Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from marvel; all rights to characters and places belong to their respective owners.

This chapter is based off the first 5 issues of Scott's Snyder's sci-fi/horror comic: The Wake. This will introduce several new characters that you may enjoy.

Chapter 6

Beneath the Depths Part 1

Unknown Location


The entire facility was alight with the red alarms. Dozens f workers and guards scrambled to one of the monitor screens sprinkled throughout the facility. The men and women could only watch in horror at what they saw.

"What the Hell is going on?!" A man roared as he stormed through the halls, pushing his workers aside.

"What the Hell is that thing!?" a man screamed.

"What are you talking about?!" the lead man roared, finally pushing to the front of the crowd. "What are you idiots staring a—Sweet Virgin Mary!" the man exclaimed as he watched the carnage.

The monitor displayed what could only be described as a massacre. Dozens of body parts floated in the water outside the facility, blanketing the water with blood and shredded flesh.

"They got it!" one of the workers shouted, pointing to the side of the screen where several divers were dragging something into one of the many hatches that lined the outside of their base. "Why're they bringing it inside?!"

"This is Roxxon." Another worker muttered bitterly. "Anything goes for them…"

Avengers Mansion, New York City (One Week after the Red Skull)


She-Hulk watched in slight awe as she saw Captain America pummeling a punching bag reinforced with Kevlar fibers "Damn…" she mumbled as she saw the seams on the bag tearing apart after each blow. A final shot struck the bag dead center, tearing the fibers apart and allowing Cap's fist to sink through the bag.

Steve tore his arm free of the bag, panting slightly. "Huff…huff…huah…" he quickly knocked the bag off its suspension before dragging another one off a rack.

She-Hulk looked around the Avenger's training room. Despite being in the room 2 hours a day almost everyday, it still never ceased to amaze her how much Stark had put into their personal gym. The room was state of the art with over a dozen machines, each one for a specific part of the body and some meant to train multiple parts at once.

Even the weights were calibrated for people of super-human strength. The punching bags were also reinforced with Kevlar fibers woven into their seems, mainly for the exact purpose they were just used for.

"That's like the fifth bag you've gone through today, maybe take it easy on the physical labor for a day." Cap ignored her, hanging up the new bag on the hook before starting his work out again. She-Hulk frowned at being ignored and finally decided she'd done enough for the day.

The jade giantess grabbed a towel from an Ultron bot that'd been monitoring the workout before heading up the stairs. "Ya think he'd gotten over what happened by now."

"Would you?" a new voice piped up. Jen looked around for the source of the voice until the miniature form of the Wasp flew in front of her face. "He just had another big moment of closure, not to mention he just found out one of his friends was spying on him for Fury. Seriously how would you react to that?"

"Couldn't tell ya. I try to live by experience. But speaking of our mole, what do you think about this whole Hawkeye situation?"

"I gave the team my answer. And I stand by it. If anyone's got a problem they can say it to my face, or the door can hit them on the way out because we are not taking any more baggage out into the field. "

"Really?" She-Hulk muttered, folding her arms across her chest.

One Week Ago

Clint Barton glared up at his teammates as they looked down on him with equally heated glares. Clint slowly rose to his feet, keeping his eyes trained for Cap's movements. Even if he could barely block them when they came, he'd at least stand a better chance when they hit.

"Get. Out." Cap hissed, venom lacing his words.

"You want me gone?" Clint spat back. Cap lunged forward grabbing the man by the collar. Thor moved to stop the argument but She-Hulk held him back by the shoulder.

The god looked at his teammate only to see her glare at the two men about to beat each other senseless. "Let's see how this plays out."

"You're damn right I want you gone!" Steve roared. "You've been spying on us for Nick Fury this entire time! That alongside the fact that you knew the Red Skull was alive all this time is more than enough to kick your sorry ass of this team!"

"You want me gone that badly?! Fine! I'll pack my shit and leave, and then I'll watch as you drag this damn team into the gutter like you almost did!"

"What?!" Cap hissed back.

"You blew up a fucking jet right inside their hangar! I may have been a mole for Fury but I never endangered the team like you did! Hell, the only real intel I gave to Fury was what the team had planned on missions! Weather there we're threats he needed to hop in on or info that he could find! Nick wasn't the enemy here, you were! You and that goddamned screwed up head of yours!"

Cap snarled, reeling back his fist for another blow. The attack was stopped as Tony grabbed the man's arm from behind. "Are you fucking kidding me here?!" he shouted. "You two should both get kicked off the team for this!"

"Get off Tony!" Cap barked, pulling his hand free. "This isn't your call to make!"

"You're right." Wasp said, stepping up to the fight. "It isn't his call to make." She pulled Tony back, ignoring the billionaire's scowl. "And it's not your call either."

Steve looked at her in surprise. "What?!"

"You put me in charge. You, everyone else here, and the UN. You're part of my team. Any decision about inducting or firing members of this team, go through me and the UN. You nearly caused a diplomatic incident with the mess you caused in France, you're lucky I don't boot your ass off Stark's lawn right now! And Clint!" she said, snapping her gaze onto the purple clad archer. "You went behind our backs in regards to Fury, yes you could argue it was for the greater good, but honestly I don't give a shit about what you were thinking. Bottom line, you left us in the dark," she then looked back to Cap. "And you nearly caused a worldwide incident that I need to clear to the United Nations as per our charter agreement! But you know what, we need you both. So none of you are getting booted out."

Thor smiled approvingly as did Yellowjacket, surprised and proud of the display of power his wife was showing to the entire team. The mood was killed by the next member however. "What?!" She-Hulk snapped.

The group turned to the enraged goliath. "You got something to add to this Jen?" Wasp asked, making her tone clear, she was already pissed.

"These guys fuck up and they get a pass?!" the jade giantess sneered.

"I'm with Jennifer on this one." Tony replied. "they can't just get off with a slap on the wrist."

"You have very little lee-way here Mr Booze-in-the-bottle." Wasp snapped. "And who says they're getting off Scott free." She turned back to the members in question. "You two are benched."


"How's the design for your new armor coming, Tony?" T'Challa asked as he walked into the personal lab of one Tony Stark, settled in the basement of the mansion.

Said genius was currently occupied by welding two pieces of metal together. "Its coming…" he grumbled, taking the welder away from the smoking metal. "The design basically wrote itself, the problem is the wiring, operating system and internal weapons."

T'Challa smirked before sitting down on the side of the desk. "So pretty much everything important."

