Chapter 2

"The heroine is known by the name 'Ladybug' and she was spotted last night saving this woman from this crazy monster!" Explains Alya, waving the papers in their faces. Marinette seemed to just enjoy listening to her friend talk about something that excited her while Adrien was entranced by her words.

The superhero Ladybug, fighting off a monster?

"Well, technically it was just a psychopath but she was described as a monster with fangs and claws!"

Scratch that monster part. Just a freak with issues.

"Wait, you said she? So the fre- I mean psychopath, was a woman?" Asks Adrien, wishing he brought his notepad. Marinette stares at him through the corner of her eye, wondering what was going inside that head of his.

Alya nods, "Yeah, after Ladybug left, Scotland Yard arrived and took the woman into custody. She's at the mental asylum now. Down by the countryside, or so I've heard." Adrien thinks for a moment, staring off into space. This could be the perfect opportunity, and maybe even an interview with the attacker herself. Marinette and Alya exchange glances before Alya crosses her arms and leans forward a bit, looking down at Adrien with intimidation.

"You're not planning on going... are you?" Asks Alya, snapping Adrien out of his thoughts. He stares up at Alya and smiles nervously, shaking his head quickly.

"No, no! Of course not," Says Adrien, trying to save himself from any more questions. Alya raises her chin, with a sly smirk.

"Good, cause going is suicide. Even I wouldn't dare to go, and I'm curious about this kind of stuff." Admits Alya, Marinette agreeing with a nod. Adrien forces a fake smile and nods in an attempt to not act suspiciously. He didn't care if this was suicide or not, he needed that story. And what could possibly go wrong? It's a locked down mental asylum, she couldn't harm him even if she tried.

Adrien stands and tips his hat at the two ladies before backing away, "I must be off now, it was a pleasure to meet you both." He says with a smile, his eyes land on Marinette and their gazes meet. A soft blush forming on Marinette's cheeks, causing her to avert her gaze slightly. "I hope to see you again, Madame Dupain," He finishes, catching her attention again. She smiles with a nod.

"I do as well, Monsieur Agreste." She replies, a soft smile on her perfect porcelain face. Adrien smiles one last time and walks off, his heart racing in his chest. He needed that story, no matter what it took.

Adrien looks into the mirror one last time, releasing a heavy breath that he didn't realise he was holding in. He had changed into a simple vest and tie with a white long sleeved undershirt and a pair of black dress pants, with his special pocket watch tucked safely where it should be and his even more prized ring still on his finger. He considered leaving them behind, afraid of losing them but decided against it and grabbed his coat as he opened his door. He jumped slightly when he saw Nino standing in front of him with his arm raised, just about to knock. He lowers his hand and adjusts his tweed cap.

"Where are going?" He asks, suspicious. "Just this morning I had to force you out and now you're sneaking out at dawn." He adds, looking Adrien up and down. Adrien shrugs, looking down at the floorboards.

"Something came up," He says as an excuse, no way could he tell Nino the truth, he wouldn't let Adrien even leave his own flat if he did. Nino stares at him, an eyebrow raised.

"Something I should know about?" He asks, crossing his arms. Adrien meets eye contact and regrets it instantly as guilt begins to boil up inside him. He swallows it down and forces a smile.

"No, everything's fine." For now, that is.

Nino gives him an uncertain glance then sighs in defeat, "Whatever, just don't kill yourself." He says, half joking. Nino had the burning suspicion that Adrien had been depressed ever since his mother disappeared and he couldn't help but worry about his best friend and his mental health. It wasn't a good sign that Adrien had locked himself in a room for nearly a week without saying a word, now Nino didn't let him out of his sight. Adrien nods with a half smile, just wanting to leave already. As much as he loved his friend for caring about him, he wished Nino didn't ask so many questions.

"I won't, now can you let me by please?" Asks Adrien, his patience starting to wear thin. Nino sighs and moves to the side, Adrien smiles slightly and walks past him, fixing his coat collar as he walked. He glances back at his friend one more time before walking outside, looking around quickly then beginning his walk down the streets. He had thoughts racing through his head, first, a new hero appears and now some sort of monster getting locked up in a mental asylum, which only made him wonder even more.

If it's a monster, why would they put it in a mental asylum? Isn't that just for psychopaths? Although Alya did say that she was a psychopath but still, claws and fangs? I would call that a monster than just a crazy person. I guess I need to see it for myself to really know what's going on.

Once he reached the very edge of town that broke off into farmland, he searched for something that could take him to the asylum faster, he spotted a stables not far from where he was and he made his way over to the building, glancing around as the sun began to set, lights turning on in houses and streets. He noticed a small house near the stables, no doubt the owners and he wondered if he should just take one or actually ask for one.

