Hey, Austin here! I read reviews and thank you sosososo much! I got some constructive criticism, and I really appreciate it! However, there are a couple things I'd like to point out:

-This is an AU. Characters are going to be OOC. (i.e. Adrien's intro. When I changed schools, I was really outgoing at first, then I became shy and nervous. Backwards, I know.)

-Marinette may not seem mentally insane, but I've had personal experience with insane people. People aren't always as they seem. Trust me though, it'll get better.

Okay, story time! (Adrien's POV this time! Idk, just messing around. Tell me if you guys like this kind off stuff. Personally, I like seeing into other characters' minds.)

Adrien sat down at his desk. He sighed, going through the day in his mind. Boring lectures, a couple boring students, but a lot of unique and interesting ones as well. Like Mylene! And Alya was really nice. So was Marinette! She was adorable. But she seemed a little strange. After a while of thinking about her, Adrien made up his mind.

He was going to be Marinette's friend.

The next day at school, he went up to her at lunch.

"Hey Marinette!"

She tensed up when he approached her.

"H-Hi, Adrien..What do you need? "

"Oh, um.. Nothing! I just wanted to talk to you."

"Hm? What is it?"

Adrien shuffled his feet. "I was wondering.. what are you doing this weekend?"

Marinette blinked and straightened her posture. "Hm.. nothing much. I'll probably help my papa at the bakery."

"Well, if you like, you can come to the park with me. I want to get to know you a little better."

Oh how he wished he could read her mind! Her eyes were full of emotion.

He began to get nervous. Why was she taking to long to answer? Did she not want to go? Oh man, what if she didn't like him? That would be awkward.


Adrien walked into his room with a smile on his face. He's going to be Marinette's friend! He set his bag on his bed and went over to his computer. He typed in his password for tumblr and began scrolling though his dash. Every now and then, he would find a post that was funny or a photograph that really impressed him. After a while of being on tumblr, he opened skype to video chat with a friend from Lyon, the town he moved from.



"What's it like in Paris? Oh man, it must be amazing! Have you gone to the Eiffel Tower yet?"

"It's great! And, no, I haven't been to the Eiffel Tower yet. I'm planning on taking someone there this weekend."

"What?!" Plagg's eyes widened behind his glasses. "You already got a girlfriend? Haven't you only been there for, like, three days?"

"She's not my girlfriend. Honestly, she's not even my friend yet. I'm trying to make a good impression on her so.. maybe one day, she'll be my girlfriend."

"Oh man, kid's got game!"

"Oh my God, shut up."

"It's true!"

"Whatever. Goodnight, Plagg."

"Night, kid."

Adrien looked over at his clock after he ended the call with Plagg. 11:38 pm. He sighed as he got up and began to take off his clothes, tossing them into the laundry basket. After he changed his clothes, he climbed into bed. Tomorrow was Friday, and it was going to be a long day.

There you go! I had something come up, so it didn't get updated as soon as I hoped.
