seemed dead-set on running out into the woods to look for you kids despite the dangerous weather and his fragile health. We had to keep him from hurting himself!"

"Well, we're here now, so obviously he's not gonna run off looking for us." Dipper said. "So you can let him go."

"Of course, but first we need to tell Gideon!" The nurse insisted.

"What?" Mabel exclaimed, frowning in disgust. "What does Gideon have to do with anything?"

"He was organizing a search party to look for you kids!" The nurse explained as she got up to leave. "I'm going to go tell him he doesn't have to bother. You can come along or stay here and help your friend pack, I suppose." With that the nurse left, finally leaving the three of them alone.

"Ah man, I thought she'd never leave." Dipper muttered as he carefully set the strange book down on the inventor's lap. "McGucket, we have something important to show you."

McGucket looked at the book curiously. It was red and tattered, with a polished gold handprint set into the front cover. It showed the reflection of a man who looked simultaneously foreign and familiar, his eyes a deep earthy brown. His face was a mess of conflicting emotions.

"Wh-what is this?" The old man stammered in disbelief. "Is this a magic book or… did I know you once? Oh, this is crazy…"

"To answer both your questions: yes." Dipper smiled reassuringly.

"It's not crazy, McGucket, it's magic!" Mabel explained. "Some wicked chaos magic messed with your head, and that's why you can't remember stuff sometimes."

"And that same magic ended up transforming everyone in Gravity Falls Castle!" Her brother continued. "Including our great uncles! One got turned into the Beast, and the other" he pointed to the book, "got turned into a Journal. But before that, he was your friend."

Mabel opened the book up to a blank page. "Go ahead and say hello!"

"Hello?" McGucket said apprehensively, unsure if this would work. The word was barely half-way out of his mouth when frantically scribbled writing appeared on the page.

I'm so sorry Fiddleford! I know you probably don't even remember me by now, but maybe if I'd listened to you all those years ago none of us would be in this mess.

McGucket wasn't quite sure how just a couple of written sentences did it, but suddenly all the scattered, jumbled puzzle pieces of his mind began to come together. He connected the writing to a memory of a place, of Gravity Falls Castle, and that connected to why he was so scared of the castle and the surrounding woods. The memory of the place connected to the memory of a face, the face reflected in the cover of the book. The memory of the face connected to a name.

"S-stanford?" He said quietly.

Is that my name? I'd forgotten. Black splotches of in appeared on the page.

"Omigosh, are you crying?" Mabel asked in concern, leaning over McGucket to get a better look at the book.

The old inventor tightened his grip on the book. "Now don't you start cryin' Ford, or you'll get me cryin'!"

So you do remember me? I'm sorry for coming back like this, I know you must hate me, but I had to take the opportunity to apologize to you.

"Oh, don't be redonkulous, i don't hate you!" Fiddleford scolded him. "That was 30 years ago, you've made it plenty clear you're sorry, and it looks to me like you've learned your lesson and thensome!"

You don't know the half of it! The ink splotches on the page began to dry up.

Mabel hugged them all joyously. "This is great! Now we can all go back to the castle together and be one big happy family!"

"An' then after I marry Mabel, we'll have six, no, seven beautiful boys! It'll be one big happy family!" Gideon was explaining his life plans to Ghost-Eyes as they recruited more people for the search party.

"What if she doesn't want to have that many kids?" His lackey asked.

Gideon pashawed. "I'll make her see things my way!"

The two of them made their way to the town square, where a small crowd of volunteers had gathered. Ghost-Eyes lifted the albino boy up on his shoulders so that he could better address them all.

"Thank you kindly." Gideon complimented him. "Well, first thing's first, thank y'all for comin' along to help search for the dear lost Pines twins!" The people all nodded and murmured that they were always happy to help Lil' Gideon. "Now, we have reason to believe they'll be round 'bout Gravity Falls Castle… and we have reason to believe that they're bein' held captive by the Beast of Gravity Falls!"

The people all gasped and their murmuring turned darker. "The Beast is just a myth!" Toby Determined cried.

"Or so we thought!" The albino boy corrected. "But I did some diggin' in the older library books an' found ancient writings about the ol' castle. Long story short, there really is a Beast! And now, we gotta go kill him before he eats the Pines twins, and who knows, maybe even one of y'all!"

The easily persuaded crowd gasped and murmured some more and generally got very riled up. They were teetering towards mob status, but they weren't quite there yet. The tension was broken a bit when a nurse from the hospital appeared, with the Pines and McGucket not terribly far behind.

