Hey peeps, another chapter is up. Its a little short, but the next chapter should be longer. Enjoy ~SC
Chapter 6: Choose
He noted the still darkness that surrounded him, it was soothing. Without warning a loud beeping sound rang through the darkness. It continued for what felt like hours. Am I dead? *Beep* He asked to his new found friend as the beeps proceeded. *Beep* Is this this really what death is like? *Beep* This stupid beeping is going to drive me crazy. *Beep* Maybe if I move. *Beep* He couldn't. A weight was on him pressing his heavy feeling body. *Beep* Maybe I can open my eyes. *Beep* He tried. Slowly the light started to stream in from his eyes. At first his vision blurred, but that quickly cleared. As the room started to focus he found himself in a dimly lit cream colored hospital room. Still feeling the weight holding him down he looked down an identified a dark haired lump laying on part of his body. He instantly knew who it was, fuck. He was still alive. Sighing he ran a hand through her soft tousled hair. The action caused his sleeping wife to stir.
"Ej" she gasped. He didn't say anything but he could see the stains of both new and old tears on her face. "I'm so glad you're ok," she rushed to kiss him catching him off guard. As quick as his sweet Regina was there she quickly disappeared. A searing white light pain shot across his face. Lost in her emotions she slapped him. "What in the hell were you thinking!" she was pissed. Afraid that her anger would kill her husband she stepped away from the bed with pace. "Do you know how stupid you are right now? Do you even care how this would affect everyone?" she continued her pacing. Ej merely watched as Regina released her anger. "Graham? Your Parents? The Kids? But most of all me?!" Her tears were falling hard now as she covered her face. The Regina they all knew would have died of heart break and would have become nothing more than a shell of her former self.
"I- ", Regina didn't let him continue.
"No, you don't get to say anything." She seethes, "nothing you can say will make any of this better." she grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket. "You think this fucked up letter makes me feel better or changes anything to make this alright." She angrily crumpled the piece of paper then chucked it as hard as she could; hitting him in the forehead. "I'm done with this. I'm done with being at home worrying that one of these times when I pick up someone will be telling me you died. Or scared to open the door because I don't know if it will be a good guest. I am done trying to explain to our children why you can't be with us. For almost 11 years I have been playing this game where you are gone and I worry then when it's convenient for you you're there then gone again. I just can't anymore." It quiet for a long moment. "Say something Em." He couldn't find anything. Regina went to her coat as if she was going to leave.
"Regina please don't go. I just feel so small like all the time. All this life is just over my head. Please just don't go. I love you please don't leave me." His eyes started to water, "Whatever you want I'll give it to you."
"I'm done with these games Em, do you understand." He nodded his head afraid his constricting through would suffocate him. "Then choose." She held up two manila envelopes. "This one contains divorce papers and parental rights papers." Ej Gulped, "this one," she held up the right hand higher, "is help," she sighed, "I-I love you Em. I always have and always will. I hope you can see how much I need you. Everyone else can see it in the way your clothes still hang in the closet. In how your side of the bed is still made. In how when you leave I count the steps, the minutes, hours, days, weeks that you are away and I don't see you. Sometimes I wear your clothes and I spray them with your cologne. Then I just lay in bed and think of all the moments we have missed being separated and it makes me cry. I am tired of being apart Em. I just want you home once and for all. I know this won't be easy for either of us, but I am willing if you are." Ej's heart ached, "please just choose."