Chapter 1

The morning sun shone through curtains on every house in the neighborhood. The birds sang the morning songs as well as the infamous excited cock- a- doodle- doo from an old rooster at the Cheng farm. Before that could happen, of course everybody in the household had woken up. Well, except the daughter of the Cheng family.

"Marinette, wake up. It's morning time!" A short haired lady shouted from the kitchen.

The said girl grunted and pulled her blanket to cover her face "Urg… 5 more minutes, Mama." She mumbled.

Her mother sighed and shook her head. The older lady in the kitchen chuckled. "Don't worry Sabine, I will wake her up."

"I am counting on you, Mother." Sabine sighed again as she kept stirring a pot of porridge.

Even though she almost reached 10 century old, but she was still healthy and looked like in her 80s. She climbed the stairs with no problem and she slide her granddaughter' bedroom door. She sat by her bed and gently put her wrinkle hand on top of a pink blanket "Mari dear, do you know what day is it today?"

"Mm… it's Saturday Grandma." She mumbled.

"Which means?"

"No school, no homework."

"Other than that?"

"… it's the coming age ceremony!" She suddenly sat up and discarded her comfy blanket. Dashed down to her wardrobe "Oh crap! I'm gonna be late! What time is it grandma?!"

"Calm down Mari dear. We woke you up just in time. Come down for breakfast and then we will help you to prepare."

"Thanks, Grandma!" Marienette kissed grandma cheek and ran down stairs.

A coming age ceremony is a tradition where all girls who have reached the age of 15 should present herself like a lady to a matchmaker, Ms. Mendeleiev, an unmarried woman who always dressed up like a lab professor. Mendeleiev would grade every girl and referred them to the males' family.

But the ceremony would be once in a life time. There won't be a second if candidate screwed up. Thus, every detail became very important. Appearance, etiquette and knowledge. After a one hour bubble bath, an hour picking traditional Chinese dresses and make up session and another half an hour complicated hairdo, Marienette finally ready to hit the road.

"I can't believe I am doing this." She sighed.

"What's with the long face?" Sabine put her hand on her cheek.

"I don't want to leave my family." Marinette hugged her.

"Of course not, my dear. You will always belong here. You will always be the daughter of the family." Sabine stroked her back.

The grandma smiled when she saw their moment. That reminded her of the old days. Her and her daughter's. And now, it's her granddaughter's turn.

"Mari dear, it's the Cheng family emblem. This will keep you calm and protected." She said as she put a pair of old classic ruby earrings on. She handed a small mirror for her to see.

"But… It's an important emblem of the family! You can't just give it to a clumsy person like me!" She protested

"Whether you are clumsy or not, any girl in the family will wear it during the ceremony. Consider it as part of the Cheng tradition."

"But what if I accidentally lose it or break it or…"

"Marinette, calm down." The oldest male in the family walked up to them. He handed a small glass cage. "For good luck."

"A ladybug?" the three ladies asked.

"Well, they ran out of crickets so I think a ladybug would do. The seller said the name's Tikki."

Marinette smiled and hugged her grandpa. "Thanks grandpa, grand ma, Mom! I am off." She waved.

"Take care, Marinette! And just be yourself!"

"Cheng Marinette?"

"I am here!" She holds her hand up.

"A lady should answer elegantly." Mendeleiev noted something on a paper.

"Oops." She sheepishly smiled.

"Follow me." Mendeleiev said deadpan.

Marinette followed her into a room confusedly while Mendeleiev slammed the door shut.

"You are taller than average. Nose… a bit too pointy. Eyes… are deep blue? Hair… perfect length. Ah, and you name… hard to pronounce. You are not a Chinese?" She asked.

"Half Chinese." Marinette corrected

She frowned and noted down. "Please sit down and pour me tea." Mendeleiev instructed without tearing her gaze from the paper.

It's not like I can choose my name and sorry for being half Chinese! Marinette silently complained. But as Mendeleiev told her to. A minute later, Mendeleiev sipped the tea. "A bit too thick. You need to practice more."

Marinette gulped. This is not going well.

"Tell me, what do you do in your free time?"

"Most of the time, I will go out to find inspiration. Then, I will draw designs and make clothes. This is one of my designs." She said proudly, hoping she would finally get something good on her paper.

But instead of a smile, she got a frowned from Mendeleiev. "Going out for inspiration? That's not a good activity for a wife."


"How about music instruments? Do you play lute or flute?"

"Erm… a little lute?"

