Author's Note: So this was just something experimental I thought I'd try. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own RWBY in any way, shape, or form. RWBY and all it's characters respectively belong to Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth.

Please enjoy.

Her throat felt incredibly dry and everything around her had a sterile smell to it. She tried to open her eyes but instantly regretted the choice. The light was too bright and it hurt. Clenching her eyes shut, she tried to collect her thoughts. Where was she? How'd she get here? She tried to look back into her thoughts to answer the question, but it only raised a more puzzling question, who was she? She had zero memory of anything. She could make words in her head, but she didn't know how she knew them. She couldn't remember where she was, how she got here, or even who she was. That couldn't be good.

She began to register a soft beeping noise coming from her right. Tilting her head towards it, she decided to try and and open her eyes again. This time was a bit easier. She looked over to see a small monitor atop a stand. The beeping seemed to be coming from that specific machine. Looking around the room some more, she took in the flat boring white walls. Wherever she was seemed to be on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't place it. Another turn of her head and she noticed golden strands of hair fall into her face. She reached her hand up to run her fingers through the golden locks.

So she was blonde. Interesting. Shrugging at the thought, her attention was then pulled to a noise on the opposite end of the room. She saw a man dressed in a suit and long white coat enter the room. He placed the clipboard he carried on the counter of the wall opposite of her before pulling up a chair next to her. "Ah. Ms. Xiao Long. You're awake." Shooting the girl a smile, he relaxed into the chair.

She learned her name was Yang Xiao Long, and that she was injured bad while on a hunt with her team. Apparently she had been in a coma for the past month and a half, and was now suffering from an extreme form of amnesia from what the doctor could tell. He looked concerned when telling her that. "How long until my memories will return?"

The doctor looked down to the floor before shaking his head. "I don't know. Amnesia is a difficult thing. All your memories could be back by the end of the month, or they could never return at all." Yang's eyes widened at that thought. Her memories might never return to her? The thought scared her. "Maybe some time with your friends and family will help. They've been waiting to see you." He stood up from the chair and began walking to the door. He stopped and turned around momentarily. "It is okay if I send them up, right?" He waited for her answer. The girl nodded yes in response as he walked out smiling.

Yang sat for at least an hour while waiting for her visitors. She figured they had to get here first and then the doctor would have to explain the abnormal situation to them. Soon enough though, there was a knock on the door. Three young girls shuffled through the door, but the youngest of the group bolted to the blonde's side, pulling her into a hug. "Yang!" she squealed loudly. "It's so good to see you awake!"

The girl was pulled off by another girl who was dressed in a lot of white. "Give her some space you dolt! She just woke up."

"But Weiss…" Their conversation continued on as Yang looked to the third girl. She was dressed in mostly black with a bit of white and purple here and there. Her left arm was crossed over her torso, grabbing her right arm. She looked almost nervous to be here. Tense. Sad even. Almost as though there was something she wanted to say, but couldn't. Yang's eyes focused on the bow that sat on her head, noticing it twitch when the girl looked up to meet her gaze.

Deciding to break the tension, Yang pointed over to the two girls arguing. "Are they always like this?"

To Yang's credit the raven haired girl smiled. It looked sad if not a bit forced, but it was a smile. "Yeah. You get used to it though."

"Right…" Yang said skeptically. "So you guys are my friends then?" The rest of the time was spent being introduced to the three girls. She learned the short, energetic was Ruby Rose. She was also Yang's younger sister. Ruby said that their dad would be there soon. Said he had to finish up a few things at work then he'd be here. Apparently he was a teacher and couldn't just walk out on his class.

The girl in white was Weiss Schnee. The "Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company" as she put it. She seemed a bit on the uptight side though. The other girl was Blake Belladonna. Yang's partner, so she was told. Together apparently they formed team RWBY. The most kick ass team in all of Remnant. At least that's what Ruby said in her energetic manner.

Yang didn't quite know what exactly to think of them yet. Hell she didn't even know what to think of herself, but they all seemed nice. They already knew her so well, and she supposed they did. Soon enough and as promised, and older blond man came walking in through the door, smiling as he looked to Yang. He introduced himself as Taiyang Xiao Long. Her father. She could see where she got the blonde hair from.


