Chapter 24


If I'm going to be honest I completely forgot this story existed. Looking back I guess I sort of stashed it away with everything else that happened when I started writing it, for that, I am sorry.

It sucks having a story with no end. Alots changed since then and things are much better for me, but I don't have any rough drafts or anything on how this work was supposed to end.

Reading over it again I've got a general idea how I could have ended it, and I'll give you all a brief synopsis if you'd like to hear how things went down. If not, I hope things have gone better for the rest of you, and that your fics have multiple chapters with great endings. :3 Toodles


Jasper, Chara, and Nikolai head down and start doing some basic bashing on the big bad guy.

Sans, Undyna, Papyrus, and Alphys play support by distracting it and providing robotic help in Alphys case.

Chara does there creepy face a whole lot, but finds out the monster is alot how Asriel was when he become god of hyper death, similarity based freak out causes them to almost break off from Frisk. Nikolai does some cool gun moves. *finger guns*

Jasper is mainly trying to sort out the hobbled together mess of a soul that the monster is, he'd describe it as a junior jumble but all the words and letters are in different languages. Nobody is happy with this.

Flowers here, and he's suddenly scary.

Chara comes back to their senses upon seeing Flowey, best friend powers activate. Chaos ensues.

Everyone's kind of buzzing around doing nothing when Jasper gets hit by a wayword hand causing his magic to finally unleash fully.

Bad times.

Baby boy is upset, and needed everyone to calm him down before he destroyed everything. Flowey and Chara help him channel his magic properly so that he can get ahold of the big bad guys soul finally.

Their souls super happy about this and Jasper helps the wronged souls to be released and die happy. The creature kinda blows up/poofs leaving the cult leader alone.

Jasper has a bit internal struggle of wether to spare him or not, Nikolai is an ass and tries to shoot him point blank before apologizing to Jasper, letting him know he's a bad guy too, oh woe is Nikolai my edgy boy.

Jasper calms him down before finally deciding to spare the cult leader. Cult leader says hey man I'm bad, to late I did bad things I'm out. And peaces out of existence by causing Japsers void powers to spiral wildly out of control with some magic.


Everybody faces their fears, gets over it, comes together and fights their way out of the void.

Oh hey Gaster is here to save people.

During this mess, Jasper stumbles across two souls that feel sort of familiar, baby boy decides to yoink them out with him from the void.

Everybody's out and safe, hurray!

Wait, we've got two extra people. Chara and Asriel are given their souls/bodies back. Everyone's cool with that.

There we go, saved the day, fought the bad guy, and won.

Alphys has her kids a bit later, Undyne is proud mama. They have three, Hana, Tikoru, and Masayoshi. Whatever genders you want them to be.

Ending with Jasper, Trevor, and Saria reuniting at school, so pumped to learn more cool shit.

So uh, yeah. That's what I think would happen. Bit more fleshed out but I got a bit carried away reminiscing with my first ever story. I might rewrite this in the future, who knows, but I'm going to let this story rest for good now. If you've been here since the beginning, thank you. And also god your patient, kudos to you dude.

Enough said though, thank you anyone who read, reviewed, or just passed by. I appreciate your support and kindness through this journey.