Living with A lizard-Birth-Part 1

It turned out to be a beautiful day at Plateau Hold. The weather was sunny with cool breezes. Thread was not expected and all the windows were unshuttered and opened wide. Everyone seemed to be having fun outside and enjoying the lovely day.

Which added to Corana's irritation. She was holed up in her bedroom with her fire lizard egg waiting for it to hatch It was going on the fifth day .At first it was pleasant and relaxing. She could concentrate on some personal projects, but now she was feeling restless and room-bound. She decided to take a few minutes off and get some food.

She went down to the kitchen and checked the pantry first. Not many leftovers. Holders worked hard and enjoyed their meals. She headed back into the kitchen. Fresh biscuits were just taken out of the oven . Corana took a few and buttered them.

There were three women getting food ready. One of them, a tall slim woman put a bowl of blueberries on the counter. Her waist length brown hair was tied back and braided.

She turned around and smiled at Corana. "Not too many,sweetheart. Some are for dinner. We are serving roasted wherry, biscuits with milk gravy and blueberry cornbread."

"Sounds delicious."

"I set aside a little dish of raw wherry parts for your egg."

"Thank you so much, Aunt Irma'

"When is your pet going to hatch? Do we send up a tray this evening to your room?"

"I hope it is soon. I'll let you know later if I can come down."

She put the plate of biscuits and the little dish of raw wherry on a tray. She added a glass of fruit juice and hurried back to her room. Normally she would be helping in the kitchen and then going outside to do chores. She felt a little guilty but no one said a word of complaint. Besides, she worked hard, she was due for a short vacation.

She entered her bedroom and gasped in dismay. A long crack showed along the top of the shell. She had only left the room for a few minutes, but it could cost her. Did it hatch already and simply fly out the open window? Did she lose her chance for Impression? She shut the door and moved quickly to the egg. No, the little creature was still in the egg. The egg shifted and the crack widened.

"Come on , baby. Come out"

A tiny fire lizard foot gripped the edge of the shell crack.

It was a green! That's what she wanted.

"Come on girl, try again. One good shove and you're out."

The egg shifted again and broke in half. A little green fire lizard blinked back at Corana. The Holder girl stared, enchanted by the whirling, jeweled eyes. She felt hunger and curiosity and realized it came from the hatchling. She grabbed some raw wherry meat and held it out.

With no fear, the new fire lizard ate the strip and several others. She chirped and stretched out her wings. Then cocked her little head and gazed back at Corana.

"You are so beautiful" Corana whispered. "So perfect." She held out her hand. "Will you let me touch you?" She stroked the delicate head and ran her fingers down the spine while the little green chirped in delight.

Then it was the fire lizard's turn to explore... She walked up Corana's arm to perch on her shoulder. She nudged her head under Corana's chin and hummed in delight.

Corana spent the afternoon with her enchanting new pet. When dinner bell rang, she whistled and tapped her shoulder. The green fire lizard, which she named Feena, flew to her shoulder as if she had been doing it for years.

Her brother was already seated.

"Notice anything different, Brother." She did a dramatic pose in the doorway.

Fidello frowned. "Did you do something different with your dress? Add a sash or a vest?"


"Then something with your hair? Added a new necklace." he smiled .The green fire lizard was impossible to miss but it was so easy sometimes to tease her." I'm glad you got a green. You really wanted one."

The children clustered around her. Corana knelt down and held Feena cupped in her hands so each child could touch her. She ate supper with Feena curled up in her lap.

A few hours later everyone had admired her new fire lizard and she sat by the fireplace alone with her brother. Feena was curled up, asleep in her hands.

Fidello said. "I am happy for you. She looks very pretty."

"Thank you,"Corana sighed in delight,"She is perfect."

Her bother eyed her." Are you going to show her to Lord Jaxom when he visits?"

"He won't be visiting as often as he used to."

A long pause "I'm sorry, lass."

"It's all right. I never envisioned myself running Ruatha Hold. I'll stay here until I get married."

Her brother's next words surprised her.

"Why do you think I will kick you out? This is always your home."

She stared at him. Something in his toneā€¦

"I always thought you would have a wife and kids .She would be the one running the Hold and I would just get in the way with your family."

"Not really. I just assumed you'd get a husband and settle in here. I really don't want kids so I was going to be an uncle to yours."

'But someday you are bringing a woman here."

"Well, I've tried to be discreet but that is something you never have to be worried about."

She suddenly got up and hugged him. His news was startling but made no real difference. "Good night, brother."

Corana went upstairs to her put a soft little blanket in a wicker basket and put Feena in it. She expected a fuss but the fire lizard was exhausted. The little green curled up instantly and went to sleep. Corana put the basket near the head of her bed.

She was tired and got into bed. Then she heard odd little whistling realized the sounds were Feena. The fire lizard was snoring. Corana laughed about Feena enchanted her, even her snores were adorable.

She loved the brother and aunt dearly They were her only family since her parents died. But they were older and often busy with Hold duties. Sometimes she felt a need for more affection. That need was calmed by the emotional link to her fire lizard. Now she understood when dragonmen talked of the bond between them and their dragons.

Feena was more than a new pet, more than a puppy or kitten.

She was a lifetime companion.