Disclaimer: I do not own Legends of Tomorrow or Doctor Who

A/N: Please review!

The first thing the Doctor saw was Amy's face which was slightly red and blotchy, but her eyes were clear.

"Doctor" she said softy "We need to talk"

He nodded his head jerkily and then pushed his hands father into his pockets. He felt himself babbling as he said, "Of course… of course…. Totally a lot to talk about a lot to say…."

His words trailed off as he saw the understanding on Amy's face.

She opened her mouth as if to say something before she stopped and closed her mouth again. Rory gripped her hand tighter before he said slowly, "To start Doctor, we are not angry at you."

He paused himself before continuing, "We are just upset that you never told us any of this. We understand why you didn't tell it to us before that women came after us, but why didn't you tell it to us once we got on board?"

"We never regretted following you around the universe and we still don't. But Doctor we need to be able to trust you, we need to know that you trust us too."

Amy gathering her thoughts continued where Rory left off, "I know Doctor that you would have done everything to do to save…" She paused for a moment and odd look crossing her face, "well… me. But, three minds are always better than one when coming up with a plan?" She said with a questioning tone in her voice

Rory quickly jumped into the conversation his body tense gripping Amy's hand, "Of course Amy. We will do everything we can to save you. This timeline will never happen. I swear."

The Doctor's heart clenched painfully in his chest as he pasted a smile on his face and lied, "Of course Rory. We will do everything to save Amy."

His heart's broke as he spoke because he knew that everything he said was a lie. He had spent years if not decades trying to save the Pond's from New York and Amy from death. He did everything he could and recruited everyone he knew to help him, but in the end, it was useless because her death was a fixed point.

An excruciatingly grateful smile broke out across Rory's face as he looked at the Doctor, "Thank you. Thank you so much Doctor." While Amy just looked at him with an unreadable look on her face.

Suddenly a determined look crossed her face and she said, "Rory you need to rest. You were shot only a few hours ago. Sleep."

Rory moved to sit up with a stubborn look on his face, "No Amy. We need to find a way to save you. I'm fine."

Amy put her hands on his shoulders and gently, but firmly pushed him down. "No, you need to rest. We have plenty of time to plan and don't lie to me Rory. I know that you are still in pain. Now sleep!" She said firmly before walking out the door grabbing the Doctor by his wrist pulling him out after her, "I'll know if you aren't!"

Rory grumbling under his breath crossed his arms and a brief flash of pain crossed his face as the muscles pulled in his chest. "No you won't." Amy stopped before a second before turning around a raising an eyebrow, "Yes, I will. I always know" she said with a small smirk "Now don't make me say it again. Go to sleep!"

She moved back towards the door and pulled the Doctor into the hallway. As soon as the door closed she turned to him, "Raggedy man" she said with a soft smile putting her hand on his cheek "I've known you all my life. I know when you are lying."

The Doctor started stammering out a refusal and Amy shook her head and said simply, "No. Don't lie know that there is nothing that can be done to help me. But, I am still going to do everything I can to stay with Rory for as long as I can. That means I am going to need to keep my memories."

A heartbroken look crossed his face and he paused before responding, "I'm sorry Amy, but I can't risk you accidentally slipping up. The dangers of you keeping your memories of interacting with your future husband much less knowing about your death…" He shook his head slowly, hopelessness rising in his chest.

"Please Raggedy man" She begged, "Please let me keep my memories. I want to treasure every moment I have with Rory and I want to try… try and stop this."

A look of indecision flashed on the Doctor's face before he crumbled and gave in.

Amy knew before he even said anything what his decision was and said, "Thank you Raggedy man, thank you so much."

"Amy, you have to promise me that you will never say anything to anyone much less to Rory. Please promise me." He said staring at her intently. Amy nodded her head, "I promise Doctor. But you need to promise me something in exchange."

The Doctor looked at her confusedly "Of course Amy, anything."

Amy took a deep breath, "No Doctor. This is important. Please, if I… If I don't survive…" She paused for a moment, "Please look after Rory. I know that you can't change the timeline, but please look after Rory. I know how much he will be hurting and I don't want him to be alone."

She looked imploringly at him, "Please Doctor look after Rory."

The Doctor felt tears rising up and stinging at the back of his eyes, "I promise Amy. I promise" he said before wrapping his arms tightly around her. He felt his shirt slowly getting damp as Amy shook slightly in his arms.

Finally, her tears slowed down and the Doctor stepped back and briefly brushing his own eyes. "Now come on." he said with a forced cheerfulness, "Let's go."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her along. She stumbled briefly and with a short wet laugh followed after him down the hall.

Only a few minutes later, the two of them fell in through the kitchen doorway laughing. Kendra and Mick who were sitting at the table looked up at the sudden intrusion. Mick's hand went towards his heat gun and growled when he saw that it was just the Doctor and Amy.

Kendra smiled knowingly at the Doctor as she stood up grabbing her mug of tea and poked at Mick's arm until he stood up with a grumble picking up his beer bottle.

"Come on Mick. We'll give them some space." She said with a smile.

"No, you don't need to get up because us." Amy said worriedly.

"Nah don't worry Ginger you're not that special. We were already leaving." Mick rumbled as he tossed his empty bottle into the trash and grabbed a fresh one.

Kendra touched Amy lightly on the arm as she left, "Ignore him. He's always grumpy, but he's right we were just finishing up when you came."

Amy looked at the Doctor with a questioning look on her face as she pointed her finger over her shoulder.

The Doctor shrugged and just smiled, "Eh, ignore him, Kendra's right. He's always like that."

"Ginger though Doctor?" Amy said petulantly "Seriously?"