After about thirteen teams who refuse to work with him ever again, seven therapy appointments that Kakashi didn't quite miss but instead turned into an appointment for the therapist, and six times that he's met with the Hokage, it's decided that something needs to be done. In true Konoha optimism, a genin team and some good time with kids his age is decided to be exactly what Kakashi needed. He wants to scream.
Technically they've all passed their exams and were genin but teams weren't to be assigned for another week when mission control could make sure that all the Jounin would be present.
On the first day Obito stays home, it's the first day of the weekend so he stays home, gets some groceries, helps old ladies and even manages to avoid the other kids in the compound. He thinks about his soulmate, thinks about Rin and then his future. It feels kind of like all the excitement of his childhood is winding down and while he has a much longer road to walk it feels like he's approaching the end of everything.
He spreads across his bed with his shoes tossed in one direction, his goggles another and his jacket is draped across the foot of his bed. He breathes in and out and feels just a little bit sad for everything that he feels he's losing. No matter what he'll keep in touch with Rin. He knows that of all the changes that were to come Rin would be a constant, through all of the exciting new missions.
She knows about his watch, he knows about hers and while neither of them are soulmates in the way Obito wishes they're best friends no matter what. He still pines though, waits for her to turn around one day and see him, waiting for her. A part of him knows it's pathetic but he won't stop anytime soon because that would be giving up and she's not someone Obito's willing to give up. In the period of the past two weeks it feels like everyone's matured and while they're only nine that's about one fourth of his life done in the average shinobi life span.
This marks the end of his childhood, the end of all of theirs.
Rin doesn't talk about her soulmate, and this is for a couple of reasons. The first is probably to spare Obito's feelings, and it might just be that she doesn't talk to Obito about her soulmate. That aches, just another bruise in the myriad that is Obito's unrequited love affair for Rin. This backed up by the stack of books messily shoved under Rin's bed every time he goes over, the way the stack doesn't have one particle of dust despite laying under there for a week. The second is that she doesn't have much more to say. She's met him once in a whirlwind battle and a fleeting glance, that doesn't quite give her enough to compose sonnets. Although, for Rin it might be. He notices sometimes that Kurenai and Rin speak in hushed voices, and that whenever Asuma notices he blushes down to his ears. He's always sitting close to Kurenai, as close as Obito does to Rin and Obito is tempted to ask what they're saying. A masochistic way to remind himself that Obito isn't the person Rin wants.
Gai' changed in two contradicting ways. He's more boisterous, he finds the event of graduation as a gateway into their "True Youth!" as if it weren't true before and all a lie. The contradiction lies in his sharp eyes and when he doesn't speak. Which, when it comes to Gai slightly off putting but mostly a relief. He looks, well, worried. Sometimes Dai-san doesn't pick Gai up on time, while all the other parents swarm the academy and enthusiastically listen to the childish renditions of their kid's days Gai stays on the steps alone and watches. Obito is familiar with that feeling of being the only one who can't yell in excitement. The difference though, is that Gai waits patiently, Obito's given up.
There are other too, who didn't pass the genin exam and can either retake it or move on into the days of civilian life like their parents did. Unless their parents are shinobi, most kids who didn't pass are choosing to live the simple life. They plan on apprenticeships to artisans and others who are the staple in Konoha's less erratic community. Obito hates them, there is war on the horizon and they choose to obscure themselves in the normalities of life, to ignore the suffering around them.
Obito, spread wide and staring at his board of pictures, thinks about all of this and feels melancholic.
The second day, and last day of their short weekend is spent with Rin and the others at a lake out in the forest. It's obscure but still visited enough by those in the civilian district that they feel safe enough in the green covered clearing. None of them go swimming because none of them know how but they wade in, pulling up the bottoms of their pants and pointing fish out to all of them.
Gai somehow gets the bentos wet. There is a (very serious) splashing war.
The third day finds them all back at the academy in a class cut in half. Some of the kids who have a civilian life planned out for them stay, another group of civilian kids don't bother coming, already planning on apprenticeships with whoever their parents can ship them off to. It's an easy lesson on the founders and sensei praises them on how much they've learned. Obito thinks that maybe things might be ok.
On the fourth day everything is definitely not ok. Teams are announced, for the most part everyone is in a good team. Rin's on Obito's team and that's all he ever wanted, the opportunity to stay with Rin. Genin teams share a bond, Obito knows about the old jounins in the compound who still talk to all the members of their old teams. Obito can live with that. His sensei is Namikaze Minato, not somebody that Obito thinks he's ever met so Obito will save his judgements.
Hatake Kakashi is on his team. They've never spoken but if Obito had to choose an arch nemesis it would pretty much be a toss up between Hatake Kakashi and Rin's soulmate. While Obito lives in a family known for kekkei genkai, one that he fails in. He learned the Gokakyu jutsu about a year later than his peers, he chose to be a shinobi instead of joining the force and has never even activated his kekkei genkai. He's pretty much a failure. Hatake Kakashi is everything Obito should have been, he's seen the way his dad looked at him the one time Kakashi came to play with them. He's loved, he's a genius in a clan already known for their power. Which means that Kakashi is a genius that exceeds geniuses. Also, if there was anyway to succeed in being a shinobi in the tragedy of their lives Kakashi has succeeded while Obito has only failed.
