Origins Part One

Many centuries ago, magic jewels bestoying extraordinary powers were created. These were called the Miraculous. throughout history, heros have used these jewels for the good of the human race. Two of these Miraculous are more powerful than the others. The earrings of the Ladybug, whing grants the power of creation, and the power of the Black Cat, which brings the power of destruction. According to legend, whoever controls both these jewels at the same time can achieve absolute power.

Adrien slipped out his front door a little earlier than everyone living in the Agreste Mansion. When Natalie awoke and went to check on Adrien and he wasn't there. Needless to say, Gabriel was livid. But hey, you would too if you found out your son managed to enroll himself in public school. Adrien was running down the streets of Paris, escaping Natalie and his bodyguard, or who he liked to call, the Gorilla. You see, life isn't easy being Adrien. He had been sheltered all his life, and up until recently, his mother was the only good part of it. One morning he woke up and she was just... gone. That's when his father became even more strict. He pushed him harder into modeling, fencing, language studies, home schooling, etc. He hired Natalie and the bodyguard to watch over Adrien to make sure he got to places safely. He wasn't allowed to do anything. He wanted to go and be like other kids. He wanted to go to school, make friends, maybe even kiss a girl. But no. You would think he was living the life. He was a model and rich and girls threw themselves at him day and night, but it didn't make Adrien happy. He stopped to catch his breath, looked behind him, and then kept running. As he neared the school, the limo pulled up. Natalie quickly stepped out, "Adrien, please reconsider. You know what your father wants."

Adrien turned to them, "Screw what my father wants!" He snapped, "This is what I want!" His head turned over to the other direction as he heard a low moan. An elderly man had fallen and Adrien quickly ran over to help him up. "Are you alright sir?" The elderly man smiled at the blonde, who handed him his walking cane. "Yes, thank you my boy." Adrien smiled, "I'm glad. Please be more careful." When Adrien turned back around, Natalie and the Gorilla stood in his way, blocking him from the school steps. Adrien fumed, "I just want to go to school like everyone else!"

Natalie glared down at him, "I am going to tell your father about this."

Adrien stomped past her, venom dropping from his voice as he said, "Stop trying to be my mother."


Adrien sat at the dining table in his home. He put his right elbow on the table and placed his face in his right palm. He was so bored of being home schooled. He clenched his pen between his fingers. Natalie asked him a study question, and Adrien gave her a correct answer, with a bit of sass added to it. "Excellent, Adrien." She placed a hand on his shoulder, which he slapped off, "Don't touch me." She opened her mouth to speak when a voice called out, "Give us a minute, Natalie."

"Yes, sir." She replied, stepping towards the other side of the room. Gabriel looked straight into his sons eyes. "I have already told you that I do not want you to go to school. You went behind my back, and then enrolled yourself without my permission." Adrien didn't meet his fathers gaze. "Dad-"
"I do not want you out there in that dangerous world!" Adrien stood up slamming his hands on the table, "This world is not dangerous! I just want to go to school like everyone else!"
"YOU ARE NOT LIKE EVERYONE ELSE YOU ARE MY SON!" It was in that moment that Adrien grabbed his things, and turned his back to his father, "WELL MAYBE I DONT WANT TO BE YOUR SON ANYMORE!"
Natalie reached out to him, "Adrien-"
"AND YOU! STOP TRYING TO BE MY MOM!" He ran out of the room. Gabriel Agreste sighed and looked at the portrait of his wife on the wall. "I wish I knew where you were..."
Adrien sighed and plopped down on his bed. He buried his face in his pillow. "Mom, it was easier when you were here. All I feel like doing is giving up." All of a sudden the room started shaking. Adrien sat up in his bed, "What was that?" He went to his TV and turned it on. The mayor was telling everyone to stay inside at home. "A super villain?" Adrien asked himself. He went to grab his remote when he noticed a box sitting on the middle of his table. "What the heck is this?" He opened it, and was soon blinded by a bright green light. He shielded the light from his face, and when it died down, he looked back. There was a floating black cat in the middle of the room. He smiled at it with excitement. "Oh wow! Are you a genie?"

"Genie? Please, I am wayyy more attractive then the genie. I've met him before and I'm way better." He flew passed Adriens head, "My name is Plagg. I'm a Kwami and i grant special powers." He slipped the ring on Adriens fingers. "Your power is the power of destruction, got it?"

"Wait, you mean, I'm some sort of hero?" Adrien asked. "Yes, you were chosen to be the Black Cat." Plagg said. He was nomming on a remote. "I'm hungry, do you have any food?"

Adrien laughed, "Is this some sort of joke? Is my dad pranking me?" He got serious for a second. "Wait, my dads not even remotely funny."

"No!" Plagg stuck his chibi cat paw in Adriens face, "Your father must never know about me, neither should anyone else! You are the chosen one!" Adrien shook, "Me? What kind of superhero is locked away in his own house. I can't even go to school."

Plagg rolled by on some toilet paper, "Then why don't you change that. I've giving you the opportunity to change your life." Adrien clenched his fists,

"Your right... Plagg, claws out!"

If his fans saw him now then they would go crazy. Adrien Agreste in a leather black cat suit? Priceless. He walked on top of roofs as he headed out to defeat Stone Heart. Using his pole, he pole vaulted over the houses of Paris. The wind that blew across his face gave him one message, freedom. He glanced off in the distance. Something was coming towards him, something red. He stared at it, deep in thought. 'It's a bird, no, wait, maybe a plane?'

"Ack!" The red thing had hit him, knocking him off the roof. A wire was wrapped around him and another person as he hung upside down by a light pole. He stared into blue belle eyes.

"Well, nice of you to... drop in." He said, giving her a wink. She looked down, or was it up?

"I-I'm sorry, I'm kind of new at this." He managed to free them and get back down on the ground. He leaned on the pole he was just hanging from. "You must be my partner. My Kwami told me about you."

The girl in the red and black polka dot spandex stared at him, "And... you are?"

"I'm ... Cat. Cat Noir."