"Oh, good, you haven't left yet!" Mabel breathed a sigh of relief.

"M-mable! What're you doin' here!?" Gideon asked in confusion. This wasn't supposed to happen! He was supposed to sweep in and save her! He was supposed to be the hero! How was he going to make Mabel love him now?

"We came to stop you!" She explained. "You all don't have to run off into the dangerous woods in the snow, we're fine!"

"But- but the Beast!"

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Oh, so guys will believe Gideon about the Beast, but not McGucket!?"

"Yep!" A voice called out from the crowd.

"We gotta go kill it before it eats one of us!" Another voice agreed.

"He's not gonna eat anyone!" Mabel insisted. "The Beast is actually really nice once you get to know him. He's our friend!"

"He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!" A third voice cried.

"What!? No he didn't!" Dipper yelled exasperatedly.

"No, but are we just gonna wait around until he does?"

The crowd gasped and murmured even more. The situation was quickly getting out of control.

"Stop it!" Mabel cried, "Please, listen to me!"

This all gave Gideon an idea. He could still turn things in his favor!

"Y'know, people in this town tend to listen to me." Gideon said as he stepped next to Mabel. "I might be able to make them see reason, if you agree to be my queen!"

Mabel scowled and pushed him away. "Never!" The albino boy fell to the ground with a thud. He glared up at her.

"Wait, I have and idea!" Dipper assured his sister. "I can show you that the Beast isn't dangerous!" He called out to the crowd and held up a tattered red book. Gideon gasped. It was the book Bill showed him!

"Show me the Beast!" Dipper said clearly. The golden handprint on the cover flashed with light and showed the Beast in the middle of a temper tantrum, roaring menacingly, destroying everything in the West Wing, and looking very, very dangerous. "Oh… bad timing…."

"Ok, ok, I know this looks bad." Mabel tried to appease the crowd. "But he's just got a bit of an anger management problem! Don't you guys ever get really mad and break a few things?"

"Why are you defendin' this monster!?" Gideon asked her. "After everything he did to you an' your friend!?"

WHY INDEED. A familiar, distorted voice replied in Gideon's mind.

Bill? He wondered in his head.


Are you sayin' they're under some sorta spell?


Gideon snapped out of his trance and ran over to Dipper, tackling the older boy unexpectedly and grabbing the book.

"Hey! Let him go!" Dipper yelled.

"These two are bewitched!" Gideon yelled to the crowd.

"Burn the witch!" The farmer yelled.

"No, not witches, they're bewitched!" The albino boy corrected. "Bewitched by the Beast! We won't be safe 'til he's good an' dead! I say we kill the Beast!"

"Kill the Beast!" The crowd agreed, finally reaching full-on mob mode. They all grabbed torches and pitchforks.

"No! We won't let you!" Mabel yelled. She, Dipper, and McGucket all charged Gideon at once, but Ghost-Eyes stepped in and grabbed them all.

"See? They've all gone mad!" Gideon declared. "Lock 'em up 'til we get back, we can't have 'em gettin' in our way!"

Ghost-Eyes threw them all into the run down shack that had once been their home and blocked up the door and all the windows with great big wooden beams, too heavy for any normal person to lift on their own. The mob marched off, chanting "Kill the Beast!"

Mabel beat against the door, trying to break it down. Dipper just sat in the corner with his head in his hands.

"No, no… Gideon has the Journal! I was supposed to take care of him, and now Gideon has him! How could I let this happen!?"

"Quit moping and help me!" Mabel scolded him "If we don't get out of here, both our Grunkles are toast!"

"Grunkle?" Dipper asked in confusion.

"Great Uncle. Grunkle. I'm stressed, I'm making up words!" She explained.

"Cheer up kids!" McGucket comforted them, handing them each a wrench. "It's like I always say: When life locks you up, build a robut suit an' escape!"

"You've literally never said that before." Dipper pointed out.

"Haven't I?" The inventor shrugged. "Well, m'point still stands. Now help me get these arms a-workin'!"

Thankfully the beast had worked through his rage phase and had sunk into his sulking phase, which wasn't much better emotionally, but at least he had stopped breaking things. Soos, Wendy, and Robbie used the lull in destruction to clean up a bit.

"I just dunno if he's gonna be able to move on from this one." Robbie lamented. "I don't think he'd ever opened up to someone like that."

"They were his family, they're irreplaceable." Wendy agreed.

