Dreaming about Sara was not at all uncommon for Nyssa, particularly at the precious times when she and her beloved were mercifully reunited after trying missions. This was different, though. Dream-Sara was working her so-very-familiar magic, but, as clouded as her thoughts were, Nyssa felt her stomach tighten and recognized that it was much too real for a dream. Her eyes flew open, and her back arched, and whatever she wanted to say to Sara was lost because she couldn't form a single coherent word.

Her Canary was smirking, hovering above her and looking so satisfied and mischievous that Nyssa wondered if their monikers shouldn't be reversed to better fit the idiom about the cat that ate the canary. She wore only a tight white tank top and underwear, an outfit that Nyssa definitely took no objection to. Sara sat back on her haunches—and, incidentally, on Nyssa's thighs, since she was straddling her girlfriend—and popped two guilty fingers into her mouth teasingly before drawling, "Y'know, it's not very assassin-like to sleep through an orgasm."

Nyssa blinked, because the dampness pressed against her thigh was very distracting. "I didn't," she argued, silently tacking on "barely". It's a technicality, but she'd use it to escape the indignity.

"You sure bout that, love? Never said I was talking about that one."

The assassin gaped. How long had she been— Sara's touch interrupted her thoughts, fingers dragging languidly up Nyssa's side, nudging her t-shirt up as she went. Nyssa closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind. She was definitely feeling more than a little hazy.

Refocusing her gaze on her beloved, she tried to switch their positions, but Sara resisted and whispered, "Just…given the hell we've had to deal with the last few weeks, can you…I want to…" Sara's fingers curled slightly around Nyssa's ribs, and she fixed a weighted look on the woman beneath her. "Just let me have this?"

Smiling, Nyssa reached up and pulled Sara down for a kiss, nodding. "I suppose I am amenable, my love."

The searing kiss was followed immediately by Sara's tongue carving a determined path down her throat and over her collarbone, which Sara nipped at while she yanked her girlfriend's shirt the rest of the way up and then, finally, off. She continued her sure path, diligently marking Nyssa at all her most sensitive spots. The brunette bit her tongue to keep from reprimanding such teenage behavior. She was content enough at the moment not to be upset about who might later see the purpling evidence across her skin.

By the time Sara settled between her thighs, nose nuzzling the soft skin, Nyssa was practically shaking. Her fingers tightened around her love's blonde hair. Sara's tongue flicked out, and a breathless moan escaped as her entire body arched. With her head turned, she could see the nightstand. On it was a plastic dinosaur. She froze.

"Nys?" Sara popped up, worry etched into her features. "Something wrong? Are you okay?" She followed her girlfriend's gaze and laughed. "Oh, did you forget where we were? I'll take that as a compliment."

Nyssa would've rolled her eyes if she wasn't so concerned. "What if…Beloved, his room is right next door. What if he can hear us?"

"I think you just voiced the nightmare of every parent," Sara replied, and then shuddered. "Ok, that made me think of my own parents and ew. But I'm sure it's fine. The walls aren't what I'd call thin. And you're not what I'd call loud…mostly." She was grinning widely again, no doubt remembering the exceptions.

"Alright," Nyssa sighed. Not that she had much choice. She was burning, regardless of her reservations about possibly traumatizing Oliver Queen's son. But thoughts of William or his father or anybody or anything flew out the window as Sara added fodder to the fire.

Her Canary stretched, the grin back on her face now that her mouth wasn't otherwise occupied. Patting Nyssa's leg, she hopped off the bed and tugged on a pair of sweatpants. "I'll give you a minute. I gotta eat something. Meet me in the kitchen when you can stand."

Minx. Nyssa opened one eye and immediately called out to her girlfriend, whose hand was on the doorknob. "You would do to wash your face first, my love."

If it was even possible, Sara's grin widened, and she swiped around her mouth before sucking suggestively on her fingers. Nyssa groaned. This girl was going to be the death of her, one way or another. She was reminded of another cat idiom—one about cream. As Sara bounced into the bathroom with all too much energy, Nyssa forced herself up and pulled on a pair of yoga pants, followed by a bra and a gray t-shirt. She checked her own appearance in the mirror and dragged a hand through her hair. Captain Lance and Laurel were coming by shortly for brunch, and she didn't want to give her beloved's father any more reason to dislike her. Conveniently, her hair was long enough to pretty effectively hide the bruises Sara had left on her neck and collarbone.

