Jaune didn't really know what was going on, or why he was in the situation that he was in. He did know, however, that it was very important. So important that the fate of his friends depends on what he decides to do. Jaune never really liked having that much pressure on his shoulders, but as Ruby had told him earlier that week, 'You can't fail now Jaune. People are depending on you.' That struck a chord in Jaune that changed his entire demeanor. This situation might not be a pleasant one, but it's one he had to do and succeed anyways.
Blake had disappeared. The remaining members of team RWBY have been going into Vale everyday to go looking for her. Ruby goes because she's the leader, and also a friend to Blake. She didn't want to let her friend down by just letting her go. Weiss only followed because she didn't have much else to do, and was also hoping she could see more of the competition wandering the streets of Vale. Yang. Yang was searching to find her partner. Her best friend that she had bonded with so quickly over such a short time. She was searching for that girl that was so scared of her teammates reactions to her being a Faunus, that she had run away. She didn't care if Blake used to be a part of the White Fang, didn't care if she was a Faunus. She didn't even care that she read smut books! That's how much Yang cared for her partner, and wouldn't give up on her no matter what.
You might be wondering to yourself 'What does this have to do with Jaune? Why does his decision matter so much? Why do I care?'. All can be answered in a very simple way. Ruby had asked Jaune for Team JNPR's help in searching for Blake, of course Jaune had accepted since he saw how important it was to his very first friend. The next two questions are important because Jaune had split up from team RWBY to cover more ground. Coincidently this had led him to finding Blake and Sun, on top of a balcony discussing the White Fang. Now you should care about this, since Jaune now has the power to reunite Team RWBY right then and there, or to let Blake fulfill her "mission" by proving the White Fang's innocence.
Once Blake had pleaded with Jaune to not tell her teammates, least of all Yang, Jaune didn't know how to reply. He stood there shocked at his luck of finding Blake, and his misfortune of having to make a decision. Blake saw the conflicting look on Jaune's face, so to tip the balance in her favor she had revealed her Faunus heritage to Jaune. A look of enlightenment had crossed Jaune's face and he had understood a lot of things now. He understood why she had run away, she was teammates with a Schnee. He understood why she didn't want to be found, for fear of her other teammates reactions. He also understood why he overheard the conversation about the White Fang and the docks, so she could prove she wasn't a bad person.
Jaune pondered his decisions now with his newly acquired information. A determined look crossed his face as he dashed forward towards Blake, snatched her bow, and continued to run away as fast as he could. Blake and Sun were shell-shocked for a moment as to what had happened. When the realization of what Jaune was doing crossed their minds, Sun had taken off running after the boy, and Blake had covered her ears with her hands, and started to give chase after the two boys.
It had taken Jaune a good 10 minutes of running till he had found Team RWBY. Ruby had told them they would look near the central part of town, so Jaune had somewhat of a clue to follow them. Once he had walked up to them they had all turned to stare at his right hand. In it was the black bow that Blake always wore on her head. A few seconds after Jaune had appeared he was tackled by a monkey Faunus who had tried to wrestle the bow from his hands. Seeing as how Jaune had completed his missions, he willingly let go of the bow, and Sun had jumped back to his feet. Before he could dash off back to Blake though a set of arms wrapped around his torso, and with an iron grip squeezed him. This had successfully rid the boy of his energy and had forced him to drop to the ground.
Yang had been the one to squeeze him, and now that he was spent of energy he couldn't fight back or run away. Yang had reached forward and took Blake's bow into her hand, and started to scan the area. If Jaune had come with the bow, and Sun had chased after him. That could only mean the Blake wasn't too far behind. She was about to start her third scan when she spotted a girl on the opposite side of the plaza they were in. The girl had black hair, amber colored eyes, and a pair of hands covering her head. Yang smiled in victory before waving her hand that had the bow in the air seizing the girl's attention.
Blake visibly groaned as she knew she wouldn't be able to get her bow back without being dragged back to Beacon by her team. She wanted so desperately to run away again, and leave behind the bow…but she couldn't. She was not only afraid of having to publicly show she was a Faunus, but she was also very attached to her bow. It held a lot of memories and emotions for the bookworm. So with heavy footsteps she had walked towards her team+2.
The reunion wasn't what she had expected it would be. Yang had tears ready to drop from her eyes up a bit. Ruby was ecstatic that her teammate and friend was finally found and coming back with them. Weiss though…she was the most shocking as she had come forward a=once Yang had finished her hug and patted her on the shoulder. "You may have been a part of the White fang before…but now you're my teammate, and I won't just let you run off like that again." Weiss had said and finished with a slight huff before turning on her heel and marching back to her spot next to Ruby.