Soos perked up. "Hey, do you dudes hear something sorta... angry mobbish?"

They all hopped up to the windows and looked out over the forest to see an angry mob marching down the old path towards the castle. The strangers all brandished torches and pitchforks and other various weapons, chanting "kill the Beast!" Over and over.

"Uhg, this would happen today." Robbie groaned.

"Oh man, what do we do?" Soos wondered frantically.

Luckily, Wendy was amazing at keeping her cool in a crisis, and immediately took charge. "You guys gather up anyone who can fight, I'm gonna go warn the boss, try and shake him outta his funk."

The axe hopped as quickly as she could up the stairs to the West Wing. The place was absolutely trashed, far worse than it had ever been. She doubted even Soos could fix all this. Working her way around all the rubble to the Beast's room proved to be difficult. She finally found him in a heap of shredded blankets.

"Scram." The Beast grumbled when he noticed her.

"Dude! There's a freakin' mob outside yelling that they're gonna kill you!" She exclaimed.

"Good for them." He grunted.

"Would you snap out of it!?" Wendy yelled. "They're gonna burn the place down if you don't do something!"

With a groan, the Beast slowly stood to his full height. There was a new manic glint in his eyes. "Well, I guess goin' out fightin' beats the alternative."

"Uh, that's not exactly the spirit I was hoping to inspire..." Wendy pointed out, but her Boss was already bounding recklessly out the door.

Meanwhile downstairs, every able-bodied person-turned-object was trying to hold the door against the mob's battering ram. With every bang on the door, more and more splinters few, and a few objects fell to the ground.

"This isn't working!" Robbie cried as another bash from the mob bent the door in a few inches more.

"Wait, dude, I just had an idea!" Soos exclaimed proudly. "Everybody hide!"

"What!?" Robbie exclaimed incredulously, but everyone else did as they were told. With a crash like a toppling tree, the door was broken in and the mob entered the castle. The townsfolk looked around curiously, wondering why there were so many random tools and furniture in the grand entryway.

"Y'all take whatever goods you can find, but the Beast is mine!" Gideon declared, charging up the stairs. All the people-turned-objects tensed when they saw he had the Journal. As the boy hurried along, the rest of the mob filtered in. Once they were all inside, remains of the door slammed shut behind them.

"Attack!" Soos ordered, and every enchanted thing in the entryway descended on the mob like an explosion in a hardware store. The hammer was swinging around every-which-way, bruising and breaking bones. Robbie tripped people using his guitar strings, and Grenda jumped off the balcony, flat-out crushing a man.

"Yeah!" She bellowed her warcry.

Gideon stayed out of all this nonsense, completely focused on finding the Beast. He could hear Bill egging him on as he got closer.


The boy tightened his grip on his crossbow and peeked around the corner. He was startled to see a pair of deep earthy brown eyes staring back at him.

"You lookin' for me, punk?" The Beast growled dangerously. Gideon jumped back in shock, letting an arrow fly from his crossbow instinctively. It buried itself into the monster's shoulder and he let out a howl of pain. For a moment, the boy thought he was victorious, but in seconds the Beast had straightened up again, and advanced on the boy like the arrow wasn't even there.

"Now listen here you little troll, you can fight me all you want, but tell your mob down there to leave this castle alone!" The monster bellowed.


Gideon quickly whipped out the Journal, careful to keep it in sight of the Beast but out of his reach. It worked like a charm. The monster stopped dead in his tracks and absolute dread plastered his face.

"No… let him go you runt!" The Beast demanded, although there was a waver of terror in his voice.

"Not so powerful now, are you Beast?" Gideon laughed maniacally. He opened the book and grabbed a page.

"No, please, I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt him!" The monster was begging now.

The boy smirked triumphantly. "I want you to let Mabel go, so she'll love me!"

"Wha… she left last night, her and Dipper both left!" The Beast pleaded.

"Not from the castle you fool! From the spell she's under!"

The Beast looked at the kid as though he had just declared he was a snake sandwich.. "What the heck are you talking about?"


With a quick jerk, Gideon tore the page he was holding out. The Beast bellowed in agony, as though a piece of his own heart had been ripped out. The albino boy cackled, his own gleeful giggling mingling with the higher-pitched laughter of Bill that seemed to be less and less in his head. But even tearing the book, his one weakness, wasn't enough to stop the Beast. He lunged into his tormentor, and they both tumbled out a window and onto one of the castle's many balconies.

