So, this is an updated version of my story Missed Phone Calls. I had this thought pop into my head and figured it could work for that story. So, I hope you guys enjoy it. I tried to get it to all present tense, but if I missed a part let me know.

Phoebe sighs as she unlocks the door to her apartment. She throws her keys on the table, hangs her jacket in the closet and goes to the kitchen. She pulls out some leftover spaghetti and pops it in the microwave.

When the microwave beeps, she pulls it out and goes to the couch. All week she had been trying to get ahold of Prue, but Piper was always the one to answer the home phone and Prue never seemed to answer her cell phone. Maybe she had Phoebe's number saved and knew when it was her.

Phoebe's dog, Bo, runs into the living room and jumps onto the couch. She greets her owner happily, having missed her mommy while Phoebe was at work.

"Hey, Bo!" She says in a baby voice. "How's my baby doing?" Bo barks in response and wagged her tail.

"Were you a good girl for Mr. Glen and Miss Emma today? Huh? I bet you were." She scratches Bo behind the ear and grins as she gets 'kisses' from her baby. Th two settle down and Phoebe finishes her dinner before deciding to watch some TV.

At 9:45 p.m., Phoebe turns the TV off and goes to bed. She's worn-out from her long day at work. She forgoes the shower, instead changing into her pajamas and climbing into bed. Bo jumps up there with her, and Phoebe decides she is just too tired to tell her to get down.

Later, at 2 in the morning, she awakes. She's suddenly wide awake and doesn't know what to do. Phoebe lays there for about ten minutes, debating on whether she should do it or not. It wouldn't be that late there; only about 10 p.m. or so.

Then she decided. She knew she probably wouldn't get an answer, but she wanted to try anyway.

Phoebe picked up the phone and dialed a number she knew by heart. She waited as the phone rang for someone to answer.


Phoebe hesitated, not expecting the person who did to pick up. "Prue?" She whispers. She had missed her big sister's voice so much.

"Phoebe is that you?" She hears Prue ask. Her sister continues before Phoebe has a chance to say anything. "Let me guess: are you calling to say your out of money again and need us to send you more? Or is it something new this time?"

Phoebe sighs; she knew this wasn't going to be easy. "No Prue, if you'll just listen. I'm calling to say I'm sorry. I'll take back what I said about Roger – I'll take back everything - if it means you'll forgive me and that we can get passed this." As she says this, her stomach is in knots. It kills her not to tell Prue what happened. To tell her big sister what that man did to her. She glances over briefly, at the small, innocent figure lying beside her, and blinks away the tears.

Prue is silent as she takes this in and, for a moment, Phoebe fears she is going to hang up. She holds her breathe, and then, she hears,

"Okay." And she lets out the breath.

"Okay?" Phoebe is stunned to say the least. She can't believe Prue had given in that easily. "Oh, my gosh, Prue, thank you. I-I've really missed you." She whispers this last part as her voice nearly gives out.

"I missed you too, Pheebs." It feels so good to hear her big sister say that. "How have you been?"

She smiles, "I've been pretty good." Phoebe settles back in bed and the two talk until the early hours of the morning, ending the conversation with Phoebe deciding to go home, Prue having convinced her.

The next morning

The next morning, Phoebe gets up around 9 a.m. She had a 2:00 o'clock plane to San Francisco and she wanted to get her packing done.

She steps into her room, and grabs a bag from her closet, filling it with clothes. As she is doing this, a little girl runs in. Her hair is in two French braids, and she can pass as a carbon copy of Phoebe with, what Phoebe likes to call a miracle, Prue's ice blue eyes.

"Momma? What're you doin'?" She asks her mother.

Phoebe gestures for the little girl to come over and she obeys. "Peighton, sweetheart, you and mommy are going home." Phoebe tells her and watches as her daughter's eyes light up.

The little brunette smiles. "Home, Momma?" She confirms and Phoebe nods.

"Yeah, baby. We're going home." She kisses Peighton on the forehead. "Now, I need you to go get teddy and Mr. Blankie and some of your story books and dollies to play with on the plane, okay? Mommy is going to take a shower while you do that.

The little tyke nods and jumps down from Phoebe's bed. She runs to the door, stopping as she reaches it and turns around.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"I happy we goin' home." She flashes her mom a smile and skips out of the room, down the hall, and to her own bedroom.

Phoebe smiles as she watches her leave the room. "Yeah," she whispers to herself. "Me too."

So, obviously, we know Peighton is her daughter, but can you guys figure out what Roger did to Phoebe? Will she tell Prue and, if she does, what will Prue say to it?

Please review and let me know how I did! And if you guys would like me to make another chapter. :)