
Friday (6th March 2015)
(2:21 p.m.)
tommy i'm not punching max fuller just because you asked me to

(2:22 p.m.)
Well, first of all, I'm not sure I know who you are. Second of all, violence is never the answer, maybe Tommy should talk it out with Mr Fuller – whose name doesn't sound nice if I may say so myself. Finally, my curiosity has been piqued by this sudden need for violence.

(2:25 p.m.)
fuck – i mean shit! glitchy phone, sorry!

(2:25 p.m.)
Oh no worries. I'm stuck in a pretty boring class. Now about that story…

(2:26 p.m.)
curiosity kills the cat
and pay attention!

(2:27 p.m.)
I've already paid it enough attention. In 12th grade. I'll be fine.
It's not like I could report to the cops about this Tommy since I don't even know who he is

(2:27 p.m.)
gotta run! sorry again!

(2:28 p.m.)
I won't give up!

Friday (13th March 2016)
(1:56 p.m.)
Did you punch him?

(1:58 p.m.)
who is this? and who?

(1:59 p.m.)
Your wrong number from last week. Max Fuller, did you punch him?

(2:02 p.m.)
okay what the hell

(2:02 p.m.)
Is this really how you talk to people in general?
I kind of did forget about you until I saw a guy punching another guy just now and I thought of you

(2:05 p.m.)
again, what the hell

(2:05 p.m.)
Don't be rude

(2:06 p.m.)
if anyone of us is rude, it's you
okay, so what is it about fridays

(2:07 p.m.)
1:30pm Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science
You know, this is kind of a great way to know people maybe I should try it
And excuse me, you're the one with a friend who wants you to punch a guy for no reason

(2:08 p.m.)
for the record, i didn't do it
and please don't go around scaring people with wrong numbers

(2:09 p.m.)
Oh so they talked it out? That's wonderful! Yay to peace!
If you think you scared me, you're wrong.

(2:09 p.m.)
no, he sulked. that's what he did.
i'm not saying i scared you. i'm saying you scared me.

(2:09 p.m.)
Feed him with chocolate, that is sure going to work
Except again, I might be too late with that advice.
What? But I support world peace!

(2:10 p.m.)
am I correct to assume you're a girl?

(2:10 p.m.)
Full on female, with the equipment and all that
Am I going to get that story?

(2:10 p.m.)
you don't give up do you

(2:10 p.m.)
Winners never quit and quitters never win.

(2:11 p.m.)
william shakespeare?

(2:12 p.m.)
*sighs* Vince Lombardi *sighs heavily*

(2:12 p.m.)
at least i know who william shakespeare is

(2:12 p.m.)
You sound unusually proud about that
(2:15 p.m.)
Oh would you look at that? Professor Boringville is letting us off early!
I want that story next week!

(2:20 p.m.)
wait, next week?
(2:26 p.m.)
(2:32 p.m.)

Friday (20th March 2015)
(1:44 p.m.)

(1:51 p.m.)
that's what i saved your # as

(1:51 p.m.)
Aw you saved my number

(1:51 p.m.)
are you honestly going to tell me you didn't save mine

(1:51 p.m.)
Will I be hurting your feelings if I say yes?

(1:52 p.m.)

(1:52 p.m.)

(1:52 p.m.)

(1:54 p.m.)
I don't feel comfortable when people save me as 'stranger' in their contact list

(2:00 p.m.)
you're one to talk about being uncomfortable
nice to meet you, felicity

(2:01 p.m.)
Are you allergic to using caps or something?
Nice to meet you, Oliver
Or not
(2:02 p.m.)
Since we've never met
Is meeting via texting meeting?
They should come up with a term for that
(2:03 p.m.)
And apparently I ramble via text too

(2:05 p.m.)
do you talk this much in real life?

(2:05 p.m.)
My brain to mouth filter is pretty much nonexistent

(2:06 p.m.)
send my condolences to all your friends

(2:07 p.m.)
so about that story

(2:11 p.m.)
oh for pete's sake there's not much of a story
i was scoping out the competition with tommy's girlfriend
max fuller made a move on her and tommy found out via a very lighthearted text from her
and then he asked me to punch max fuller via a private text to me
(2:12 p.m.)
end of story

(2:15 p.m.)
Oh, so you live in Starling City and you run a nightclub

(2:18 p.m.)
what the fuck
okay, now i'm scare
(2:25 p.m.)
you there?

(2:26 p.m.)
who does this?

Friday (27th March 2015)
(1:35 p.m.)
are you alive?

(1:36 p.m.)
You're learning
Hi, yes, alive and well.

(1:41 p.m.)
what happened last week?

(1:45 p.m.)
Something came up and I had to run

(1:46 p.m.)
everything is fine now?

(1:46 p.m.)
Aw you care! :D
Yes, everything is tip-top, Oliver!

(1:46 p.m.)
did you just say tip-top?

(1:47 p.m.)
You wouldn't understand our species.

(1:49 p.m.)
what are you, felicity?

(1:49 p.m.)
I believe they call us humans. Or homo sapiens, if you wanna be scientific.

(1:55 p.m.)
no, i mean, it is admittedly pretty fun to talk to you but you're just stranger whom i mistakenly texted two weeks ago who has a rule against texting after 2:30 on fridays. or maybe it's just me.

(2:02 p.m.)
You gotta admit this is fun though

(2:03 p.m.)
i just said that!

(2:03 p.m.)
I like talking to you, Oliver whatshislastname
It's fun and light and kind of relaxing, tbh
Even though this is strange even for me
(2:04 p.m.)
And you wouldn't believe the oddity that is my life

(2:05 p.m.)
this isn't weird enough for you?

(2:13 p.m.)
Things could get weirder when it comes to me

(2:13 p.m.)
care to elaborate

(2:13 p.m.)

(2:14 p.m.)

(2:14 p.m.)
Some things are just far too personal

(2:16 p.m.)
except last week you found out that i live in starling and run a nightclub
which i did not tell you about

(2:19 p.m.)
Be assured that's a mistake I won't repeat

(2:21 p.m.)
what mistake?

(2:23 p.m.)
Til next week, Oliver ;)

(2:33 p.m.)
okay, i honestly don't know what this is
but i like it
it's an odd arrangement
but I guess nothing can get odder
for me, I mean
(2:35 p.m.)
till next time, felicity