The two of them grappled with the book, pushing and pulling, kicking and punching, back and forth. Gideon noticed the Beast seemed more concerned with keeping the book from harm than his own well-being. In fact, the Beast seemed to take every blow Gideon dealt, even ones that could have easily been avoided or blocked. It was as though the monster didn't care whether it lived or died.

This gave Gideon an awful idea. He grabbed a shard of glass from the broken window and wound up to stab the Beast right in the neck. But before he could complete the action, a resounding crash shook the castle, followed by a loud shout.

"Gideon, stop!" Mabel cried. She and Dipper were sitting on the shoulders of a crazy man-shaped, steam-powered machine of wood and brass which McGucket was piloting. The thing was currently scaling the walls of the castle, coming to the Beast's aide.

"What in tarnation!?" Gideon exclaimed.

"Kids!?" The Beast asked, stunned beyond any other words.

"I finally finished that escape robut!" McGucket declared proudly.

The temporary pause in the fight quickly ended, as Gideon renewed his attempt to stab the Beast. But the return of the young twins reinvigorated the monster, and he grabbed the widdle arm in mid-arc, squeezing his hand so the boy dropped the shard of glass.

"F-fine!" Gideon spluttered, roughly opening the Journal with his free hand, yanking a page dangerously. "Looks like you need another taste of this then!" The Beast dropped him like a hot potato.

"Gideon, you don't know what you're doing!" Dipper yelled at him from the robot. "That's not just a book, he's a person!"

It was Gideon's turn to look at someone like they were spouting nonsense. "What're you tryin' to pull?" He glanced down at the book, taking a careful look at it for the first time. It was mostly blank, with a few scribbles of No! Stop it, please! and What can I do? written in the margins. As he looked, a terrifying image of an angry Gremloblin was suddenly scrawled across the page. Gideon dropped the book in surprise.

Unfortunately he was standing right at the edge of the balcony at the time.

"No!" Everyone yelled simultaneously. Dipper jumped, momentarily forgetting he was sitting precariously on a robot almost two stories up in the air, and nimbly caught the Journal in his arms. He probably would have fallen himself if Mabel hadn't caught him by his vest.

"I got you! ...I got him!" He reassured everyone breathlessly. He shakily but carefully opened the book to an undamaged page. "Are you ok?"

Hah! The pen really is mightier than the sword! The man in the Journal wrote shakily. Dipper didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he settled for a hiccupy mix of both, hugging the book close to his body as he tried to steady his breathing.

Their tearful reunion was cut short by a scream from Gideon. Everyone looked up to find the Beast dangling the boy over the edge, gripping him by the frilly front of his shirt. The monster's eyes blazed with fury.

"No! No, please don't hurt me!" Gideon begged pathetically. "Please, I'll do anything! Anything!"

"Hey, he's ok!" Mabel called up to her uncle, holding up the Journal as proof. "No harm done! Put Gideon back, I know he's a jerk, but you're better than him!"

The Beast's rage subsided a bit. "You'll do anything, huh?" He asked the whimpering boy.

"I-I swear!"

With a furious huff, the Beast turned and dropped the boy back onto the balcony. "Never lemme see your face anywhere near this castle again!" He spat.

"Y-yes sir!" Gideon squealed and scampered away.

McGucket's climbed the rest of the way up to the balcony. The kids were so excited to see the Beast they hopped off as soon as they could reach the railing.

"You came back!" The Beast grinned. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy

So of course that was the moment everything went wrong.

Suddenly Gideon was standing on the balcony again, but there was something very wrong with the way he stood, the way he grinned, the way his yellow eyes twitched.

Mabel rolled her eyes and strode forward, intending to push the stubborn Gideon out again. "Gideon, I thought you were supposed to leave and never come back!"

"Mabel, wait!" Dipper ran after her, noticing something was definitely off about the albino boy.


Gideon, or rather, Bill in Gideon's body, lunged forward, slashing at them with a shard of glass. The kids weren't expecting it, and surely would've been cut to ribbons if someone hadn't lept between them. The Beast howled as the glass shard dug into his belly.


In an act of defiance, the Beast lashed out with a claw, knocking Gideon's body to the ground with enough force that Bill's yellow triangle form bounced out.


With his last ounce of strength, the Beast struck out with a left-hook and shattered Bill into a million pieces. "Your magic made me, wise guy." He spat, and then collapsed.

Mabel and Dipper were at his side in an instant, trying to help him back up.

