Chapter 4
Beads of sweat formed at Ichiryuu-sensei's brow. He could clearly envision himself losing. White was going all out to destroy his black's territory on the lower right corner.
Shindou reached the wooden bowl and placed the stone in the upper left corner with grace and confidence. The older pro immediately countered his attack by placing and blocking the stone from the blond-bang pro's earlier attack.
The fight broke out in the particular section as each of them seeking for domination over the board. Yet, Shindou's moves and outlines of his territories became more distinguish.
And that certain last move decided the obvious winner of the game.
"Whooah! Shindou you're on the roll this past few weeks! You're winning all your games!" Waya exclaimed while slapping the blond-bang pro's back hard.
"Ouch! Will you stop it Waya! I'm eating!" Shindou yelled, continued eating his food.
These time, they were all decided to have lunch at McDonalds to avoided Shindou and Waya from arguing whether to get sushi or ramen.
"Ne... Ano,..umm..." Shindou stuttered, cheeks bit blushed and fidgetting on his seat. "Nase... I wanted to ask you for some advice." He asked shyly at the young lady across.
Nase arched her eyebrow while Waya stopped from eating and gaped at Shindou. It's rare for Shindou to asked someone's advice especially from a girl. It also catches other's full attention. "Sure." Nase replied cheerfully.
Shindou looked at everyone and sighed. He guessed it couldn't be helped but to ask Nase in front of everyone. "I... I wanted to ask. You see I have ...someone I wanted to cheer I wanna ask're a ..." He stopped. Seeing the wide annoying grin at Waya's face while the rest seems listening intently. "Where do girls usually hang-out if they're sad. You know... I mean I really wanted to cheer her up so I want to take her somewhere." He finally mustered up all the courage to say it. Obviously, they'll misunderstood him. But he couldn't care less.
Nase smile. Devilishly. "I see." She pretend thinking. "Tell me first what she looks like... Her personality...and things she loves.."
"Eh?!" Shindou burst at the unexpected query. " Do I really need to tell you that?"
"Yes of course. You should based the place to take her depend upon her personality."
"That so? I see. It's actually make sense."
Waya jabbed Isumi's side lightly, and exchanging some meaningful smile. "That's right Shindou-kun." Isumi agreed. Forcefully. "You have to think about it carefully if you really wanted to cheer her up." Isumi sweat-dropped but he needed to joined into the conversation to convinced the blond-bang pro.
"Right. Well... She's...tall and pretty I guess." Everyone lifted an eyebrow. "She's quite moody. Heck she always nagging at me at everything." Shindou grinned to recall certain someone. "She always complain about me being rude or something... She's driving me crazy most of the times especially when she saw something new. And she'll never stop asking me a lot of strange questions. But..." He smiled. "But I guess...she's fine that way."
How sweet. Nase couldn't help but blushed and giggled. She'd never seen this adorable side of Shindou before. Though, the way he described that 'she' person was all negative personality. Yet, Nase could easily tell that she's someone very important to him. And she wondered on why she didn't feel any romantic feelings between Shindou and the mysterious girl, but a feeling of different kind of love and respect.
"Umm. How about aqua park.?"
"Aqua park?" Shindou repeated and thought about it thoroughly. "I see...that will be nice. She will love it, especially the fishes." He grinned.
"Nah." Waya protested. "Amusement park is better." He suggested. "Based on how you described her...she'll just get bored on aqua park. Take her into some rides...and fun games."
"Hmm.. That's great idea too." Nase agreed. "She sounded like a bit childish. Hehe sorry about that."
"Yeah. Waya usually took Sensei's daughter in amusement park so he knows a lot about it." Isumi teased the redhead and avoided Waya's slap.
"Haha indeed. I guess that's it. Amusement park! Thanks guys... I owe you a lot." He hurriedly stood. "Ja... I'll go first and visit her to tell about it, thanks!"
"Oi you baka Shindou! You better introduce her to us soon..!"
Shindou stooped his trail and grinned. "Yeah..sure one of this days I definitely introduce her to you guys!" He answered before he finally left them.
"What the heck was that?"
"Hey hey... At least he's willing to intorduce her...unlike someone we know." Nase said, glaring at the redhead across her.
Waya arched his eyebrow, thinking deeply. "Now...the problem is how to know when or where Shindou will take 'her' in the amusement park?" He asked unthinkably. And the rest just exchanged looks at each other. Hmmm. When and where indeed?
Seiji Ogata is fully aware at those almost painful stares towards him at the lobby of the Go Institute. It's felt like boring deep holes into him. Well, it's now surprising since he doesn't usually wear a casual clothes. A plain white collar shirt, jeans and black sperry top sider.
Damn that Shindou, he cursed mentally.
Half an hour ago. A certain blond bang teen ambushed him in front of the building, panting and sweating.
"Ogata-sensei!" Shindou called out loud while breathing heavily from running. "Thank God you're here. I went to your apartment but the cleaning lady says that you're out so I immediately came here.' He said, and sat carelessly on the floor. 'Damn, I'm dead.'
"So what do you want? You should just call me if you need something...important." He asked. Ogata quite had a bad feeling about it. Usually the teen will just call him if it's related to Go, but when it comes to Sai, the teen always came running straight to him. He noticed that Shindou is wearing a baseball uniform.
"Here." Shindou handed him a paper bag and a small white envelope. "Please... The school called for a replacement and I happened to promised Sai... Sayako-nee to take her to amusement park but I can' please." He explained in between breathing.