The guilty party bounded out of the bathroom, grabbed Nyssa's hand, and dragged her out of the room and towards Oliver Queen's fridge. Nyssa joined a peppy Felicity Smoak at the counter, while Sara made a beeline for the water dispenser on the refrigerator, gulping down two full glasses before even taking a breath.

"Thirsty?" Felicity asked, smiling at her friend in her usual, innocent way. Sara laughed loudly, and the confused tech whiz looked to Nyssa for an explanation.

Nyssa could feel her face heating but offered, "When one trains as much as we are accustomed to, it is very important to stay hydrated." It was weak, but Felicity just shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah, Oliver always has a water bottle with him. Makes sense. He sweats a lot when he works out in the foundry. Makes him shiny. I definitely don't have a problem with shiny. I'm going to stop talking now before I say something ridiculous."

Sara came around the counter and patted Felicity's shoulder. "I think we're past that point, Lis." She smirked and forsook the third, available chair in favor of Nyssa's lap, which earned another bemused look from Felicity, who voiced, for the umpteenth time, that she didn't understand how Sara could be so insanely comfortable invading the personal space of the lethal assassin. She knew at this point that Nyssa took such comments as compliments. Sara wiggled her eyebrows. "We just know each other very personally, Nys and I."

"Auntie Nyssa!" a small voice exclaimed, and eight year old William barreled into the room and threw his arms around the woman, who wrapped her free arm around him in return.

"Good morning, William."

"Hey Nug," Sara added, ruffling the boy's hair. She wasn't the least bit offended by his affection for her better half. Honestly, it made her heart ache to see the way Nyssa transformed around the boy. After rescuing and protecting William when he was kidnapped several months ago, Nyssa had formed a strong attachment to Oliver's son, which he reciprocated enthusiastically. It made Sara long for something she'd never thought she could have.

"Hi Auntie Sara," William chirped, clambering up into the third chair. "How long are you staying? Will it be the whole week this time? Please?" He gave a little fist pump when they nodded. He was definitely a Queen. "So," he whispered, casting a surreptitious glance toward Felicity, who was focused on her tablet. "You'll teach me how to use a bow and arrow now? I'm old enough!"

"Absolutely not," Oliver declared, striding into the kitchen and fixing his son with an admonishing stare.

Roy entered on his mentor's heels and smirked. "I can get you a bowl of water, if you feel like slapping things," he offered. William pulled a face but quickly changed his tune when Nyssa voiced her approval of the technique. Roy reached for the cabinet, but Oliver stopped him.

"Not now," he said, voice light but firm and eyes laughing. "Captain Lance and Aunt Laurel are on their way, and Uncle Barry might be joining us, too. I'd rather you children not start making a mess right now."

Roy rolled his eyes, and Nyssa indignantly objected to being called a child.

A gust of wind whirled through the kitchen, and the always-late Barry Allen appeared, tucking his sweater into his khakis as he slowed to a stop. "Hey guys! What'd I miss?"

"I told him ten instead of eleven," Felicity explained, and the confusion in the room washed away. "Congratulations, Bar, you're early for something!"

Quentin Lance's voice boomed from the front entrance as he jutted a thumb over his shoulder. "I think we just saw…Hey! Bart! How ya doin'?"

Sara chuckled quietly, "Oh, so that's where that name came from." Her girlfriend gave her a curious look, but she shook her head. "It's nothing. I can tell you later."

"Barry," the speedster corrected, shaking Quentin's hand. "Nice to see you again, sir."

"Hey Barry," Laurel said with a smile that she quickly redirected when she saw William. "Hey kiddo! Don't I get a hug?" The boy hopped down from his perch and ran over to her.

Sara stood too, to greet her family, hugging her father and sister before crouching down to William's level. "I'm feelin' a little left out here, Nug."

He threw his arms around her neck. When he pulled away, he remarked, "Your shirt smells kinda funny. Not bad, but…not like you usually do."

