A Demons mark

Chapter 1

„Why have you never shown me your eyes?"

Magnus turned towards the voice that flowed through the silence in his loft. He was working on a not really complicated but complex spell that was needed by the institute for strengthening the protection wards of the said house, with Alexander lounging on his couch, reading one of his books while waiting for him to finish.

He was surprised to see the young Shadowhunter when he appeared on his doorstep, pretty late this evening with the request for a spell. And even without asking for payment, Magnus started to work. He told Alec it would take a while, but he was welcome to wait and wander through the lost, take a drink read a book, whatever he wanted. When he literally told the Boy "whatever you want" he did not miss the gleam in his blue eyes. Or the way said eyes went from looking into his eyes down to his mouth. He still saw the hesitation in them, and after the whole deal with Camille, he did not want to push his luck or Alec at all. He promised himself he would be patient, straightforward but patient.

At first Alec was just standing in the living area watching Magnus while he was collecting the items he would need for the spell. When the high warlock started to mix strange things together in the pot, Alec stated to wander in the loft for a bit. Taking in the furniture, the paintings on the wall, the view from right outside the window. He never had time to do any of this things when he visited Magnus in his loft, always too busy with hiding his feelings, with concentrating how to breath normally, being careful to not let his eyes linger to long on the man in front of him, and most of all burring the need that was rising inside of him every time he was close to the warlock.

Eventually the Shadowhunter decided that he would take a look at the books Magnus owned, he took one which title sounded somewhat interesting and sat down on the couch to read it. He did not want to distract Magnus and this way he wouldn't.

It had been a comfortable silence, knowing that Alexander was near him, calm and relaxed. He could concentrate better with Alex by his side, creating the potion was easier. Magnus thought that Alec would be quite until he finished his work, so the sudden question startled him a bit. He turned towards Alec, his eyebrows rose in confusion. "What do you mean? You have seen my eyes countless times. Although I understand if you cannot get enough of gazing into them." A cocky smile played around his lips while saying that. And on the spot the Shadowhunter was blushing, and stuttering. "No, I … that is not .. what I mean is …. your eyes. I know that they are your demon mark." Upon hearing this the look in Magnus eyes became careful, calculating. "And how, my dear do you know that if you have never actually seen my eyes?"

He saw Alec swallowing before he averted his eyes a bit. "We uhm … we have, some kind of Database?" It almost sounded apologizing. And to be honest, Magnus was not even surprised about this new piece of information. Of cause this Nephilim had a damn Database about Warlocks and their demon mark. But he wondered, his eyes some Nephilim knew about, his other demon mark however was another question. What if Alec knows about it too? It didn't appear that he does but how would he react if he ever found out. Would he be grosses out by it? Would he like it? Would he care at all?

It had been centuries since the last time he told someone about his other demon mark and it did not end well for him. Alec made him feel things he long thought forgotten. Should he tell him? Taking a leap of faith Magnus turns his body completely to properly look at Alec. Resting his hands on the edge of the table he smiled at the Shadowhunter. "And what does your database say about my demon mark?"

Alec was giving him a strange look, as if he was discussing in his head if he should tell Magnus or not. After a moment of silence, he spoke. "That your demon marks are your eyes. That they look like those of a cat."

A pleased smile spread on the warlocks lips. "Is that all?" Dump folded, Alec nodded. And Magnus could do nothing to stop the laugh that escapes his lips. "They are not the only mark I have you know." At this, Alecs eyebrows shot up high. "You have another mark?" Magnus only nodded once. "One that you do not have in your precious database. And I like to keep it that way. A warlock's mark is kind of, personal. Granted a lot of them are so obvious that everyone can see them, but normally we like to keep this information a secret form others if we can." It happened so fast that Magnus nearly missed it, the brief look of hurt in Alexander's eyes that came in a flash and was gone the same instant. And in this moment, Magnus made a decision. "How about I make you a deal. If you can figure out what my other warlock mark is, then I will show you my eyes, whenever you want to. But I will not tell you what it is. You have to find out on your own. And you are not allowed to ask other people about it."

"And if I can't?" That was the point, right now. He wouldn't Magnus was sure of it, 95%. But he wanted to see Alec try. He wanted his attention on him, and him alone. Magnus knew he was selfish. But after living for so long it was nearly inevitably. But if he was honest with himself, he part of him wanted Alec to find out, so he would not have to hide anything from him. And if he wouldn't be able to figure it out, Magnus would tell him. Not now, not in the following weeks, maybe month. But he would tell Alexander. He would, because he trusted him, because he loved him.

"Then you won't. Simple as that." Magnus smiled. It was also a challenge, and he knew that his little Nephilim would not back away from it. He was not disappointed.