"Looks are important." Tony corrected. "First impressions rely on multiple factors, looks for one. If I showed up to a board meeting in khakis, flip flops and a Hawaiian shirt they'd think I was drunk or high."

"I'd assume they'd be use to the former." Panther replied

"Haha…" Tony muttered sarcastically before glancing at the black-clad super-hero. Tony eyed him up and down before speaking again. "Are you ever not wearing that?"

"Yes." Panther replied. "When I bathe."

"I think it might be time."

Panther sighed. "Your tone states that you are annoyed, but not at me, hence you're insulting comments in an effort to make me leave."

"Don't play psychoanalyst with me T'Challa." Tony snipped, going back to working on his armor. "If you really want to know why I'm pissed its because—"

"Steve and Clint's blatant betrayal of our trust?"

"No." Tony replied as sparks popped off the metal. "Believe me, I was as pissed as everybody else when we all found out, but Clint keeping an eye on us for Fury wouldn't actually be too terrible in the long run."

"Really?" T'Challa questioned. "I imagined that you of all people would've wanted to keep your privacy."

"I do like my privacy. But I consider myself a futurist. Here we are. The Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, here in New York. We are some of the most powerful, well-connected people on the planet. There's always the chance we could go rogue, or succumb to mind control. Having contingencies against us could be beneficial in the long run."

"Don't let Wasp here you say that. Or Jennifer, they're both likely to tear you in half."

"The Latter literally. But keeping tabs on Cap is especially good for now. The guy is being more reckless than helpful. Its better to keep him close and stop him from doing anything stupid."

"I see." T'Challa responded, glancing at the designs etched onto a stack of papers in the corner. The Black Panther skimmed the notes while speaking. "Then what is truly bothering you?"

"Rhodey." Tony replied.

"What really happened to him?" Panther asked.

"I gave him the War Machine armor to save his life. After I became Iron Man, he was deployed on a black ops mission against North Korea but…their intel was off. Rhodey and one other guy survived the attack but…gah, Rhodey was dying. He lost his legs, right arm, punctured a lung…he even lost half his face…So I built the armor to keep him alive."

"You turned him into a cyborg."

"To save his life!" Tony shouted, shooting out of his seat. Panther raised his hands in defense.

"I meant no disrespect, Tony. You did what you had to save your friends life. But…allow me to give you my analysis on this…you feel a great deal of guilt for saving him." Tony didn't reply. "You feel that maybe, having him live as half human half machine is barely living at all."

Tony sank back down into his chair. "Part of me wonders sometimes…and I hate that part of myself but…there are days where I feel that maybe it would've been easier for Rhodey had I let him die…"

"I don't believe it's your burden to bare on your own. You forget, Rhodey lives with it too."

"You think I don't know that?" Tony hissed.

"I think you're afraid to ask him that question. Next time you see Colonel Rhodes, ask him what he wanted. And then you'll have the answer. You'll know whether you should hate yourself for saving your friend from the brink of death, or if you should be thankful that you did save him, regardless of consequence."

Tony sighed before taking a flask off his desk and opening it. Panther frowned beneath his mask as he saw his teammate down what was undoubtedly alcohol. Stark emptied the flask before getting up. "Damn stuff runs out too fast…" he grumbled.

"Perhaps you don't need more to distract yourself from your woes." Panther said handing Tony the notes for his new armor. "You seek to reduce the technology for the internal armor systems, yes? Let's work on that, Dr. Pym may have insight on miniaturization of such electronics beyond what Stark Industries has already achieved." Tony gave panther and odd look as he took the notes back. "What?"

"When did you become an engineering expert?" he asked.

Panther smirked beneath his mask, an action he was sure the genius could still see. "When I was still a prince, my father sent to the best schools the world had to offer. I was taught by many teachers around the world."

"And its that outside exposure that made your people shun you, right?" Panther hung his head. "Sorry." Tony apologized. "That was…that was tactless of me."

"I hoped my people would be more welcoming to change…we accept many people in Wakanda…mutants are neither feared nor persecuted…but outsiders…foreign thoughts and beliefs are shunned yet my people claim to be better…"

"Do you believe that?"

"No." T'Challa stated. "And neither did my father. He sent me out into the world to see the true way of things…but when I returned…my father was dead…and my people despised me. Even my own sister."

"Family is complicated." Tony smirked, pulling up his tools once more. "I remember when dad sent my brother and I to boarding school."

"I wasn't aware you had a brother." Panther said. Tony noticeably stiffened.

"Go find Hank for me, T'Challa." The man said. Panther sighed before acquiescing to the demand. He walked past Tony as the man slipped on a pair of welding goggles.

Panther exited the lab, leaving the solitary genius alone before looking at the item he had swiped. T'Challa pocketed the nearly empty flask of alcohol in disgust. "That man needs help."

"Indeed he does." A robotic voice echoed in Panther's ear.

"Jarvis?" T'Challa questioned. "You're on coms now?"

"Mr. Stark has fully integrated my systems into those of the mansion, yes. I'm only speaking to you as of now."

"May I ask why?"

"Unfortunately, I'm afraid."

"Afraid." Panther repeated. "Dare I ask, of what?"

"It's not of what, but for who. I fear for this team. For Tony. Already Mr. Barton has been alienated, Mr. Rogers as well. And Mrs. Walters is now in a constant state of agitation."

"You're afraid we're a veritable powder keg about to blow." Panther added. "I'll speak to Wasp. But…could you do me a favor and dissuade Stark from drinking so much. I hear that it's increased since Rumiko's…passing."

"Mr. Stark does not take loss well. He…he is still hurting…and while he likes to lose himself in beer and women he copes best when he has something productive to do."

"Like working on his suit. Or aiding the Avengers." Panther realized. "I see. I'll do what I can to help him and the others." T'Challa said.

"Thank you. You are a good man T'Challa."

"They saved me. It's the least I can do to look after them. Speaking of people that need to be looked after, where is Hawkeye?"

"Mr. Barton has left the premise, presumably to see his son."

Across Town, Manhattan

"What can you see?" a young boy asked.

"From here?" A much older man replied. "A lot of things. What can you see?"

"Probably just as much." The boy replied, piking up his sandwich before taking a bite. The older man said nothing as he simply looked down at the white-haired boy. The boy looked back at him a second later, frowning. "What?" he asked through a mouthful.

The older man pointed at a skyscraper halfway across the city. "There are 31 floors on that building. I want you to look at floor 25 and tell me everything you see."