"Please demonstrate yourself." Mendeleiev showed a medium sized lute in the corner of the room.

Marinette gulped. Honestly, she hadn't touched any music instruments for 10 years. The only piece she knew was a melody that her father played when she was little. But she had no idea what the title was.

She traced the lute and tried the string. She smiled as she started to play. Mendeleiev closed her eyes as she enjoyed the music. After it ended, Mendeleiev wrote something and then asked her. "What's the title of that piece? I have never heard of it before."

"Um… I don't know but…"

"What?! You don't know?" She suddenly glared at her. Assuming that she just played a random unknown melody. "Are you making fun of me Ms. Cheng?!"

"Wha..? No, that's not it Ms. Mendeleiev! It was..."

"Stop wasting my time, Ms. Cheng! If you don't know the title, might as well play another piece!" She commanded.

"But… that's the only piece I know…" her head hang low.

Mendeleiev squinted her eyes and then noted down on her paper. "Thank you for your time, Ms. Cheng. You may leave now."

Marinnette bowed and leave the room. A big disappointment was all written on her face.

"Don't let it ruin your day, sweet heart." Sabine patted her back.

"How can't I, Mother? I brought shame to Cheng's family name!"

Sabine gave a motherly smile and hugged her. "There is no shame when you are just being yourself, Marinette. I want you to live as yourself. Never be someone who is not you, dear. It will only bring regret and disappointment in the end."

"Mama…" Marinette could feel her tears building up. But before she could return her hug, a loud trumpet sound startled them.

"What's happening? It's I the middle of the night." Mariette wondered.

"Stay inside the house, dear." Sabine said and went outside the house along with grandma and grandpa.

Sensing something very important, Marinette wouldn't just stand still. She climbed up to her room and went to the balcony which fortunately could let her see the whole thing.

"Attention! This is a direct order from the emperor! The Hun was defeated…" The messenger read a scroll as the residence cheered. Marinette jumped in delight.

"Silence!" The messenger shouted, gaining full attention. "The Hun was defeated by the European alliance. And now, the France is marching to us." That was enough to turn cheer to gasps. "The emperor announced, it is now China turn to defend our country. Thus, every man in the family must join the army to strengthen our forces." Louder gasps were heard.

No! Marinette put her palms on her lips as she quickly ran down.

"Each family representative should come forward and received the letter when called."The messenger said as he read the list. "Long family." A man in 40s got the letter. "Tang family." An old man move forward but a young man stopped him. "I will replace my father." The messenger nodded and continued.

"Cheng family." The messenger announced.

Sabine and grandma could only sadly stare at grandpa who stood straight and readied to accept the letter. Only until a certain scream stopped them.

"NO, GRANDPA! YOU CAN'T!" Marinette screamed her lungs out.

"Marinette!" Sabine and grandma gasped.

"Please sir, my grandpa is too old to fight the France army. He just can't…"

"Silence!" The messenger shouted. He then glared at them. "Mr. Cheng, Do you have another men in your family?"

"No, Sir."

"Then, It is your duty, as the Cheng representative to fight for the country." The messenger handed the letter to grandpa.

"What? But…"

"Marinette! Silence! You are bringing shame to our family!" the kind Grandpa unusually shouted at her. Making her stiff and then ran inside the house.

"Mari dear, Grandpa is not mad at you. He said that to protect you. If you keep debating with the messenger earlier, not only you but we will also in trouble." Grandma said as she patted her head.

"But, grandma…" Marinete sobbed.

"I am proud of you my dear granddaughter. You are brave and able to speak out your mind. No matter to who you are talking to. I am sure grandpa feel the same." Marinette hugged her tighter and buried her face. "Mari, Grandpa will leave early morning. We will see him off together, alright? Now, just rest and have a good night sleep." Grandma said as she tucked her to bed.

But that stormy night, unlike the usual night where she could just fall asleep easily. A crazy plan ran wild in her brain and the strong determination made her get up. She took her small pouch and the small glass cage of ladybug to family sacred room. She silently took out a sword and cut her hair short. Leaving it hanging on shoulder length. Then, she pulled out the family armor and put it on. Before she left, she put the glass cage as the replacement of missing armor. "Wish me luck." She whispered.

After that, she went to the barn. Once she stepped in, almost all horses freaked out. But a black sleek horse remained calm since he knows it was no stranger. Marinette smiled and patted him. She climbed up and took off. Not once she turned back to see her house.

Hello! This is my first Miraculous fanfic. Please tell me what you think! Hope you enjoy! :)