Sara's eyes widened almost imperceptibly. Laurel caught it, of course, because she was closest, and what didn't Laurel notice about her sister these days? Luckily, Sara was quick on her feet. She chuckled. "Yeah, my whole suitcase smells kinda funny. Such are the woes of traveling, bud. Plus," she stage whispered, "I probably need to wash it. But I hate doing laundry, so I'll leave that to Auntie Nyssa." The group laughed at that. It was a well known fact that Sara loathed laundry. She used to bring several weeks-worth home from college so her mother could do it for her. And, on several occasions, she had simply left workout clothes in the arrowcave until Felicity decided, unbidden, to wash and return them all to her.

Nyssa rolled her eyes. "Someday, I shall insist that you do your own washing, my Canary."

"No you won't. Because you looove me," Sara sang, skipping over and curling her arm around Nyssa's waist.

"This is true."

"Aw," Thea Queen cooed from the doorway. "You two are adorable. Let's get some little assassin babies up in here. You know, some of us "teens" were planning to investigate a CADMUS facility later this week. Let me know if I should pick anything up for you." At that, Quentin looked equal parts horrified and wistful.

Felicity finally got up from her tablet. "Alright troops, let's get to the table!"

"Tell me you didn't cook, Lis," Sara begged.

"No, I did," Oliver said. "You'll notice the house hasn't burned down." He kissed Felicity's cheek to rid her of the indignant look.

Barry rubbed the back of his neck and grinned, "Good, because I'm starving."

Almost everyone responded unanimously, "You're always starving."

The group filtered into the next room and sat down at the large dining table. It was almost as big as the one back in Queen Mansion. Oliver sat at the head of the table with Thea on his right and Felicity on his left. Laurel took the seat next to Felicity, and Sara sat next to her sister, pulling Nyssa to sit beside her. Usually, they sat a lot closer than separate chairs would allow, but neither woman wanted to push their luck with Quentin. William climbed into the seat next to Nyssa, which was a surprise to no one, and waved for Barry to sit beside him, which put the speedster at the other head of the table. Quentin left a space so he could sit across from his daughters, and Roy sat between him and Thea.

Sara's phone buzzed from her pocket. Oops. Oliver would be mad if he knew she'd brought it to the table. She hadn't realized it was in her pocket when she grabbed these pants. She looked around the table and saw Thea with her head ducked, phone, presumably, in hand. Taking the risk, she checked her own and smiled. It was from Thea, of course. The girl had sent her a message that said, "I was serious about CADMUS. You two deserve something good."

Sara nudged Nyssa, who suppressed a smile of her own. She texted back, "I know, thank you. We'll def talk about this later." Thea clearly still felt guilty and was trying her best to make up for it. In Sara's opinion, they were more than even because Thea had befriended and been there for Sin when she herself couldn't be. Speaking of which…"Where's Sin?"

"Here," a tired voice called from the kitchen. Sin walked in, dressed and presentable as usual, but looking very unhappy to be awake. The teen rubbed her eyes and plopped down beside Quentin. They had yet to tell him the truth about the legal relationship between her and Sara, but Quentin had quickly taken to his adoptive granddaughter, even if he didn't know that's what she was. Sin, for her part, was very concerned that he might have a heart attack when they actually told him.

"We'll havta sneak it in when you tell him you an' Nys are gettin' married," Sin had decided in the car yesterday. "Then I won't feel so guilty if he dies."

Sara had looked at her from the passenger seat, very taken aback. "If you think we're telling him this weekend, you've absolutely lost it."

Sin had ignored the comment and snatched at her hand. "Where's your ring?"

"Like I said, we are NOT ready to tell my dad."

"It is you who are not ready," Nyssa had clarified. "Do not blame me for your cowardice." She hadn't taken her eyes off the road, but the corners of her mouth had turned up. She hardly blamed her beloved for being nervous.

"Yeah, c'mon. Put it back on," Sin had insisted. "You're gonna break my other Mom's heart." At that, Nyssa had looked like she might be the one to have a heart attack. Sin was doubled over with laughter, wiping tears from her eyes. "Don't worry, Nys. I'm not gonna ask you to pack my lunches or nothin'."

So Sara had put the engagement ring back on her finger, but she twisted it around so the diamond was at her palm. Hopefully her dad wouldn't notice. She didn't think she was ready for his disapproval.