"Do I have to? The boy whined?"

"You can see as well as I can, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So this should be easy." The man replied, taking a sip of his drink. "Tell me what you see."

The boy sighed and squinted at his target. "It looks like…like an office floor…the kind mom use to work in…" the boy trailed off.

"Yeah…" the older man said, looking down slightly.

The boy quickly continued before the older man could speak. "There are a lotta people up there—"

"How many? Describe them."



"Give me a sec, Dad! The elevators just opened and… 23! There are 23 people…22 if you take away the delivery guy. Why do the UPS make their guys where shorts? Its like 20 degrees outside!"

"Beats the Hell out of me." The father said. "Anything up there catch your eye?"

"There's a guy up there...you want me to describe him." The boy said. The man didn't respond but the boy knew what his father wanted. "Brown hair…combed back…ugh that shine cannot be natural…way too much hair gel…he's got a picture on his desk to…he's got…he's got a wife."

"Francis…I…" the father started.

"Wait a sec…he's with another woman though and they're…eeewww!"

"Ugh…really dude?" the father muttered as he watched what his son found gross. The man was currently engaged in more 'intimate' activities with a coworker. "At lest have the decency to lower your wife's picture."

"Dad can I stop now?"

"Yeah Francis, you can stop." Clint Barton said as he took a bite of his own food. "Good work today buddy."

The last members of the Barton family were currently sitting atop the roof of one of Manhattan's many apartment buildings, giving the duo an excellent view of the city in broad daylight.

"Thanks." The white-haired kid said. "Hey dad?"

"What's up buddy?"

"Why do we keep doing these things?" Clint gave his son a confused look. "Don't get the wrong idea or anything!" the boy quickly added, making sure his father wasn't offended. "I mean I love the time we spend together but…why the constant eye-lessons? What are you trying to teach me?"

Clint sighed. "Francis you…you got the same eyes as me…but with it comes downsides…you've noticed, right?" the boy nodded. "You can't see color."

"No." the boy reaffirmed. "But I can see the contrast between them. I know what color is what because of it."

"What I'm trying to teach you is control. I don't want you to start seeing everything at once and have a mental freak out in the middle of class. Speaking of which uh…is school…is it going okay?"

"It's school, y'know…I mean…a little has changed since…since…"

"Yeah…" Clint muttered. Neither one of them was willing to talk about the death of their family any further than was necessary. "Its…its gonna be tough…but I need you to stay strong for me, okay buddy?"

"Yeah…"Francis agreed. "I will…"

"Do you…do you like staying at Grandma and Grandpa?"

"It's okay…I mean its weird trying to adjust to their house but…I like them…mom's parents are nice…"

"Yeah, they're great people…" Clint replied.

"W-why do you ask?" Francis questioned glancing at his dad before looking back out across the city.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come stay with me." His son's gaze snapped to him with an awestruck expression. "I want you to live with me in Avenger's Mansion."

SHIELD, The Triskelion

Marvin Flumm stared through the windows of the medical room, eyes never leaving the patient in critical condition on the bed. Restraints were lined on all sides of the bed, keeping the injured prisoner locked in place as metal tubes pumped sedatives and nutrients into him.

Flumm turned his gaze to the doctors looking over the man's vitals while four guards clad in Cape-Killer Armor guarded the room. "How is his condition?" the Director of SHIELD asked his medical staff.

"Lucky to be alive at best." The doctor replied, skimming through her digital notes. "He was bleeding out with massive tissue damage throughout most of his body but by some miracle his body stated to stitch itself back together to an extent, but it left that gaping hole in his sternum."

"Can he survive a psychic dive?" Flumm asked.

The doctor hesitated for a moment before checking her notes. "Theoretically its possible. But if his vitals spike too high not even the equipment will keep him alive. Is that why we're keeping him alive sir?"

"Why else would I let this freak live?" Flumm muttered. "I'll have the techs move a psi-division dive unit into medical with extra guards. Tell them where they can set up shop."

Unknow Location

"This is a disaster!" A brown haired man roared. The scientist's current source of frustration was the main manager in charge of the under-water rig, the scientist known as Dr. Lemuel Dorcas, an older man with greying hairs and a slight beard.

"I doubt Mr. Walsh will see it that way Mr. Newell." The man said, brushing aside the scientist's rage.

"It's Doctor to you!" the man barked back.

"Sure." Dorcas responded, going back o working on his experiment.

"You are such an ass!" Walter Newell screamed. "We lost two men out there to that thing and now you want to study it?!"

"We're Oceanographers, Walter. This is a brand new specimen that's never been recorded before. Roxxon's interest in this could boost the bioengineering field by decades, not to mention the fame we will undoubtedly receive. Mr. Walsh recognizes this, therefore, he has given me the executive decision in what to do with the creature."

"You're going to get everyone on this rig killed!" Walter roared, grabbing the older man by the colleague. The younger man slammed his superior into a table, rage building in his eyes. "Cruse and McCullen were massacred by that thing! And you want it to stay alive in an enclosed space a mile beneath the surface?!"

"Mr. Newell…" Dorcas muttered darkly. "I believe you should remove yourself from my office. Now."

"Fat chance you son of a b—"

"Newell!" a new voice barked out. The scientist turned around to see another man dressed in grey cargoes and a black flat jacket. A stun gun holstered on his side marked his position as security. "What the Hell is going on here?!"

Dorcas smirked. "Mr. Newell was just leaving." Newell snarled at him, restraining the urge to break the man's nose. Newell shoved the man back before storming past the guard.

The two men watched as the scientist stormed out of the room. "Perfect timing as always Mr. Arliss." Dorcas spoke.

"Sure." Todd Arliss muttered. "You pay me extra to keep you and the rest of your 'pets' safe." The head of security muttered. "But Newell's right you know. Bringing that monstrosity onto the rig was a bad call."

Dorcas brushed aside the comment as he went back to his terminal to continue his work. "You subdued the creature once, I'm sure you could do it again."

"That thing nearly took my goddamn head off!" Arliss snapped.

"An occupational hazard I'm sure." Dorcas muttered. "But Newell may be becoming more of a problem than I realized. His…morality is bothersome."

"God forbid, someone in Roxxon has a conscience." Arliss mumbled. "If he really bugs you that much have him reassigned to another rig or something. He'd probably leap at a chance to get away from you."

"Yes, and then he'd leak everything we've done down here to the press and then the government. And then Roxxon would sweep it all under the rug with their usual brand of eliminating everyone involved, including me."