Good evening, I was just wondering if I could borrow one of your horses to go to a mental asylum, don't worry I'll bring it back.

Adrien shakes his head, knowing his thoughts were ridiculous which only meant one thing, he needed to just take one and hope they wouldn't notice. But he was someone who stole, in fact, he never stole anything before. He stopped in his tracks, knowing this was wrong. He bites his lip slightly in thought and slowly makes his way to the stables, there were three beautiful horses inside, one a chestnut brown, another one white with grey spots all over its body and a long black mane, and the last one, purely black. He was torn between the grey and the black one, then he shook his head.

No, this is wrong, I can't just steal someone's horse. He thought as he fought with himself as to what to do. Suddenly one of the doors to the stables opens and Adrien finds himself unable to move, but he was slightly relieved and slightly terrified when he saw Marinette coming out, holding a brush in her hand. Her gaze caught Adrien and she jumps slight, just as scared as he was he supposed.

"Monsieur Agreste? What are you doing here?" She asks, confusion and suspicion crossing her face. Adrien gulps down a lump in his throat and glances down at the ground, racking his brain for an excuse.

"I was just... admiring the horses. I was passing by and saw the stables so I thought I would quickly look at them, sorry for intruding." He says, looking back up at her. She was wearing a different dress than before, now it was a blue dress with a brown corset around her waist and near her chest was a white fabric with ruffles. Adrien still found her stunning, even if she was wearing brown muddy boots with a dress and she had a small patch of dirt on her cheek, he still could see how pretty she was. He looks down again and clears his throat, pushing away his thoughts before his cheeks went red.

Marinette stares at him for a moment then back at the horses, she had just finished brushing the grey horse and was about to go back inside to get ready for bed, but now she wondered if there was something Adrien wasn't telling her and that only made her more suspicious. "It's okay, the horses are used to the attention." She says, smiling softly, putting the brush down on a stool.

Adrien glances up at her and the horses and smiles slightly, "Which one is your's?" He asks, trying to start a normal conversation. Marinette smiles and looks back at the grey horse, "This one, his name is Hudson." She says, putting a hand on the horse's muzzle. Hudson leans into her hand and flicks his tail, stomping one of his hooves into the dirt. Adrien hesitates before walking towards the stables and standing beside Marinette, looking up at the horse with interest.

"I'm heading to the next town and I was wondering if I could borrow one of your horses to get there, I understand if you don't want-"

"You can use my father's, the black one." She cuts him off, glancing over at him with a small smile. Adrien stares at her in slight disbelief, she didn't even ask why he was going or for how long, she just let him have it.

"W-wait, you're letting me borrow one that easily?" He asks, confused and slightly shocked. Marinette turns towards him, putting her hands on her hips and smiling slightly.

"Is there any reason why I shouldn't?" She asks and Adrien opens his mouth to speak then shakes his head.

"No, I'm just surprised." He says, glancing at the horse then back at her, "Why are you letting me borrow the horse anyway?" He asks, rubbing the back of his neck. Marinette shrugs, then lets her hands fall to her sides.

"I'm not really sure myself... You just seem like a very trusting person, not to mention you were kind enough to give a lady a seat today." She says with a smile on her face, her blue eyes sparkling like the night sky. Adrien smiles back slightly and grabs her hand softly, bringing it up to his lips and planting a small kiss on her knuckles. Marinette's face goes a rosy pink but she doesn't pull her hand away, she just smiles.

"Thank you," He says and lets go of her hand, she intertwines her fingers together and looks down at the ground.

"Y-your welcome," She replies, hiding her rosy face. Adrien smiles slightly and walks over to the black horse, it's name on the door written in fancy cursive. Black Beauty.

"Black Beauty? Is it a female?" He asks, looking back over at Marinette, she turns to look at him and nods with a small smile. Adrien glances back at the horse, then smiles. "I'm gonna call it Beauty," He says, going inside the stall with the horse and placing his hand on its flank and then grabbing onto the saddle and climbing up onto the horse. Beauty flicks her tail and lets out a small nicker, Adrien gives Marinette one last glance before gently using his heel to get the horse to move forward.

Marinette watches him leave and lets out a dreamy sigh once he was gone, then goes inside and closes the door behind her, smiling at the thought of him on her mind. She looks down at her hands and her cheeks go rosy again, all she could say was a quiet "Wow."

She knew it was weird and strange but she felt like she was already growing feelings for someone she only met that day. She shakes her head and lets out another dreamy sigh, "That's ridiculous..." She says under her breath and goes up to her room.