The Last of Us

Instead of spending one day on a game, Mac and Bloo decided to take it up a notch and start a let's play series of a Play Station 3 game called The Last of Us.

"You know what I like about this title screen?" Mac asked when the game started to load, and he was the first to start playing.

"There's nothing?" Bloo guessed with a smirk.

"Yup. Just nothing. That's what I like about it," Mac replied in a chuckle.

"This is BEFORE the outbreak," Mac pointed out when the game finally started.

"Yeah, I figured since everyone's still wearin' shirts," Bloo added.

"Yeah, and I was really, like, I was really hoping…see, the problem that I have with zombie fiction is that you never get to see the moment where it goes from society to chaos.

"No, that's the least interesting ta me 'cause I've seen too many videos where they show that part."

"No! NO movies do that. Like, some guy will be in a car crash and just fall asleep, and when he wakes up, there's a fuckin' zombie apocalypse."

"So, this kid's not makin' it outta the cut scene," Mac said with confidence when Joel's daughter Sarah was giving him his birthday present.

"Nope," Bloo chuckled.

"Well, not the cut scene, just the beginning…but the watch will, I bet," Mac added, but then Joel said the watch wasn't working and Sarah flipped out. But she laughed sarcastically when she found out her dad was only joking.

"No, that's a time watch; it's Jayden's…oh, imagine if the game got ruined like that!" Bloo wondered aloud, but then Joel asked how his daughter got the watch, and she sarcastically said that she did hardcore drugs.

"Aww," Mac sighed with sincere puppy eyes and a smile, "I love when the kid's just, ya know, not caring about your commands or concerns with things you're actually worried about."

"Right," Bloo added in agreement.

"Are you on drugs? Yes Dad, I'm on drugs; thank you for being so concerned," Mac mocked, and then he got worried when Joel picked up his fast-asleep daughter and carried her up to bed, "oh, that kid's totally not gonna make it."

"Lock your doors! Wilt's in town!" Bloo sang.

"'Dawn of the Wolf,'" Bloo read from the Twilight parody poster in Sarah's room.

"Oh, that sounds sick," Mac said in amazement.

"REALLY good title," Bloo added, but then Sarah woke up to her phone suddenly ringing and she answered it.

"I bet whoever's on the phone's gonna say shit's fucked," Mac pointed out.

"Is she sleepy?!" Bloo asked in awe when Mac started to play and walk around as Sarah.

"Yes. Yes, she is, and that's amazing," Mac replied.

"Look how sleepy she is!"

"She's just all floppy…but yeah, this is an outrageously well-furnished room," Mac pointed out while he looked around the nice room.


"Like, this is where the game designers said 'we want to show off the Microsoft…'" Mac began, but when he picked up a birthday card, he trailed off.

"Dude, that's awesome!" Bloo cheered, "look at that!"

"Yeah, I actually feel like I've gotten that EXACT same birthday card before," Mac added with shock.

"That's like that one Samsung thing," Bloo pointed out.

"Samsung? What?" Mac questioned.

"Oh, Samsung had this one contest to design a phone, and this one guy just drew a crappy dinosaur like that one, and he won and got his own Samsung phone with a shitty dinosaur on it."

"Yes! I LOVE it when people do dumb shit, and people go 'man, I love that dumb shit'," Mac said when he made Sarah finally walk out of her room.

"You know what a good example of that is?" Bloo asked, "there was this community that said they needed a new name for this monster plushie from Monster Hunter."

"Yeah, and then it was like Sir Somethin'…?"

"Sir Om Nom Nom!"

"Yeah, Sir Om Nom Nom!"

"This is one huge master bedroom," Bloo said in awe when Mac made Sarah walk into Joel's room, and the T.V. was left on the news channel.

"Let's watch some T.V." Mac suggested, and he and Bloo just started watching the news about a gas leak, "gas leak is bullshit."

"Gas leak is the biggest bullshit exc-."

"Whoa, ok! Wait!" Mac suddenly interrupted Bloo when the T.V. went static just after he saw the gas station explode, "that was an actual gas leak."

"Yeah, but gas leaks were started by a fuckin' zombie biting on a-whoa, that's cool!" Bloo went on, but was only interrupted again when Sarah looked out the window, and they saw an explosion that was the same gas station on the T.V.

"It's like things are happening."

"But when are things gonna be happening inside this house?"

"But see, I want this ta show the spread of the infection, so-mirror! Look, a character in a mirror!" Mac started to explain, but he stopped when Sarah walked in front of a mirror, in which her reflection appeared, "so yeah, the infection in the city is SO fast, that a million people go from totally normal ta shit spill in, like, five house…right?"

"Hey, she's not sleepy anymore," Bloo pointed out when Sarah walked down the stairs, and he completely ignored Mac's explanation.

"But there's a shit spill goin' on outside."

Suddenly, dogs started barking from outside.

"When dogs start barking…"

"Dogs barking and loud sirens TOTALLY mean that the apocalypse-whoa!"

Just as Mac said that, he saw a couple of police cars their sirens blaring and lights flashing zoom by the house when Sarah looked out the window.

"Ooh, this is SUCH a good dump setter!" Mac exclaimed happily.

"Reminds me of that time we got arrested," Bloo chuckled.

"Let's never tell that story," Mac added and Bloo stifled a laugh.

"Joel?!" Mac asked with shock when Joel ran into the house in the office, "you've proven me SUPER wrong!"

"He has so far," Bloo added.

"Dude, this is EXACTLY what I wanted!" Mac shouted with excitement when they were taken out to a car to drive to safety, "like, you see that one encounter and you just drive by a bunch of people just getting into their cars!"

"Yeah…" Bloo sighed with a nod.

"Right? And It's nice and subdued and laidback, and I can clearly see how these guys are sayin'…ya know, we heard when people were, like…well, in Uncharted, you kill a billion dudes."

"And for your own monetary games, really."


The car then passed by a big house out in the country that was completely up in flames.

"Fuck you, Louis," Mac sneered.

"Aww, Louis…" Bloo sighed.

"PILLS HERE!" Mac suddenly shouted.

"Looking a Tommy's reflection in the rear view mirror, like, he's all freaked out…" Bloo started to explain when Tommy drove the car through town, but he trailed off when another car slammed into a them and created a horrible wreck.

"WHOA!" the boys exclaimed in horror.

"Well, now we're fucked," Mac pointed out.

"I NEVER would'a seen that coming!"

"Fucked. DOUBLE fucked."

"Is this Sophie's Choice? Are we literally doing Sophie's Choice?!" Mac questioned when a soldier pointed his gun at Joel and Sarah, and he started shooting without warning.

"OOH!" they both yelled with shock.

"What?!" Bloo exclaimed, and then the soldier towered over Joel to finish him, "wait, how did Joel NOT get killed by this military guy?"

"Why would you do this?!" Mac cried.

But suddenly, the soldier was shot in the head and he immediately died, and it revealed to be Tommy who killed the soldier.

"Tommy! Tommy!" Bloo cheered.

"Yeeeeeaaaah!" Mac yelled happily while flailing his arms around, but then they realized that Sarah got shot.

"Oh…" Mac whimpered.

"Yeah, that's…" Bloo sighed while shaking his head.

"This is WAY MORE tragic than the kid getting eaten by monsters!"

"Yeah, 'cause she wasn't killed by a monster at all."

"She was killed by the greatest monster of them all…"



"Thanks, Obama," Bloo growled.

"Yes, thank you, Obama. You did a good job," Mac added sarcastically.

If you guys REALLY want me to start writing the full let's play series, I will gladly take the time to sit down and type it all out. And again, if you have anymore requests for this parody, request away!

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!