"And me." Arliss added.

"Of course." Dorcas muttered. "But if Mr. Newell had an unfortunate accident while he was down here, why, no one would be the wiser."

"You want me to murder Walter Newell?" Alriss asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh heavens no." Dorcas said in false sympathy. "I would never suggest murder. But if he were to have an equipment malfunction while in the field, it would be a common if not 'devastating' tragedy."

"Yeah. I bet." Arliss murmured. The guard walked towards the lab doors before Dorcas spoke again.

"So, do you agree?"

Arliss paused for a moment, mulling over the plan. "Y'know, Newell might be a moralistic pain in my ass, but I'm not risking my neck to finish your grudge. You want him dead get somebody else to do your dirty work." Dorcas scowled as he watched the man leave his lab.

On the lower levels of the rig, dozens of deep-sea divers in special suits were currently checking, repairing or locking up their gear. Dozens of workers carried loads of supplies and equipment off of one of the two large subs submerged in the rigs underwater hangar.

One of the divers was a woman with black hair in the middle of removing the top portion of her diving suit when she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. "Diane!"

The woman turned around in time to see Walter Newell jogging towards her, avoiding as many of the divers as possible. Diane broke out a rare smile before approaching her fellow scientist. "Walter!"

"Can I talk to you?" Walter asked.

Diane smirked while slinging her diving equipment onto her back. "We're talking now aren't we?" she said as she led the man over to the equipment locker.

"I meant in private." Walter said.

"Well Dr. Newell, as much as I love your company, if we're seen alone people might start to talk." Dian teased before Walter grabbed her hand. Diane gave the man a sharp look before he let her go.

"I'm sorry…but…" Walter started.

Diane closed her locker. "My quarters. 10 minutes." She said while walking away, leaving Walter behind.

Walter watched as the woman left the room before realizing several divers were giving him odd looks. Walter scowled. "What are you looking at?" he growled. Many of them went right back to work.

Diane shut the door to her quarters before throwing on a pair of cargoes and a heavy jacket to shield herself from the cold air of the rig. Despite the heat from the vents and underwater volcanoes, the rig still felt like a freezer at times.

Diane sat down at her computer and pulled up her daily log, ready to fill out the day's report. A knocking on her door stole her attention. The woman sighed, not bothering to straighten her clothes. The woman opened the door to see her older brother Todd Arliss.

"What do you want?"

Todd frowned. "Is that any way to treat your big brother?"

"Yes. It is a way to treat you. What's up?"

"You talk to Newell recently?" the older of the two asked.

Diane frowned for a moment. "What's it to you?"

Todd looked around, checking to make sure there was no one else around. He lowered his voice to make sure no one could overhear him. "Newell's pissing off Dorcas."

"Well stop the fucking presses." Diane muttered. "Walter manages to piss of the biggest ass on the entire rig." Diane leaned against the frame of her door, a slight smile on her face. "What's the old bastard up to that got Walter so pissed?"

Todd frowned at the way she was causally using Newell's first name but pushed it aside. "He's condemning Dorcas for keeping that…that thing alive after what it did to those divers."

"Good." Diane replied. "Walt has the right idea and the moral high ground. Plus he's voicing everybody's thoughts on this. Half the crew is pissed at Dorcas for keeping that monster alive. I even overheard a group thinking of sabotaging the tank it's in."

"Goddammit…" Todd muttered in irritation, adding a mental note to reinforce security around Dorcas's lab. "One more thing to add to my shit list. Either way, Dorcas implied that I should cause an accident to happen to poor Newell."

Diane's face took on a dark growl. "What?"

"I told him to piss off, so don't worry, your wonder boy diver isn't going to sleep with the fishes any time soon, but tell him to be on the look out for anything Dorcas might pull."

"Good to know." Dian replied. "Ya need anything else Todd?"

Her brother opened his mouth to speak but was cut off the crackle of his radio. "Arliss, we got a fight breaking out on A deck! We need you up here!"

"Dammit." Todd muttered in irritation clicking the device to respond. "Alright, I'll be right up." He turned his attention back to his sister. "Just keep an eye on Newell so he doesn't get himself killed okay? I don't need a goody-two shoes' death on my conscience."

"Yeah." Dian replied as she watched her brother leave. The woman waited in the doorway for a moment before sighing. "He's gone Walt, you can come out now."

Walter Newell came out from around the corner, entering Diane's point of view. "I thought your brother didn't like me."

"He doesn't." Diane said, ushering Walter into her quarters before shutting the door.

Walter ran a hand through his hair as he tried to organize his thoughts. "Diane I—mmph!" His words were silenced as the woman pressed her lips to his, locking him into a passionate kiss. Walter was pushed up against the wall before wrapping his hands around the woman's waist before returning the kiss with equal fervor.

Walter pushed her back, maneuvering them both towards the bed before they both collapsed on top of it.

SHIELD the Triskelion

"We've reviewed the mission report from the incident with the Red Skull." The lead councilman said.

Marvin Flumm sat patiently in front of the multiple holographic members of the World Security Council as they disclosed their decisions to him. Beside him stood Gregory Stark and Maria Hill.

"And why we still question the validation of keeping the Red Skull alive, we have fully approved of your request to create your new team. We understand you have two candidates already selected?"

"Correct." Flumm replied. "Agent Daisy Johnson and Captain John Walker. Walker is currently under observation by our scientist but he's already shown massive improvements over Captain Roger's performance. And I believe Agent Johnson's record speaks for itself."

"Except she's a Fury loyalist." Another councilman spoke.

"True." Flumm replied. "But that's why it's better to keep her on a leash. And we've also developed a third member of the team via our generous benefactor Dr. Stark."

Gregory took his cue and stood up. He removed a flash drive before placing it on the table, displaying holographic view of a large bipedal machine. "This is the design for our latest 'New Ultimate', Detroit Steel." The machine was at least 4 Meters tall with a massive frame. Its armor colored in the colors of the American Flag while a massive Gatling gun rested on its right arm and a large chainsaw on its left. "I've taken some liberties with the outer design for the 'focus groups' although I'm appalled they went so far with literally throwing the flag over it, but I digress. Its weapons system is quite complex."

"The armaments seem rather simple Mr. Stark." A councilman said. "And rather crude in its look. Your brother's Iron Man armor appears to be far more mobile and it doesn't advertise its arsenal."