Blake didn't know what to say, she had expected taunting, cruelty, and subjugation from her teammates. Instead she was warmly welcomed back, and fully embraced for who she was. She couldn't stand it anymore; she had fallen to her knees and began to openly cry. Her arms had become so shaky that she couldn't keep her hands on her head. Once they had fallen though she felt a familiar fabric wrap around her cat ears. She looked up expecting to see Yang tying the bow back into place, but instead she saw Jaune. The boy who had forced her hand into reuniting with her team; the boy who she thought had just ruined her entire life, and destroyed any friendships she had built with her team. Now though…he was the boy that had saved her from making a foolish mistake, he had prevented her from running away from her friends and people who cared about her.
She owed this boy so much, but at the moment she couldn't find her voice to express herself. She was lifted to her feet by Yang, and they had slowly made their way towards the airships. Blake stopped however remembering what she was going to do in a bit. She had relayed the information of the White Fang planning to be at the docks in an hour. Team RWBY+2 had rushed off to the docks to face whatever was ahead and to fight crime!
Roman Torchwick didn't stand a chance against five and a half hunters in training (half because Jaune still isn't very skilled in this part of the series). The White Fang were arrested, Roman taken into high security, and Team RWBY+2 had made their way back to Beacon. Once they had reached Beacon grounds yet again, Sun had decided to disappear, and Team RWBY decided to head to their dorm room to clean up and go to sleep. Jaune didn't accompany them to the dorms, and instead walked towards the statue where his grandfather was.
Once he was there he had just kneeled down in front of it and began to let his mind wander. What would have happened if he had agreed with Blake? What would have happened if he told her no to her face instead of taking off like he did? What if he hadn't gone with them to fight Roman? Jaune didn't really know the answerer to any of these, nor did he want to know. His decisions so far had lead him down the right path; a path where Team RWBY was reunited and their bond was stronger than ever before. No, Jaune didn't regret any decision he had made that day.
While he was deep in thought he didn't hear the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind. It was only until he had felt a tapping on his shoulder that he noticed someone had come up behind him. As he turned around he heard the person say, "Xiao Long you gonna sit there lady killer?" Jaune had finished turning to see Yang Xiao herself standing there with her trademark grin. Jaune let out a soft chuckle at Yang's pun, if only for a bit of stress relief.
"No one said this to you Jaune but…thank you. Really." Yang had said as Jaune looked her in the eyes. Not many people did that nowadays. Look Yang in the eyes. Most boys just stared at her chest, while other girls refused to look directly at her while talking to her. Of course her teammates and Team JNPR were the exceptions, yet having Jaune look her in the eyes was still refreshing. "Most of the time I put up this act of being strong willed, and being the emotional rock for others to hang onto…but in reality…these past few days I've been a wreck." Yang said.
Jaune looked closely at Yang's eyes and barely noticed the bags under them that were expertly hid away with makeup. "These past few day's I've been so scared that I was going to lose my partner, the person who was supposed to be my bestest friend for the next four years." A single tear had found its way out of Yang's left eye and started to trail down her cheek. "I thought that I was going to be alone, and that It was all my fault." Jaune didn't wait for her to say or do anything else as he raised his right hand to her cheek and wiped away the team, and then embraced his fellow blond.
"Hey, hey. It's alright Yang. I got you. There's no need to act right now. Just let out what you're feeling." Jaune said in a soothing voice that he had picked up when caring for his sisters. Yang willingly listened to Jaune as she began to bawl on Jaune's hoodie, wetting the front part of it. They stood there for about six minutes before Yang had collected herself yet again, and leaned away from Jaune.
She sniffled softly while putting on a slight smile. "Sorry about getting your hoodie wet." She said.
"Naa don't worry about it. It's just a hoodie compared to one of my friends." Jaune said while shrugging. "And I would choose my friends over my hoodie anytime." He continued with a big smirk on his face.
Yang chuckled as she punched Jaune's shoulder. "Yaya…thanks Jaune…for everything you've done today." Yang turned around while taking Jaune's left hand into her right and began to walk back to the dorms. "Now let's go get ourselves ready for tomorrow."
Author's Note: Here it is lads and laddies. The first chapter to JaunexYang. Hope I did okay and didn't make this seem rushed or feel wonky. I know almost everyone was a bit ooc, but just expect them to be like that for the rest of the fic. It makes it easier to write, and to be honest, more fun too. Anyways, expect another update either the same day as Golden Bunny, or the day after. Cya then!