Over the course of the next month, Yang started physical therapy to get her used to walking again. Sleeping for a month and a half can really muck up your basic motor skills, she guessed. None of her memories returned yet. The others told Yang a few stories about their time at Beacon Academy together though. She also learned what she looked like. The blonde had to say she was actually a very attractive young woman. She was almost mesmerized by her own lilac eyes.

Soon enough, she was cleared for release. According to Ruby the timing was perfect, for they were just released for a three month break from their school. The decision was also made that the rest of team RWBY would be staying at the Rose-Xiao Long household over the break with them. The idea was supposedly suggested by Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of their school. Saying that time with her team is what she needed. Maybe help spark some of her memories.

Now Yang was standing outside of her supposed childhood home on a small island called Patch. She didn't remember it though. Nothing looked familiar. It was all so foreign to her. The area as nice though. It was well away from the small town on the eastern side of the island, tucked away deep in the wood. The wilderness was nice and the air seemed so refreshing. Even the cool breeze was something to relish on the hot summer day.

When entering, she was greeted with the excited bark of a small dog that came running up to her. She heard Blake yelp a bit as the corgi approached. Yang stifled a small laugh. Blake had told her she was a cat faunus so it made sense that she would have a fear of the dog. Yang bent down to pet the grey dog. "You must be Zwei then," Yang cooed.

"Come on," Taiyang said as he walked further into the house. "Let's get you girls settled in." He then turned to Yang. "Yang, you just uh…" He paused as he went to scratch the back of his neck. "Get reaquainted with the house. I'll start on dinner. Wanna help Ruby?"

Ruby took the hint to let Yang be alone to do this and followed Taiyang into the kitchen. "What are we making dad?"

Their voices began to fade slightly as they walked into the kitchen, leaving Yang to her own devices. She decided she'd start by trying to find her own room. She began to walk down the halls, eventually finding a room decorated in warm shades of colors. Mainly yellows and oranges. If her wardrobe had anything to say about it, this was definitely her room. It was pretty standard for a teenage girl's room. Posters on the walls. A few pictures here and there.

Setting her bag down on her bed, she decided to venture around the rest of the house. She found the two bathrooms the house had. The laundry room and the few guest bedrooms. Walking past the kitchen, she saw Blake and Weiss had joined the others in the kitchen. She stopped to look around the kitchen.

Taiyang turned to look at her. "Everything okay honey?" He asked as he put a pot on the stove.

The blonde nodded back. "Yeah. Just gonna look around a bit more." Her father waved her off as she walked off into the living room. It was a pretty basic living room. A nice L shaped couch that looked rather comfy with an end table set between it and a recliner chair. Both facing a television that was across the room. What caught Yang's eye though were several photographs, framed and hanging on a wall.

Looking at them, they all seemed to be pictures of her family. One of them consisted of her father, cradling a blonde baby in his arms, smiling at the camera. Others had a woman who looked a lot like Ruby in them. Summer, she presumed. In all of them everyone seemed so happy. As Yang looked at them she began to feel tears begin to well up. All of these were memories that she couldn't remember. Memories that she lost. That she no longer had. She couldn't remember all these happy moments.

She let out loud sob, tears beginning to fall freely now. She wanted to remember more than anything. She felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Looking up, she saw her father hugging her. He rubbed circles on her back as Yang cried, calmly shushing her. "It'll be okay baby."

"I can't remember any of these moments," She cried out through a sob, muffled by Taiyang's shirt. "Why? Why can't I?"

Taiyang held his daughter closer as he continued to try and sooth her. "I don't know, Yang. I don't know."

"I… I want to remember. But I can't." the tears began to fall harder now. She couldn't stop them no matter how hard she tried. "I hate this. I fucking hate this. I just want to remember." The others sat in the kitchen quietly as they listened to Yang's cries. It never seemed more real than it did now. She cried out again. "I fucking hate this."