If Gregory was irritated, he didn't show it. "I would like to remind you its Dr. Stark. Secondly while my idiot brother's design is much more streamlined in appearance, Detroit Steel's armory is more than what is displayed. In addition to its visual weapons, consisting of a Gatling gun with multiple modes of fire and various types of ammunition, its left arm is equipped with an adamantium chainsaw, capable of cutting through virtually any substance on earth. Its capable of lifting well over a hundred-tons and has an arsenal of hidden weapons including missiles, lasers, Tasers, magnetic mines, force-fields and an assortment of targeting systems."

"And I assume you have a trained pilot?"

"No." Gregory replied. "I programmed it with an adaptive hyper-responsive AI unit that can respond to a variety of scenarios and will follow the orders of its commanding officers as long as it doesn't violate certain guidelines. Parameters that can be preset between missions."

"So it's basically an Iron Man without the 'man' aspect of it, right?" the councilman asked.

Gregory sighed. "In Layman's terms, yes. The 'robot' as it may be crudely called, is also a mobile armory for the rest of the team, equipped with various weapons to create an adaptable load out for almost any situation."

"It'd be a mobile armory with the addition of a tank." Flumm interjected. "It'd be a major asset to the team."

"Very well. It is approved for your team. If that will be all Director Flumm, I believe will call this meeting a day a—"

"There's one more thing I'd like to bring up before the meetings end." Flumm interrupted. Hill frowned, but said nothing. Flumm puled up an image from the Red Skull's battle, fast-forwarding the video until a certain individual in a green combat suit and white hair entered the battle. "I'd like to know who this is? And why Brand hasn't used him before."

Avenger's Mansion

"Hank, how's the patient today?" Wasp asked as she descended the stairs into her husband's lab. "Steve is still being all broody and I was hoping for some good news."

"Well I'm the messenger then." Hank responded, turning away from his computer to watch his wife enter the room to view the lone patient inside a prison cell.

The man inside was currently asleep on a cot next to a stand supporting a machine. Said machine spewed cables from its top, connecting it through the wall and to the man's head.

"Bucky Barnes." Hank murmured. "The second man out of time…"

"Feeling sorry for the guy?" Wasp asked as she took a seat next to her spouse.

"Poor bastard got brainwashed for over fifty years. There's so much psychological damage its hard to sort out what's what. But certain words I've tested do trigger certain responses."

"Trigger words?" Wasp. The avenger looked over the computer displaying the patient's brainwaves. "You think you can remove them?"

"Not sure…" Hank replied. "I can certainly identify them, maybe find out what they do…but removing them is a different story…I can reach out to Professor Xavier in Westchester. See if he can undo the brainwashing. Until then, Mr. Barnes is going to be in an induced coma."

"And Steve's probably going to bitch about it." Wasp muttered.

Hank gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll get in contact with Xavier, see if I can get his help. If Cap gives you grief, send him my way and I'll see what I can do to make Barnes' stay more… I don't know…'comfortable'? Either way, Barnes stays put and under SHIELD's radar, right?"

"Definitely." Wasp muttered. "I'm still surprised that no SHIELD personnel have stormed the property."

"Personally I think it's just a matter of time." The two Avengers turned around to see Carol leaning against the wall in her costume. "He's already picking a fight with SWORD."

"With that SHIELD splinter group? Can he do that?" Hank asked.

"I thought that SWORD was outside SHIELD's jurisdiction." Wasp added.

"Technically it's outside of SHIELD, but it is an Earth-based organization that is still subject to the authority of the World Security Council." Carol reaffirmed. "If Flumm's managed to weasel up to them, they may pull a management change on SWORD."

"And where does that put us?" Hank asked.

"Up shit's creek with a rather small paddle Dr. Pym. Abigal Brand is a hard-ass, but she's more than trust-worthy with being the Commander of SWORD. If Flumm fucks her over, I'm adding a whole new list of grievances to why I'm going to bury him."

"What exactly is he going to bitch about? The Chitauri? Because I thought Fury cleared them on that." Hank said. "He said they were in so many levels of the government before SWORD was even established that they were virtually undetectable."

"It's not that." Carol said. "I've kept in touch with Hill and she said he's picking a fight with her over what's left of that Cosmic Cube. Brand has its power source locked up in her base…I have no clue how she's going to handle this one to be honest…"

"So Flumm may get his hands on a WMD that can power a reality warping device? Well that's just great!" Wasp hissed.

Carol took a seat opposite of Hank, glancing at the sedated Winter Soldier. "Honestly I think the world is going crazy." Carol muttered, resting her head in her hand. "A year ago I was a SWORD operative trying to stop Alien Abductions, next thing I know, I'm the abductee."

Wasp glanced at her husband. "You uh…you never did tell us what happened you know." Carol looked up at her leader with a tired expression. "I'm not saying you have to." Wasp quickly added. "Just…if you ever need to talk, we might be the best people to listen."

Carol blinked for a moment. "And that's because…?"

Wasp smirked. "We're a bunch of super-heroes who've been fighting freaks of science and apparently 'magic' for years. We've got a few stories." Wasp glanced to Hank with a small smirk. Hank recognized his wife's look and his stomach plummeted. "Did I ever tell you about the time Hank first shrunk himself inside an ant-hill?"

Carol raised an eyebrow. "He did what?"

Hank face palmed. "Oh god…" he moaned, wishing he was somewhere else.


"How's the hand Pietro?" Thor asked as the mutant in question rolled his hand around to test it.

"Fine…since when have you been a doctor?" Pietro asked, watching as the Thunder God looked over the medical chart in his hand. "Seriously, how do you know how to read medical charts?"

Thor set the sheets down before responding. "What the Enchantress told you about my past was shrouded in lies, but there were sprinkles of truth in her words. When I was reborn on this plane, I was reborn in the form of Donald Blake, a skilled Physician and Surgeon. I may not show it, but I still remember my past life."

"Oh…'' Pietro mumbled. "So you weren't like to separate people?"

Thor shook his head. "No. We were one in the same. Even as Blake my memories felt incomplete, and were only restored once I retrieved my hammer."

"What about the people you knew?" Pietro asked. Thor turned to him. "Do they know what happened…or did you just like…up and leave?"

"I…"Thor trailed off. "I wouldn't know where to begin…"

"Oh…" Pietro replied. "Well…anyway, I think my wrist will be fine by the end of the day. Wanda did a pretty good job of healing it, coupled with my quicker healing, I'll be at 100%. How's everyone else?"