"Don't." McGucket advised them gently as he exited his robot-suit. "The best we c'n do for him now is make him comfer'ble." The old man stooped and picked up the Journal, which now had a great gash in the polished golden handprint, and hung his head in sorrow.

"Y-you came back…" The Beast choked out as the young twins helped him lay down in a more comfortable position.

"You already said that, silly." Mabel said tearfully, clutching to his great paw desperately. "A-and of course we came back! We're gonna be a family now, you and me and Dipper, and Grunkle Stanford and McGucket…. You can't go now, we're gonna be a happy family!" She broke down into sobs. "Y-you can't go now, I l-love you!"

The Beast looked lovingly at the two children. He'd actually managed to make them happy. He'd actually managed to save their lives. "Heh, guess I was good for somethin' after all…" He grunted with his last breath, and then went still.

Dipper grabbed the Beast by the face and shook him gently. "Don't talk like that, of course you're good for something!" He pleaded. No response. He fought back tears as he buried his own face in the Beast's fur. "W-we love you…" His muffled whisper was barely audible.

Everyone stood in silent mourning, except for Mabel, who sobbed freely. Even the sky seemed to cry, as rain began to fall. It took a while for them to notice there was a strange glowy quality to the rain, almost like pixie-dust, and it seemed to be gathering around the Beast, enveloping him in a magical cocoon. Mabel and Dipper backed away in surprise and fear as the mysterious force began to lift him into the air. The Beast's tattered cloak billowed around him, obscuring what was going on behind the magical glow. One of his paws peeked out, but it was changing! The fur and claws retreating, and the shape changing to that of a normal hand. The rain continued to fall, but the glow dissipated from around the Beast, and he descended back down to the floor, although he really couldn't be called a beast anymore. Now he was simply an old, silver-haired man in clothes much too big for him.

The old man stirred, sitting up slowly and looking over his transformed hands, before glancing up at the still teary-eyed twins. "Kids?" He asked in hushed amazement.

The children looked into his deep, earthy brown eyes and knew, however unbelievable it might be, exactly who he was. They immediately embraced him.

"We did it!" Mabel cried, "The curse is broken!"

"The curse is broken…" Their uncle repeated, barely believing the words he was speaking. "... The curse is broken! Stanford!" He ran to where a very embarrassed looking McGucket was trying to help his brother stand.

"Stanley!" Ford nearly toppled over on his weak legs trying to hug his brother. The two of them collided and began trying to apologize over the other's apology.

"Omigosh!" Mabel exclaimed as she looked between them. "Why didn't you guys tell us you were twins too!"

Stanley chuckled. "Heh, we forgot sweetie."

Their hug pile soon grew bigger as the magical rain spread through the castle and the curse was lifted for the others.

"Dudes, how is this even possible?" Soos marvaled. He was no longer a hammer, but a large young man with odd buck-teeth.

"Because we love each other!" Mabel explained. "He didn't need a girlfriend, he just needed somebody to love him!"

"Aw man, if I'd known that I could've broken the curse forever ago!" The handyman lamented.

Ford chuckled dryly. "And I could've broken it if I'd been able to talk. Bill was incredibly devious when he cast his spell, he knew exactly how to torment us… but thanks to the kids, we're ok now."

Wendy was the next to arrive. "You did it! I can hardly believe it, but you did it!" She exclaimed. She was now a tall teenaged girl with long, beautiful red hair. "It shouldn't surprise me this much, you guys are always doing incredible things."

"Oh, uh, hah, thanks!" Dipper stammered.

Oh no, she's hot! He thought.

Robbie and Grenda joined them next. "Omigosh, I'm so small and squishy now!" Grenda grinned, flexing her stocky arms experimentally.

"Whoa, I'm not a suffering artist anymore…" Robbie realized, now a gangly dark-haired teen. "Does this mean I have to write happy songs now?"

"Hah, that'll be the day!" Stan laughed.

As the last signs of the curse were washed away, the rain cleared up and a bright blue sky was revealed. The large, strange family was content to lay there on the balcony, enjoying each other's company and the wonderful feeling of being whole and human again.

Author's Notes: Thank You all for reading! I'll be leaving for the Provo Missionary Training Center on June 15th, so I might have time for just one more chapter of Stanswitch, and then I'll be gone for 18 months. It's been a blast writing fanfiction and seeing people get enjoyment out of my stories, but now it's time for me to dedicate my time and talents to the Lord. I'll miss you all, but they say the time flies by really fast. I guess we'll see where we all are 18 months from now.