Even worse, Rin likes him. Now it's in a sort admiration that everyone holds towards him, but when Rin first heard about Hatake, well she really hoped he would be her soulmate. And, well doesn't that just burn him.
They've been in competitions together (even if Hatake never realized) and have played together, but there has never really been an introduction. Obito can only think that his majesty can't be bothered to grace the peasants with his presence. Kakashi has never even heard of the word suffering in his life.
Kakashi is running on pure adrenaline. He hasn't slept for three days and is covered in so much blood, who is it, he doesn't even know which innocent he's killed this time.
While others his rank, or even age might go on border patrols around the village, Kakashi has already pissed off all of the teams assigned around the village. So he was sent to the outskirts, where it is still considered under the protection of Konoha but is villages away from home.
He's been sent with a message back to the Hokage to let him know of the tower that was just attacked. Him and a jounin were in a village at the time, only a supply run when the tower went up in flame. Suddenly there was fire everywhere, he never even made it back to the tower but there was so much chaos that Kakashi's not entirely sure who he might've killed.
(The store owners daughter had been close, did he accidentally kill her? Did he do it on purpose?)
By the time he even saw anyone else with a Konoha hitai-ate he'd gotten a scroll shoved in his hands and directions to run and don't stop. He didn't even have time to argue, that he could help before the woman who'd given him the scroll got a kunai through the neck.
A loud voice has been accusing him ever since he left- YOU COWARD, it howls at him protect them, they're innocents and you just left them to the Iwagakure. It spits out and he agrees but he can't stop. He thinks his feet might be bleeding but that doesn't stop him. Other konoha nin along the way notice him, they try to call out to him but he won't stop.
What if they were Iwa-nin in disguise? Trying to lure him? Kakahi's not sure if he should stop to kill them or not.
Everyone's trying to catch him and he just runs through their arms, relying on his agility and height before he crashes through to the Sandaime's office. How did he even get there? Wasn't he just in the forest?
Glass clatters to the ground, some of it stabs him leaving trails of blood. It only mixes with what was already there. A stab goes through his right arm and it throbs.
Everything is black.
Medical relief, Kakashi already hates it. Even worse as soon as he's back he's reminded of the horrors within the village- he's being put in a gennin team.
He can fight, he's strong he knows he can fight. How can they just throw him in with inexperienced genin while there are people dieing on the borders?
He spends three hours in the shower, the blood never comes off but Kakashi's not entirely sure he wants it to. Let it soak his skin and remind the world of who he is.
Tomorrow he goes back to what is basically a civilian life. Tomorrow he has to sit there and block out what he knows is happening. He finds though that he's surprisingly good at that.
Forget them, forget Sakumo, forget the village, forget the blood, forget what it was like to be innocent. When he was fighting it was easy to forget moral.
His skin is bright pink and stinging. The shower has made his skin incredibly sensitive and it itches and burns and he wants to scrape it off. The lights pierce his eyes so he closes all the curtains. He covers himself in blankets but they only scrape against his arms. The back of his throat itches and he fights to swallow through the bile that is rising. His mouth gets warm and his skin burns.
Kakashi stares at the wall and forgets.
Obito wakes up early, his alarm doesn't go off for another two hours but he doesn't think he can sit still. He makes himself breakfast and then almost throws it up.
He decides some training is what he needs to burn off this energy so he heads out to the training fields before he goes to the academy to meet with his new sensei. He slashes and burns and throws himself at beat up trees and targets. He slips on the slicked grass of the morning and doesn't even notice the sun come up. He falls to the ground, gets back up and his skin is probably littered in bruises.
It takes him about two hours to get to the academy from when he leaves an hour early. He takes the quickest route too, straight through the square where Old Aiko- San struggles with her early morning route. She likes to go to the market before the crowds, and Obito can't leave her. He's still got an hour so he skids to a stop and eases her bags into his arm and listens to her ramble about how her husband is a good for nothing. Obito doesn't mention that her husband has been dead for years.
It happens three more times but honestly Obito should have expected it.
When he finally stumbles up to the building (one hour late) that holds his childhood Rin is bouncing on the balls of her feet. She's glaring, both at Obito in reprimand and at the other two who stand beside her. Obito is so thankful for her because he knows that if it had been anyone else they all would have left.
He yells out an apology to the man who is so bright that he could be the sun, he looks brighter than Obito. Then his eyes slide to the shock of white hair that stands with a glare.
Obito hates him.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Naruto
A/N: I think that is that, I don't know what else I can write. I mean if you all want me to let me know but I think that is the end. So, first chapter story and it's a soulmate au. I think the first chapter was the best and a part of me should've left it as a one shot but I'm glad I wrote more. Please leave a comment! I have no clue what my writing or if you guys like it. So I guess that is the end of my FIRST chapter story.