Ogata pocketed his lighter and took the paper bag along with the small envelope from Shindou. "So what is this?" He peeked on the bag.
Shindou grinned. "Your clothes. I borrowed them from your cleaning lady. I told her you soil your pants." He said as he starts running away from the older pro. "Ja...the ticket inside the envelope. I'll be back to bring her here right away! Please wait a bit!"
'"Brat!" Ogata growled lowly, then gawked at the running blonde teen. Did Shindou said he soiled his pants to the cleaning lady? He gritted his teeth. Such embarrassing for an excuse. Can he just think of something more reasonable explanation?
"Oho. Is that really you Ogata-kun?" Someone asked from behind and made Ogata's blood rushed to his head. "You look different today. And you look younger with those clothes. I almost didn't recognized you...if it's not from your hair." Kuwabara added, fingering his invisible beard. "Kakakaka. I remember my younger days."
"Hn. I heard that alot today.." He replied dryly. Probably the old man was the third person who had a guts to greet and pointed out his unusual looks.
"Oh! Ogata-sensei. You look different tod-..."
"Hai hai. Kuwabara-sensei just told me too." He cut off the reporter and motioned at the envelope to handed it to me. "Is that all Amano-san?" He asked while peaking inside the brown envelope.
"Yes. Everything you asked for. Don't underestimate my network." The Go reporter said proudly.
"I really appreciate the help Amano-san. I'll..." Ogata glanced at the older Go player then looked back at Amano. "I'll call you later. I'm kinda in a hurry.." He said when he noticed the blond bang teen and the long dark hair woman approaching the building.
Kuwabara and Amano watched Ogata as the blonde turned his eyes away from them and glued at the two persons coming towards them.
"Something seems different with Ogata-sensei lately. Don't you think Kuwabara-sensei?" The reported whispered.
"Well..." Kuwabara smirked and tapped the reporter's shoulder, which is unusual for him to do and got Amano quite surprised. "Believe me, within few months or year we can finally hear a wedding bells." He grinned at the stunned reporter, although Amano don't really understood Kuwabara's words. "I have faith with my instincts kekeke."
Both watched in awed as Shindou suddenly bowed his head at Ogata, and murmured the words they never expected coming from the teen. "Ogata-sensei. I will leave my Sayako-neesan in your care. Please make her happy."
Ogata froze at the blond bang teen. Does Shindou really have to say that? What the hell with those chosen words? He turned his gaze at the woman. He could tell she's hiding her playful annoying smiles behind the fan. 'Make her happy my ass... Isn't she happy enough to utterly defeats me each and every match we had?'
"I'm in your care... Ogata-san." Sai said softly, and bowed her head graciously along with Shindou.
Ogata could clearly heard few gasps and whispers among the curious people in the vicinity. Veins throbbed on his forehead. These two persons purposely making fun of him. So, he bowed back at them and held the woman's hand ever gently. "Rest assure Shindou-kun. It's an honor to make Sayako-san happy." He narrowed his eyes while adjusting his eyeglass and lips twitched at his victory after seeing Sai's reaction at the first name basis.
Shindou straightened up and gestured a mock salute towards Ogata. "Ill be going now. Ja... Enjoy!"
"Hoho". Kuawabara clapped his hand and approached the unsuspecting Sai. " must be the reason for our Ogata-chan's sudden change in taste of fashion." The older man clearly scrutinizing the woman and slowly show his trademark smile. "Our Ogata-chan had a perfect taste indeed when it comes to woman. I'm Kuwabara Honinbo, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." He bowed at the woman.
Sai just smiled. Of course she knew the man and been itching to play against him for quite some time now. She bowed at him politely. "I'm Sayako Fujimoto. It's a pleasure to meet you too Kuwabara-sensei..."
Ogata evidently doesn't like the impressions he was getting from the older man and the rest of the people in the building. He glanced at Sai and let a sighed of relief. Well, the woman was stunningly gorgeous as long as she doesn't open her mouth to speak. He was at least relieved that she's ethically perfect when there's other people around them or else, her beautiful face was totally ruined by her childish attitude.
"Excuse us Kuwabara-sensei...but me and.." He paused, using her nickname might alarmed everyone around them. "Sayako-san have to leave as soon as possbile." Ogata said, quite desperate to dragged the woman with him out of the building to avoid any question that the old man might ask.
"Hoho. Is that so? I think I disturb your date. I excuse myself then. Enjoy Fujimoto-san... It's really pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine, Kuwabara-sensei." Sai just smiled seeing the blonde pro's annoyed expression. She extend her hand towards Ogata, while the man just silently held her hand gently, then walked out of the building. "Please make sure not to soil your pants time. Seiji-san" She whispered to him as Ogata flustered from both embarrassment and anger. He promised to collect his revenge later from a certain teen.
"Tch." Ogata just snorted but a small smile tugged on his thin lips. His life became more exciting and interesting recently ever since he met the mysterious Sai. He just needed to lenghten his patience by dealing with the odd woman considering he was learning a lot from her by having a match every time they had a chance. "Come on..we're taking train." He said, while making sure she's comfortable walking next to him. The doctor advised him to let her get to used to her surroundings by taking walks and using public trasportation instead. So, it's much better to take a train than taking his sport car into the amusement park and might as well enjoy his time with her, at least for today.
A/N: Hello guys!'s been a year the last time I updated this story.
yes..this is obviously Sai x Ogata.
Thank you for the wonderful reviews Guy. Please enjoy and I''ll make sure to finished this story as soon as I can.