Thor handed the man the charts on the others. "As you said, Wanda performed admirably in her healing efforts. Hank and Janet may need more physical rest, but T'Challa and Jennifer have made a full recovery, I imagine Falcon will as well."

"Speaking of Wilson, where is he?"

"I believe Mr. Wilson is upstairs with the others. Why?"

"We're really fine with letting him and the Winter Soldier stay here?" Thor sighed. "Listen, as petty as its sounds, Cap and Wilson teamed up with terrorists, how they're still on the team is really pissing me off."

"One of those terrorists was your father." Pietro grew silent, scowling at the god. Thor ignored the scowl and continued. "And you and your sister were once members of the Brotherhood of Mutants. We do not judge you for it. Black Widow was once KGB, and Tony sold weapons to people who were arguably worse. But we do not judge."

"Wanda and I are nothing like my father." Pietro growled.

"I never said you were. I merely pointed out a hypocrisy in your statement. Captain Rogers has lost our trust, as have Barton and Mr. Wilson. That is their punishment. And our trust will not be won back cheaply."

"So you are okay with them staying."

Thor shrugged. "Battles and wars are fought with allies and resources at hand. Throwing and aggravated Rogers out would do more harm than good. And I don't believe Mr. Wilson is staying. "I believe he's working at a Veterans Hospital down near Harlem."

"I thought he was a SHIELD tech? He quit?"

"As soon as we did." Thor replied. "By the way, I think you should talk to Janet about this but…she's planning on going public."

"Public with what?"

"Her mutant status."

"What?" Pietro asked in shock.

Unknown Location

"You're committing suicide." Diane said, pulling on her clothes.

"I'm not committing suicide." Walter muttered. "I'm doing the right thing by exposing them."

"And then they'll kill you. SO yes, you have the moral high ground, right before you fall face first into a grave. Just so you know, the grave is the low ground."

Walter sighed. "Obviously." Walter grabbed his jacket, slipping it over his shirt before looking back at Diane. "I can't just let this slide."

Diane sat on her bed, thinking the situation over in her head. "If you leek it to the press Roxxon will clamp down on this pace and mop it all up."

"As per usual…god why did I even come here?" Walter hissed to himself. "Why did I ever agree to work for these psychopaths…"

"You were desperate and needed the money. Same as the rest of us." Diane mumbled. "You can't leek this to the press. They'll know how to shut us down before anyone can validate the information."

"Well its not like I can go to SHIELD. Rumor mill above is that their new boss is in bed with them."

"What else is new?" Walter sighed, slumping down in a chair before placing his head in his hands. "Is there anybody on the outside who you do trust? If it comes from a secondary source, we might be able to do something."

"Actually…there is one guy." Walter muttered. "Mind if I use your terminal?"

"Be my guest. Who you going to email?"

"An old college buddy of mine. We were roommates for years…guy named Donald Blake."

Diane raised an eyebrow. "He trustworthy?"

"When I knew him."

"And how long ago was that?"

Walter stopped typing, leaving the pointer on the send button. "Around four years ago. We fell out of contact for a while."

"Alright follow up question…is there anyone else?" Walter's hand hovered over the mouse before sighing. He clicked send. "Guess that was a no then."

Avengers Mansion

"Hey Thor." Jane called out, walking into the infirmary where said Thunder god stood. "I think you got an email."

"You have email?' Pietro questioned. "Do you even know how to work it?"

"Not well." Thor responded. "Who's it from?" Thor asked.

Jane looked at her phone, skimming the email. "Umm…look's like a guy named Walter Newell. You know him?"

"Newell?" Thor asked, taking the phone from Jane. He read the email, eyes narrowing in concentration.

"You know them?" Pietro asked.

"Yes…from my time as Donald Blake…that was years ago…"

"Maybe he wants to catch up on old times." Quicksilver said with a smirk. "This could be good to see, old friend turns out to be a real life god. Well…Norse god."

Jane smirked, "He's still a god, Pietro."

"To the Vikings. Seriously, you should hear what the Catholics are saying." Pietro added with a smirk before looking back to Thor. "So what does your pal want? Coffee?" Pietro's smirk fell as he saw the worried look on Thor's face. "Uh…it's not coffee…is it?"

"Thor?" Jane asked. The god handed her the phone before walking out of the infirmary. "Thor what's wrong?"

Pietro got off the cot, leaning over to see the phones display in Jane's hands. "What the hell?" he muttered.

Jane glanced down at the email and read it out loud. "D. Been a long time, and I got bad news. Two men dead. Roxxon behind it all. I need to talk to you."

Quicksilver turned to his teammate who looked back at him with equal confusion "What the Hell is that friend of his up to?"

"TONY!" Thor shouted storming into his friend's lab. The god walked in to see the genius billionaire with an Iron Man helmet on while welding a piece of metal to another. "Tony!" Thor shouted again, grabbing the genius by the shoulder.

Said genius jumped up in surprise, nearly whacking the God in the head with the welding torch if Thor hadn't caught it. "Jesus Thor!" Tony yelled, turning the torch off before removing his helmet. "I could've killed you!"

Thor eyed the torch in the man's hand. "With that flame? Doubtful. But I need your help."

Tony sat down on the worktable, leaving his helmet resting on the side. "What's up? Need me to reserve a dinner for Jane and yourself? Because I know this great Korean place that do—"

"Tony, please." Thor said, cutting the man off. Tony remained silent for a moment. "Please." Thor repeated.

Tony sighed. "What do you need?"

Thor smiled for a moment before continuing. "A friend just contacted me via email. Something is going on with Roxxon that's just claimed the lives of two men. I need you to track the email he sent me, help me find him."

"You got a laptop or phone on you?"

Thor was about to respond when Jane's voice called out from behind him. "Thor? Are you down here?" Jane walked into the lab to see her two teammates staring at her. "Uh…is everything alright?"

"Jane, may I see the phone?" Thor asked. Jane handed him the device before it was handed off to Tony. Said genius skimmed the email before picking up his helmet. Two beams of light burst from the helmet, sweeping over the phone before shutting off. Slipping the armor over his head, Tony activated the tracking software.

"Okay…Thor, when did your buddy start working for Roxxon?"

"Walter and I haven't spoken for some time, but it would have to have been sometime with the last three years. He wasn't working for them then. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious…but I'm also now suspicious."

"Of Walter?" Thor asked.

"Sure. Him and Roxxon. According to the trace, he's more than a mile beneath the surface of the ocean just off the coast of Alaska."

