
A/N: This is the last chapter. This story came to me when I was sitting in front of my computer, trying to write my memoir and as I am editing this, I am supposed to work on it. Anyway, I have a new story coming so if you're still interested... It will probably be the last before a very long time though.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I don't make any money out of Harry Potter.

Harry knew that the first thing he ought to do upon exiting Dumbledore's office was to check on his friends. If he didn't feel so numb and partly dead inside, he would have certainly felt guilty for not heading towards the Hospital Wing. But all he wanted to do was fall asleep and forget about the world and forget he even existed.

As he navigated the walls of Hogwarts, Harry was slightly relieved to notice that the news about what happened in the Department of Ministry hadn't reached the students yet. He could use some little peace. He climbed the portrait hole and was immediately met by the sight of the Gryffindor D.A. members led by Dean Thomas, huddled together in the middle of the common room.

"Harry?" Seamus exclaimed. "Where have you been, mate?"

"Long story," Harry muttered heading towards the boys' dormitory.

Everyone in the room looked at him.

"Where are Ron and Neville?" Dean asked perplexed by his nonchalance.

"They're fine," Harry sighed, "at least I hope they are."

"Hermione and Ginny aren't in their room either," Parvati Patil pointed out.

"What is going on?" Collin Creevey asked.

"I told you, it's a long story," Harry repeated with irritation. "Now if you lot don't mind, I'd like to get some sleep."

He was halfway up the stairs when Parvati's voice rang again. "A group of first year Slytherins found Cho on the steps of the castle," she said and Harry froze. He had completely forgotten about Cho.

"We knew it was a stunning spell even before Professor Flitwick revived her," Collin said proudly.

To which Dean nodded. "She was hysterical when she woke up though, kept blubbering about you and You-Know-Who. He had to lead her away from the gathering students."

"We knew it was an attack. That's why we were worried sick about you," Seamus finished.

"How is Cho?" Harry asked them.

"My sister said she saw her returning in the Ravenclaw tower in tears," said Parvati.

Harry sighed, though he didn't know if it was of relief or fatigue.

"I'll check on her later," he said wearily before ascending the stairs and closing the boys' dormitory door behind him.

By the time he awoke, the news had finally traveled. The few students amassed in the common room congratulated him, clapped him on the back, and asked him questions which he refused to answer. He was about to exit the common room when Dennis Creevey emerged from the portrait hole looking rather concerned.

"Harry!" he exclaimed upon seeing him, and for a moment he was scared the younger boy was going to ask him questions too. "Thanks Merlin you're here. I was just going to fetch you from your room."

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, at once thinking about his injured friends.

"Nothing like that," Dennis said hurriedly "it's—it's, well Cho followed me from the great hall. I swear I tried to get rid of her, but she persisted. She's outside. At least I managed to prevent her from entering. Can you imagine what McGona—"

"Thank you," Harry cut his rambling and stepped out.

As soon as Cho caught sight of him, she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely. Harry who had expected yelling and crying was slightly astounded by her behavior.

"You're not mad at me?" he asked in his hollow voice.

"I was furious at you, but then the fear of losing you overtook it," she said looking at him, then she brought her hand in her hair and start fussing with it "is it true?" she demanded. "Did you really…? How about the others?"

"They are in the hospital wing," Harry told her. "I was just about to check on them. I don't know what is written in the newspaper but—I'll tell you later, okay?"

He was tired already and he had just woken up.

Cho nodded, grabbed his hand and followed him silently towards the Hospital Wing. Harry was slightly relieved to see that Neville, Ginny, and Luna were as good as new. Ron and Hermione however were to stay longer, but they were alive and that's all that counted.

The feeling of numbness in Harry persisted during the days following the events of the Ministry of Magic. And though Cho showered him with affection and attention, nothing could fill the void Sirius' death had created in him. Eventually he told her everything or as much as he was willing to tell. She didn't know about the prophecy, no one did, but she knew as much as Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Cho?" asked Harry one day as he was lying with his head on her lap near the bank of the lake.

"Mmh?" she replied, focused on the task of combing his messy hair with her fingers.

"How did you do it?"

Cho's hands stopped moving at once. "What do you mean?"

"When—when Cedric died," Harry said quietly. It was the first time he ever willingly mentioned the other champion.

Cho stayed quiet for a long time and Harry was afraid she might have started crying again, though he didn't feel so uncomfortable with it anymore. Until she unexpectedly start speaking again.

"At first I cried a lot and then I wouldn't stop talking about him to whoever was willing to listen," she paused.

"Yeah," Harry said impatiently, "but how did you get better?"

"I opened my heart," Cho simply said as though it was obvious. "You don't get it, do you?" she asked him affectionately. "I opened my heart to you. I let you in and you healed me. Well, you and time."

"To whom am I supposed to open my heart?" he asked with a frown. "I mean, we're together, aren't we?"

"Opening your heart to people doesn't always mean being together with that person. Take us, we were together at first, but we barely talked. You can open up with anyone, even Luna if you want, talk with her, tell her how you feel…accept her affection. But, it won't work if you don't want to heal."

"I want to heal," Harry said firmly, "I want to forget this feeling of helplessness and total blackness."

Cho bent down and kissed his forehead, right on his scar, "That's my boy," she smiled at him.

"You know," she said, "opening up my heart wasn't the hardest part for me. It was the will to heal and move on. I felt so guilty by doing it, by even wanting it. But you are braver than me, you aren't afraid to move on, you just don't know how to. But you will learn," she assured him.

They stayed there, enjoying each other's company in a comfortable silence. Harry absentmindedly stroked Cho's right arm that lay on his chest and thought about the prophecy and how things were supposed to end. Sitting there peacefully with her, Voldemort seemed so far away, yet the void in Harry's heart spoke loudly and was a strong reminder that none of it was a dream. Hell, he only had to look at Ron's arms to be reminded. And then he thought about Cho. What would happen to her if he failed and died? Would she go on the process of healing again after losing another boyfriend?

Harry was suddenly tempted to break up with her; to let her go before it was too late. She could still find someone else, they haven't been dating for so long yet…but the craven part of him didn't want to. Those last days, he had felt the need to be alone every time there were people around; and when he was alone, he wanted people around. And Cho seemed to be the answer to his needs. She wasn't a crowd, she didn't bother him with questions, she wasn't constantly trying to talk about Sirius; she let him be yet she never failed to remind him of her presence at his side, never failed to remind him that he was not alone. Cho was his greatest source of comfort and he couldn't find it in him to let go of her. Maybe it was selfish, but he had spent years and years putting others' need before his, now it was his turn to be selfish.

"Is there something wrong?" Cho asked. He had stopped stroking her arm.

"No," Harry replied. Then bringing her hand to his mouth, he kissed it and said, "I'm glad you're here."


A/N: Owari desu! Ooh la la, the cheesiness in this story!

Thank you so much for the supports, it means the world. Shout out to Laura 001 my very patient beta and remember that the mistakes and lameness you've come across while reading this whole story are entirely mine. Thank you thank you!