Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball Z.

Author's Note: This is how I've been wanting to write. With the encouragement of a XxTerroKing23xX I'm finally able to express myself in such a way

My dearest, when will you return?

I count the days until you'll be in my arms.

I wait ever so patiently for the time I'll fall in love all over again.

The rush as the breath is taken from my lungs and my heart beat quickens.

How many others could affect me so?

The question needs no response as you know its solely you.

A childish crush blossomed into full grown love.

I learned through our time as a couple.

Two separate individuals came to be solid as a rock.

We evolved from a place of total inexperience to becoming a complete family.

Here by myself I pray for your safety.

Nothing is worse than when I worry nonstop about you.

My heart is yours wholly and completely, and your absence makes it grow ever fonder.

I will remain by your side no matter what comes our way.

We've always come out on top to face a brighter day.

Distance between us only serves to draw us closer.

This is why every time I see you I fall even deeper in love.

From the first to the very last moment.

Forever in love I shall remain.