"Beneath the ocean?" Jane asked.

"Yeah…" Tony muttered. "You guys wanna go diving?"


Francis Barton stared at his father in slight shock with what must've been awe in the young boys eyes. "Y-you mean it?!" he asked, mouth still agape.

Hawkeye smirked at his son's reaction before nodding his head. "Yeah. I'd like you to stay with men. Permanently." Clint knelt down so he was at his son's eye-level. "Francis…its not the safest place to any reasonable parent…but…I feel like the best thing for both of us is to stick together…but I'm not gonna force you to go if you don't want t—"

"Are you kidding me?!" The boy shouted. "How stupid would I have to be pass this up!" Clint was slightly taken aback by the excitement in his son's voice. Francis has a massive grin on his face and was on the verge of bouncing around like a kid in a candy store. "I get to stay with the Avengers!"

Clint couldn't help but let out a relieved chuckle at his son's vibrant reaction. "Hehehe…it's a promise, alright buddy?" the marksman held out his fist for his son to see. Francis's smile somehow grew before he bumped fists with his father.

Alaska, Roxxon Ghost Rig

"Alright everybody, get your suits on. We need to have those vents cleaned in two hours and the clock is ticking."

All across the lower levels, dozens of workers were putting on deep-sea diving gear, strapping on goggles, respirators and oxygen tanks as various teams of workers double-checked their gear.

"How'd the vents clog up again?" a worker barked out as the diving teams moved towards the water-bay. "We just cleaned them the other day."

"Don't know." The lead diver answered, dragging his own gear near the water's edge. "That's why we gotta check. We got everybody here?"

"Where the Hell is Newell and Arliss?"

"We're here." The group turned to see the two divers slipping on their oxygen tanks. "I had to deal with Dorcas. Sorry for the delay."

"Dorcas? Well then, apology accepted." The lead diver finished putting on his gear before preparing for a dive. "You know the drill people, teams of two, check in every half hour. Each tank has a two hour oxygen supply so get to work on those vents pronto!"

"I'm surprised these suits can actually still take the pressure out there." Diane muttered.

"They are made of carbonite. But the new suit I built would've been able to go for longer."

"And it would be a lot more flashy." Walter glanced at Diane who gave him a smirk in response. "I saw the designs, red and white, you like Canada?"

Walter scratched the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "I thought black and red would come off too dark…"

"You'd be underwater the whole time, who'd care?" Diane reached the edge of the pull and slipped her mask on. "Let's get going." She dropped down into the water, letting gravity taker her beneath the surface just like the others. Newell followed close behind, dropping beneath the water's surface.

Dorcas watched as the creature's gaze followed him across the room. No matter what action he took, the creature never stopped watching him. Dorcas wrote another series of notes into his computer log before walking towards the tank.

The creature held within it was easily 3 meters tall while held up right. Its anatomy was compatible with that of a mermaid, but its skin was scaly and slimy, not unlike a fish. Its arms were locked across its chest by a combination of a straight jacket and steel cables. The creature's head was decorated by two eyes as black as charcoal. Dorcas could see his own reflection in those hollow orbs.

"You are fascinating…" he muttered. He accessed a computer terminal before entering a series of commands. "Here you are…a foreign creature in a foreign world…being held in a cage of glass and science." Several prods emerged from the inside of the glass before stabbing the creature in the neck. The monster thrashed around inside its prison as the devices drilled deeper into its neck, spilling green blood into its tube. "I know it must hurt. The sound you make is trapped in there with you. If it wasn't, my ears would be bleeding from the intensity." Dorcas pressed a series of buttons, activating a recording device.

"Your call is rather akin to that of a whale. They make that noise to contact their kin. I'd have to imagine you aren't special." Dorcas grinned at the creature that continued to thrash against the glass. "There are more of you out in the depths, isn't that right?" The creature continued to thrash, opening its jaw so it could try and snap at its bindings. "Oh no, we can't have that." Dorcas mumbled with a twisted grin. A surge of electricity raced through the prongs, causing the creature to scream again. All sound inside the tank was being recorded for Dorcas.

"I know you're lonely. But don't fret. I'll be bringing your friends to you." Dorcas hit a button on his terminal, broadcasting the creatures cries to the waters outside.


"Keep it up Newell, just a little more and we'll be done with this one." Diane muttered over coms as she watched her diving partner saw through the coral that was collecting over the vents of the rig. "Then just another two and were done."

"Good…I need to see if Blake's gotten back to me yet." Newell muttered, pushing the buzz saw into the coral growth, tearing it apart. Diane waved the coral away from their faces.

"I'd shut up about that." Diane warned. "You don't want someone overhearing and asking questions."

"About what? I just emailed a friend for a meeting when I get some surface days again."

"Nice story." Diane muttered, sarcasm clear in her voice.

"Better to havea weak story than no story at all. With Dorcas riding my ass the way he ass recently I can't be too ca—"




The duo of divers screamed in agony as the wail ripped through the water, slamming into their eardrums like a sledgehammer. The rest of the divers reacted with similar pain.

The cry echoed out over the ocean waters, causing fish to flee and other creatures to stir.


Beneath the waters of the ocean, two beings sat on the side of a cave. Under-water volcano spewed bubbles into the air, the molten magma acting as the only light-source for the two humanoid figures in the water.

"Was that a—"

"A lurker." The second figure stated. He lifted the object resting by his side, a golden trident with a serpentine-like guard across its surface. "They shouldn't be this far out hear. And the cry…"

"It sounded distorted." The first figure said.

"And in pain. Come." The second said, lifting off into the water, swimming towards the direction of the noise.

"Now? But the Elders meet in—"

"They can wait. So says their king."

"DORCAS!" Arliss screamed, storming into the man's lab with two security officers tailing behind him. "What the Hell was that?!"

"To what are you referring to, Arliss?" Dorcas asked as he stared at the creature in the tank. Blood oozed from the wounds in its neck, clouding the tank with a green hue.

"The damn scream that just shorted out our coms and injured just about every diver we had out there!"

"Hmmm…If your referring to the creature's cries of distress, I assure you it'll do nothing more than incapacitate some of the divers. It might make things easier actually…" the man mumbled as he observed the immobile beast in its cage.

"Make what easier? Why'd you broadcast that goddamn sound!?" Arliss screamed, pulling out his stun gun. "I will taze you right here if I don't like the answer!" Dorcas didn't bother to face him before Arliss felt a cold steel barrel press up against the back of his neck. "You bastards…" he growled. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the two security men behind him with their weapons drawn on him.