Sara's phone buzzed again. Another text from Thea, ":) yay! K, better put this away before Ollie gets mad." Both slid their phones into their pockets and looked up at the conversation around them.

The brunch was going very well, which was unusual for the group of heroes and their loved ones, who were used to dramatic interruptions. Everyone was laughing and passing eggs and bagels and fruit. Sara was distracted from the larger conversation when William spoke softly to her partner. He pouted, "Auntie Nyssa, were you fighting bad guys again?"

"Yes William," Nyssa responded honestly. "Why does this concern you? You know I am more than proficient in handling my opponents."

William reached up and brushed her neck, and Nyssa's spine went rigid. "Because you're hurt." Nyssa tried desperately to reassure the boy without calling attention to their discussion.

Unfortunately, Barry Allen didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. "Yeah, Nyssa, you do look pretty bruised." Several women around the table fixed him with glares that could cut diamonds, but the men looked like they hadn't quite caught on. Sin was pretending to gag in spite of the oddly pleased look on her face. It was nice to be part of a happy family. Even if it made her a little uncomfortable to think about certain aspects.

They probably could've gotten away with the fighting excuse if Nyssa wasn't blushing so furiously. It didn't help when a smirking Sara casually draped her arm around Nyssa's shoulders, in an attempt to hide the evidence, and purred, "We're just fine, Nug. Sometimes Nys bites off more than she can chew, and I have to come to her rescue." Nyssa looked like she wanted very much to argue that statement.

"Sara?" Quentin questioned uneasily.

The Canary followed everyone's eyes and realized her ring had turned around. The giant rock Nyssa had put on her finger four nights ago was sparkling, dazzlingly bright against the assassin's shoulder. "Oops."

Instantly, Laurel was out of her seat, grasping Sara's left hand and squealing, "You didn't tell me! Sara!"

The younger Lance sister shrugged, a shy smile on her lips. She was endlessly relieved about her big sister's complete acceptance of her relationship with Nyssa. It's not that anyone she cared about was rude, but Laurel was the only one who didn't even flinch when Sara came out to her. "It just happened the other night," Sara admitted.

And, in the next moment, they were surrounded by their friends. She caught sight of Roy hugging Sin in congratulations, and her heart melted a little more. She had twisted slightly, and she reached for Nyssa's hand with her right while her left was being cooed over. She overheard William asking if they were really getting married and if he could be the ring bear. Nyssa laughed heartily, which was entirely unusual but completely welcome.

"Dad?" Sara turned her attention to the only person who hadn't gotten up to shower them in well wishes. He was staring, a blank look on his face, and he didn't respond until Laurel snapped at him.

"I…I can't believe my baby is getting married," the police captain gulped. "When did my girls grow up so much?" Both sisters rolled their eyes. Given that both were stealthy crime fighters, and one was a League-trained assassin, he should've been over the whole growing up thing already.

Sara blinked at him hopefully. "You're not mad?"

"Why would I be mad? As long as you're happy, and it's abundantly clear you are, sweetheart. Though, I don't need to know everything about…everything," he grimaced, clearly less than thrilled at what William had inadvertently put on display. "And, y'know, tradition does say you're supposed to ask the father for permission." He raised an eyebrow at Nyssa.

The woman met his eyes and responded earnestly, "I did very strongly consider seeking your approval, Captain Lance. However, I imagine my beloved Sara would not have taken well to the idea of being treated as property." Sara nodded firmly in agreement.

"S'alright Nyssa. I don't disagree with that choice. We all know what it's like bein' on the wrong side of Sara's anger." He smiled fondly at his daughter. "She was an awful teenager."

Sin piped up. "Speaking of teenagers…"

A/N: Whelp, that happened. Obviously, I don't own Arrow or The Flash or, you know, DC. If I did, I wouldn't be letting Zack Snyder within 500 feet of my property. Ugh. Anyway, I'm not sure how far I'm going to take this. Let me know what you'd like to see, so I can take that into account. I have an idea of where I'm going, but I could be flexible about how silly/smutty/fluffy/action-y/etc. it will be.

ALSO, expect references to comics and animated series. Comment if you find the Easter eggs!