"Sorry Arliss. He pays us more." The men said. "Drop the Taser." Arliss reluctantly dropped his secondary weapon, allowing it to clatter to the ground.

"You there." Dorcas spoke, pointing to the second guard. "Open the tank and extract the creature."

"Is-Is that thing dead?"

"Yes." Dorcas replied, pointing to the flat-lined monitor equipped to the tank. "Now get it out. I need to dissect it before it begins to decay."

"Alright." The second guard strode up to the tank before climbing its surface, unlatching the container's lid.

Despite having a gun pressed to his back, Arliss remained defiant. "Newell was right! You're gonna get everybody on this rig killed!"

"Please." Dorcas muttered in irritation. "The creature is dead. And the divers will be fine as long as they re-enter the rig within the next hour."

"The next hour?! What did you do?! What was that call for?!"

"I'm done explaining myself to you." Dorcas turned his attention back to the man. "Get it out now."

"I'm trying Doc!" the man groaned, grabbing the creature's shoulders. The man was struggling to lift the creature out of its tank before the monitor next to Dorcas beeped to life.

"What?" Dorcas muttered as the flat-lined monitor beeped to life. "Oh dear…"

"SCREEEE!" The man holding the creature had no time to even scream before the creature lunged forward, sinking its jaws into his face, tearing the flesh from his face.

Blood erupted from the now dead guard, allowing the body to topple over the tank's side. "What the fuck!?" the first guard screamed. Arliss took this chance to storm kick the man's knee, shattering it. "GAH!" Arliss grabbed the man's gun before firing it at the creature.

The monster dropped into the tank, allowing the bullets to smash against bulletproof glass. Before Dorcas or Arliss could react, the monster leapt from the tank. Arliss ducked to the side, allowing the creature to tackle the injured first guard.

"GIAAAH!" the man screamed as the creature tore into his flesh. Arliss stepped back, keeping his weapon trained on the monster. Dorcas took a few steps back as well before the creature turned its gaze onto him. The man slowly backed up to his terminal. The monster growled as it moved towards the doctor, who's hand now hovered over a switch.

"SCREEE!" Dorcas flipped the switch. The monster launched itself forward on the floor, scurrying towards the doctor on its arms before it suddenly began to choke.

Arliss watched as the monster's skin began to dry and its movements became erratic like a dying fish. "What the fuck…"

"Specialized sodium serum?" Dorcas explained. "Drains the moisture from any living creature within seconds." The doctor walked around the dying creature until he passed Arliss. "I suggest we keep moving." Arliss followed after the man, keeping his gun trained on the monster in the lab. "Lock the door behind you please."

Arliss sealed the lab's doors before locking it.


Dorcas glanced behind him to see the door controls sporting two bullet holes. He glanced to Arliss. "Door's locked, asshole. Now what was that sound for?"

"A distress call." Dorcas replied.

"What?!"Arliss screamed, grabbing the man by the collar. "Did you just call more of those things here?! My sister is out there!"

"Then I suggest you work on getting them back in the rig."

"WHAT TH HELL WAS THAT?!" a diver screamed through the water.

"Dammit Jasper stop screaming!" Diane snapped. "My ears are still ringing from that damn scream.

"It was that creature." Walter muttered.

"You say something Newell?" Jasper muttered swimming towards him and Diane. "We need to get back to the rig. Now!" Walter motioned for Diane to follow as he started swimming back to the rig.

"What are you talking about?"

Diane swam past Jasper. "Don't' you get it? The monster that killed Cruse and McCullen is still in Docras's lab. That bastard just sent out a call."

"A call?"

"The same way whales call out to other whales, Dorcas did the same for that thing! Everybody get back to the rig." Newell called out.


"What the the-?!" Diane muttered turning around to see a group of divers fleeing a bloody cloud of water. A mutilated corpse floated through the water, the head severed from the body. Out of the cloud emerged another creature, similar to the first except larger in size.

"PAT!" a diver screamed. The monster lunged forward, slamming into another diver before sinking its teeth into the diver neck, tearing through the suits and then the diver.

"BACK TO THE RIG!" Walter screamed.

"AAIIEEE!" another diver was torn asunder by a second creature almost as big as the first.

"Oh my god…" Jasper muttered, staring out into the crimson water. A swarm of mer-creature swam through the water at an astonishing speed, quickly overtaking the few divers that had drifted too far form the rig.

"Don't look back!" Diane screamed. "JUST SWIM!"

"SCREEEE!" the creatures wailed as the schools of mer-creature rushed through the waters, slaughtering any stray diver they could find. One creature rushed through the swarm at an astounding speed circling around the divers until it cut them off from the rig.

"Shit!" Newell screamed as the creature tackled him. Before the monster could kill him, Walter slammed his buzzsaw into the monster's chest. The rotating blade sliced through the monster's skin, cutting through bone as the beast screamed in agony. "Get off me!" Newell kicked the monster off him, letting the corpse float away as blood polluted the water around him.

"Walt look out!" Diane yelled. Newell turned around to late as a monster slammed into him, sinking its fangs into his suit.

"GIAAH!" Walter screamed as the sudden cold of the water and the pain of fangs sinking into his skin blended together.

The creature hissed before a buzzsaw cleaved through its skull, splitting it in two. "Get off him!" Diane roared, yanking the monster's jaw off her partner. "Keep moving Walt don't stop!" Diane strapped an emergency patch over her partner's suit, sealing off the breach to keep the pressure from rising in his suit.

"F-fuck that hurts…" Walter mumbled.


"D-Diane…?" the man mumbled. "Why is it…why so bright…?"

"What?" Diane glanced behind her to see more divers being torn apart.


A horn echoed throughout the waters, drowning out the sound of carnage all around them. Diane watched as the creature created a tunnel of open water, allowing two beings to walk through the water.

"What the Hell?" Diane muttered in horror. Walter gazed upon the two figure but only saw shining light in the vague shape of humans.

"Wha…?" he grumbled before his vision went dark.

To be continued…

Hey everyone I'm back! I know it's been too long but school and work had to take precedent over this story. And good news, I'm almost done with school meaning more time to write meaning more stories being churned out!

I know its been a while since I've updated Spider-Man, to my knowledge my most popular story, but I'm story boarding some stuff right now so it flows well. And this story and X-men are my primary world-building stories that will drastically alter my Spider-Man's landscape when the time comes.

Next Time! Beneath the Depths Part 2